fiAGS BIGHTEEN Btfr Svtpttfng i^fraUi MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1964 th e Emma Nettleton Group Bloodmohile Visits State Armory Tomorrow, 10:45 a. m. to 6:3$^ of Center Congregational About Town Church will have an interna Girl Improves, tlonal supper and exhibit of PMt Matrona of Tempi* Avenge Dally NbT Preta article* frtxn other countries Driver Charged For tbs Week Ended Ckaptar, Order of B utem Star, tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in the ? ^ V The. win meet Wednaaday at S pan. Robbins Room of the church. Ohetyl Ann White. 7, of 7t4 •March 8, 1964 FereiMt el IT. at tlM hooM of Jdra. John Trot- tar, IS Dale Rd. Mrs. Bvelyn B. Middle Tpko., has been taJc- Tnrklnytoti and Mrs. Vera Ford Craig W. Phillips, son of Mr. I off the critical list at ths fSW: ItorOy eised! and Mrs. Walter Philllpa, 117 13,919 tonight and:Wednshdm'. Lew to* will ha oo-hostasaes. Members Cooper Hill St., has completed Manchester Memorial Kbspital ktombsr of tbs Audtt nnabl* to attend are reminded pledge training at the Unlver- where she was admitted lest ... Bursan of Cinulatlon Mght M to M. High W< to notify the boeteases or Mrs. eetssg . rity of North Dakota, and has Tuasday muming aftar being m Manchesier~—A City of Village Charm been initiated into Epsilon Kap­ atniek down by a ear in front pa Chapter of Sigma Nu frater­ of her home. m P 'S’- Oordon T. of 13 Plo- nity. He is a freshman at the w m --' VOL. LXXXm, NO. 142 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) naar Clrete, a freahntan, and school. Her condition today was re­ MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1964 (ClMsUlei AdvarOalag on Page 10) Kevin B. Reardon of 47 Bva Dr., ported as good, and She Is as PRICE SEVEN CENTS a senior, are on the dean’s list comfortable aa poaaible. The at the CMlage of Buainesa Ad Miss Nancy Tolf, daughter of child suffered a fractured pelvis ndnlstration of Boston College Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Tolf, and other injuriee in the acci­ tor the first semeater. 61 Teresa Rd., a freshman at dent, which occurred as she was Lawrence General Hospital ruimlng across the tumpUce to School of Nursing, Lawrence, catch her schood bus. Miaa Susan Nostrand of 48 Mass., was capped Friday night Meadow Lane and Mias Wendy Police this morning charged Stuaic of 48 Stephen St., both at ceremonies held at the Phil­ motorist. Charles B. Farren- students a t Wheelock College, lips Academy, Andover, Mass. 1 i'> kopf, 40, of Wethersfield, with Best Center Cut Darwin Confession Boston, Mass., will atng with -“ sslng a standing school bus. the Wheelock Olee Club at Jor­ David F. Looymons, son of arrenkopf has been, ordered to dan Hall, BosUm, on' Wednes­ 7"t8. Bemadine Looymoons, 141 appear hr Mancheeter’s Circuit day, April 1. - Edgerton St., recently enlisted Court 12 on March 30 for plea. in the United States Navy un­ He was driving eastbound on Our Lady of Victory Mothers der the Navy's guaranteed elec­ ths turnpike at about 8 a.m. Obola will meet Wednesday at tronics school program. He is ’Tuesday ^ morning when the t pjn. at S t Bartholomew’s presently u^ergoing recruit child ran into the road. The <%urch with the Rev. Philip training at the Naval Training Admitted by Court .rJ White child was struck by the Hussey, pastor. After the meet Center, Great Lakes, HI. left front fender of thQ Far- tag at the church the group will d- Vincent beams as his parents admire his Eagle Scout renkopf car, throwing h tr into reconvene at Qie home of Mrs. The Professional Women’s the air. Andrew lindberg, 63 Brie S t Club will meet tomorrow at 8 Vincent Gets Col. Louis Houss, Explorer advisor to the post from Charter p.m. at Center Congregational Oak Council, witnessed the ceremony. (Herald photo by Court Grants Ute Antny-Navy Auxiliary Church. Miss Lydia Akesson of Satemis.) will sponsor a card party to­ Ghana will speak. Mrs. Philip Eagle Award night a t 8 at the clUbhouee. L- 1^11,11^ i^u, I, ,JI Eknery will head a hospitality Defense Bid Forge, Pa., as a member of nature, home repairs and read­ committee. She will be assisted William Vincent, 17-year-old Troop 57 from Region 1. ing. Oofhbined Catholic Mothera by Miss Helen Carrier, Miss son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Vin­ Ctaolea will meet Wednesday at Gertrude Carrier and Miss A* part of the evening’s pro­ Robert Wilson was awarded For Riecess 8 p.m. at St. Bartholoinew’a Esther Anderson. cent Jr. of 29 Falrvlew St, and gram Dr. Harold B arrett direc­ the home repairs badge. Mc­ Cburoh, with the Rev. Philip a Junior at Manchester High tor