CALA Newsletter CALA Newsletter ISSN 0736‐8887 Chinese American Librarians INSIDE THIS Association Newsletter ISSUE: NO. 108 SPRING 2013 Greetings 1-7 Message from the CALA President CALA 40th 7 Esther Lee Guestbook Dear ing to some exciting pro- Some of our members volun- Announcements 8-17 CALA grams, soon to be held during teered not only for CALA Mem- the American Library Associ- work, but also for work and bers and ation Annual Conference in presentations at allied organi- Albums 18-21 Friends, Chicago in June 2013. zations, locally and abroad. From the recent ALA Elec- Awards 17, 22 Spring DIVERSITY ADVOCACY tion, the following CALA -27 greet- members were elected: Publications 27-35 ings to CALA’s membership is open ALA Treasurer: you all! to all friends of CALA and Mario M. Gonzalez Chapter 36-37 With flowers blooming and libraries, whatever your na- ALA Councilors-at-Large: Reports birds chirping, most of us feel tionalities. It is heartening to Min Chou energized in this balmy sea- know that CALA’s member- Ann Crewdson Membership 38 son. Thanks to the diligent ship has continued to rise for Loida Garcia-Febo work, creative collaboration, the past few years. Many new ALA Divisions: CALA 40/40 and strong support of many members of diverse cultures ACRL-AAME Section, Sec- Project on Chinese American Librarians have recently joined CALA. retary: Hong Cheng Leadership Association members, com- Many who have joined our LLMA-LOM Section, Vice- mittee members, donors and various committees will prob- Chairperson: Leo Lo CALA Newsletter (ISSN: supporters, my presidential ably learn, grow, make From the recent 2013 CALA 0736-8887) is the official year, themed as Celebrating friends, win awards and be on Election, the following mem- publication of the Chi- CALA’s 40th Anniversary, is the road to great leadership. bers were (Continue to p.2) nese American Librarians progressing nicely and lead- Association. The CALA Newsletter is CALA 2013 Annual Conference Program published twice a year in Together We Make a Difference: Spring and Fall. URL: http://www.cala-web.org/ Celebrate CALA 40 Years and Beyond! publications/newsletter. Sunday, 1:00pm-2:30pm, June 30, 2013 Westin Chicago River North - ASTOR Ballroom President: Esther Lee, [email protected]. Speakers: Vice President/President Elect: Lisa Zhao, Dr. Tze-chung Li: Look Forward for CALA [email protected]. Minyan Li, Min Tong, Ning Zou: Voice of CALA Emerging Leaders Executive Director: Hai- Julia Wu: From an International student to a Pioneer in Education, peng Li, haipeng4ca- to a Public Elected official, and to U.S. Presidential Adviser [email protected]. Dr. Wilfred Fong: Beyond The Horizon Newsletter Editorial Exhibition: Team: Posters from CALA Seven Chapters; Priscilla Yu, CALA 21st Century Librarianship Series; [email protected]. CALA Members in IMLS Project TGAG. Sai Deng, Greetings from CALA Members and Friends on video clips [email protected]. (For detailed information, see p.8-9) PAGE 2 Message from the CALA President (Cont.) (Continued from p.1) elected: He will speak on CALA at Awards Banquet and at the: CALA Incoming Vice Presi- Forty: Faith, Focus, and For- Cai Fine Dining and Ban- dent/President-Elect, 2013- ward. quet (彩蝶軒), 2100 S. 2014: Archer Avenue, 2F, Chicago, Lian Ruan. 2. Ms. Mingyan Li, Ms. Min IL 60616, Tel.: 312-326-6888. CALA Executive Director: Tong, and Ms. Ning Zou. That is predicted to be a grand 2013/2014-2015/2016 They represent the voices of event attended by some of Li Fu. CALA Emerging Leaders. ALA current and past Presi- CALA Board of Directors, Mingyan, a Metadata/ dents/Directors, other dignitar- 2013/2014-2015/2016: Cataloging Librarian at Harper ies, caucus Presidents, gener- Sai Deng, College in Illinois, is serving ous sponsors, librarians and Jianye He, on the CALA Conference Pro- friends. We promise gourmet Win Shih, gram Committee and Finance food, fun, performances, gifts, Yongyi Song, Committee. and fellowship galore. Ma- Shali Zhang, nuel Urrizola, the Head of Maggie Wang (fill in the va- Min, a Reference/Instruction Technical Services at the Uni- cant Position, 2013-2015) . Librarian from the University versity of California, River- of Central Florida, is on the side Libraries, is our experi- Bravos to them, and more CALA Handbook Committee. enced and lively Master of CALA members will serve in Ceremony. You (member or IFLA (International Federa- Ning, an Instruction Coordina- non-member) are all invited to tion of Libraries and Institu- tor at Domincan University attend this party, but a fee tions), whereby the Election Library, is on the CALA Con- (subsidized by donations) is result will be announced soon. ference Program Committee. involved ($35.00 for mem- bers, $40.00 for non- We welcome you