~fie flewfountltantl 2uartertlJ ~ Summ¢r Dumb¢rt 1937 Jolm J. €vans. Sr .. Print~r and_Prol)ridor, St. Jobn's, l!~wroundland. -~bdr ma)~sti~s King 6~ors~ VI and Qu~~n €1izlbdb. THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY. BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd ST. JOHN'S, NEWf"OUNDLAND -- Established 1811 -- GENERAL MERCHANTS and STEAMSHIP OWNERS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries and Ships' Stores Exporters of Codfish, Codoil, Cod Liver Oil, Seal Oil and Seal Skins Agents fo r " Lloyd's" and Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Iron or Wooden Sealing Ships suitable for Arctic or Antartic exploration available for Charter Sportsmen who intend visiting Newfoundland will find no difficulty in selecting Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Food . Supplies from this firm. Address all Communicalions To ~ B_QWRJNG BROTHERS, Ltd., St. J~!::~undland. Established r8t7.- HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL. PRESIDENT-Sir Charles Gordon, G.B.E. GENERAL MANAGERS: Jackson Dodds, -- G. W. Spinney. Capital . ... ......... ............ ..... $36,000,000.00 Rest and Undivided Profits .. 40,036,534.00 Total Assets- In excess of.... 800,_000,000.00 Fiscal Agents in London for the Dominion of Canada. .$ .A& .$ .$ Bankers for the Government of Newfoundland. London, England, Branches-47 Threadneedle Street, and 9 Waterloo Place. Branches in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and every Province of the Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland-Curling, Corner Brook, Grand Falls, St. George's, and Buchans (Sub-Agency). St. John' s- H. 0. SUCKLING, Manager. 0. 0. ATKINSON, Asst. Manager. Commercial Letters of Credit, and Travellers' Letters of Credit issued available in all parts of the world. - Special attention given to Savings Accounts which may be opened by deposits of $1.00 and upwards. When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.-1. $- FURNESS LINE. Operating the Fast and Up-to-date Steamers "Newfoundland" and "Nova Scotia." A regular service is maintained between St. John's, Halifax, Boston and Liverpool, and vice versa, and sailing dates are always arranged well in advance. If you contemplate making a trip we shall be pleased to furnish you with full information, and arrange' your booking on either of these most popular steamers. Furness, Withy & Co., Ltd., St. John's, Nfld., Halifax, N. S., Can., New York, N.Y., U.S. A., Boaton, Mass., U. S. A. , Chicago, III., U. S. A. Geo. Neal, Ltd., GUARDIAN St. ]ohn 's, Newfoundland, ASSURANCE CO., LTD.. Of L~ndon, England. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN .;& .;& ESTABLIS H E D r8p. .;& .)& Provisions, Groceries, ~~ The Guardian has the largest paid-~p capital of any and Fruit. Company in the world transacting a Fire business. Subscribed Capital . .......... .. $10,000,000.00 Paid-up Capital . 5,000,000.00 _Consignments of Live Invested Funds exceed . 25,000,000.00 T. & M. WINTER, Stock Solicited. •A 'qen;~ {or Newfoundland. <, • i, - :c~jjJ ( fire Insurance I American Tail or'' ··~,~ rnji~ The Employers' Liability Assurance Made Clothes Corporation, