Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-1-1923 Bee Gee News October, 1923 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October, 1923" (1923). BG News (Student Newspaper). 35. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/35 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ■*"ff HilW —-■!, ■'.... .■ 1» " T ■■■^■■■^■■■■^i ■■ V i D 5TATE COLUsG|b BEE GEE NEWS Vol.5 BOWLING GREEN, O., OCTOBER 1923 No. 1 HOME COMING DAY FACULTY ENLARGED Extensive Preparations Under Way. The college faculty increased by 14 new people, I 10 for new positions and four to fill vacancies caused by resignations: One of the biggest events in the history of Stella M. Allen Bowling Green College will be tile Home-Coming Mathematics. Day, November 10. Prof. O. P. Clutts and Donnal Glegborn, la. A. B., Iowa University; A. M., V. Smith, the men in charge of general affairs, are Columbia University; Teacher of Mathematics in •4 leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to make high schools; instructor in Mathematics, Mason City the day a phenomenal success. Junior College; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, A program of activities for this day is now Rock ford College. almost complete. It is of such a character as to Hazel Fitzgerald make the day one long to be remembered by all who Stenography. are privileged to witness it. Springfield, O. A. B. and A. M., Wittenberg The program contains as some of the major College; Commercial Training in Springfield Busi- attractions the following: ness College and in Bliss Business College, Colum- bus, Ohio. Teacher of academic subjects in ele- Friday, November 9—8:00 P. M. mentary and Junior high schools; teacher of Stenog- The drama class, under the direction of Miss raphy, Typing, and related subjects in senior high McCain, will produce Booth Tarkington's "Seven- school, Springfield, Ohio. teen". This group is one of the first amateur Marion Hall groups to produce this work. Miss McCain has Music. charge of the seat sale and all persons ou'side the Glens Halls, N. Y. Graduate, Crane Normal Khool wishing reservations may make them by Institute of Music, Potsdam, N. Y. Instructor, State writing to Miss McCain. Normal School, Vermont; Supervisor of Music, Saturday, November 10—9:00 A. M. Greensboro, N. C, City Schools. "Get-Together" Rally in auditorium. At this Clyde Hissong meeting the registration of visitors will take place Director, Training School. and an outline of the day's events given. Oxford, Ohio. A. B., Miami University. Assist- Prof. Tunnicliffe, chairman of the program com- ant Superintendent of Schools, Butler county, Ohio. mittee, is planning a real, live program, one you E. G. Knepper cannot afford to miss. Commercial Education. 12:00 Noon. Columbus, Ohio. A. B. and B. S., Ohio State A parade will start from the Administration University; Graduate Student, John Hopkins and Building and go down town. Prof. C. J. Biery, chair- Chicago Universities Principal and Superintendent man of the parade committee, reports that plans of public schools; banking experience, Kokomo, are well under way for an elaborate parade. The Ind.; head of Teacher-Training- Department, Bliss parade will be composed of floats from various or- Business College since 1921. ganizations in college and of decorated autos of th? R. B. McCandless local townspeople, many of whom are already Physical Education. planning a decoration for their cars. University PI., Neb., A. B., Nebraska Wesleyan 1:30 P. M. University. Teacher and A'hletic Coach in high Following the parade there will be held the schools. Athletic Officer, 111th M. G. Bn.; Athletic dedication of the new athletic field. The dedication address will be delivered by some important per- (Continued on page three) sonage and will set apart a ploi of ground which will be known as The College Field tor all time to HOME-COMIXG FLAY come. The Drama class, under the direction of Miss 2:30 P. M. McCain, wi.l produce, for the Home-Coming play, Ait this hour the event of the day will take place I.ooth Tarkington's "Seventeen". when the Orange and Brown clash with Ashland. Miss McCain wishes also to announce that, Mft Coach McCandless makes no ra3h promises as t> since this play is primarily for the entertainment the outcome of this ba'tlo but he prom'ses that if cf former students and alumni who will be in fight and spirit can win, old Bee Gee is sure of a Bowling Green for Home-Coming Day, the seat sale big victory. for students will not begin until the people outside 4:00 P. M. Cf school are cared for. Anyone desiring reservations Immediately following the game will Le a snake may make them by writing or speaking to Miss dance led by the cheerleaders. The dame will gj McCain on or bpfore November 7th. Anyone in €flfiege, having friends outside, would do them a (Continued on page two) service if thev would inform them of these facts. • • . • « • • • _ • • • ■' • ••••• • • _•••••• • • • •• • • . ■ •• ;•»•• • •• • ••«••• ••••••••• • • •• • • •• ••• • • •» • • .