s 8 114th Year, No. 4 St. Johns, Michigan — Wednesday, May 28, 1969 2 SECTIONS-so PAGES 15 cents 1 Estimated water bills prompt citizen outcry 8 'We don't like it,' • • • • • • commission told ROGER FEEMAN The 1969 - 70 budget water a three-figure amount he would County favors 1-69 problems and a sewer replace­ expect as much time to pay as Feeman ment were the major topics con­ the city has used in their billing sidered by the St. Johns City practices. route south of Bath Commission Monday night, and , *I don't see any excuse for not new rural these Items were capped with a reading water meters," Dr Clinton County Supervisors will go on record next Wednes­ sprinkling of more or less Wohlers stated. "I want to pay day night as favoring the southernmost of two proposed routes routine matters. my bill. I'm not kicking about for Interstate 69 across Bath Township. principal The regular session sprang a high water bill; I'm complain­ A hearing on the alternate routes for the Interstate highway to life Immediately after the ing about too low an estimate.'' is scheduled for 8 p.m. next Wednesday at Bath High School. Roger Feeman, a St. Johns formal opening procedures were He went on to question the 1-69 will intersect with US-127 in DeWitt Township and run east junior high science teacher for completed when Dr Robert commission by repeating the to eventually hook up with the limited access portion of M-78 the past nine years, has been Wohlers tore into the city's re­ question, "Are the men really east of Perry in Shiawassee County. named principal for the three cent decision to issue estimated working?" There are two major proposed routes, Clinton supervisors neighborhood schools in the water bills. The comments on estimated were told Monday. One would carry the highway north of the southern part of the St. Johns Dr Wohlers warned the com­ water billings followed opening Bath community, with overpasses at Chandler and Upton roads. School District. mission there was no excuse for remarks by Mrs Jeanne Rand The other route would take the highway south of Bath, with over­ The appointment was made by estimated bills and if at a future who explained she had received passes at Chandler, Webster (Park Lake Road) and Upton. the board of education last time he should receive a bill in several calls criticizing the Gerald Shepard, supervisor from District 11 (Bath Town­ Wednesday night. practice of billing from esti­ ship), said most of the feeling in his area was that the south­ Feeman replaces Gordon MONUMENT CEMETERY mated readings, ernmost route of the two would be best. The highway will just Vandemark who recently was City park about split Bath Township in two, and Shepard said he felt the promoted to principal at the new DURING THE discussion which three overpasses would be better for the sake of transportation high school. He (Feeman) will resulted from Dr Wohler's com­ within the township than the two overpasses provided by the have charge over East Olive, ments, City Manager Harvey proposed northern route- Olive Center and Riley Neigh­ Memorial tributes board Weatherwax explained to the The county board passed a resolution favoring the route south borhood Elementary Schools. commission reasons for the es­ of the Bath community and authorized its land use committee Feeman graduated from Lan­ set up timates which were implemented to attend the hearing next week to express the county's views. sing Eastern High School and at­ by vote of the commission. The tended Central Michigan Univer­ planned here Friday The establishment of a park vote resulted from the neces­ sity, where he earned h,is, 'board fof'tKe City of,S&,r Johns sity of calling men off what was bachejor of- scietice->degree. He A was given a' concerned approval considered more important jobs was awarded his master of arts Traditional Memorial Day services will be held In St. Johns this Friday morning to read meters, and the com­ as local'groups and individuals pay'tribute to tha dead. The major activity-will again by the city" commission Monday DeWitt voters recall degree in administration this past night following submission of the mission felt that one more es­ winter at Michigan State Uni­ be a. parade'through the downtown area, from there winding its way to MURest Ceme­ timate would be expedient. tery on the northeast side of town. - recommendation by City Man­ versity. Weatherwax explained to the Feeman is a member of the Edwin T. Stiles Post 153, American Legion, will have general supervision of the ager Harvey Weatherwax, According to Weather wax's commission that he is currently Supervisor Nelson National Education Assn., Mich­ parade this