OFFICIAL SOUVENIR PROGRAMME London Old r:Boys Reunion AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL OLD BOYS COMMITTEE FOR PROGRAMME SEE PAGES 49, 51 AND 53 Designed and Prin!ed by A. Talbo! & Co., London, Canada VIEWS ALONG THE POPULAR SPRINGBANK LINE Spriogba ol( is a Na tura l Pa rk, unexcell ed for beauty io Ca na da. All visitors to Lon do n s bould vis it it. .. 2. The London Old 'Boys Association .. I'LL STILL STAY TO HAVE TMEE STILL FORGET, FORGETTING THERE IS ANY OTHER HOME BUT THIS." ,....10 EGINNING in a small way, the growth of what is now known all over Canada and the United States as the , 'LONDON OLD BOYS," has been phenomenal. When a few of London's former residents if» if» if» formed the first Association in Toronto, in I iI» I if» I ~1if»1if» - 1897, little did they think to what proportions I if» I f I the movement would grow in the short space if» I iI» I if» if» if» ~ of three years. The idea of forming London lilil ili!ili Old Boys Clubs in the various places to if»if»if»if»if» if»if»if»if»rliJif»if» which our former citizens have removeq, is one that has been quickly appreciated and acted upon in many of the large centres of population, as well as in the smaller cities and towns. The objects to be attained in renewing old acquaintances, and forming new ones, with those who hold a common interest and are bound by mutual ties to the old "Forest City," and of returning once a year to visit former scenes and friends, and to spend a few days with the "Old Folks at Home," easily recommend themselves to those whQ, although .. 3 .. drawn by varying circumstances into other and different environments, still retain a warm affection for the home of their youth. The pioneer branch of the Association formed in Toronto in 1897 has since been followed by the following: - Detroit, Chicago, Hamilton, Cleveland, Toledo, Sarnia, Ottawa, Woodstock, St. Thomas, Brantford, and other places, and it is expected that the "International London Old Boys Association" which was inaugurated last year, and which is an amalgamation of the several local associations, will at the Reunion this year receive a very large addition to its membership. While it is a source of pleasure to the Old Boys to come home, to no one does their visit give more pleasure than to the citizens of London. Those of London's children who have remained at home, who have been and are to-day assisting in that development of our City which is the pride and delight of both young and old, bid our guests a hearty welcome-Welcome Home. London is your's so long as you choose to remain, and we cordially wish you to believe that whatever pleasure or gratification you may derive from your visit your return home is deeply appreciated by the City of London, the hospitality for which our beautiful city is so famous is freely and unreservedly your's, and the local committee and citizens trust that the London Old Boys Reunion of 1900 may be such as will long be treasured among the pleasantest recollections of both guests and hosts . 4 .. LOCAL RECEPTION COMMITTEE \lajor Thos. Bc otlic, ~1. P., Hon. Vicc · Pre ~ t. n. c. M c C~no . Vicc-Prest. ~ I ayor Fred. HumlJall. C. S. Hyman, Hon. Vi ce·Pr c~t . P. Mc PLJillips, Prt~t. J. S. Bell, Secretary. P. ~ I Francis Lo \'e, Vi cc· Prest . E. W. M. Flock, Vice· Pres t. Sir John Carliog, Hon. Prest. Major J. W little, Hoo . Vice-Prest. LOCAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, LONDON OLD BOYS 1 It W. B ~ n n et . Ch:lirmn n Fi n. C'l nt . .2 I. \\' lone.. .1 I n. \ l ill hi nnic!c, Jr. 4 n. R. Bla nd 5 E. ,. ~ l ac R o bt.:rt 6 T hoo;;, Gil lea n , l: lw irll lli li C; lInll' ~ C'.l ln . 7 H. A C;II'fot h cr.. , 'Ch " irnwn Rcfresllmcnt Com: t) W. Ha rtlctt, Cba i ... m ~ n Uni form CO Ol . 9 Fronl, Coo per, ~ Lw ir m a n I\ a"~c Com . 10 A. Ta lbot LOCAL I!XECUTIVI! COMMITTEE LONDON OLD BOYS Wilt . Gray, Chairma n Reception Committee 2 Wm . Ward 3 J. IC Spry 4 Dr. F. L. Woo d 5 W. Ma ce 6 Bcnj. Greer 7 S. H. Cr ... i~ , Chairman Invitation Cummittee 8 L. H. Fitzgerald 9 n. W. Blacl""cll 10 S. Stc\,ely .. 