This Page © 2004 Connelly Communications, LLC, PO Box 592 Hampton, NH 03843- Contributed items and logos are © and ™ their respective owners Unauthorized reproduction 24 of this page or its contents for republication in whole or in part is strictly prohibited • For permission, call (603) 926-4557 • AN-Mark 9A-EVEN- Rev 12-16-2004 PAGE 24A | ATLANTIC NEWS | NOVEMBER 4, 2005 | VOL 31, NO 44 SEACOAST ENTERTAINMENT &ARTS | ATLANTICNEWS.COM . NOTES SRT HOLDS AUDITIONS FOR ‘SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ’ 11/7/05 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 WBZ-4 Dr. Phil (N) (Part 1 of News CBS The Insid- Ent. King of How I Met Two/Half Out of CSI: Miami “Felony News Late Show With Late Late PORTSMOUTH | The Seacoast (CBS) 2) (CC) News er (N) Tonight Queens Men Practice Flight” (N) (CC) (CC) David Letterman (N) Show Repertory Theatre will hold open WCVB-5 News News News ABC Wld Inside Chronicle New England Patri- NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at New England Patriots. From News (:35) auditions for their upcoming produc- (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Edition (CC) ots Pregame Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass. ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline tion of “Smokey Joe’s Café, which WCSH-6 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC 207 Maga- Seinfeld Surface “Episode 7” Las Vegas (N) ’ Medium “Judge, News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night will run from January 20 through (CBS) (CC) (CC) (CC) News zine ’ ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) (HD) (CC) Jury & Executioner” (CC) With Jay Leno (N) February 19, 2006. WHDH-7 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC Access Extra (N) Surface “Episode 7” Las Vegas (N) ’ Medium “Judge, News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News H’wood ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) (HD) (CC) Jury & Executioner” (CC) With Jay Leno (N) Parts include those for an African WUNI-27 Primer Impacto Noticias Noticiero Piel de Otoño Mu- Contra Viento y La Esposa Virgen Cristina Noticias Noticiero La Hora Derbez American male (bass, low E to F (UNI) Univisión Univisión jeres valientes. Marea Univisión Univisión above middle C); African American WMUR-9 News News News ABC Wld Ent. Chronicle Wife Swap NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at New England Patriots. From News (:35) female (mezzo soprano, belt middle (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Tonight “Heiss/Kestrel” (N) ’ Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass. ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline C to high G); white male (tenor, rock Dragon Clifford- The NewsHour With Business NH Out- World Class Trains Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge Smart NH Out- Nova “Volcano Un- BROADCAST WENH-11 and roll experienced); and white male (PBS) Tales Red Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Rpt. look (CC) ’ (CC) Vaccines; wonder drugs. (N) Travels look (CC) der the City” (N) ’ (baritone crooner). WLVI-56 My Wife My Wife Friends ’ Will & Every- Every- 7th Heaven “Soup’s Related “Sex and the News (CC) Sex and Will & Friends ’ Just ’ Those taking part in the audition (WB) and Kids and Kids Grace Raymond Raymond On” (N) (CC) Sisters” (N) the City Grace Shoot Me process are required to supply a head- WSBK-38 That ’70s That ’70s King of King of Wheel of Jeopardy! One on All of Us Girl- Half & Dr. Phil (N) (Part 1 of South South Fifth Quarter (UPN) Show ’ Show ’ Queens Queens Fortune (N) One (N) (N) (CC) friends Half (N) 2) Park Park shot and résumé, and should prepare WNRU-21 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Shop ’Til On the Pyramid Family Diagnosis Murder ’ Diagnosis Murder ’ Doc “I’ve Got a Se- It’s a Mir- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- two numbers (one up-tempo and one (PAX) gram gram You Drop Cover ’ ’ (CC) Feud ’ (CC) (CC) cret” ’ (CC) acle ’ gram gram gram ’ ballad; both should fall within the WFXT-25 News News Geraldo Malcolm- Seinfeld Simpsons Arrested Develop- Prison Break News (CC) Seinfeld Simpsons Drew Malcolm- range as requested for the role). (FOX) (CC) (CC) at Large Mid. ’ (CC) ment (N) ’ (HD) “Sleight of Hand” ’ (CC) Carey Mid. Auditions will be held on Monday, DISN Kim Proud Sister Phil So Raven So Raven Get a Clue (2002) Lindsay Lohan. (CC) Naturally Sister So Raven So Raven Phil Kim November 7 beginning at 6 p.m. at FAM Gilmore Girls ’ 7th Heaven ’ (CC) Smallville “Jitters” Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose? The 700 Club (CC) Videos Videos SRT, located at 125 Bow Street in NICK Sponge Drake Grown Phantom Oddpar Neutron Sponge Zoey 101 Full Hse. Fresh Pr. Rose Rose 3’s Co. Cosby Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Portsmouth. To schedule an audition KIDS TOON Yu Gi Oh Totally Lyoko Tn-Titans Foster Foster Grim Coden Ed, Edd Foster Cartoon Yu Gi Oh Futurama Family Birdman Inuyasha appointment, or for additional infor- TVLAND AllFamily Good AllFamily AllFamily AllFamily AllFamily Little House Griffith Sanford Good Good Happenin Cheers Night Ct. Sanford mation, call SRT at (603) 433-4793 ext. ESPN Horn Interrupt SportsCenter (Live) (HD) Monday Night Countdown Figure Skating MasterCard Skate Canada International. (Taped) SportsCenter (CC) 115. ESPN2 Bowling Bowling Holly Quite Frankly NFL Billiards Billiards Billiards Billiards Holly Frankly ESPNC ›› The Junction Boys (2002, Drama) (CC) Classic Now (N) Boxing Who’s Number 1? Seats Arliss Classic Now (CC) Boxing SRT PRESENTS SPORTS FOXSN Poker Superstars Football Sports Sports Myers Poker Superstars Best-Sports Sports Sports Best-Sports Best-Sports NESN 'TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD' Outdoors Outdoors Divers North Outdoors Outdoors Journal The RIDE Boxing SportsD ESPNews SportsD ESPNews Paid Paid CNN The Situation Room Lou Dobbs Tonight Cooper 360 Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live NewsNight With Aaron Brown (CC) Larry King Live PORTSMOUTH | "To Kill a Mock- CNNHN (4:00) Headline News Showbiz Tonight Nancy Grace Prime News Tonight Nancy Grace Showbiz Tonight Prime News Tonight ingbird," the powerful story of a man CNBC Kudlow & Company Mad Money On the Money App.: Martha Mad Money The Big Idea App.: Martha Mad Money Cyan and his children and his commitment FOXNWS The Big Story Special Report (CC) Fox Report The O’Reilly Factor Hannity & Colmes On the Record The O’Reilly Factor Special Report to what is true and good, plays from NEWS MSNBC Hardball (CC) The Abrams Report Hardball (CC) Countdown Rita Cosby Live Scarborough Tucker Carlson Countdown Magenta now through November 27 at the Sea- NECN Live at Five Right Business Right CEO Curtis NewsNg News News LateNight LateNight News coast Repertory Theatre, located at TWC Weather: Aftrn Weather: PM Edition (CC) Storm Strm Weather: Evening Edition (CC) Storm Strm Evening Edition 125 Bow Street in Portsmouth. HBO ›› Torque (2004, Action) (CC) ›››› Titanic (1997) (HD) Leonardo DiCaprio. ’ (CC) Potter ›› Meet the Fockers (2004) (CC) Real Sports (CC) Based on the 1960 novel by Pulitzer MAX (2:45) Wyatt Earp ›› I, Robot (2004) Will Smith. (CC) ›› The Grudge (2004) (CC) Spoken ››› Men in Black (1997) (CC) (:40) Spiderbabe (2003) MOVIES SHOW Of Mice and Men (:15) ›› Phantoms (1998) Peter O’Toole. Summer Olympic Games (:35) ›› Uptown Girls (2003) (:10) ››› Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) (CC) Yellow Prize-winning author Harper Lee, the classic Gregory Peck film has etched FOOD Contessa Lee Minute Minute Good Unwrap Emeril Live (N) Unwrap Unwrap Secret Secret Restaur Restaur Emeril Live itself into the consciousness of Amer- HGTV Clever Homes Weekend Land Curb House Cash At Dream House Designed Buy Me Rezoned Design House Cash At Dream HOBBY TRAVEL Fort Knox-USS Braving Waves Seas of Iceland Pacific Graveyard Stranded Stranded Anthony Bourdain Pacific Graveyard Stranded Stranded Black ican culture. It is a heart-warming drama that inspires with courage and A&E 24 ’ (CC) City Confidential Cold Case Files Weather... or Not? Gotti Gotti Airline Airline Random 1 (CC) Weather... or Not? love. Showtimes are Thursdays at DISC It Takes a Thief (N) Thunder Races Roush Racing Roush Racing Monster Garage (N) American Chopper American Chopper Roush Racing 7:30 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays HIST World Trade Center Osama’s Hideouts Modern Marvels Decoding the Past The Crusades: Crescent & the Cross (N) History-Holly Decoding the Past at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Sundays at 3 LEARNING TLC While You Were Out Martha Faith Ford. Stories of ER Trauma: Life Stories of ER Med. Mysteries Trauma: Life Stories of ER p.m. Tickets for SRT's production of AMC ›››› Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) ›› Point Break (1991, Drama) Patrick Swayze. (:45) ›› Above the Law (1988) (CC) Kick "To Kill a Mockingbird" are $22-$32, MTV TRL (iTV) ’ (CC) Video Kanye Direct Effect ’ Miss 17 Miss 17 Laguna Laguna Laguna Miss 17 Punk’d Home Beavis RealWrld ›› and may be reserved by calling the TBS Home Im Home Im Seinfeld Seinfeld Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Friends Friends Family Family Rat Race (2001) Rowan Atkinson. (CC) TNT SRT box office at (800) 639-7650 or Charmed (CC) Charmed (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Las Vegas Without a Trace The X-Files (CC) VARIETY E! Holly. Secrets Pop The Soup E! News E! News Celeb. Ooops Celeb. Ooops Celeb. Ooops Girls Girls Palms The Soup (603) 433-4472; or by visiting USA (4:30) ››› Red Dragon (2002) (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI WWE Monday Night Raw ’ (Live) (CC) (:05) › Half Past Dead (2002, Action) (CC) www.seacoastrep.org. LIFE ›› The Beneficiary Golden Golden ›› Facing the Enemy (2001) (CC) (DVS) Living With the Enemy (2005) Premiere. Will Will Golden Golden ‘ELEPHANT MAN’ AT WEST PORTSMOUTH | New Hampshire November brings ‘Misery’ to Amesbury Playhouse Theatre Project (NHTP) presents SPECIAL TO THE ATLANTIC NEWS “number one fan.” When he inquires Bernard Pomerance’s “The Elephant AMESBURY | “Misery,” based on about why he isn’t in a hospital, he Man,” directed by NHTP’s one of Stephen King’s best-selling finds that Annie is crazy, and he is Genevieve Aichele.
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