of physical fitness for Char­ Nally was recipient of cooking, School, has achieved the high­ ter Oah Council, presented the By A. J. CHEMA8I Huaaey, pastor. St. Josephs Mothers Circle charter for Explorer Post 112 to personal il|ness, athleUcs, clU- will meet at the home of Mrs. est honor in the Boy Scouts of zenship in^the home, archery Judge Alva P. Loiselle William Rice, 190 Che.stmit St.. America — Eagle Scout The Rocco DeSimone, institutional Fast Chiefs, daughters of representative. He in turn gave and camping badges. Rothwell ruled today thst an alleged Sootla, wUl meet tomorrow at Wednesday after a meeting at presentation was made last was presented with citizenship St. Bartholomew Church at 8 night by Mrs. Vincent at a court the charter to Malcolm Wilson, confession police say Roy F. 7:46 pjn. at the home of Mrs. associate post advisor, who ex­ in the home, home repairs, nops Darwin made Dec. 8 could p.m. of awards dinner of Boy Scout Mae Troughton, 1009 Main S t plained the purpose of the post reading, soil and water conser Explorer Post 112 held at the vatlon, world brotherhood, TOP be entered into the Ando­ The Manchester Civltan Club Three J ’s Restaurant Bolton. This is one of the few specialty Airman daranca H. Stileon posts in thia region; the boys leatherwork, forestry.and ath­ ver man’s first degree mur- will meet tomorrow at 12:16 A scout for eight years, two letics badges. IV,. eon of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. p.m. at Willie’s Steak House. of which have been spent in the are studying and working with COIN OPEBATEC deF trial at Tolland County StUson m , 78 Campfleld Rd., is Talks will be given by two explorers, Vincent has been vice electronic eQuipment radios WASH-*N-DBY CLEAN Superior Ckiurt. serving aboard the anti-subma­ foreign exchange students. president of the post since its in­ and television sets. II MAPLE ST. But he threw out two al­ rine aircraft carrier USS Essex ception in 1962. The same year After the awarding of the |Aoroes From First Natloaall leged oral confessions and a presently imdergoing overhaul Lance Cpl. George E. Mag- Store Parlcteg Lot written statement made Dec. 7 in the U.S. Navy Shipyard, he was elected chairmsin of the Eagle Scout medal, Kenneth OPEN 7 1,4 r s ^Cut from young nuson Jr. of the U.S. Marine Blackledge District Cabinet Howard and Walter McNaUy while Darwin was in state po­ BrooMyn, N.Y. After overhaul, Corps, son of Mr. w d Mrs. and still holds that position. He Jr. were presented with star 16-U>. Waah—88c tender porkers! lice custody. He said that the the Essex, which normally op­ George E. Magnuson Sr. of 96 LECLERC 8-Lb. Dry Clean—§3.00 lb erates out of Quonset Point, has also been active in the Char­ scout pins, and Howard and 8 Lba. 81.28 Lsan arid m sstyl State had "failed to sustain the St.“L JohnJ i‘ St.,....................... participated- in ter Oak Council of the Boy John Rothwell were recipients FUNERAL HOME burden of proof that the state­ R.L, will Join the Atlantic simulated desert warfare, "Op­ Fleet Scouts. In 1962, he was elected of life scout awards. ment* were mgde voluntarily, eration Winter Night.’’ at the secretary of the council cabinet Various merit badges were FUNERAL A short tirn* later, after the Marine Corps Base, ’Twentynine and the next year was elected given during the court of trial hod resumed and the con­ MijMtIe Review, Woman’s Palms, Calif. Porii CudotS (TwNhrMii) 75* fession entered as evidence. BensBt AssooiaUon, will meet chairman of the cabinet a posl- awards. Vincent received flre- SERVICE 08 Uon he still fills. manship, safety, world brother­ Darwin’s lawyers called for a tomorrow nt 8 pjn. at Odd FeiL The MaUmams will meet to­ In June 1963, he was chosen as WALTER N. recess until 2, p.m. lows Has. There will be a S t hood, public health, nature, per­ near as Polk Badibrnes ( 9 ') 391 morrow at 8 p. m. at the home deelgate to Region 1 (New Eng-' sonal fitness and camping. LJOCLBRC In his ruling. Judge Loiselle Itatrtck*a Day social after the of Mn. Walter Dudek, 63 Wood land) Explorer Conference at Director said a re-enactment of the hoatasai merttag. Hostesses Howard was the recipient of your Dr., Bast Hartford. Members the University of Connecticut safety, public health, camping, 23 Main Street, Manchester Boneless PeHt Roasb 59* crime Darwin allegedly gave will be M a. Alan EUe and Mm. ere reminded to bring material In July, he will go to the Na­ Dec. 8 could also be used in the J oeegdi Ooulet cooking, citizenship in the na­ telephone for a dp-tt-yourself bonnet.
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