SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 1 1 History of Journal 1979 2 Shreveport Journal edition May 30, 1935 3 Junior Shreveport Journal: Newsclippings 1944 4 Public opinion study on Journal 1956 5 80th Birthday: Newsclippings and photo 1975 6 Mini Page 1975 7 Youth Advisory Comm.: Newsclippings and photo 1976 8 PM Magazine - first edition May 14, 1973 9 Weekend Magazine - first edition Oct.2, 1978 10 From the Inside Out Newsclip about Journal staff 1978 11 Shreveport Journal Bus Tour 1978 12 E & P Story - response 1978 13 Bossier Metro June 22, 1979 14 Shreveport Journal: First use of rose, dropped Jan. 1, 1980 green pages from city edition. New masthead. 15 Reverse front page March 20, 1980 16 “Meet the Journal Folks” 1981 17 Saturday Neighborhoods - first edition Feb. 5, 1983 18 Dr. Charles T. Beaird: Newsclip May 2, 1983 19 Port People (comic strip) April 22, 1985 20 Shreveport Journal Magazine - first edition August 9, 1985 1 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 21 History of Sound Off: Newsclip 1987-1988 22 Staff softball stats: A Decade of Softball Excellence 1979-1988 23 Newsclip about Journal staff 1962-1983 24 Newsclips about Journal staff 1961-1988 25 Newsclips about Journal staff 1961-1988 26 “Christmas Greetings” from staff 1976-1990 27 Photos - Journal building and staff 1947, 1985 28 Stats re: photo selections u.d. 29 Booklet about Journal ca. 1960s 30 Booklet: Style books (2) u.d. 31 Booklets about newspapers in general 1969, 1978 PERSONALITIES 32 Davis, Jimmie: Newsclips 1963 33 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1970-1974 34 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1975-1976 35 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1977 36 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1978 37 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1979-1980 38 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1981-1982 39 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1983 40 Edwards, Edwin: Newsclips 1984-1985 2 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 41 Edwards, Edwin: Photographs 1974-1980 42 Edwards, Edwin: Photographs 1981-1985 43 Edwards: Extra edition after indictment 1985 44 Edwards: Copy of indictment 1985 45 Edwards: Trial chronology 1985 2 46 Ford, Gerald - HID visit: Newsclips 1976 47 Ford, Gerald (cont.) 48 Heap, Ewell Clifton: Newsclips 1986 49 Henry, E.L. “Bubba”:Booklet of speeches 1979 50 Hussey, John: News releases 1985-1987 51 Johnston, J. Bennett: Bio 1978 52 Johnston, J. Bennett: Newsclips 1963-1975 53 Johnston, J. Bennett: Newsclips 1976-1978 54 Johnston, J. Bennett:Campaign expenses 1978 55 Johnston, J. Bennett: Newsclips 1979-1980 56 Johnston, J. Bennett: Newsclips 1981-1982 57 Johnston, J. Bennett: Newsclips 1983-1986 58 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Newsclips 1978 59 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Vote buying indictment 1979 60 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Campaign expense report 1979 61 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Vote buying trial 1979 3 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 62 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Newsclips after trial 1979 63 Leach, “Buddy”: Campaign contribution violation 1979 64 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Motion to dismiss 1979 65 Leach, Claude “Buddy”: Newsclips 1980 66 Lee, Frania Tye: Suit, newsclips (H.L. Hunt’s “wife”)1980 67 Long, Russell B. : Newsclips 1954-1975 68 Long, Russell B. (Cont.) 