--------------- -------------------------------------------- Tuesday, September 26, 1995• Vol. XXVII No. 27 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S • CAMPUS LIFE COUNCIL University considers integrated card system The new card could be used card "turned off' quickly. Ball is hopeful that the new which are often too pricey. All-campus at both dining halls, vending Ball also discussed the possi­ card system successfully ad­ Among the suggested loca­ machines, and the bookstore. bility of a debit card which dress campus-wide needs. tions were the LaFortune card to simplify Ideally, the card would also would allow students to deposit "We are one of the last uni­ Ballroom, Stepan Center, North grant access to parking lots on money in an account, and then versities to move in this (tech­ and South Dining Halls, Alumni campus as well as replace cur­ use the new card in place of nological) direction," he said. Senior Club, and the Knights of student life rent Detex systems in dorms. cash at various locations across In other CLC news, room 224 Columbus Council Hall. By AMY SCHMIDT "The limits to this kind of campus. of the security building will be Some of these sites, including Assistant News Editor technology are the limits of our "The beauty of it is that you open for late-night study space Alumni Senior Club and the own imagination," said Ball. wouldn't have to carry cash," from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Knights of Columbus Council Plans are underway for an in­ Calling current card methods Ball said. "Notre Dame would "It's an excellent first step as Hall, require rental charges. tegrated card system which will antiquated and difficult, Ball become a cashless campus." far as study space goes." said Although the Monogram be available for use across said that the integrated card Ball did stress, however, that South Quad Senator Seth Room and Concourse are avail­ campus as early as fall of 1996, system would be a flexible one, a meal equivalency system will Miller. able for rental, they are trying according to Mike Ball, systems using an integrated corporate be produced for cash opera­ Katie Beirne, campus social to steer away from dances be­ coordinator for university food data base as its foundation. tions such as the Huddle only commissioner, also discussed cause of a hectic sports sched­ services. Ball said that the integrated after normal meal hours. the planning of on-campus ule this year. Ball addressed the Campus data base would make it easier "The University is committed dances at various Notre Dame According to Beirne, Food Life Council (CLC) yesterday, for a student to locate a lost to the idea of the 21 meal plan facilities. She said that on­ Services has advised against explaining the implementation card because he or she could go for residential undergradu­ campus sites provide an alter­ the use of these two facilities of an all-campus card system. to a number of places to get the ates," Ball said. native to off-campus sites for dances. SMC freshmen face 1995 board elections By MAUREEN HURLEY are taken to prevent turning Saint Mary's News Editor elections into a popularity con­ test. "It's really up to the can­ Election 1995 looms. Instead didates to get themselves of a battle between Democrats known, and introducing them­ and Republicans, posters with selves door to door." said slogans based on class unity Ruffner. and activities cover the walls of The Observer asked each Saint Mary's College, as fresh­ presidential candidate the best man board elections take place qualities of their ticket and Wednesday. their major goals. Five President-Vice President Suzanne Sarrett-Nicole tickets are vying for the covet­ Kraimer ticket: "We're both ed titles, and six women are spirited, and like to get running for 13 board positions. involved and get things mov­ In order to be elected, candi­ ing," said Barrett. "We're dates must win one vote over going to try to have more inter­ the 50 percent mark. The action with Notre Dame, and remaining board positions will have unity in the freshman be decided by the new class class. We'd like to get everyone president and vice-president, involved, and have an all­ according to Emily Ruffner, around good year." elections commissioner. Tina Kosinski-Mandy Miller Students do not give cam­ ticket: "We both were very The Observer/Brian Hardy paign speeches. The student active in government in high A New Home government department stress­ school, and are both political Dorm construction continues on the new golf quad with Keough and O'Neill halls. The buildings will be es that campaign regulations, science majors," said Kosinski. completed and ready for students by the fall of 1996. such as pre-approved platform and limited campaign budgets, see ELECTION/ page 4 Bayh appoints Guillen ND among top 50 