Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-9-2009 The BG News April 9, 2009 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 9, 2009" (2009). BG News (Student Newspaper). 8073. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/8073 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving THE the campus and surrounding community Thursday April 9.2009 Volume 103, Issue 134 WWWBGVIEWSCOM Fair spreads Athletics aim for strength Brown Bag lunch focuses on women healthy habits building strength through their athletic experiences | Page 5 Sterotyping may to University affect tip more than service By Becky Tener Whetherholt sounds off after being ignored Freshman Cristina at a restaurant for Covarrubias wandered simply fitting the around the Health and Wellness lair yesterday in student stereotype search of information, She | Page 4 got free food, resources and even a free massage, Center helps "My friend and I always come to these kinds ol health Iraq veterans fairs." Covarrubias said. "I'm pretty interested in health Cinicinnati-area center topics, I like to he informed." is helping returning sol- She said the 23rd Annual diers and their families Health and Wellness Fail was a good place to go and get the find support in coping information she was looking BENLOHMAN with post-traumatic WELLNESS: • ashu HEALTH :■/ stress disorder blood p". esterday | Page 5 Hospitals not so hospitable Juggling life on Two hospitals accused of discharging and dropping patients one small whee in Skid Row of LA reached a $1.6 million settlement | Page 10 U.S., Iran communication Obama administra- tion makes radical shift from Bush in welcoming talks with Iran about its nuclear weapons program | Page 9 Crushed The Falcons took one on the chin from Eastern Michigan yesterday in a 27-7 loss, but the game will not affect their 4-4 MAC record | Page 7 BEN LOHMAN HOT WHEELS: Matt Robinson takes a stroll on" noval THe f-eshman can also be seen |ugglmc, *hile ndmg Performer at heart, freshman brings delicate balancing act to University By Thcrcs.i Scotl has since learned to juggle Reporter while riding a unicycle and HANGIN'IN A HAMMOCK performs regularly with the One wheel is better than two, Northwesl Ohio juggling at least thai i> how freshman group, the i7,~> Higglers. Matt Robinson looks at the Robinson picked up his uni- world. cycle at .1 second hand store The first year business for $25 and has been trying to What would you juggle major may be better known master I he skill ex er since. while riding a unicycle? to some as "the guy who "Sometimes I tall oil' and rides around on a unicycle." I have hit myself in the eye Robinson's choice of trans- before. Robinson said. "But portation has made linn you just keep falling off until I ^1 something of a celebrity on one day you stop tailing off." campus. Robinson, who grew up in "'I hat guy is awesome," said llillard. Ohio, said he began junior Mark Reid, "I see him Higgling just to curb bore- speeding past bikers and I am dom. like, "Whoa, I am going to gel TANEISHA SCOTT out of his way," Reid said. See UNICYCLE: Page 2 Senior, International Robinson has been juggl i tig Business since he was a junior in high school, and he doesn't plan to "I would juggle stop anytime soon. BENLOHMAN ■-.:■ \;i\ AT BGVIEWS.COM: Log onto heavy suitcases." A relative University new- ram ly of jug- SITTIN' IN THE SUN: Heaihei Sabm and Brian Kramer en|oy the beautiful day as they relax nestled in their cocoon like hammock outside ol Kohl | Page 4 comer to the juggling scene, gle's and hear about their experiences Hall yesterday afternoon the freshman business major as a travelmg performance troupe VISIT BGVIEVVS.COM: NEWS, SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE & .we'd have it all New Special FREE Internet Shuttle service to FREE cable bars on Friday & Saturday nights FREE private shuttle if Full-size washer Dude, Private baths and dryer we lived at Furnished if needed and much more... T O VV N II O M I Full-size dishwasher I C O M M UNITIES, I Copper Beech... Full-size washer and dryer Ro" • 419-353-3300 • tvtvw.copperbeechtownhomes.com I 2 19.2009 WWW.BGVIEWS.COM BLOTTER HAVE A WITTY OR FUNNY CAPTION FOR THIS PHOTO? Last Week's Winner: TUESDAY. APRIL 7 someone else's identification to bar staff at Uptown/Downtown Bar. 3 08 P.M. Kordan also started running upon Erik Sowers Complainant reported his friend's officer's arrival, but was caught. house'1 i i io was broken ,*.ere stolen. WEDNESDAY, 5:11 P.M Complainant reported unknown APRIL 8 the w.illsof the 2:15 A.M. d Main Street Sem Guerrero. 