T h e D avie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE HEAD •WERE SH A U THE PR'SS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY CAIN.” VOLUMN XLVI. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6 . 1045 N U M B E R 45 and wickedness, and as a result be­ NEWSOF LONG AGO. This Horrible War came the most dangerous nation on Attention Boys Girls A Gear Choice Seen Along Main Street Rev. Walter G. Isenhour. Hiddeoite. N. C. earth. Other nations have done, Most of tbe Seniors and many The warning by War Mobiliza­ By The Street Rambler. Vhat Wai Happening In Daiie So far as we know this war— and are doing, the same- thing, A- undergraduates will work this sum­ tion Director Vinson that the Unit­ 000 0 0 0 Before H t New Deal Used Up World War No. Two—is the great, merica included. Men can’t sa mer. If your job is with a busi ed states must stay in full war har. Gossip Club discussing the meat est of all history. It is fearful to ness concern or with an industry, ness until Tapan is beaten came on shortage in front of meat sbop— The Alphabet, Drowned The themselves. Only God can, and contemplate. OnlvGodknowstHe when He is rejected, then the devil you must get a social security card. the same day as. an announcement Robinson Powell walking around |Hogt and Plowed Up The destruction of life, the devastation takes charge of the minds, Intel That is easy to do and costs you by the Tokyo radio that the Ger town carrying lantern and looking Cotton and Corn. of property, tbe expense in money lects, knowledge, hearts and souls nothing. Go to the reatest office man surrender will have no effect for honest man—Mrs. W. M. Pen­ and the damnation 0 ) souls that it of the Social Security Board and whatever on the Japanese war pro­ nington looking with sadness at (Davie Record, Jnae 4 , 19 2 4 ) of men, and they use tbeir knowl­ is costing the human family. Why edge, inventiohs, discoveries, pos­ ask for a social security card. But gram . depleted meat shelves—Mrs. Haney Cotton is 3 2 .6 5 cents. all this? Tbe answer is simple. sessions and wealth with which to do not apply for an account 'num­ These two news developments displaying Father’s Day cards in Mr and Mrs. J. K.. Meroney Men and nations have turned away make war upon each other. ber card until you have the pro must be taken at their full value store window—Jim Kelly still wai t- spent the week-end with relatives from the Bible to such an extent, Wicked rulers rise up out of a tnise of a job. and in relations to each other. ing for the finder to return bis - bill at Albemarle. and turned awav from God, and mass of wickedness and go to the Why do you need a social securi­ The road to Tokyo, as Mr. Viu fold and $ 8 0 iu currency—Wayne Miss Marv Boger. of R. I, Is from the church, and from Holy heads of nations to rule and lead ty account number? Because you son points out, will be long, hard, Merre.1! and O tis H endrix engaged spending tbis week with MissMary Ghost salvation, and turned unto tinto destruction and damnation. want credit for every dollar you and bloody. Anv -temptation to in carpenter work in their store— Bensini, at HiKb Point. all kinds of sin and wickedness un When a man comes forth as a wet earn in jobs that come under the relax, now that Germany is out, he Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Collette eating S. E. Ratledge. of Greensboro, til God is letting this all happen as politician, and declares himself as law. Some day you or your fami cautions us, wilt merely prolong icecream—MissSue Brown mail­ is in town tbis week looking after punishment to the nations. When such, and runs on a wet ticket as ly' will claim payment of social in­ tbe struggle In tbe Pacific; nence, ing draft board letters—Aged dti- tbe blackberry crop men and nations drift away from leader of a nation, and the masses surance; and those payments will tbe harder we work at tbe war now, zen trying to quote totb chapter, ’ Miss Mabel Stewartarrived bome God so far, and deliberately refuse vote to put him there, what can depend upon Ihe wage records that the sooner the affair in the Pacific nth verse of St. Mark—Philip Tbtirsdav from Raleigh where she to heed the Bible and Its teachings that nation expect but heartache, is kept for you by the Social Se­ will be over. Johnson saying little but thinking was' a stndent at Peace Institute. and warnings, and refuse to hear misery and woe? When a nation curity Board. Only such reconversion as will a lot—Two pretty Advance Seniors Charles Blackwelder and Cashier the God-called, God-sent preachers becomes dtunken, then crime up- A separate account is kept for not interfere with the Pacifiif war entering Princess Theatre—Young Lankford, of tbe Harmony bank, of the Gospel, turning a deaf ear to on top of crime follows, then anger each worker whose name appears can be countenanced at tbis time. lady taking afternoon siesta on were in town Friday on business. what Is said to warn them, what is demoralization and degradation and on the books of the Social Security For Japan bas never considered conch in hotel lobby. Rev. Clarence Morrison, of Vir­ done to check them, and what is horrible war. Many people are Board. The worker’s name and herself merely an appendage to the ginia, spent a few days last week done to save them, then there is praying for tbis cursed war to close his account number—which is ex­ Rome-Berlin Axis. Throughout Is Prosperity Coming in town with relatives and friends. nothing else to expect but suffer, and we would like to see tbis come actly the same as that shown on his her association with tbe European Miss Gladys Vaughn, of Rich­ ing, misery, heartache, anguish, to pass soon, but if it should close Social Security card—are written at dictatars, sbe has acted with com­ After This War? mond, was the guest of Misses Os­ war. famine, pestilence, death and with the present flood of liquor the top of his ledger sheet and on pleted independance and frequent­ There seems to . be a growinpr sie and Margaret Allison tbe past damnation until men and nations turned loose, the cursed theatre 5 all of his records. ly without even considering Hitler opinion in the country that after the week. turn to God and deepla repent. It running at full speed, the present When your employer sends to or his wishes. war is over we will have the great­ Miss Gladys Dwiggins arrived est business boom in our history. has been so in the past; it is so nngodliness and wickedness of wo­ the Government his quarterly tax Japan has played her own game home last week from Greensboro, The belief is based on tbe fact tbat now Men and nations positively men cursing the land, the pride and return, his report should include in the Orient from tbe very begin, where sbe was a student at Greens­ tiiere is a heavy damned-up demand destroy themselves by their sins. greed that still fills the hearts, your name and acount number. ning and bas given only lip service boro College. for peace-time goods, one which will Iniquities and wickedness. Look minds and souls of the people, with That is why you must show him to tbe Berlin dictator. Miss Kathryn Meroney arrived take our manufacturers five years to at the history of Israel for an ex­ the adultry that is damning tbe your social security card. Japan, we must remember, was home last week from Red Springs, satisfy, and veritable oceans of sav­ ample. Read anciant and modern masses, and lots of kinds of wick­ Given below are five points that in the conquest business on a large whereshe was a student at Flora ings in tbe hands of the consumers. history. This shows us plainly edness beside what we have men you should remember. Write them scale when Hitler was still a small, Tbis sounds reasonable but is tem ­ McDonald College. what happens. Listen to the words tioned, no doubt this nation, and down. time politician talking world poli­ pered bv a few facts. One is that a Miss Mary Horn, a student at of H o sea ; "O Israel, thou bast perhaps other nations, would be­ 1 Get a card if you need one. tics with other crackpots in Munich percentage of these savings is in the North Carolina College, Greens destroyed thyself; but in me is thy come more wicked than ever. It 2 Do not get a card unless yon beer balls hands of the thrifty who can be boro, arrived borne Thursday for help." If men and nations destroy­ is good and right to pray for our plan to work. Before Hitler marched into the counted on to go off the deep end th e holidavs. when it comes to spending their ed themselves in olden times by dear soldiers, and we must, but we 3 Take care of your card iii you Rhineland, Iapan bad already con A. A Holleman and C B.
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