7 .. LOCAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LONDON OLD BOYS 1 R. K. Cowan 2 W. T. Strong 3 R. Southam .j J. \\'. ~l c ll1 tos h 5 W. Wanless 6 A. Sc(eatoo 7 Joh n ll ..:PhcrsoD 8 C. ~1. H. Grabuw \} J. J. FOlll 10 Jobo Pocock SOME WELL KNOWN OLD BOYS I N L ONDON , AND OFFICERS OF THE LONDON OLD BOY S ASSOCIATI O N OF ST. THOMAS Tbos. A. Browne, P os tm a~ t e r 2 \V01. J ones, Cbai rm a n '''atcr Com missio n J Jas. ~ l att in so n , Prest. BOfJ rd of Trade 4 W. T. T. Wil liams. Chief of Police 5 I. A. Ne ll es, Sec. Western Fa ir Board 6 Dr. Guest, St. Th omas Prest. 7 Jas. W. Black, St. Tbomas Vice· Prest. 8 Frank E. Westl a nd , St. Th omas Sec. 9 Cb as. Regan, St. TLJ omas, Tr eas ~ 10 Dr. E. A. Pocock, Secretary Hamilton Associat io n of London Old Goy ~' CITY COUNCIL OF LONDON, 1900 MEMBERS OF THE OLC BOYS RECEPTION COMMITTE E €C.J :.: 1 H is~·W o r .s h ip ~I a)u r Rumbn ll 2 Ald. j oshua Garratt J Ald . J oll y. ( ha ir nw il N t l . I Cu mmi ttee 4 Ald. O. E. Brener, Ch a irma n L c~ i s l ilt i "l' CO Ill . 5 Ald. Win nett. Cb a irnHl II No. z Com. 6 Ald. Thos. J en liins 7 Ald . Hugb Dou glass 8 Ald. J as. ~ I a ll oc h 9 Ald. Do \·id Ross 10, Ald.,Neil Coo per MEMBERS LONDON CITY COUNCIL, 1900 1 Ald. J . W. Bartlett 2 Ald. H. Dreane)' 3 Ald . Jobn Barned 4 Ald . Wm. Gerry 5 Ald. Hu gh A. Stevenson 6 Ald. Frank Plant, Chairman NO.3 Com mit tee 7 Ald. Jobn Pritcbard 8 Ald. Ri cbard Wray 9 Cit)' Clerk C. ft.. I<in~s ton 1Q l;itr T r~M ur er J ohn Po~~ .. 11 " LA URI E R TUPPER AND SOMERVILLE'S CHEWING GUMS STANDARD BRANDS : SOMERVILLE' S " ME X ICAN FRUIT " SOMERVILLE' S " PEPSIN " SOMERVILLE' S " RED HAND" L ONDON , CANADA •.. 12 . WELL KNOWN LONDON OLD BOYS WHO HAVE PUSHED THE OLD TOWN ALONG AND MADE IT A V ERY DESIRABLE PLACE TO COME 1 Jobn McClary 2 Thomas McCormicJ( J George Robinson 4 W. R. Hobbs 5 T. Harry Carling 6 Lieut.-Col. F. B. Lel's, M. L. A. 7 George Wbite 8 O. S. Perric 9 Thos. H. Smallman 10 lollll Labatt . 13 . SECURE A___ LONDON OLD BOYS LIFE POLICY FROM .. .. THE~~ NORTHERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • • • THEY CANNOT BE SURPASSED CALL OR WRITE HON . DA V ID MILLS FOR PARTICULARS MINISTER OF JUSTICE, PRESICENT HEAD OFFICE, LONDON, ONTARIO JOHN MILNE, MANAGING DIRECTO R . 14 .. WELL KNOWN LONDON OLD BOYS WHO HAVE PUSHED THE O LD TOWN ALONG AND M AD E IT ~ DESIRABLE PLACE TO COME 1 fn.ln l( E. Leo nard 2 J ohn Campbell J T. S. Hobbs 4 f . A. Fitzgerald 5 l osepb Smitb 6 J obn ~o\"mao 7 lobo forresta l 8 Thos. f. l{ings mill Q lobo Ferguson 10 Ed. N. Huot .. 15 .. WE 'RE OLD 'BOYS A T ___---'-'-'MA.:..:.;K::.:-INc.::.-G ___ E VERYTHING FOR THE TINSHOP . 16 . LONDON'S GRAND OLD BOYS WHO HAVE CONTINUOUSLY LIVED IN L ON OON FOA HALF A CENTURY :\I c hul a~ "ilwlI .!. \\ m. lS u\\ man 3 Samuel ~t c lSrid(' .... D. C. ~hH.:du n illf l S Daniel LC!:Itcr Lieut,·Col , Robt, Lewi> 7 Andrew ~ l c C o rmick 8 James Gillean 9 Judge Wm, ~ \liot 10 B, A, Mitch eU 1 7 , PROM I N ENT LONDON OLD BOYS IN TORONTO 1 Sil' William Ralph \I e:rcdith 2 Hon. G. \Y . Ros ... ., nr. Oronh)iltcl.hn 4 Sir Fra nk Smith (jth \ 13)'or of London) 5 l u ticc f cr~ u ... on E. E. Shepp I rd 7 Rev. Dr. Potts J, J. Wi ll son f) Atwell flcrnin,:.(. Hon . Pre.,ldcnt L. O. 13 A s~' n 10 Dr. Fred Wiml(~tt, Prcsidcot L. O. B. Ass' n .I S LONDON OLD BOYS E X ECUTIVE COMMITTEE, OF TORONTO 1 J ollo Oi ~ n am 1.11 <1 . IC C<lmeron 3 Capt. A. \Y . Po rte 4 Col Clws. Stone 5 J osepb Hi ckson (, E(1. ,\l ad. 7 Alfred Wi gmore 8 ,. Oavj ... 9 W. M. BC~R 1 0 Harry J c}Vc ll . 19 . "ONE OF THE BEST BEVERAGES EVER PRODUCED," ~ L!\Bi\TTS BReWeRY. LON~bN.ONT. PRODUCES ONLY PURE ALE AND STOUT. MADE FROM CHOICE BARLEY MALT. THE BEST HOPS AND PURE SPRING WATER • . 20 .. PROMINENT LONDON OLD BOYS IN TORONTO 1 J.
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