Four Ministers Ready to Resign

Four Ministers Ready to Resign

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 6-27-1967 Kabul Times (June 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 80) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (June 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 80)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1492. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , ~!iI;l~ I ",1 ( :;ctWooJd News In~B);ief\ DAC~l Jurle 26 (DPA)- EIlIl1.t ,Chlliese dIplomats, who east wa~ -and. since the Arab """ were 'llijufed ill a mob attack untrles severed diplomatic rela. on their<,.embassy m New P!llhi tlOns WIth West Germany two orr J'!!te.~61.'_new IDto Dacca Sun- years ago day ftIOm KatJlmandu on their way home Tohey were met at the airport NEW DELHI, June 26, (Reu by Hsu Chm wu deputy direc­ ter)-The AU IndIa Coml11lttee , • tor In the Chinese ForeIgn Mml of the ruling Congress Party has 'rUESDA~, P1}ICE AF 3. shy, who arrived eatller Sun voted to deprive IndIa's prmces 5 KAl3UL, JUNE 27,11967 (SARATAN 5, 1346 S H) day In a specIal plane from Pe ( ...1 ( j , \ of PI Ivy purses and pnvJleges I ..,.. "l .. I king wIth a doctor and two granted them when they merg­ " nurses ed theIr states mto mdependent A,rir~$" Jirph OK's Article 1 One diplomat had to be brou IndIa 19 years ago KABUL, June 26 (Bakbtar)­ lQrdan ;tWarn:s Of Lribg'War .1 Kosygin France Opposes Preliminary Of Marriage Law ght down on a stretcher The vote by thIs pohcy-mak The Iriformallon Department' of the Agricultlire. '.m " , KABUL, June 27, (BakhtlJr) i ~il t , 109 body stems from a rISIng Fot1ilgn MmlStry aonounCed yesl~r­ ,unlesS' Braelis Withdraw in Cuba For An Hearing On British EEC Entry -ArtIcle 1 at the draft law on OSLO June 26 (DPA)-West feeling against the pohtlclil po day ibal President of India Dr 'Aids ",inisters •• < marriage ana Olvorce was app­ BRUSSELS, June 27, (Reuter)­ German FOIelgn MIDlster Willy wer stIll WIelded by the mahar­ Zaldr HUSllln, as bls plane crossed t Unof/icial Visit rovea 0;1 yesteraay s meetll1g 01 Blandt arllved here yesterday aJas as demonstrated m last AfghaDlstan on Its way to Canadl1l UN AbilitY To Order Ceasefires France last nIght ellectlvely blocked an early opening Of nego une WOleSI Jlfgan lne me""ng on the last leg of hIS totJr of February s general elecbons sent a message of good wIll to HIS HAVANA June 2.7, (DPA)­ tlatlons on BtltaIJI:s application for membership In the European was preslaea ovef bY ur ftDal1J. ScandInaVIan countrIes Yester M aJesly Ibc Kmg S,qvlet Pre\Iller AlexeI Kosygln Com~on Market by opposIng a tolnt meeting of the Six and Loanlr, .t':resJ.Qent ot tne WaleSl day evenIng he was guest at a DependS On Finn ActiOn: Hussein arrived at Havana s Internatlon Britain until at least November Jlrgan dmner gIven by the NorwegIan ROME June 26 (OPAl -MarIne JALALABAD, Juae 26 (Bakhtarl 1 ' , al aIrport ' Jose MartI' yester her applicntlOn before the British l ne lI1eshrano J Irgah yester government Today he WIll meet authorIties near here are investigat_ -The eighth class of gradua\ell UNI'l'ED NATIONS. JUDe 27, (ComblnecJ iiiews Sei'vfces).- day The Common Market s Council at parliament goes into lis summer re day approveil the law on ISSU­ Pntne MInIster Per Borten and Ing an accldent which occurred In from Nangarbar high scbool 10 Ja­ King Hnsaeln of JflrdliD saId Monday that',: unless the Uillted Kosygm who left Kennedy Ministers which began a two-day cess ance 01 creOentlalS ana approval FOIelgn Mlmster John Lyng thick tog Saturday mght when the lalabad received their graduation Natloll$ fones the Jl':ltbdrawal of israeli tnlo~ from Arab terrl­ airport In New York aboard a session here yesterday failed to With Ihe support by the other 01 1atulcatlOn mstruments Tur-klsh passenger vessel Carade certificates yesterday tory,\tbe battle wblcb 'Iiegan June 5 will lie only the ftrst engage­ four-engine SOVIet turboprop agree on giving Brttain a prellmi four representatives Br.andt said it Ine session, wmcn was atten n1~ collided With an Italian fisH cut "therc were 48 thIS year ment III a lont war. nary hearing on her membership was a matter at courtesy and fair 4~ LONDON June 26 (DPAl­ ~ Ilyushm, was accompamed by ded by senators. was preSld­ application d.splte StrODg sUpport ness' to correspond to London s de Thousands of sharp-eyed Btl ter In a plea for Ihe reotoraUon of !estIDlan refugees the most ser hiS daughter GVIshlana LudmJla eO over by ::;enatOr ADdU! tladl The 18 metre long 33 ton cutter tor such Q procedure by flvE'J part. sire