
NATIONAL NATIONAL PARLIAMENT LOCAL BUSINESS State Counsellor UPDJC holds Establishment, Korea to assist in receives IAPC cancellation, categorisation development of former chairman discussions of pastureland discussed Myanmar’s fisheries PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 5 Vol. III, No. 327, 12th Waxing of Taboung 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Thursday, 9 March 2017 Women’s role in peace stressed ON International Women’s think about how their economic for the whole world. So, I want by them. Contrariwise, uncivi- Day, State Counsellor Daw might and the sheer number of our women to think deeply as to lised ones regard that the strength Aung San Suu Kyi highlight- female entrepreneurs could be how their economic strength and is the truth. In this way, they are ed the role of women in the used for the peace and stabili- the strength of the entrepreneurs not convinced any longer what peace-making process, urging ty of the country, stressing that will be employed for the whole the truth is, before they realise women who are taking part in peace is of great importance not nation’s peace and the whole it. They come to rely upon brute economic sectors to make the only in Myanmar but also for the world’s peace and stability,” she strength,” said Daw Aung San best use of their wealth and world. said. Suu Kyi. proficiency in business for the “It is not wrong for entre- The State Counsellor also She also expressed her views peace of the country. preneurs to give priority to their revealed her opinion on wheth- that the country’s mass of women Speaking at the ceremo- businesses. Only if they are suc- er brute force or brainpower are should take 50 per cent of respon- ny in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday cessful in their own sector will more effective. sibility for the peace, as they are to mark International Women’s they be on the right path. But I “Every civilised person re- also taking part in 50 per cent of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Day 2017, the State Counsel- think that peace is of great impor- gards that the truth is the strength the economic sector of Myanmar. Suu Kyi. PHOTO: MNA lor said she wanted women to tance not only for our country but and they do and say as regarded SEE pagE 6 >> Nationwide matriculation exam starts OVER 700,000 students registered to take the matriculation exams which began yesterday. Estab- lished were 1,577 examination centres and 17 foreign examina- tion centres totalling 1,594 centres across the country. A total of 114,237 students registered for the exams, with 63,999 students from government schools and 50,238 from private schools in Yangon Region. With Myanmar Literature as the first subject, Dr. Myo Myint, Chairman of National Educational Policy Commission, and other re- sponsible personnel inspected the examination centres at three BEHS schools. At Yangon General Hos- pital arrangements were made for hospitalised students who wished to take the examination. Out of 114,237 students reg- istered for the exams in Yangon Region, 104,256 students took the exam. Absent were 9,981 students. Six students took the exam at Yan- gon General Hospital, with no ab- sentees.—GNLM Students return home following the end of the first day of matriculation examinations at BEHS-6 in Botahtaung, Yangon.P HOTO: MNA 2 PARLIAMENT 9 March 2017 Pyithu Hluttaw Establishment, cancellation, categorisation of pastureland discussed At the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting village area, establishment of land mitted by U Kyaw Min of Let- held at 10 am yesterday, Ma- used for education, health, social padan constituency, Daw Cho jor-General Aung Soe, Deputy affairs, holy land, land for ceme- Cho of Ottwin constituency sec- Minister for Home Affairs, re- teries and farming land for farm- onded. plied to the motion submitted by ers without land, in the interest of “Over 70 per cent of the pop- U Kyaw Min, of Letpadan constit- the people, are being scrutinised in ulace in Myanmar is living in ru- uency, urging the Union Govern- accord with the existing laws and ral areas, eking out their lives by ment to lay down a policy prompt- principles. For unnecessary situa- farming. Out of 756,000 acres, ly for practical utilisation of tions not to happen, local people’s most pastureland turned into res- existing pastureland in the country attitudes are needed to be taken idential areas and farming land. as farming land or land for the vil- into consideration. In Myanmar, Laws protecting these pasture- lage area or pastureland or some there is no pastureland in Kayah lands and the rules and regula- other use, after hearing the wishes and Shan States, with buffalo and tions of cancellation and removal of the local populace. bovine pastureland in Nay Pyi Taw of pastureland still exist in the The deputy minister clarified Council Area and other Regions country. If it is necessary for the that the deputy commissioner/ and States. Formerly there were benefit of the people or utilisation Speaker U Win Myint. PHOTO: MNA commissioner is empowered with 865,777.44 acres of