m The Pews «rf All 12 Pages Today,., The Township parting News, Page VOL. VII, NO, 27 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1925 PRICE THREE CENTS Four Small Boys Play Part Of Tax Refbnn' Ifrged By- The Vets May@r Pushing Move "The Spoilers," Using Sledge High School? Ready For Opening Europe Doesn't Look Newark Man In Tal To Provide Better To Demolish New Sidewalk For U. S. To Enter Stepjfot F. M. Shaw, 546 Linden avenue, Wednesday? To'Represent One has' complained to the police that At Rotary Luncheon Ex-service men of the town Crossing Protection four youngsters, Ray and Billy Dey, League, Says Boehm are ready to open their mer- Sonny Wadley, and Leo Brady, pro- Finest School Buildings In Stale Claims Jersey Is Losing Indus- chants' bazaar tonight with a Conditions Throughout Town- cured a crowbar and sledge hammer Gained Opinion From Talks At bans- The fact that each art- and set about to demolish his new Additional Accommodation At Several Schools For Increase In tries By Old Fashioned icle on display at the various ship Subject of Letters Sent sidewalk. The complaint -was filed Enrollment; Portable Buildings At Number One and Geneva With Einstein and Methods That Allows booths in the yard of School To F. D. David, One through Officer Rudy Sinionsen. Other World Notables No. 1 on School street has been Linden avenue is at the present Iselira, While Last Vacant Room Will Be Occu- Land To Be Idle purchased from a local mer- Of R. R. Officials time being paved and new sidewalks pied At Port Reading and Colonia In Classroom chant is an innovation for are being laid. It is supposed that Wooilferidge carnivals and has GIVES "BETTER" METHOD WANTS GATE AT AVENEL the boy, if they are the guilty ones, Woodbridge Township Schools will reopen for the Fall TELLS OF SWISS CITY popularized the veterans not used implements belonging to the only with the business men of contractor. term next Wednesday, September 9th. Strenuous efforts have town but with, a great many been made by, the architects, Aylin Pierson and J. K. Jensen, Says It Offers Attractions Would Have All Taxes Applied other thoughtful citizens who But David Feels Crossing There ; Beyond Those of Paris But Against Site Value Of Land have believed that a carnival Is Safer With Only Watch- the general contractor, Michael Riesz, ably assisted by the sub- And Exclude Personal of the strictly ''home-grown" Tells Reason For contractors and supervised by the building committee, Chair- With Not As Much variety would prove -a fine; man; Gels Fires Ball Team Hilarity Items drawing card. Such Contention man Mr. M. P. Dunigan, to have the new addition to the This is the first attempt of Barron Avenue High School in readiness for the initial enroll- Alfred N. Chandler, chairman of the Legion to engineer an af- Grade crossing conditions through- Affer.Sipky's Debacle i . —-— ment. Some outside work will necessarily have to be left foi the Manufacturers and Merchants' fair for the benefit of its own out the township have for the past [Readers of the Independent Taxation 'League, with headquarters treasury, all other events by year and a half been the subject of aNew Faces To Appear In W. A. completion later on. will no doubt find muck of in- in Newark, presented a radically new the club having been run off campaign waged by Mayor Neuberg, C. Lineup That Will Face The new auditorium, with its fine balcony, will accommo terest in the following article, for the benefit of some civic backed by the township committee, to written especially for the paper and interesting idea on the subject date eight hundred seventy-five peo- by C. H. Boehro, high school of taxation, in an address before the enterprise such as to meet the ! induce the 'Pennsylvania Railroad to Carteret F. C. In Second offices of Supervising Principal of expenses of the Memorial Day (introduce better and more trust- j pie comfortably, • each seat having a faculty member who returned Eotary Club at its luncheon yester- Game This Sunday jjful l view of the whole stageg,, which Schools. day. According to Mr. Chandler, exercises and similar things. j worthy safeguards at crossings with Second Floor: Library, art room, last week from a tour of Eu- But to keep the club alive and I the end in view of eventually abol- ! extends across almost the whole rope. During his stay on the our present form of taxation is not Taking ai cue from the recent ac- width of the west' end of the room. six regular class rooms, chemistry only obsolete but unjust. He be- able to take an active part in jishing all such crossings by elevating room, physics room, science lecture Continent Mr. Boehm spent two affairs of the township it is jthe tracks through town. tion of Miller Huggins in