28. of Toledo, was i tencils. cited for operating a vehicle under 9:33 P.M. the influence. 20, Or Bowling ted fa prohibited obstructing ONLINE: Go to bgviewscom for the iftei presenting k ctynplf te blotter list. FUNNY "Usually we're just From Page 1 trying to make them be removed from the Internet. laugh and if we do "John's videos are all in MICHAEL WEI6MMI I IHE BG NEW good fun." Bernard's room that, then we win." mate I'rcvoi Gaskins, junior, YOUR CAPTION HERE: Submit your caption lo captioncontest@bgviewcom c* al said, "Sometimes he may try bgnews.com for youi chance to have your photo and youi caption appear in next Thuisdays anil push the limits, Inn I don'i issue of The BG News. Be suie lo include your contact inlcumation to be consideied foi the think he hasevet gone too far." tors fust cannot seem to get contest Winner will be selected by The BG News. I In' mosl popular among enough. Bernard's videos is the "NASA "He's hysterical and very \pplicant." In the video, he natural on camera, someone BGNEWSEIIEPHOIO pi .inks a li( .si) cheerleader act- who stands out from the other UNICYCLE THE WINNER: "Teammates stand jealous of giant bendy pole and washboaid abs" ing as i NASA recruiter trying reporters we have al Palestra." From Page 1 to send ihe cheerleader to the Editor Dawn Durkot said. moon. Apart from his great person- "I live in the middle of I was on the phone with her ally, Durkot also said Bernard nowhere," Robinson said. "I lin ovei I" minutes," Bernard brings a satirical angle to the jusl kindof picked il up because said and siill to this day have news with his sense of humor. there was nothing better to do iin! mel her in person." As a big believer of fun, and there wasn't anything on Bernard's oilier roommate Bernard loves the experience TV." Max Ickert. along with Gaskins, of trying everything once and Robinson can now juggle help him produce his videos switching the gears to some- pins while riding on his one- and also enjoj seeing what thing unexpected. wheeled bike and said lhal types of humor their audience Amonghisvideos for Palestra, once he builds his skills he responds well to and what he has also made documenta- would like to develop an act humoi gets Ignored, ries, mocumentaries. comedic and go on Ihe road. BENLOHMAN "We all jusl want people to shorts and horror news stores. "It is sometimes a good way enjo) whatthej watch," Gaskins This year, he even went as far to make money," Robinson CALM: Jeiiy Matthews lelaies as he gels a massage from a masseuse al the he. said. Usually we're just Irving as entering and winning Ihis said. "You can make like S200 BEN10HMAN i IHE EC NEWS 10 make them laugh and If we year's Falcon Film Festival in an afternoon but then after BALANCE: Mall Robinson juggles while question. do that, I hen we win." with his first comedy musical, lhal you may not make any- riding his unicycle. HEALTH Junior Paula Monaco said stu- Bui lor Ickefl and Bernard, the "Another Howling Green Day." thing for a month. People do From I dents were interested in stop- daysol producing go way back. Making videos for the Web not juggle because they want "Its a blast. We ping at the booth because there "John and I have Been mak- site during the school year and the money but because Ihey for. The fair offered students, was fruit on the table. ing movies, videos and news with this year's semester com- like lo perform." definitely have a faculty and community mem- "Students have been really reports since ihe fourth grade," ing lo a close, Bernard plans lo The desire to perform is ber information on many differ- interested in participating," she liken said, "but I typically try use ibis month's weekday video something thai lures many lot of interesting ent health topics like nutrition, said. "Maybe for the food ... but mj besl in st,i\ nit screen. John marathon as his grand finale jugglers in, Robinson said. skin protection, recycling and they are gelling some informa- has a better face." for the year.
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