NEW RECORDS OF RUST FUNGI OF TREES AND SHRUBS FROM UZBEKISTAN Mustafaev Ilyor Muradullaevich, the laboratory of mycology and algology, researcher Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Iminova Malika Mashrabovna, Ph D., Institute of Botany, the laboratory of mycology and algology, Sherkulova Jamila Payanovna, Ph D., Karshi State University, the Faculty of Biology, Xolmurodova Tutigul Nafasovna, Ph D., Institute of Botany, the laboratory of mycology and algology, Teshaboeva Shaxnoza Arabovna, researcher, Institute of Botany, the laboratory of mycology and algology NEW RECORDS OF RUST FUNGI OF TREES AND SHRUBS FROM UZBEKISTAN Abstract: The paper contains preliminary results of rust fungal research conducted during 2015–2018 years in Nuratau, Boysun and Turkistan mountain ranges in Uzbekistan. During our study, rusted and non-rusted specimens were collected and we identified 13 species of rust fungi and 18 host plant species from the study area. The rust species belong to 5 genera and 4 families. Among the studied taxa, Puccinia rhamni Kuprev. on Rhamnus coriaceae (Regel) Kom. is newly reported for rust mycobiota of Uzbekistan. Keywords: Nuratau, Boysun and Turkistan mountain ranges, Rust fungi, Basidiomycota, Pucciniales, new re- cords, host plants. Introduction Among the a lot of fungal pathogens of plant diseases, rust in paper bags and were deposited in Tashkent mycological fungi are very widespread and often, under favorable condi- herbarium (TASM) of the Institute of Botany (IB). The main tions can be cause severe damage to many herbaceous, shrub- method of identifying the species of fungi was light micros- by and woody plants, which leads to decrease the productivity copy, carried out according to standard procedures. Measure- of them, as well as to the loss of decorative qualities [1; 3]. ments were made from slide stained preparations observed Currently, around 7,000 rust fungi from 168 genus dis- under the Motic BA 410 light microscope in the laboratory tributed in the world, more than half of them belong to the of Mycology and algalogy of the IB. Species identification was genus Puccinia [2; 4]. performed according to Kuprevich [4, 5–308], Ulyanischev At the moment, more than 261 species of rust fungi have [5, 5–324], Ramazanova et al. [3, 17–190], Minkevicius [6, been recorded on the territory of Uzbekistan. They are regis- 8–270], Azbukina [7, 1–615]. Fungal names are given in ac- tered on 511 species of host plants belonging to 43 families cording with www.mycobank.org [8]. Host plants are given of vascular plants [3; 5]. with www.theplantlist.org. [9]. Materials and methods Results The material for the present study was samples of the 13 species of rust fungi (Pucciniales) of trees and shrubs herbarium of affected plants harvested on the territory of were reported from Boysun, Nuratau and Turkiston mauntain the Nuratau, Boysun and Turkistan mauntain ranges. Dur- ranges from 2015 to 2018. The rust species belong to 5 genera ing the intensive study of rust fungi samples were collected and 4 families (Table 1). Among the rusts recorded, Gym- from various woody and shruby host plants in 2015–2018 nosporangium (3 species), Phragmidium (4 species), Puccinia from the study area. Samples were dried at room temperature (3 species), Melampsora (2 species), Tranzschelia (1 species). 19 Section 1. Biology Table 1. – Taxonomic analysis of rust fungi of trees and shrubs Class Order Family Genus Num. of species Gymnosporangium 3 Pucciniaceae Puccinia 3 Puccinio- Pucciniales Phragmidiaceae Phragmidium 4 mycetes Melampsoraceae Melampsora 2 Uropyxidaceae Tranzschelia 1 1 1 4 5 13 From the facts in (Table 1), it can be seen that the largest mountian, village Omonkhona, 13.05.2016., on Rosa sp. Boy- number of species of rust fungi of tree and shrub species be- sun mountian, village Machay, 26.08.2016. longs to the genus Phragmidium, Gymnosporangium, Puccinia. Phragmidium kamtschatkae (H. W. Anderson) Arthur & List of 13 species of rust fungi from study area Puc- Cummins on Rosa ecae Aitch. Boysun mountian, Qizil-naur ciniaceae village, 14.05.2016, Rosa maracandica Bunge, Boysun mount- Gymnosporangium Hedw. ian, Omonkhona village, 15.05.2016. Turkiston mountain, Gymnosporangium fuscum DC. on Pyrus korschinskyi Litv., Zaamin national nature park, Uriklisoy, 26.05.2018. Boysun mountians, village Kyzyl-naur, May 14, 2016, on Pyrus Phragmidium bulbosum Ann. on Rubus caesius L. Nuratau communis L. Boysun mountians, village Machay, 26.08.2016. mountain, Hayatsoy, 15.07.2017 The fungus affects leaves ofPyrus spp. Phragmidium tuberculatum Jul. Müll. on Rosa cani- Gymnosporangium confusum Plowr. On Crataegus pseu- na L. Boysun mountian, village Machay, Gurbulok tract, doheterophylla Pojark., Boysun mountian, Machay village, 11.08.2015, Nuratau mountain, Hayatsoy, 16.07.2016, 11.08.2015. This fungus affects leaves, branches and fruits of Turkiston mountain, Zaamin national nature park, Uriklisoy, the species of Crataegus L. 