pastureland of the land as pastureland is less, the establishment of pastureland, in total. Until March 2016, there cancellation and removal is to sition of sufficient farming land constituency, U Aung Win of while the commissioner is au- were 130,404 acres of pastureland be carried out by taking people’s for the most populace is wholly Hmawbi constituency, Dr U Aye thorised to cancel the pastureland cancelled, within the reign of the desires. In the 2008 constitution, supported.” Kyu of Labutta constituency, U U under the directives in the Burma incumbent government 2514.22 it is described that the State is to Regarding U Kyaw Min’s Tun Maung of Ponngkyun constit- Land Revenue Directions, 1911, acres of pastureland cancelled. promulgate necessary laws to pro- motion, U Yan Lin of Kyaiklat uency, Daw Soe Nwe Aye of Ta- and rules and regulations of Upper Hence, there are still 732,854.10 tect the rights of farmers. constituency, U Ne Myo Tun of daU constituency, U Sein Win of Burma Land and Revenue Act. acres of pastureland left under the Ministries concerned should Htantapin constituency, Dr U Maubin constituency, Major Sein “Nay Pyi Taw Council, Re- current circumstance,”the Depu- implement the use of pasture- Than Aung Soe of Minhla con- Tun, Tatmadaw representative, gion and State Cabinets seldom ty Minister said. U Win Myint, land as farming land. Only if the stituency, U Kyaw Myint of Tai- U Myint Oo of Thanatpin consti- grant removal and cancellation Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, remaining pastureland can be kkyi constituency, U Phone Myint tution Dr Myint Thein of Nyaun- of pastureland easily. Depending took the approval of Hluttaw, an- divided among farmers without Aung of DaikU constituency, U glebin constituency and U Win upon the long-lasting utilisation nouncing that the Hluttaw will put farming land, will it be helpful Khin Aye of Nattalin constituen- Myint Aung of Debeyin constitu- of the land on which one is work- it on record to observe. to reduce poverty and to develop cy, U Tin Htwe of Waw constit- ency spoke in support of the mo- ing, needs to expand the town and As regards the motion sub- rural areas. The motion of acqui- uency, U Thein Tun of Thabaung tion. —Myanmar News Agency Upgrading Amyotha Hluttaw of Myitkyina- Construction of Falam-Thaingngin-Tiddim 66 KV Minkin Road to transmission line 28 per cent complete be completed THE 55-mile long Falam-Thaing- planning to construct Karlay creek ngin-Tiddim 66 KV transmission hydropower plant project to sup- in April line is under construction and the ply sufficient electricity. project is 28 per cent complete, Regarding the motion on UPGRADING of Myitkyi- said the Deputy Minister for Elec- how to measure the land area of na-Minkin Road in Myitkyina, tric Power and Energy Dr Tun the former Ahbaw airport in Ye Kachin State, will be completed Naing in response to the question Township, Mon State where nec- no later than April. raised by U Kyint Khant Paung, essary land preparation works will Myitkyina-Minkin Road, a parliamentarian for Constituen- be made to construct a sub-power which crosses Union Road, is cy No. 6 in Chin State at the 16th station and Ks78.9 million com- being expanded. The road was day, fourth regular session of the pensation was paid to the rubber originally 18 feet wide. Now, 2nd Amyotha Hluttaw in Nay Pyi plantation owners asked by U the road was enlarged to be Taw yesterday morning. Myo Win, a Member of Parlia- 24 feet wide between Thidar As to whether arrangements ment from Mon State Constitu- bridge and the Fire Services have been made to ensure electric- ency No. 8, the deputy minister ity access for the locals in Tiddim replied that the proposal to con- Department office. Myitkyi- and Tonzang Townships in Chin struct 180-mile long transmission Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than. PHOTO: MNA na-Minkin Road will be paved State through the national grid, the line and sub-power stations to with nylon tar. The construction deputy minister answered that the distribute electricity from Maw- Ye Township. Land reclamation ency No. 3 in Mon State, that there will include a platform, drains aforementioned transmission line lamyine, capital of Mon State to and compensation for the crops was an arrangement to provide the and car parking. and a sub-power station will be Taninthayi Region’s Dawei City and farmland were carried out in residents from Nyaungbinseik A special road team will developed in Tiddim at a cost of through the US$ 500 million loan accord with rules and regulations, Ward in Mawlamyine, Mon State spend Ks1.06 billion from the Ks6.03 billion, saying Ks3.98 bil- from the Asian Development he added, saying construction of with electricity, and a proposal Union budget to upgrade the lion budget is expected to be spent Bank was sent to the ADB with fence for the sub-power station submitted by U Myint Naing, an road in the 2016-2017 fiscal for construction of a 20-mile long the approval of the cabinet meet- will be implemented in 2017-2018 Amyotha Hluttaw representative year.
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