•■ •• •• • • • ••• • • • • •••••••••• • • •• • ••• • ••• • • ••••••• • . • • » ••• ••••••••• • • • • •• «•*••••••••• • • • • . « • ••••• • •••• , , • • '• •• • • •' *•• •BEE•t?T•?E,N>;^\'^• HOME-COMING DAY SOME DAY "Some day, we say, we'll greet our friend, (Continued from page one) Or find some way to meet that friend; Some day's the day we miss, some how, Let's meet and greet our good friends now." down Court to Main, down Main to Wooster, and —E. R. Pierce. down East Wooster to the college. You, who are graduated and out in the world, After returning to the college from the snake do you ever pause in your work for a moment and ilance a huge Bon-Fire and Sing will be held in the recall those good old times you used to have in * rear of tlrs Science Building. At this time Coach college? Don't you ever miss those old pals? Don't, McCandless will say a few words to the former their friendly voices, their smiles, ever come back students. to you? If they don't, then you are missing one of 8:15 P. M. the sweetest moments life can hold for you. These A party of students, alumni and former students are the pearls which form a Rosary of Memories. will be held. The party is being planned by the When you count these pearls over, one by one, don't social committee and will be by far the best of the you ever wonder where this old friend is, or what year. All alumni, former students and friends will has become of that one? Such moments of retro- get admittance cards for the party at the Get-Togeth- spection recall to mind how dear those old friend- er Mooting in the auditorium or later from the social ships really are. Then you remember how long it committee. has been since you have seen them all, how long S Tiiis is a general outline of a few of the plans since you have even heard from them;—a feeling for the day. Everything that the people in Bee Gee of loneliness comes with the realization that these can da to make this Home-Coming one for former old friends are slipping away. Day by day goes by students is being dene. It is estimated that from into that eternity from whence it can never be live to eight thousand people will be on hand for recalled. Those same days make up a lifetime of ihe game and party on Saturday night. Every for- living and presently, all too soon, a lifetime has mer student should feel welcome and want to come almost gone. What about those old friends then? because this day is his day—your college welcomes Many will be gone forever, some will be in far off you. lands, and you will be alone. Then will come your If there is anyone wishing information regard- regrets, then you will wish that you had seen them ing Ho-ne-Coming Day; anyone desiring to make before it was too late. reservations for this day; if you want more details Every opportunity should be taken to see those I simply write to the Home-Coming Information Bu- old and dear friends. In anticipation of your desire reau, ot which Miss Helen Hobart has charge, or to renew old friendships and contract new ones, write directly to Donnal V. Smith and your requests there is established at old Bee Gee an Annual will be taken care of. Home-Coming. This year it will be held on Novem- If you want a good time with five or six thou- ber 10. On this date hundreds and hundreds of sand Bee Gee friends, come back November 10. We alumni and former students will come back to their lock for you. alma mater, back to clasp, once again, the hand of Home-Coming Committees. an old friend. Some of these people who come back D;nnal V. Smith, Pres. Win-One Club, Chairman-at- will be looking for you, wondering about you, miss- large. ing you and caring for you. Can't you see that for Prof. O. P. Clutts, Faculty Advisor. the good of your own heart and for the bit of cheer Prof. R. M. Tunnicliffe, Chairman of Program Com. you may bring to an old friend you should avail C.
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