Georgetown University Law Center Scholarship @ GEORGETOWN LAW 2016 Physician Assisted Dying: A Turning Point? Lawrence O. Gostin Georgetown University Law Center, [email protected] Anna E. Roberts Georgetown University Law Center, [email protected] This paper can be downloaded free of charge from: https://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/facpub/1614 http://ssrn.com/abstract=2723458 315 (3) JAMA 249-250 (2016) This open-access article is brought to you by the Georgetown Law Library. Posted with permission of the author. Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/facpub Part of the Bioethics and Medical Ethics Commons, Health and Medical Administration Commons, Health Law and Policy Commons, and the Health Policy Commons Opinion VIEWPOINT Physician-Assisted Dying A Turning Point? Lawrence O. Gostin, In 2014, Brittany Maynard, who was dying of brain physicians report using alternative methods to assist 5 JD cancer, took a deliberative decision supported by her theirpatientsinhasteningdeath. Furthermore,allstates Georgetown University family to move from California to Oregon to utilize the that have legalized PAD provide opt-outs to accommo- Law Center, O'Neill Oregon Death with Dignity Act. Highly visible, deeply date physicians who have a conscientious objection to Institute for National and Global Health Law, personal decisions by Maynard and others have influ- PAD or simply do not wish to participate; these stat- Washington, DC. enced social and political discourse around physician- utes protect physicians against civil or criminal liability assisted dying (PAD). Although PAD broadly encom- for refusing to participate. Anna E. Roberts, LLB, passes physician-assisted suicide (PAS) (medicines MIPH prescribed specifically for the purpose of being taken Devaluing Human Life Georgetown University Law Center, O'Neill by patients to end their lives) and euthanasia (lethal As the abortion and capital punishment debates dem- Institute for National medicines administered by physicians at the patient’s onstrate, there is no consensus as to whether taking a life and Global Health Law, request), states currently only authorize the former. can ever be morally justified. Yet, demographic data from Washington, DC. the Oregon Death with Dignity Act annual report shows Constitutionality and States’ Rights that patient motivation for seeking PAD is primarily As long ago as 1997,the Supreme Court invited state ex- focused on dying with dignity,retaining self-respect, and perimentation regarding a “profound debate about the retaining a connection to the patient’s community in morality,legality,and practicality” of PAD.1 Although the their final days.6 Statutes in non-US jurisdictions often Supreme Court found no constitutional “right to die” it capture patients’ subjective experiences through crite- granted states wide scope to legislate. The Court ruled ria such as “intolerable suffering.” These laws appear to that the federal government could not prohibit physi- shift the debate from a social and political decision to a cians from prescribing controlled drugs to assist pa- personal choice. tient deaths if authorized under state law.2 This ruling led to numerous states enacting law governing end-of- Opening the Floodgate life care (Table). To narrow the group of patients eligible for PAD, all At the time the Supreme Court issued its decisions state statutes limit the practice to terminally ill adults. on PAD, Oregon was the only state to authorize the Although a diagnosis of terminal illness is complex and practice; all the rest criminalized PAD. Recently, how- uncertain, current legislation requires agreement by 2 ever, California became the fourth state to enact legis- independent physicians that the individual has a con- lation allowing PAD; Montana allows PAD through a dition that will likely result in death within 6 months. court decision. Bills are pending in nearly half the Research also suggests that PAD laws do not signifi- states in the 2015 legislative session. The debate over cantly increase rates of patients who request assis- PAD appears to be at a turning point, with public opin- tance in dying, even after PAD is legally available over ion polls across 15 countries in North America and long periods of time.6,7 Many patients who request Europe finding strong support.3 physician help in dying, moreover, do not use the prescribed medications immediately, or ever. Evidence Evaluating the Practice of PAD Since the Death with Dignity Act was enacted in Because PAD has been lawful in some countries since the 1997, only 65% of the 1327 patients who have received 1940s and in the United States since 1997,there is a body a lethal prescription have died from ingesting that of social and scientific