best buys Institute of Technology, with an this award. student commissioner University average discounted cost of Notre Dame also ranked 45 $13,722, was ranked the best in the "sticker "category, which By DAVE PREISSLER ty's Hispanic American Organi­ value among national universi­ compared the total cost of the News Writer zation, the League of United deemed a ties. university ($22,267) with the Latin American Citizens, the Considering only sticker quality of the university accord­ Father Edward Malloy nomi­ freshman orientation commit­ price, Brigham Young Univer­ ing to U.S. News' "America's nated Notre Dame junior Ryan tee and the Keenan Hall Diver­ good value sity at Provo offers the best Best Colleges" issue. Guillen, president of Keenan sity Awareness Committee. By BILL CONNOLLY value among national universi­ Notre Dame ranked 18 in llall and a resident of Dyer, The SSACI includes a board ties. that review of America's best News Writer Ind., as a commissioner of the of 11 members that meet six The best values are calculat­ colleges. times a year to· administer a State Student Assistance After being rejected by ed in relation to both the stated Notre Dame needs to improve Commission of Indiana (SSACI). variety of state financial aid Money magazine as one of their or "sticker" price (tuition, in the amount of grants and programs. Because Guillen demonstrates top 100 buys, Notre Dame was room, board and fees) and to awards it gives out in order to experience and knowledge in The board consists of mem­ ranked 40 and 45 in two differ­ the discounted price (tuition, rise in these polls. thtl world of financial aid, bers representing each of the room, board, fees, books, and Universities with much high­ ten districts of Indiana while ent categories for affordability Governor Evan Bayh of Indiana in education by U.S. News and estimated personal expenses, er tuition than Notre Dame, recently appointed him to be the eleventh member is a col­ minus the average of need­ such as Yale University, fin­ lege student representing the World Report. the only student commissioner In its Sept. 25 issue, U.S. based grants). The discounted ished higher in the discount of this committee. students of Indiana. News ranks various national price is more relevant for most poll because they supplied 43% Guillen serves as a student As the first representative of private schools such as Notre of their students with need­ Notre Dame. he plans to not universities on the basis of loan assistant in the Notre "sticker" and "discount" prices. Dame. based grants. Dame financial aid office and only influence the state legisla­ These rankings are collectively Notre Dame ranked 40 in the However, University officials ture to increase students' fi­ Stlrved as a loan processor with called the best value rankings discount price category. The have not stressed the impor­ nancial aid, but he also hopes Education Financial Services of and appear in a special section average need-based grant at tance of such polls in the past. Indianapolis. to influence the state senators on financing for colleges. Notre Dame for the 1994-1995 "Obviously we would like to Aside from his political finan­ and congresspersons to turn academic year was $7,065, be seen as a good educational down the new federal budget This is the first year the best eial duties, he is majoring in values are ranked for from 1 to with 26% of the students buy," Dennis Brown, assistant plan. director of public relations and Economics and computer appli­ 50 national universities. Based receiving such grants. The The federal budget plan, - average non-need award at information said. "But our top cations with a concentration in on discounted tuition, for the Latin American Studies. Also, second year in a row, California Notre Dame was $1,745, and he is a member of the Universi- see GUILLEN/ page 4 27% of the students received see RANKINGS/ page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Tuesday, September 26, 1995 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORLD AT A GLANCE More fighting possible as Yugoslavia peace talks near Changing SARAJEVO ings. Allied Bosnian and Croatian forces The rebel Serbs have heavy defenses squeezed a key strip of Serb-held land along the vital strip, Vernon said, the balance Monday, a sign that major new fighting adding that the Muslim-Croat allies could be brewing even as diplomats "would have a very big fight on their from across former Yugoslavia try once hands" if they tried to take it. of power more to smooth the way for peace Col. Ferid Buljubasic, a spokesman for the Bosnian army in Sarajevo, indi­ In November of 1992 Peter K. Lenardos talks. an unforgettable ex- The Croatian army in the north and cated his army would continue to press perience occurred.
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