S19-0902 - Ren Ci Hospital Annual Report 2020 (CoverSpread_with Spine-6.1mm)_v2.indd 1 30/9/20 6:05 PM ABOUT REN CI HOSPITAL 关于仁慈医院 The roots of Ren Ci (仁慈) traced back to 1994 with the primary mission of providing affordable medical, nursing and rehabilitative care services for the community, living to its name of “compassion” and “benevolence”. This is driven by the principle of serving all with loving kindness and compassion, regardless of background, race and religion. 成立于1994年,仁慈医院是新加坡为数不多的医疗慈善机构。仁慈医院以仁心慈爱的原 则为社会提供全面和实惠的医疗、护理和复健服务。仁慈也采用以人为本的护理服务理 念,为病友提供优质的服务。 OUR VISION 愿景 Holistic care with loving kindness and compassion 仁心慈爱的全面护理 OUR MISSION 使命 Partnering the community to provide inclusive healthcare for quality and meaningful living 与社区携手提供综合医疗服务,共同创造优质且有意义的生活 CORE VALUES 核心价值 Teamwork 团队合作 Open-Minded 豁达开明 Compassion 慈爱之心 Alliance 联盟 Respect 尊重 Excellence 卓越 S19-0902 - Ren Ci Hospital Annual Report 2020 (CoverSpread_with Spine-6.1mm)_v2.indd 2 30/9/20 6:05 PM &217(176 Highlights Chairman’s Message 03 25 - Ren Ci @ Ang Mo Kio CEO’s Message Highlights 07 29 - Ren Ci Learning Academy 11 COVID-19 Special 31 Our Care 13 Milestones 33 Our Community 15 Board Of Directors 35 Our Volunteers 17 Committees 39 Our People 18 Patrons & Honorary Advisors 45 Our Motivation 19 Key Management Team 47 Ren Ci @ Woodlands 20 Organisation Structure 49 Ren Ci 2025 21 At A Glance 51 Corporate Governance Statement Statement By The Board Of Fundraising Events 23 59 Directors And Financial Statements Service with heart and hope | 2 &+$,50$1·60(66$*( I would like to start by thanking our donors, volunteers, community partners, board of directors and staff, for the concerted support and contributions in FY19/20 as Ren Ci celebrated our 25th Anniversary (1994 – 2019). Your steadfast support has enabled Ren Ci to meet the growing needs of Singapore’s ageing population through the years and become one of the country’s largest community partners. One of the key highlights in 2019 was Dr Chua Thian Poh 蔡天宝博士 the of¿cial opening of our second nursing Chairman 主席 home and day care facility on 11 May in Teck Ghee Constituency. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of¿ciated the opening of Ren Ci @ Ang Mo Kio and during his speech, thanked Ren Ci for our long- standing commitment and dedication to help those in need for the last 25 years. 2I¿FLDO2SHQLQJRI5HQ&L#$QJ0R.LR 3 5HQ&L+RVSLWDOWK$QQLYHUVDU\&KDULW\*DOD'LQQHU As Ren Ci focuses on our mission of choosing Ren Ci as the bene¿ciary of the partnering the community to provide 2019 International Master Chefs’ Charity inclusive healthcare for quality and Gala Dinner held in Singapore on 5 July meaningful living, we are also humbled 2019. by the support from our community. The 25th Anniversary Charity Gala Dinner held Another important pillar in Ren Ci is on 28 September was one such example. our volunteers. They gifted Ren Ci their Graced by President Halimah Yacob, the valuable time and skills, assisting our staff event was attended by over 700 guests. in caring for the seniors and meeting their Thanks to generosity of our supporters emotional and social needs. Ren Ci is and well-wishers, the Gala Dinner raised especially blessed to have long serving $7 million in pledges to fund our suite of volunteers, amongst them eight who have community care services for our needy served 25 years, since the