RESEARCH FOR EFFECTIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMMING-AFRICA (REEP-A) Year Three Annual Report Funding was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from the American people under Contract AID- OAA-TO-16-00024 81, subcontract AID-OAA-I-15-00019 The contents are the responsibility of the USAID Research for Effective Education Programming (REEP-Africa) Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. USAID will not be held responsible for any or the whole of the contents of this publication. Prepared for USAID Prepared by Dexis Consulting Group Research for Effective Education Programming – Africa (REEP-A) Contract No. AID-OAA-TO-16-00024 October 2019 ACRONYMS AFR/SD/ED Africa Bureau’s Office of Sustainable Development Education Team AREW Africa Regional Education Workshop CFA Confirmatory Factor Analyses DERP Data for Education Research and Programming in Africa EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment HDAK Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze LOI Language of Instruction RDCS Regional Development Cooperation Strategy REEP-A Research for Effective Education Programming -– Africa RTI Research Triangle Institute SEL Social and Emotional Learning SRBGV School-Related Gender-Based Violence TLLA Teacher Language and Literacy Assessment TO Task Order TOCOR Task Order Contract Officer Representative USAID United States Agency for International Development i | REEP-A YEAR 3 ANNUAL REPORT- OCTOBER 2019 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 OVERVIEW OF THE REEP-A PROGRAM 2 BACKGROUND 2 YEAR THREE ACTIVITIES 3 PROGRAMMING AND PROJECT SUPPORT 3 TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES 6 PROGRESS TOWARD OBJECTIVES (BY RESULT) 6 GENERAL TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES 6 RESULT 1: AFRICA MISSIONS STRATEGY-RELATED DATA NEEDS MET 9 RESULT 2: AVAILABILITY OF AFRICA EDUCATION DATA AND TRENDS EXPANDED 11 RESULT 3: MEASUREMENT TOOLS WITH APPLICABILITY ACROSS COUNTRIES DEVELOPED 12 CHALLENGES AND LESSONS LEARNED 15 OTHER DELIVERABLES 15 PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERABLES 16 YEAR THREE DELIVERABLES STATUS 17 ANNEX OF YEAR THREE DELIVERABLES 18 REEP-A YEAR 3 ANNUAL REPORT- OCTOBER 2019 | ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Research for Effective Education Programming – Africa (REEP-A) Task Order (TO), a contract between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Dexis Consulting Group (Dexis), was awarded on September 29, 2016 for a period of five years, ending on September 28, 2021. The main objective of REEP-A is to generate and effectively disseminate Africa regional and country specific education data, analysis, and research, to ensure the availability of evidence-based interventions that inform the prioritization of needs and education investment decisions. REEP-A activities support USAID’s 2011 Education Strategy, which set targets for 2015 for early grade reading, workforce development, and education in crisis and conflict-affected environments. To meet these goals, REEP-A activities are designed to emphasize the following three Results: Result 1: Africa Missions Strategy-Related Data Needs Met Result 2: Availability of Africa Education Data and Trends Expanded Result 3: Measurement Tools with Applicability Across Countries Developed Year 3 of REEP-A was focused heavily on Result 2 and 3 activities with the majority of tasks allocated to planning and starting various research activities. Under Result 1, REEP-A continued work on Requirement 1.2, Deliver Education Data Briefs, translating the comprehensive education data brief that provided statistics and data points on the global prevalence of School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV) into French for wider usage and dissemination. Planning and research for two activities under Deliver Mission Support for Evaluation, Assessment, and Data on Selected Priorities (Result I, Requirements 1.3-1.7) continued in Year 3 as well. The activities consisted of supporting the Rwanda Mission through the implementation of performance evaluations for two of their existing education projects, Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze (HDAK) and Soma Umenye. For the HDAK Performance Evaluation, the fieldwork was conducted, and the final report was developed and submitted during the Year. For the Soma Umenye Performance Evaluation, the fieldwork occurred in Year 3, as well as initial report writing and analysis. Research under Result 2 was largely devoted to the Language of Instruction (LOI) work stream (Requirements 2.31- 2.36) consisting of multiple research activities that explore teacher-focused language factors affecting early grade reading. A draft of the framework document (Requirement 2.31) was submitted on February 4, 2019 for further comments from the Education Office of the Economic Growth, Education and Environment