/(lA~s~ \.__,/ ~Asia ~ s1nc;APORE Malaysian Borneo & Singapore AIRLlnES 11 DAYS AIR & LAND ONLY FROM $2499 A JOURNEY THAT INCLUDES TWO OF SOUTHEAST AslA'SEX!f.lLARATING DESTINATIONS- MALAYSIA & SINGAPORE. OUR ADVENIVRE·BEGINS IN THE BEAUTIFUL ISLAND OF MALAYSIAN BORNEO, A PARADISE ON EARTH RICff IN FL()RA, "FAU'NA AND DISCOVERIES. Vou'u ENCOUNTER THE ENDANGERED RED HAIRED ORANGUTAN, IN MALAY MEANING "PERSON OF THE FOREST". LEARN THE CONSERVATION EFFORTS ATTHE SEPILOK ORANG UTAN REHABILITATION CENTER. EMBARK ON A BOAT CRUISE ALONG THE KINABATANGAN RIVER IN SEARCH Of VARIOUS PRIMA TE GROUPS INCtUOING THf PROSOSOS MON_~EYS, WH)CH ARE ENDEMIC TO THE JUNGLES OF BORNEO ANO ARE DISTINGUISHED BY ITS PROMINENT NOSE. THEN, A FLIGHT TO SINGAPORE OPENS UP A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF A CONTRASTING BL;[_Np OF CULTURE, CUISINE, ARTS ANO ARCHITECTURE. EXPERIENCE WORLO-clASS SHOPPING ALONG ORCHARD ROAD; ESCAPE THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE WITH A VISIT to THE BOTANIC GARDENS OR TH-E AWE-INSPIRING GARDENS BY THE BAY. to TRULY EXPERIENCE SINGAPORE's·olVERSE ETHNOLOGY, WALK ALONG THE ETHNIC QUARTERS OF CHINATOWN, l<AMPONG GLAM, LITTLE INDIA, Joo CHIAT AND l<ATONG. :;;g ....... _,,.. .:-:, c5 r: < ~~: N C••-, ► ROUND-TRIP ECONOMY CLASS AIRFARE ON SINGAPORE AIRLINES ► 2 NIGHTS IN A STANDARD ACCOMMODATION AT BoRNEO NA<URE LOOOf. ROUND-TRIP ECONOMY CLASS AIRFARE FROM SINGAPORE TO KOTA OR SIMILAR IN SuKAu ~ ~·::~ ► . :x,, - KINABALU ON SILKAIR ► 3 NIGHTS 1.N A URBAN ROOM ATTHE ONE FARRER HOTEL ldNGAPORE ► ROUN~TRIP ECONOMY a.ASS AIRFARE FROM KOTA KINABALU TO ► 8 BREAKFASTS, 3 LUNCHESAND2 DINNERS □ .- SANOAKAN ON A LOCAL AIRLINE ► ROUND-TRIP AIRPORTiHOTEL TRANSFERS IN KDTA KINA~SANDAKAN ► 3 NIGHTS IN A URBAN ROOM ATTHE LE MERIDIEN HOTEL IN KOTA AND SINGAPORE N KINABALU ► SIGHTSEEING TOURS AND ACTIVITIES AS SPECIFIED IN ITINERARY ► Au TAXES, FEES ANO CARRIER-IMPOSED SURCHARGES 2017 Los Angeles/ San Frandsco Houston NewYoric Feb 15 -1\,lay _23 $2549 $2699 $2849 May24 $2549 $2699 - $3149 May 2S-Jun 09 $2549 $2849 $3149 Spedal notes: Prices listed are per person, based on double oc_cupa.n,cy and subject ~o av-11it_abil,rty. Fare for outbound travel from New York on we_e_kenc;l_s (Fri-Sun) are $100 higher. Peak Season inbound travel SUpplement of $60 per person applies for return fl_ight from Ja_n 01--08. Tour prices indude all taxes, fees and carrier-imposed surcharges. (Al/021317/L612/5641/1612/J667/C·10) i _·-~ ! Ulr !!.~~;~e!':1~~!rorJ~~9g~~te~!~~p US Tenn Frcece: ll-S~-320-Jl~!l)S 500 Carson Pla2a Drive., Suite 212. carson. CA 90746 I(: ; Landllne: (310) 327 5143 / Fax: (310) 421 4181 GLOBAL NETWORK OFFICES: f CST - 2058413--40 Yangon, Myarvnar: Tel: +95-1-549931 j !' i ~-mall : lnfo@)travellntemattonal.net Hanoi, Vietnam: Tel: + 84 8 3816 3120 l i Website : www.travellnternatlonal.net ____________ ManDa, Philippines: Tet + 63 2 587 6024 ' '·· MAL_AYSIATOURPACKAGES 3J)AYS./ 2.NXGIHTS AH rates are in USD per persoil based on Twin Sharing Valid now until November 30, ?017 · :i:1teluc11<2s: _Roo111 Acconimocjation, Transfers, and Breakfast -~, , . '\' TOURISM... ~ 1fTravel International Group