year, according to Commander Larry Karber. Sonny Cornwell will be parade preparing a trio of proposals igan Education Assn. and the St. marshal. proposal, aboard of seven mem­ bers, three of whom will be city for their consideration to pre­ DeWITT — DeWitt Townsjiip day morning. The parade will form at 9:30 a.m. Friday at the corner of Clinton Avenue and clude further estimated water Supervisor Reginald Nelson has The pro-recall forces won in Railroad Street and will move out at 10 o'clock. The parade route will be up Clinton officials, will be charged with the New coach principal responsibility of im­ billings. been recalled from'his post on each of the township's five pre­ Doug Japinga has been ap­ Avenue to State Street in front of the courthouse, then east to US-27, north on the high­ a vote Monday by about 30 per cincts and among absentee way to Steel Street north of the viaduct and thence east to the cemetery. plementing park related im­ A public hearing on the 1969- pointed head varsity basket­ provement projects and advising 70 budget produced no extended cent of the registered voters in voters. Here's the precinct-by- Rev Joseph Labiak of St. Joseph Catholic Church will present the Memorial Day the township. ball coach at St. Johns High. the commission on park pro­ discussion and after a brief time precinct results: Details on Page 15-A. address at the cemetery. All local patriotic organizations will take part in a ceremony cedures. speculating on the possibilities Some 891 persons voted yes Precinct 1, 353 yes, 60 no; of placing wreaths at the foot of the monument. of funding new equipment for for the recall, and 324 voted no. precinct 2, 77 yes, 54 no; pre­ Cornwell said all organizations—adult and youth—are invited to participate in The establishment oftheboard Johns Education Assn. He has clearly stipulated that the mem­ street maintenance the budget Nelson will be out of office cinct 3, 183 yes, 94 no; pre­ been serving the last year as the parade. The high school band will march and play at the head of the parade and local was approved. upon certification of the vote by cinct 4, 108 yes, 43 no; pre­ auto dealers will provide cars for members of the patriotic organizations. bers would carry no authority president of the local group and over administrative .practices Provisions of the budget, which the Clinton County Canvassing cinct 5, 147 yes, 67 no; absent only a couple of weeks ago was now held by the commission or Commissioner Charles Coletta Board. Just what the procedure voter counting board, 23 yes, reelected to another term. He city manager norwould they have termed "impossible to live with," will be then for filling the vacancy 6 no. said he plans to resign from that any jurisdiction over municipal allow expenditures of $650,326 was an unknown factor yetTues- Petitioners who forced the post June 11. Westphalia Ovid plans employees. Theirs would be an for the general fund and $322,- election charged that Nelson had Feeman has been on the con­ P-W, Fowler advisory existence along with 350 for the water fund. The com­ unfairly assessed properties in tract negotiating team for the supervision of citizen groups plete package amounted to $972,- the township "beyond a reason­ SJEA. He served as varsity Memorial Day wishing to assist in general park 679. able rate and without the use of wrestling coach from 1959 set millage park opens upkeep. The third major item on the sound judgment." Nelson claimed through 1967. observance Named to the board were Dr agenda was the acceptance of bids property should be valued on its He is also active in the St. Voters in the Pewamo-West- for the replacement of sewer potential worth and not according phalia district will be asked to James Grost, Harvey Weather- Johns Jaycees, serving in all the on Friday OVID—Memorial Day obser­ wax, Robert Langlois, Lester lines along Lincolnshire Drive, to its current use. offices on the board of directors. approve 13 mills when they go to vances at Ovid this Fridayiwill Of three bids submitted, the com­ The DeWitt supervisor had the polls June 9. The millage Lake, Ed Schmitt, Red Lundy, He was city co-chairman for the WESTPHALIA — The West­ take the form of a parade and a and Kurt Becker. All of the mission approved tentative ac­ been under fire since prior to oral polio vaccine clinics in St. will be an increase of three mills phalia Jaycees will stage their , short program at Maple Grove ceptance of that placed by In­ board of review time concern­ over last year. appointments outside those of Johns in 1965 and has been on annual Memorial Day ParkOpen- Cemetery.
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