sign up for 3. Ms. Julia Wu, a bubbly members), and one must regis- CALA membership at: high achiever and author who ter for the occasion. To avoid http://cala-web.org/node/306 could sing beautifully. She disappointment, please regis- will share her experience on ter now at: DIVERSE PROGRAMS Endless American Dreams – http://cala-web.org/banquet. From an International Student CALA’s annual free program, to an Advisor to U.S. Presi- SPONSORS titled Together We Make a dents. Among our current year’s Difference – Celebrate CALA generous donors who gave 40 Years and Beyond, will be 4. Mr. Wilfred Fong, the $500.00 or more to CALA are: held on Sunday, 6/30/13, 1:00 Chief Information Officer and OCLC $3,000.00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., at the Wes- Director of IT & Digital Innovative Interface tin Chicago River North – Learning, University of To- $2,000.00 Astor Ballroom (320 N. ronto School of Continuing Esther Lee (CALA member) Dearborn St., Chicago, IL Studies, is formerly the Assis- $2,000.00 60654/312-744-1900). The tant Dean of the School of China Classics speakers, all CALA life mem- Information Studies at the $1,000.00 bers with outstanding talents, University of Wisconsin- Yu Lan Chou (CALA are: Milwaukee. He will expound member) $1,000.00 1. Dr. Tze-chung Li, one of on Preparing Information EBSCO $1,000.00 CALA’s founding fathers, Professionals for Careers of Emerald $1,000.00 Professor and Dean Emeritus Tomorrow. Sally C. Tseng (CALA mem- of Dominican University ber) $1,000.00 Graduate School of Library On that same Sunday night, 6 (from the Tseng Grant for and Information Science in p.m.-10 p.m., CALA will Professional Development) Illinois, an author and a law- hold its Celebration of our Carla Funk $ 500.00 th yer from Harvard University. 40 Anniversary and (Continue to p.3) CALA NEWSLETTER NO. 108 Greetings PAGE 3 Message from the CALA President (Cont.) (Continued from p.2) ALA/CALA MIDWINTER MEET- Alburo of APALA, Jerome Offord, Jr. Credo Reference $ 500.00 ING of the Black Caucus, Esther Lee of Besides these $13,000.00 donations The ALA Midwinter Meeting was held CALA, and Denise Adkins of received, there are many other donors, in Seattle, January 24-29, 2013. CA- REFORMA), and the two JCLC Steer- especially those who pay for advertise- LA had its business meeting for Board ing Committee Co-Chairs (Haipeng Li ments in our Membership Directory. members on Saturday night. Due to and Janice Rice). This congenial group Another big contribution of over the time constraint, a few agenda items plans to work closer together and learn $10,000.00 is promised to be a surprise were left for the next meeting. Other from one another. It is gratifying that and be announced at our Annual Pro- memorable meetings included: the successful JCLC meeting held last gram. This means that for our 40th An- A special meeting on Collaboration September in Kansas City garnered niversary we have raised more funds with ALA President Maureen Sullivan, $6,000.00 for CALA. than the past few years, thanks to the ALA Executive Director Keith Mi- hard work of the Public Relations/Fund chael Fiels, the five caucus Presidents A Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunrise Raising Committee. (Janice L. Kowemy of AILA, A. Jade Celebration: (Continue to p.4) CALA Executive Director’s Message Haipeng Li June 4, 2012 dent, and Executive Director subse- quently for the past 8 years, in addition guidelines, we should strive to follow Executive Director’s Message to being chairs and members on nu- higher professional standards to make April 20, 2013 merous CALA committees and task our organization better. It is not a good Haipeng Li forces. practice to make up rules as we go or even to create our own based on per- As we are approaching ALA Annual in Many things have happened during sonal preferences/views. To further Chicago this year, CALA will have a these times. One thing I am proud of professionalize our organizations, series of events for our members. One and we should all be is the tremendous these rules have to be followed. important event will be the CALA growth of our membership. I have Awards Banquet seen an over 50% increase in our mem- To that end, given the background of which will take bership now since the time I took of- many of our members who are from place in conjunc- fice 7 or 8 years ago. As CALA is a different cultures and are less familiar tion with the cele- member based organization, it is criti- with the protocols for conducting bration of CALA’s cally important that our membership Board meetings and doing committee 40 year anniver- keeps growing. And this is thanks to work, it is important that CALA inves- sary.
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