MALAl:>IA® 10 DAYS / 9 NIGHTS From US[) 1211 per person on Twin Sharing Valid now until l)cc:ember 11, 2017 VISIT: l<UAII.A LUMPUR, PENAING, Am:I l<UCHING Includes: Room Accommodation Transfers, Breakfast, Guided Tours Admission Fees 9 DAYS I 8 NIGHTS From US[) 1275 per person on Twin Sharing Valid now until November 30, 2017 VISIT: SINGAPORE, l(UALA LUMPUR, MALACCA, CAMERON HIGHLAND, 8, BELUAA RAINFOREST Includes: Room Accommodation Transfers, Breakfast, Guided Tours Admission Fees '5l DAYS / 8 NIGHTS From US[) 1275 per person on Twin Sharing Valid now until November 30, 2017 VISIT: BAINGl(OI<, Sl!:NGAPOIRE, l<UALA LUMPUR, BATU CAVES, &, TURU NEGARA Includes: Room Accommodation Transfers, Breakfast, Guided Tours for mou-e deiails, please coiltact: Q.m roll IFl'®S: ~-8~·321l-'i4S!l 500 Carson Plaza Drive, Suite 212, Carson, CA 90746 GLOBAL NETWORK OFFICES: Direct line: (310) 327 5143 / Fax: (310) 421 4181 Yangon, Myanmar: Tel: +95-1-549931 · E-mail : [email protected] H1mol, Vietnam : Tel:+ 84 8 3816 3120 Website : \¥WW.tfavellntemat1011al.n~ /CST.,. 205841~ Ma~lia, Philippines: Tel: + 632 587 6024 • G/illla Hoiudlays ~ 888-666-1888 A STAI'! l\lLIANCE MIEMBEi. v:t· CATHAY PAClfijC • DAY 08 SANDAKAN ~ Arrival DAY ·10 SANDAKAN / LAB UK BAY/ SAN DAKAN [BJ Meet upon arriv8J at Sandakan Airport by TBA flight, transfer to check-in Breakfast is served at hotel_. Tour today will depart for Labuk Bay ho_tel, rest & relax. Proboscis Centre. Highfights_:- The Labuk Bay ProboS(;is M0:nkey O~m!ght ~t. FoUr Poi~ts by .~h~ralon Sanda~n Sanctuaiy is 20km west Of Sepilok, it is localed at lhe centre of DAY 09 SAN DAKAN/ SEP ILOK I SAN DAKAN [Bil] mangrove fores! along the coastal land near Kampung Sernawang. The Breakfast is served 8t hotel. san~µaiy whiql ciffer_s an¢h,er ~rfect PrQl>Qscis Monkey observation All day tou,r for s~i}Qt(Nuisery & Sun Bear Discovery; Highlights;- spot for arry to'iirist who wants to have a closer look at these very • , ~ Drive.fol: approximaJ~ly 30 minutes lo Sepilok Orang Utan Re_habilitation special monkeys _and do ~Ot_have the ~m.e to travel _loo.far awi!Y to Good meeting you Center Proceeo to the free roaming area foe<l1ng platform 1000hrs watch them. If you love taking dose up ~ctures of the Proboscis ""•· ~ ;-\:. c 4.'\i'l- feeding of Orang Utans. At this center, observe man's dosest relative Monkey, this is the beSt pla_ce. The rernartable males sport ~ig dangling J_ - ;;:u.,:,. •11 "-' ... ~~-J "the Orang utan• bemg rehabilitated to become wild mtheir natural no~. reddish flat-top hairstyles, white ta~s and markings, and pot 1 1 1 .... 1i t ' - \~ , : habitat and ~enence a walk in the Tropical Lowland DIpterocarp bellifS. The' females on the other hand, are much smaller and have up- :~ Forest of Borneo Visit to the Outdoor Nursery, learn aboul managing turned_ noses. WtneSs the feeding at 1130hr's at Platform B.lf yoiJ are .... i",' ~ Juvenile Orang Utans by wonting al the centre As today around 25 lucky, yOu will also helve a ctiB.nce lo see Silver Leaf Monkeys, Pig .., - •.