1976-1980 3 69 Roemer, Charles “Buddy” E. III: Newsclips 1977-1979 70 Roemer, Charles “Buddy” E. III: Newsclips 1980 71 Roemer: Campaign expense report 1980 72 Roemer: Newsclips 1981 73 Roemer: Newsclips 1982 74 Roemer: Newsclips 1983-1985 75 Roemer: Newsclips 1986 76 Roemer: Newsclips 1987 77 Roemer: Pictures up to 1986 78 Roemer: Pictures (cont.) 79 Treen, David C.: Newsclips 1971-1976 80 Treen, (cont.) 1977-1979 81 Treen, (cont.) 1980 82 Treen, (cont.) 1981 4 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 83 Treen, (cont.) 1982 84 Treen: veloxes only 85 Waggonner, Joe D.: Newsclips 1965-1974 86 Waggonner, (cont.) 1975 87 Waggonner, (cont.) 1976 88 Waggonner, (cont.) 1977 89 Waggonner, (cont.) 1978 90 Waggonner, (cont.) 1979 91 Wilson, Jimmy: Newsclips 1972-1979 92 Wilson: Campaign expenses 1978 93 Wilson: (cont.) 1980 94 Wilson: Pictures 1972-1979 4 SERIES 95 Allendale 1978 96 Caddo Correctional Institute 1980 97 HUD 1981 98 In Black and White 1988 99 Judging the Judges 1980-1989 100 Kicking Out the 70s (1970-1979) 1980 101 Labor Saturday 1979-1980 102 Labor Saturday 1981-1982 5 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 103 Labor Saturday 1983-1985 104 Labor Saturday 1986-1989 105 Looking Back at the 80s - Top Stories 1983-1989 106 NTE - An analysis 1980 107 Piney Woods Poverty 1977 108 Race for Unity Jan.-June 1987 109 Race for Unity July-Dec. 1987 110 Religion 1978 111 Shotgun Houses 1977 112 Shreveport - At the Crossroads 1977 113 Shreveport - 1985 1975 114 Shreveport - Poll on Quality of Life & Attitudes 1981 115 Shreveportitis 1977 116 Soviet Journey by Bailey Thomson 1983 117 Who Runs Shreveport by Virginia Jack Martin 1982 118 Bossier - history, city charter, newsclips 1982 119 Bossier Medical Center 1978 120 Bossier - Police Dept. Annual Report 1986 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY 121 Architectural Symposium 1983 122 12th Precinct - photo only 1980 6 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 123 American Tower: Newsclip and photo 1976 124 A.M.F. Beaird, Inc.: News releases, photos 1966 125 A.M.I. Inc.: Newsclips 1984-1986 126 A.M.I.Inc.: Photos including 1985 trial of Beebe 1985 5 127 Amtrak: Newsclips, photo 1971 128 Atlas Processing Refinery: Newsclips, photos 1984-1989 129 AT&T: Newclips, photos (strike) 1986-1988 130 Beaird Industries: Newsclips, photos 1990 131 Beaird-Poulan: suit 1977; 1979. News releases 1986 132 Beck Building: Photo 1956 133 Boots Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: 1986 report 1986 Photos, fact sheet 134 Business Directory: NW La. Minority, u.d. Women and Small Disadvantaged 135 Cablevision Shreveport: Newsclips 1972 136 Cablevision: fact sheets 1972-1974 137 CAP-CON International: Newsclips 1972 138 Captain Shreve Hotel: Newsclips, photo 1980 139 Chamber of Commerce: photo 1984 140 Commercial National Bank: Newsclip, photo 1985-1987 141 ESCO Service Co.: Newclips 1971 142 Federal Savings and Loan Assoc.: Newsclip, photo 1974 7 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 143 Ford Battery Plant: Newsclip 1970-1972 144 General Electric: Newsclip 1974 145 General Motors: Newsclips 1979-1986 146 General Motors: Photos 1980-1990 147 GoodYear Blimp: Newsclip, photo 1983 148 Good Will: Newsclip, photo 1982 149 Gould, Inc.: Newsclip 1979 150 Herbalife: Newsclip, photo 1985 151 Kerby K’s: Newsclip, photo (1984) 1990 152 Holiday Inn: Newsclip, photo 1980 153 Hot Dog Station: Photo 1980 154 Hutchinson Building: Newsclip, photo 1980 155 I-49: Booklet: “Location Opportunities” u.d. 156 International