VOTING THE SPECIAL ELECTION TIMES AND PLACES CANDIDATES See Page 2 See Pgs. 9, 10, 11 Vol. 89 No. 28 UN·IVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK', DELAWARE April. 21, 1967 Ray Ceci New SGA President ROTC Confuses Nutwell, Ellis, Sandbach Voters At Polls According to SGA Student students that did not see the Rights Committee chairman, other information assumed that Take Top Three SGA Slots Tom Davies, ASS, the "ROTC a yes vote meant keep com­ Referendum is a complete pulsory ROTC and a no vote With an all-time low of man, bu~ this is your govern­ snafu." ea t end it,' ' said Davies. Trouble arose over the fact e only explaination that approximately 43% of the stu­ ment and university. We will that the meaning of a "yes" be offered was that dent body voting, Ramon Ceci, meet every student in every or a "no" vote was specified the signs were made up ASS, was elected president corner of our campus before in two contradictory ways to without knowledge that the of the Student Goverrunent As­ June. Together we will b~ild a sociation for the coming year. new era. The university will the students. A sign at the polls word "compuls~y' appeared ~elected toothertopoffices never be the )>arne." ind icated a "yes ' vote means in the heading~ies said were: Nan Nutwell, ASS, vice­ Nan Nutwell, new vice-presi­ end mandatory ROTC,'' while "We assumed that if the RAMON CEtl president; Beth Ellis, HEO, dent, was a senator-at-large a "No vote means keep man­ ballot section was just headed in 1965-66, chairman of the datory ROTC.''~ sign, Dav­ ROTC that the students would secretary; and Tom Sandbach, ASS, treasurer. SGA publicity committee in ies said, was based on the be unsure about what the res­ 41 Ceci is a member of the 1965-66, and teaching assist­ hypothetical question, Should ponses meant and read the sign. Faulty Ballots, Students for a Democratic So­ ant in 1966-67. mandatory ROTC be abolish­ On second thought, even that ciety, Assistant Chairman of Beth Ellis held various of­ ed." was an unreasonable assump­ Mistakes Force the Free University, and a vet­ fices in high school, was a However, the ballot was tion. Since numerous people eran of · four years exper­ member of the sorority com­ headed with "Compulsory who wanted to end mandatory mittee, playbill, AHEA, cam­ ROTC'' which was followed by ROTC voted for it and vice­ New Election ience. in the U.S. Navy.~m­ Because of a constitutional menhng on l)is election, Ceci pus chest committee, and the responses "yes," "no" and versa, the results are not conflict, there will be a special said: "I am gratified by the dorm social committee repre­ "modified" 'flthout further ex­ indicative of anything and will election for the offices of: men results and I want to congrat­ sentative. planation. ~nderstandably, not be reported. '' and women senators-at-large, ulate my opponents on a fair Activities of Tom Sandbach, Davies said that another men and women district sena­ campaign on the issues. treasurer, have included: sen­ means of determining student. tors, IFC repres entativ ~ s, we intend to create a ator-at-large, SGA finance opinion would be used but and men and women com muter Martin To Speak new . consciousness of 'student committee, senator represen­ added, "It's unfortunate that representatives. At a special meeting of the solidarity.' tation committee and Russell we made 'this mistake but the "Students will define their revote on the SGA Senatorial Student Government Associa­ Dormitory Council. On Honors Day tion, Wednesday, Ross Ann own role and their place in Honors Day will be Thurs­ positions on Wednesday will (Continued to Page 7) Jenny, HE7, elections commit­ this community. Students must day, May 4, this year. The give us a second chance to tee chairman, explained the realize their worth a nd power. program ' will take place on get a good sample on the is­ (<;:;ontinue<;t to Page 9) The SGA preside nt is just o:1e the north s ide of Memorial sue''• Review E~itors Hall. Convocation is scheduled to Tap Goldbacher begin at 11 a.m. A tea, spon­ Campus Chest Raymond s. Goldbacher, ASS, sored by Mortar Board and the . has assumed responsibilities student honor societies, for as the new editor-in-chief of parents and guests will be The Review. held in the Student Center Auction, Picnic Planned Goldbacher is an English ma­ beginning at 10 a.m. jor and has an avid interest A picnic supper for Campus 5 p.m. hour a Faculty Ser­ Deans Hocutt, Hardy, and Speaker at Convocation wUl in journalism. He began work­ Chest carnival on Apri12S will vices Auction will ta'ke place Collins are selling their be Dr. Harold