- ~-tJ young orphaned o~ng utans are housed in the nurs~es.Vistt to the Taileq M_aea_ques, O_iien~I Pied Hombills, Otters, vVhjte-bellied l Bomean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, the centre that managed to Woodpeckers and Kingfishers too. improve the living condition of the rescued sun bear and released their DAY 12 SAN DAKAN/ KUALA LUMPUR/LOS ANGELj:S [B] natural behaviors in the 2.5ha enclosed forest. after lunch, proceed to Breakfast at leislfre. Check-out from hotel ~ansfer io§iipdakan The Rainforest Di~very Centre, walk to the steel canopy wa~. Airport for departure flighJ to Kuala Lumpur tcue\µm to Lo5;A!!geles. ... plants, orchids garden· arid many others. · -;; ~ (@~~ll~~~ ~E?ilr+)~~ DAY 08 KUALA LUMPUR/ CAMERON HIGHLANDS [L] Breakfast IS served at hotel Check-out from hotel and depart !O --- _ ~ .. - _ - Tour from your hotel and deRarl to Cameron Highlcj!nds with en-r~e~ Penang with en-route vlsft to one of the many ~plE!s in tpoh - is Visit to Batu Gaves - the famous site of the annual Thaipusam festival an unpressive work of art with various statues of Sutidha Interspersed , @ (m January I February) where almost a m1DIon devotees congr.e. !l9mong the stalactites and stalagmttes Mer tour, l§Dtinue overf~nd : , The 272-steps dIrnbs lead you to the top of a natural limestone cavern journey to Penang (approx 2.5 hours) As we entertlle ISiand of _ \ ~ich hou~.s a Hind_u shri_m~. Cm,,ti,nue over1a_nd journey with n_or1herty Pena_ng, we will c:ro~ one Qf the l~gest b~dges i~d_. Check~~ drive to the small town of Tapah at the base of the mountain range hotel upo_n arrival.and balance is free at leisure. - , \>/here Cameron Highlands Is situated. 'MIiie on the way up from Tapah Overnight at Bayvifl\'I Hotel Georgetown, Penang to Cameron Highlands, one will not miss this waterfall - The Lala DAY 11 PENANG [BA.] lskan<lar watemlls. Its surrounding jungle is home to one of the largest Breakfast is s.erved at hotel. All day tour proceed f!)r Penang Highlights 1/ariety·of exotic insect and plant lifei In the world. Light Iu·nch (e.g. coffee Discovery. Hightights:- If ·seeing the best ofone place is your thing, & noodles) will be proYKied at local restaurant in Bidor in the interval. this tour will take you to the state's most famous sights. Experience a Upori anival, check in to the hotel, relax and enjoy the cool dimate traditional furiicular train rtde to the Goddess of Mercy Statue from Kek (approx. 19'C to 21'C). Lok Si Temple and encounter tortoises at the pond. Foilowed by a visit Overnight at Strawbeny Park ReS11n, t;ameron Highlands to the coot hill, sirT'jlly named Penang Hill, about 2750 feet above sea DAY 09 CAMERON HIGHLANDS [BJ levet and Is the oldest hill resort in the country. A funicular train dating Breakfast is~ at hotel. Today's tour will proceed for Country Side. beck to 1923, and. has sin.ce been upgraded, functions to bring Highlights:- This fascinating tour'will cover most of the highlights of the passengers to the top. The train ride is an experience In Itself, coupled high_lands. we·wiu begi_n by vis_itin'g the main revenue earner of th~ by co_l_ourful flora you'll _se~. Other stops are~ the Fishing ViDage, Cameron Highlands - the flower and vegetable fanming.
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