research. Research has focused on prescription medicine.6 All state statutes empower whetherthepracticehasbeenmisusedandwhethergaps patients to change their minds at any time. These laws exist in legislative safeguards. There are multiple con- have narrow definitions of consent and capacity, and cerns with physicians assisting patients to die: incompat- specifically authorize patients to retract their consent. ibility with the physician’s role as a healer, devaluation of humanlife,coercionofvulnerableindividuals(eg,thepoor Disproportionate Access for the Poor Corresponding and disabled), and the risk that PAD will be used beyond Most patients who request PAD are well educated, Author: Lawrence O. a narrow group of terminally ill individuals. insured, and in hospice care, rather than being poor Gostin, JD, and in public hospitals.6 It is unknown whether the Georgetown University Law Center, O'Neill Incompatibility With Medical Practice Affordable Care Act might increase patient prefer- Institute for National Whether PAD is incompatible with the physician’s oath ences for hospice and other palliative care services and Global Health Law, to “do no harm” is hotly contested. The evidence sug- over PAD. Universal health coverage that includes 600 New Jersey Ave gests, however, that physicians who work closely with high-quality end-of-life care would be the most effec- NW, Washington, DC 20001 (gostin terminally ill patients are more likely to support PAD than tive way of ensuring that the poor and vulnerable are @law.georgetown.edu). their peers4; in jurisdictions where PAD is not available, not drawn to PAD for financial reasons. jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA January 19, 2016 Volume 315, Number 3 249 Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ by a Dahlgren Memorial Library-Georgetown University Medical Center User on 01/19/2016 Opinion Viewpoint Table. State Laws Authorizing Physician-Assisted Dying State, Year of Legislation Oregon, 1997 Washington, 2009 Montana, 2009a Vermont, 2009 California, 2016 Patient request 2 Oral and 1 written 2 Oral and 1 written Court found that the 2 Oral and 1 written 2 Oral and 1 written request request consent of a terminally ill, request request Waiting period 15 d between patient’s 15 d between patient’s competent adult to lethal 15 d between patient’s 15 d between oral requests second oral request and second oral request and medication protects oral requests; 48 h must (statute doesn’t specify a prescription; 48 h prescription; 48 h between physicians from liability pass between patient’s timeline for the written between written request written request and for homicide; bill has final oral request and request) and prescription prescription been put forward in the written request current legislative session Witnesses 2 Witnesses required; 2 Witnesses required; to impose rules 2 Individuals at least 18 y 2 Individuals, 1 must not 1 witness must not be a 1 witness cannot be a old and not “interested be relative, beneficiary, relative, beneficiary, relative, beneficiary, persons” attending physician, or employee of patient’s attending physician, or employee at patient’s health care facility, or employee at patient’s health care facility attending physician health care facility Capacity If either physician If either physician suspects If either physician has If the attending physician suspects psychiatric/psychological doubt whether the suspects a mental disorder, psychiatric/psychological disorder or depression, patient’s judgment is patient is referred to a disorder or depression, patient must be referred for impaired, patient must be mental health specialist; patient must be referred counseling; no prescription evaluated by a no prescription provided for counseling; no provided without psychiatrist, until the specialist clears prescription provided confirmation that the psychologist, or clinical the patient of impaired without confirmation that patient does not have social worker; no judgment due to mental the patient does not have impaired judgment prescription may be given disorder impaired judgment until capacity is established Diagnosis 2 Physicians agree death 2 Physicians agree death 2 Physicians agree death 2 Physicians agree death likely within 6 mo likely within 6 mo within 6 mo within 6 mo Opt-out Physicians may refuse to Physicians may refuse to Physicians may refuse to Physicians may refuse to participate participate participate participate a By court decision. Abuse of PAD Turning Point in Social and Ethical Thought All existing laws require safeguards against abuse. In addition to the For the first time, a 2015 poll found that more than half of physi- requirement of 2 physicians certifying
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