very day Ren bene¿ciaries. Ci started. Besides the donations pledged at the Gala Dinner, we are also grateful for the $4.9 million in net donation contributed from the various corporations, community groups and individuals. In particular, I would like to thank Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple and Foo Hai Ch’an Monastery for their unwavering support over the years. My heartfelt thanks also to the International Master Chef Charity Association for ,QWHUQDWLRQDO0DVWHU&KHIV¶&KDULW\*DOD'LQQHU Service with heart and hope | 4 One important group of volunteers who stride with the plan to operate a third serve in Ren Ci is the Board Members. We nursing home in 2022 at the upcoming welcomed seven new board members in Woodlands Health Campus. The new 2019, who bring with them varying skills facility will have more than 330 nursing and expertise which will further add to the home beds as well as capacity for 100 diversity of the team. At the same time, we clients at the senior care centre. This have seven outgoing board members who expansion will propel Ren Ci into the next had served with heart and hope during league of becoming a 1,300-bed provider in their terms. They are Mr Ching Chiat the intermediate and long-term care sector, Kwong, Mr Choo Chee Onn, Mr Vincent serving more seniors in need of care. Leow, Mr Tan Aik Hock, Mr Tan Huay Lim, Mr Yap Eu Win and Mr Yip Chee Despite the unprecedented uncertainties, Seng. I would like to thank them for their Ren Ci is determined to continue inspiring invaluable contributions towards Ren Ci’s the community to journey with us to deliver growth and transformation over the years. care that are affordable, accessible and value-based, to the elderly and needy The unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 amongst us. in the last quarter of the FY has kept Ren Ci’s staff occupied with various 首先,我要感谢各界善长仁翁、义工、社区 precautionary measures to ensure the 伙伴、仁慈董事会成员及员工在2019/2020 safety of patients, residents, clients 财政年度不遗余力地付出与贡献。仁慈自 and staff. I appreciate the hard work, 1994年创院迄今,已有25年(1994 – 2019) dedication and resilience from all our staff. 。各位多年来的支持使仁慈能够配合新加坡 人口老龄化的需求,发展成为本地最大的社 While we are managing the circumstances 区医疗合作伙伴之一。 of the pandemic, Ren Ci is also keeping 30/HHZLWKUHVLGHQWDQGYROXQWHHU 5 今年的主要亮点是仁慈第二家位于宏茂桥德 25年来尽心效力,难能可贵,值得赞扬! 义区的疗养院于2019年5月11日正式开幕。 我们很荣幸邀请到李显龙总理为疗养院主持 仁慈另一组重要义工是董事及委员会成员。 开幕仪式。李总理在致词中感谢仁慈在过去 去年,我们共迎来七位新董事。他们丰富的 25年里对帮助有需要的年长者所作出的努 经验使董事会更加多元化,应付日新月异的 力和奉献。 护理需求。在此,我也要感谢卸任的七位董 事。他们是陳積光先生、朱峙安先生、廖丁 福先生、陈奕福先生、陈怀林先生、叶英云 先生和叶志成先生。他们在幕后不遗余力地 付出,对仁慈的奉献与支持有目共睹。 2019新型冠状病毒严重肆虐,让仁慈全体 员工应接不暇,忙于采取各种预防措施,确 保年长者及员工的安全。我要特别感谢所有 员工的辛勤工作,奉献精神以及坚强韧性。 在我们谨慎防范大流行病的同时,仁慈也将 继续向前迈进,计划在2022年起在兀兰医 确实,仁慈始终坚持创院使命,即与社区携 疗保健园运营第三家疗养院。新设施将拥有 手提供综合医疗服务,共同创造优质且有 超过330张床位和100个名额的乐龄护理中 意义的生活。我们很庆幸获得社区团体的支 心。这次扩张将让仁慈成为中长期护理领域 持,协助仁慈继续履行我们的使命。2019 拥有1300张床位的社区医疗业者,为更多 年9月28日举行的25周年慈善晚宴就是一个 需要护理的年长者提供服务。 例子。晚宴在主宾哈莉玛总统以及700多位 嘉宾的热心参与之下,成功募集超过700万 尽管时局不定,我们仍希望继续激励社区伙 元的善款,让我们可以为更多有需要的年长 伴们与仁慈携手为有需要的年长人士提供负 者提供社区护理服务。 担得起且有价值和意义的社区护理服务。 除了慈善晚宴所筹集的善款之外,我也衷心 感谢来自各界及社区团体的慷慨捐助,让仁 慈总共筹得1千190万元的善款。在此要特 别鸣谢观音堂佛祖庙和福海禅寺多年来的支 持。同时感谢国际名厨慈善协会于7月5日 为仁慈医院举行的千人慈善晚宴。 仁慈的另一个重要支柱是义工团队。义工无 私地奉献出宝贵的时间和技能来照料年长 者的心理需求,协助护理团队提高他们的生 活素质。