suspending The Lee Lash Studios, of New York, weeks attending classes in In- lieves that the present system should 1 Babe Ruth for not "producing," supplied curtains and necessary fit- room, dark room, chemical supply be "replaced by one in which there necessary that the ex-dough- The efforts of, the Mayor, who has room, two study rooms, boys' toilets, ternational Relations at Geneva, boys and gobs have a little Manager Hugo Geis threw a bomb- tings, which are the equal of any high the Swiss city; famed as a seat would be no taxation of personal j continually called to the railroad's shell into the ranks of the Wood- school of its size in the State. Every girls' toilets. property—-revenue to be derived en- money in the "old tobacco box." '• attention the accidents and near ac- Auditorium: Seating 875 people, of learning. While there he Hence there is every reason to bridge A. C. last Sunday afternoon alternate seat in the center block of had opportunity to talk with tirely by taxing land on its site value. i cidents. at the various crossings, re- by firing five of the players. Theseats has been fitted with a movable with the usual anterooms, cloak believe that the public will re- j suited some time ago in the installa- room, completely furnished stage, Professor Einstein and other In sense the following is what Mr. spond generously tonight and bomb was fired immediately after a tablet-arm bracket, so that two hun- notables of world-wide fame, Chandler said: tion of electric signal devices to ap- game against the Landings in New dred students may use the auditorium moving picture booth and retiring tomorrow. t?he watchmen at Main and discussing with them many It is against all dictates of justice praise Brunswick in which the locals put up as a study hall, if desired, thus pro- rooms. Dancing in the fire house, Green re t OSS 3 h a Gymnasium for physical training questions of importance and in- and the best interests of. the State iproach of t ins The se°two cr Ss-i! a miserablmiserablee exhibitioexhibitionn anandd werejviding for future growth" in enroll- terest and obtaining, in that that one man shall be taxed more for with a prize Charleston each |P a ( and with fine basketball court. putting land to use than ianother night, is to be a feature. Wm. ling s had.. bee n particularl.y dangerous I beaten 11-0, being held to a single ment. Separate manual training shop with way, the composite viewpoint man is taxed for holding similar land Treen i and his committee point j due to the heavy volume of traffic hit. The old auditorium, which could fine equipment. of recognized authorities on out that the dancing will be According to Geis his team has only accommodate about one-third of several subjects in which he was out of use. Yet, in defiance of this over them and to the fact that the shown to poorer advantage than It is planned by the Board of Worth while watching, even to j watchmen were denied a clear view j i the students, has been transformed Education to set aside a special eve- interested. .axiomatic truth, and fundamental a person who doesn't care to Sunday's contest. He attributes j into two rooms, one for art work, On Monday the sixth session economic principle, legislators con- i of the track by the presence of a long | fact o: ning for the inspection of the build- engage in the more or less j one to be used as a study-library, and ing by the taxpayers, the date to be of the League of Nations will tinue to impose taxes on those who gentle art of tripping the light I the remainder of the space as part of convene at Geneva. Boehm, put land to use for; factories, farms fantastic. For ^ such as these ' a central light shaft extending from announced later. In all probability and homes and who thereby upbuild | executive's demand for greater safety there will be dedicatory exercises, in his article, predicts some of there will be the opportunity of I by supplanting its old crossing signals gjloj-dd Crwlej oveoverr n the basement to the roof. when prominent speakers in the edu- | the things that may be under- the State. eating) hot dogs and ice cream, taken by the League this year Those who reap in idleness where testing out the old pitching.arm with modern ones. The basketball court, which was cational world will be present. has long j open above the ceiling of the first The principal of the high school, and describes, in an interesting the up-builders sow are the land spec- and other similar enterprises until after the manner, the city in which this ulators and absentee land-holders that are to reward several | bbeen a bone of contention between game that Walsh performed in thefloor, now has a ceiling formed by a Mr.
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