for a meeting tons spcnt a sleepless mght Sa GHAZNI, June 26 (Bakhtar)-A occupjed Jordan tertltory, Hus- 10US probll!m In the Near East" and some 20 SovIet offiCIals Uawl presloent 01 tne IVlesnrano broke In two and sank within ml ners, authoritative sources said Brondt who had arrlved in Brus turday on rooftops hIgh Iymg VIllage scbool was opened In Yousuf seln also warned the UN Gene Referrmg to the Suez Canal He was greeted at the aIrport Jlrgah mOOrs and mountams lookmg nUles Its four mon crew was res Khel VIllage Katawaz, by the rural ral Assemblr that l81lure of the and the StraIt of Tlran, Hambro But de.plte this setback some pro sels trom Oslo the last leg of a Cour by both Cuban PreSIdent Os­ grese was made in gehing the pro of Nordic countries announced that [0' flymg saucers rueo development project 10 tbe area United Nations to act ftrmlr saId tha.t tlle Il}nocent passage waldo Dorticos and PrIme MI Forty one students were enroHed Would mark the end of Us ablll- through International wateI'- redure tor examh'ling Britain s ap Norway would submit her enlry op The vlgtl was organIsed by mster FIdei Castro plication underway plication in July thc InternatIOnal Sky Scouts ty to order future ceaseflres ways was of great Importance Kosygm IS the hIghest SovIet LONDON June 26 {OPAl -Free­ KABUL June 26 (Bakhtar)­ The Six agreed that tbe new Eu ASSOCIatIOn to mark the 20th an ae demaQde4 the lInmedlate The Nepalese ambassador cal offiCIal ever to VISit Cuba ropeno Commission should prepare masons (rom a11 over the world ce The embassy of the Federal Repub­ condemnatIon of Israel as an Jed "for dIrect Aral>-IsraeII ne nlversary of Amellcan pIlot lebrnted the 250th anniversary of The duratIOn of the SovIet a substantive report dealing with Reco'fRmends Kenneth Arnold reportedly spo hc of Germany yesterday preseated aggressor and a firm demand gotlatlOns MaJor deneral Khat premIer s stay was not reveal lLC the founding o( the movement here a numbet of books to the hbrary of both the general problem of the en llDg the first nIne fly 109 saucers for the wlthdrawlil of Israeh n saId Nepal enJoyed "the best ed yesterday The function took place the Pasblo Academy \argement of the Community and behind locked doors al the Royal troops to pOSItions held June 4 relatIons With both Israel and After a greetmg by the eas speciRc problems concerning Br't Maximum Load; BONN June 26 (DPA)- King HusseJII sald Jordan had the Arhb states' He called for tern bloc dIplomats present Albert Hall KABUL June 26 (Bakhtar)­ FOR RENT taln sentry Hans Juergen W,schnewsk, complied Immediately with the lSI aell WIthdrawal but said I&­ both premIers drove off toge­ Jean Rey the newly nommated Frantisek Petruzela ambassador of Bu~et Pending West German mlntster for eco Tht>re are said to be SiX million MODERN TWO-STORY BO­ ceaseflre demand but that Israel rael had motivatIOn for her .c ther In a black flymg the president ot the European Commi8 Czechoslovakia In Kabul and Jalal nomIc cooperation and develop rrccJnllson§ in vanous countnes USE WITH FULL 4MENlTIES, had not comphed untIl It had tlOns Cuban and SovIet flags sion told the Council that he would GENEVA June 27 Reuter)- JaC the Iraqi charge de affauts, ment aId leaves today for a The most promment Bntish mem ADJACl!:NT NEW AMERICAN accomplIshed ItS obJectives lContmued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) be able to present this report to the The Internauonal Labour ("'}nfere yesterday morolDg called 00 Infor EMBASSY, ANSARI WAft. bllef vlsll to Amman to dISCUSS hers arE" PnnC'e Philip husband of He noted that lilthough the rntrusters by the end ot. September nce Monday aJopted a I u.: :>rnnl n matlon and Culture M miSter AR JOHNSON CONTA:CT' DR FAIZI SKAN­ [Ut ther aId measures to Jordan Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke record of the Isr.ileli army s be Rey said he would have preler datlC'n thai the maxImo \\t cht to Benawa DAR, JADI TEMOOR SIIAJII, ThIS IS the first call by a mem uf Kent who tomorrow Will be elect (Continued from pCl{/e 1) havlour had not been compIled • red to have bad prelimmary con b carned by an ac.J:.J1t male \VOl ker MAIN POST OFFlClj: Riad Alleges Extermination ed Grand Master o( the Umted Kosygin Sald thaI be bad also NEAR It was already clear that they lacts With the British belore pre exc"~o c ber of the Bonn government on KABUL June 26 (Bal<htarr.­ Just wlult our purposes and p0­ should not 5 kdo"i I J an Grand Lodge o( England hlld useful talks With Secretary-Ge.

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