26.07.2018. Note: This fungus is widespread on the territory of the Melampsoraceae Boysun forestry and it is the main pathogenic of Crataegus L. Melampsora Castagne Gymnosporangium fusisporum E. Fisch. on Cotoneaster sp., Melampsora laricis-tremulae Kleb. On Populus alba L., Boysun mountian, village Kyzyl-naur, 14.05.2016. Turkiston Boysun mountian, Darband village, 11.08.2015. This fungus mountain, Irg`aylisoy, 26.07.2018. The fungus affects the affects the leaves. leaves and fruits of Cotoneaster species. It is widely distributed Melampsora caprearum Thüm onSalix alba L. Boysun in Boysun and Turkistan mountain ranges. mountian, village Machay, Gurbulok tract, 11.08.2015, vil- Puccinia Pers. lage Machay, Gurbulok tract, 26.08.2016, Boysun mountian, Puccinia longirostris Kom. on Lonicera sp. Boysun village Kyzyl-naur, 14.05.2016, Turkiston mountain, Zaamin mountian, village Omonkhona, 13.08.2015, Turkiston national nature park, Uriklisoy, 26.07.2018. mountain, Uriklisoy, 27.05.2018, on Lonicera humilis Kar. This fungus affects the leaves. & Kir., Boysun mountian, Machay village, Gurbulok tract, Uropyxidaceae 11.08.2015. The fungus infects the leaves and fruits of the Tranzschelia Arth. species Lonicera L. Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Pers.) Dietel on Amygdalus Puccinia pygmae Eriks. on Berberis integerrima Bunge, bucharica Korsh. Nuratau mountain, Hayatsoy, 27.07.2016, Turkiston mountain, Uriklisoy, 25.05.2018. on Berberis ob- Boysun mountian, village Machay, Gurbulok tract, 11.08.2015. longa, Turkiston mountain, Irg`aylisoy, 25.05.2018. The fun- The fungus affects the leaves. gus infects the leaves of the species Berberis L. It is known, that rust fungi are found almost on all con- Puccinia rhamni Kuprev. On Rhamnus coriaceae (Regel) tinents, almost everywhere, where vascular plants grow. The Kom. Boysun mountian, village Omonkhona, 13.05.2016. distribution of rust fungi in the families of vascular plants is Note: Puccinia rhamni is newly reported for rust myco- uneven. Rust fungi were discovered on 18 species of vascular biota of Uzbekistan and Rhamnus coriaceae is recorded as a plants, belonging to 5 families and 11 genera. The host families new host plant for this fungus. with the greatest number of rust species were Rosaceae with 8 Phragmidiaceae species (61.5%), Salicaceae with 2 species (15.4%) represent- Phragmidium Link. ing 75,9% of all rust species present in the study area (Tab. 2). Phragmidium mucronatumWallr. On Rosa canina The highest number of rust species is reported in the genus L. Nuratau mountain, Hayatsoy, May 19, 2015, Boysun Rosa L. 20 NEW RECORDS OF RUST FUNGI OF TREES AND SHRUBS FROM UZBEKISTAN Table 1. – Distribution of rust fungi by families of host plants Family of host plants Rust genera Total Caprifoliaceae Rosaceae Rhamnaceae Salicaceae Berberidaceae Gymnosporangium 3 3 Puccinia 1 1 1 3 Phragmidium 4 4 Melampsora 2 2 Tranzschelia 1 1 Total: 5 1 8 1 2 1 13 Thus, in Nuratau, Boysun and Turkiston mauntain ranges Acknowledgments on trees and shrubs were recorded 13 species of rust fungi. From This work was supported by Committee for coordination them Puccinia rhamni is recorded as a new species for mycobiota science and technology development under the Cabinet of of Uzbekistan and Rhamnuscoriaceae is recorded as a new host Ministers of Uzbekistan (Project No. PZ-2014–0830174425) plant. In the analysis of rust fungi relationship with host plants, and Ministry of innovation development of Uzbekistan (Proj- it is revealed that they parasitize on 18 species of vascular plants ect No. PZ-2017–0921183). The first autor thanks to Tur- belonging to 4 families. More than half to the rust species found ginov O. T. and Beshko N. Yu. staffs of Central Herbarium in the area live on host species belonging to Rosaceae. (TASH) at the Institute of Botany, Uzbek Academy of Sci- Herbarium materials are persisting in the mycological ences for identification of some host plants. collection of the Institute of the Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. References: 1. Kuprevich V. F., Ulyanischev V. I. Key to rust fungi of the USSR: – Nauka I Tekhnika Publ., – Minsk: 1975. – P. 1–336. [In Russian]. 2. Ulyanischev V. I. Key to rust fungi of the USSR: – Nauka Publ., Leningrad: 1978. – P. 1–384. [In Russian]. 3. Mohanan C. Rust fungi of kerala, India: Kerala Forest Research Institute, 2010. – 148 p. 4. Ramazanova S. S., Fayzyeva F. X., Sagdullaeva M. Sh., Kirgizbaeva X. M., Gaponenko N. I. Flora of fungi of Uzbekistan (Vol. III. Rust fungi): – Fan Publ., Tashkent: 1986. – P. 1–229. [In Russian]. 5. Minkevičius A. Y. Key to rust fungi of the Lithuanian SSR: – Mokslas Publ., Vilnyus: 1984. – P. 1–273. [In Russian]. 6. Azbukina Z. M. Lower plants, fungi and mosses of the Russian Far East: The rust fungi, 5: – Dalnauka Publ., – Vladivostok: 2005. – P. 1–615. [In Russian]. 7. URL: http://www.mycobank.org 8. URL: http://www.theplantlist.org 21.
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