bureau. Work has continued on the report to incorporate revisions, as well as the graphic design development, to produce a high quality, polished report for wide dissemination, and an updated draft was submitted on August 13, 2019 for review. Additionally, under Result 2, Requirement 2.32, Develop Relevant Country-Specific Profiles of LOI Policies, Reading Program Approaches to LOI, and Student Reading Outcomes, Dexis began drafting up to19 country profiles for sub- Saharan African countries currently implementing Goal 1 reading programs. Requirement 2.33, Delivery of an Analysis on the Relationship Between Teacher Language Proficiency and Student Reading Performance continued during Year 3. The initial findings coming out of the inclusion of 11 | REEP-A YEAR 3 ANNUAL REPORT- OCTOBER 2019 the teacher questions in the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in Uganda was put in an initial report and submitted on June 24, 2019 for review. Under Requirement 2.34, Case Study on LOI Implementation and Language Attitudes, a draft of the report was submitted to USAID on August 30, 2019, that included proposed revisions to the LOI-specific questions included in the teacher interview questionnaire with the aim to improve the reliability and content of data collected through this instrument. Additionally, work progressed under Requirement 2.35, Teacher Language and Literacy Assessment (TLLA), involving developing and administering a TLLA that will, at a minimum, assess teachers’ oral language proficiency, reading, and writing ability in the relevant LOI, as well as include an interview protocol related to language attitudes and beliefs. The final research plan and instruments were submitted on July 8, 2019 and were approved on July 12, 2019. The research priority for Result 3 in Year 3 was the continuation of work towards the Delivery of the SRGBV Measurement Framework (Requirement 3.1) as well as the work towards (Requirement 3.2) Update Status of Early Grade Reading Barometer. The development of the SRGBV Measurement Framework will yield accurate and reliable data on SRGBV that is not currently available through other research tools. Many steps have been taken to achieve this throughout Year 3, including adjusting the survey instruments, piloting the instruments in Malawi, and the conceptualization and development of the toolkit. Additional discussions and revisions continued throughout Year 3 to address the remaining survey items and toolkit improvements. Secondly, work towards Requirement 3.2, Update Status of Early Grade Reading Barometer, has progressed during Year 3 through the continuation of incorporation of the Kenya (Tusome) baseline and midline EGRAs in English and Kiswahili. This Annual Report covers FY2019, the period from September 30, 2018 through September 30, 2019. REEP-A activities during this period included project administration, planning, and technical activities across all Result and activity areas. The annual financial report ending on September 30, 2019 is attached. The REEP-A Program Manager is Stephanie Squires and the Task Order Contract Officer Representative (TOCOR) is Megnote Lezhnev. OVERVIEW OF THE REEP-A PROGRAM BACKGROUND The overarching aim of the Research for Effective Education Programming – Africa (REEP-A) project is to provide the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Africa Bureau, overseas Missions, and partner organizations, with concrete research contributions on USAID education initiatives to inform evidence-based investment, decision-making and the prioritization of needs. REEP-A will contribute to USAID’s education aims in Africa by providing technical and advisory services focused on research and capacity building, intended to enhance the quality and effectiveness of USAID activities. REEP-A will provide practical and action-oriented gender-sensitive research that will be applied to both project design and implementation. REEP-A aims to strengthen the relationships and links between project evaluation, design, and implementation. In addition, REEP-A will contribute to the capacity development of education personnel and partners by enhancing the use of research in decision-making, mainstreaming the application of feedback-loops and lessons learned into project design and implementation, and expanding the evidence and knowledge base on education initiatives. USAID’s Education Strategy, issued in 2011, has promoted the rigorous use of evidence-based REEP-A YEAR 3 ANNUAL REPORT-OCTOBER 2019 | 2 programming across the Strategy’s three education goals, in particular for the measurement of access to education and early grade reading improvements. The education goals set targets for 2015, which centered on early grade reading, workforce development, and education in crisis and conflict-affected environments. REEP-A will specifically focus on improvement
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