C. Martin, ing for The Review in his give Students a change from at 6:30 p.m. during which a wide services as waiter busboy, president of Union College, freshman year as a sports dining hall food. and waitress for a meal in Schenectady, N.Y. The subject range of faculty services will writer, working his way up to Those holding meal tickets any fraternity house dining of Dr. Martin's address,. "Is­ be sold to students. assistant sports editor and are to receive the evening room, for any group of 50 olatoes of the Mainland," will Administration and faculty then to sports editor. meal served casually outside people or less holding a din­ \~ be American Literature and members will be offering ser­ week 's issue of The Review of the Women's Gym and may Culture. vices ranging from musical ner to take place in university was his first as editor-in­ dress accordingly. No dining ·performances to clear~ng dining facilities. Bidding for After receiving his A. B. chief. halls will remain open. tables, at the Faculty Services this should start at 15 dol­ from Hartwick College and his Assistant to Goldbache r is Following the supper, Auction 6:30 p.m. Friday, in· lars. A.M. from the University of Steve Benson, AS9, a brother which is to begin at the normal (Continued to Page 12) connection with the Campus The University StringQuar­ of Alpha Epsilon Pi frater­ Chest Carnival. tet has agreed to play at any 4 2> <rJc TI.WJ:H- nity. Benson is a history major Students may bid on events, group function including fra- SGA PRESIDENT: - -- Treasurer of the Class of 1968: from Wilmington. services, tickets, and rom antic Ramon Ceci 827 Douglas Johnson :i27 ( Continued to Page 12) (Continued to Page S) Carl Aqostlni 351 Eleanor Fowser 172 evenings for two made avail­ Steve Goldberg i658 able by pers·:ms 0:1 the fac­ Alan Shapiro 173 0} CLASS OF !969: SENATOR-AT-LARGE- WOMEN­ Virginia Torrans, NUO John Trager ~ \ '.).. , ~ o ulty for flexible fees. The Pam Bailey, ASB 114 Patti Peebles, EG9 SGA VICE PRESID ~- President of the Class of 1969: man or woman givin.5 the high­ Dee DiAmico, ED9 #5 Ann Ritter, AS9 Nan Nutwell 1097 Bill Vosburgh • 5.67 Linda Ervin, NUB Cheryl Yeager, NUB Alex Streltzov 1088 est bid and the o:-te offer­ Vice-President of the Class of Colleen Flanigan, EDO #6 Nona Kelly, ASO STA SECRETARY: ing the service will later dis­ 1969: Dee Lafferty, AS9 .. MEN Beth Ellis 1060 DrSTIUCT SE!'I.\TO~S - James Burns 566 cuss a means of carrying out Sandra Martorelli, AS9 Peggy Janes 1045 #I John A. Barnes, A.39 Secretary of thl! Class of 1969: the contract made so that Judi Roll1ngs, AS9 SGA TREASURY: Mary Otten! 568 Sco~t D·Jwning, ASO Tom Sandbac h 1205 Treasurer of the Class ofl969: mutual satisfaction results. SENATOR-AT-LARGE - Ml!: N #2 Tom Callahan, ASO Gus Highfield 906 Kenneth Kast 266 Samples of events to be Greer Firestone, AS9 Bob Stier, AS9 MRHA PRESIDENT: Marianne Procak 106 included in the auction are: a Jon Hall, ASO #3 Jim Ellwanger, ED:! Spotswood Foster 289 Steve Rash 264 Dick Jolly, ASO Steve Sass, BEO Jeff Hammond 252 sketch in pencil or color done CLASS OF 1970: Steve Lee, ASO H4 Ro:J Tunnell, EGB AWS PRESIDENT: for the bidder by President Pres ident of the Class of 1970: Tom P arvis, AS9 Tom Wampler, ASO Barbara Frank 405 Bruce Rodgers 470 John Perkins before June 15; Greg Stambaugh,' A39 .Barbara Gray 118 J oe Farley 290 and golf lessons given by the Jeff Steen, AS9 #5 Lewis Bennett, A'59 Pat Tate 304 VI ce President of the Class of Leon Wolf, EG9 Alan Hayman, AS9 CLASS 0::' 1968: 1970: unive ~sity golf coach, Scotty COMMUTER REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT SENATORS- WOMEN President of the Class or 1968 : Howard Meyers 393 Duncan. Phil Breslin, director Kristine Keirn , HEO Ayn Stern, GSOT Milt Prettyman 308 Keith Knauss 327 of recreation for the univer­ Hi Sally Dunlap, AS8 Se.cretary of the Class of 1970 : Jeff Pyle 241 sity, is offering a combination Lynne Weidel, A3B Mike DevenneY., ASO Mary Ellen Glick 508 Richard Garner, ASO Vice-President of the Class or 112 Debby Stehley, AS9 1968; Kathy Gonzales 146 swim . dinner, and trip along the Robert A. Spring, AS9 Tina Grandell 89 Claire Viarengo, ASO Richard Quinn 483 Chesa~ake on a 30-foot IFC SENATORS Treasurer of the Class ofl970: lt3 Jane Dobrzyskl, ED9 Sec retary or the Class or 1968: cruiser for two people in Margaret Hyatt, ED!I Mark Goldfus, A38 Rita Haym an 448 Ronald Morgan, ASB Lynne Slnger 323 May or June. Sharon Johnson, ASB Joyce Carlton 182 Chip Moody 287 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK~.
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