Paper Co.: Newsclips, photo 1988 157 International Paper Co.: closing in Springhill 1979 158 International Paper Co. Mansfield: Newsclip, photo 1987 159 Johnny’s Pizza: report “Pizza Buying Habit Study” 1988 160 KDAQ Public Radio: Newsclip, photo 1984 161 King’s Custom Made Gulf Clubs 1971 162 K Mart stores: color slide u.d. 163 Kroehler Furniture Manuf.: Newsclip 1971 8 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 164 KSLA TV: Newsclips 1963, 1986 165 KTBS TV: Newsclip 1984 166 Logansport - Georgia Pacific: Newsclip 1983 167 Louisiana Bank and Trust: Newsclip, photo 1983 168 McConnell Douglas: Advertising photos u.d. 169 MidSouth Press: Newsclips 1963, 1965 170 Mill Industries: Newsclips 1971 171 Montgomery Ward: Newsclip 1974 172 New Hope Apts.: slides u.d. 173 Oil rigs near Shreve City: Newsclip, slide 1981 174 Oil - “Rigged fro Fraud”: Newsclip 1981 175 Oil and Gas section: Newsclips, photos 1976-1986 176 Outlet Mall: slide 1986 177 Owens Illinois: News Releases, photo 1979 178 J.C.Penney’s: slide 1986 179 Pennzoil Co.: Background for editors 1965 180 Picadilly Pizza House: photo (interior) u.d. 181 Pierremont Common Mall: photo 1984 182 Premetco: Newsclip 1971 183 PTL Transport Service: photo 1990 184 Realtors: list 1980 9 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 185 Remington Suite: Newsclip, slide 1986 186 Republic Bank & Trust: Newsclip, photo 1986 187 Riley-Beaird, Inc.: Suit, annual report 1978, 1980 188 River Rose: Newsclip, photo 1984 189 Security Firm: Newsclip 1982 190 Shreve Square: photos 1973 191 Singer Co.: Newsclip 1971 192 South Park Mall: Grand opening, newsclip July 30, 1975 193 South Central Bell: strike photo 1983 Booklet: “Events in Telephone History” 194 Southern Plastics: Newsclip 1971 195 Stan’s Record Shop: Newsclip 1972 196 Supermarkets: Newsclip 1972 197 Superport: Background memo 1976 198 SWEPCO: Newsclip 1985 199 Texas Eastern: News release and brochure 1977 200 The Times - 100th Birthday; suit 1976, newsclip 1971, 1976 201 Turner Hotel: Newsclip, photo (demolition) 1986 202 Transcontinental Tower: Newsclip, photo 1985 203 Travis Place: Newsclip 1979 204 United Mercantile Bank: Newsclip 1972 205 Video One: Newsclip 1984 10 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 206 Voice - The Other Voice: Newsclip 1971 207 Washington-Youree Hotel: Newsclip, photos 1973, 1975, 1979 208 Western Electric: Newsclip, news releases, booklet 1963-1965 209 Wire Rope Corp. (WIRECO): Newsclip 1971 210 Wrecking Yards: Newsclip, photos 1974 6 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS 211 Alicia Patterson Foundation:Newsletter 1980 212 Cambridge Club: Newsclip, photo 1983 213 Committee of 100: Newsclip, lists 1982, 1989 214 Community Foundation: Audit, news release 1981 215 DAR: article 1984 216 Frost Foundation: Grant schedule 1977-1982, 1984 Newsclip: 1987 217 Junior League: Newsclip 1986 218 Ku Klux Klan: Newsclip 1979, 1990 219 Landmark Rehibilitation Project: Newsclip, photo 1983, 1984, 1987 220 Rainbow Family: Newsclip, photo 1988 221 Twin Eagles: Newsclip, photos 1988 222 United Way:1984 annual report; speech 1988 223 Veterans: Marker, clubs: Newsclip, photos 1984 CHURCHES, RELIGION 224-226 Survey: Church Community Response/Writing 1981 Project by Carolyn a. Tomlinson 11 SHREVEPORT JOURNAL COLLECTION 400 BOX FOLDER DESCRIPTION DATE 227-230 Survey: Photos and negatives 1981 231 Antioch Baptist Church: Newsclip 1983 232 B’nai Zion Temple: History 1970 233 Central Christian Church: History n.d.
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