其中有八位义工从仁慈成立至今的 Service with heart and hope | 6 &(2·60(66$*( It has been an eventful year for us as we celebrated our Silver Jubilee and continued our quest to be one of the few good hands in the intermediate and long- term care (ILTC) sector. Every celebration in 2019 was also an occasion to thank the many stakeholders who have partnered and supported our growth through the years. The Of¿cial Opening of Ren Ci @ Ang Mo Kio was a reminder that we have been able to Mr Joe Hau 侯自成先生 expand our spectrum of care and service Chief Executive Of¿cer 执行总监 delivery because of the strong support and partnership with the government, the grassroots, the community partners, our donors and volunteers. Our fundraising events were well-supported by donors who believed in our work and shared a common vision. A 25th anniversary appreciation dinner for staff and volunteers was held to recognise their dedication and commitment in serving the elderly and needy over the past decades. Because of the many helping hands we received, Ren Ci is able to become one of the few good hands in the ILTC sector. We continue our service expansion by setting up the Ren Ci Learning Academy (RCLA) in May 2019. RCLA seeks to help meet the increasing demand for better care in the ILTC sector by upskilling the existing workforce as well as cross- 7 training care staff so that they can perform highest honour for nurses in recognition expanded scope of value-added services of signi¿cant contributions to the nursing for patients. RCLA works on a partnership profession and it was also the ¿rst time model with other leading agency such as a Ren Ci nurse has attained it. We also the Centre for Allied Health and Pharmacy had a good showing at SingHealth Quality Excellence (CAPE) of Tan Tock Seng Service Awards held in January 2020 with Hospital (TTSH). At the close of FY19/20, I 169 awardees, including our Superstar am pleased to share that the academy has winner, Ms Bridget Monica Das, and a launched 18 courses, bene¿ting external Best Team Award (Patient Experience trainees from 38 organisations. We hope Improvement Category) with team that more people in the ILTC sector can members from Finance and Psychosocial come together to learn from each other’s Department. experience and best practices in care delivery through our learning academy. In January 2020, Singapore has seen its ¿rst con¿rmed case of COVID-19. Our focus on people development is Since then we have been tackling the also ingrained within our organisation challenges brought on by the COVID-19 and we celebrate when our people’s outbreak. It is the very combination of achievements are recognised at various dedicated and committed people within platforms. Our Chief Nurse, Mdm Jenny Ren Ci that has helped us manage and Sim, was presented the President’s Award navigate the challenges brought on by for Nurses last July. This award is the COVID-19 thus far. 6LQJ+HDOWK4XDOLW\6HUYLFH$ZDUGV Service with heart and hope | 8 随着庆祝成立25周年的里程碑,仁慈医院 继续迈向成为中长期护理领域中的得力助手 之一。今年的每一次庆祝活动也是一次机会 感谢多年来支持及与仁慈合作的伙伴。 仁慈宏茂桥疗养院的正式开幕提醒我们,仁 慈能够扩大医疗护理服务范围是出自与政 府,基层,社区伙伴,各界善长仁翁及义工 团体的支持与紧密合作。我们的筹款活动得 到与我们有共同愿景的捐助者的大力支持。 From the start, leaders and staff work together to put in place measures which 仁慈举办了25周年员工及义工慰劳晚宴来 are in tandem with MOH’sDQG$,& V 答谢他们多年来为年长者的奉献。由于得到 advisory and sometimes even slightly 他们的很多帮助,仁慈得以有今天的成就。 ahead of national’s advisory as we have deemed it necessary for our patients’, 仁慈继续扩大服务范围并于2019年5月成立 clients’ and residents’ safety.
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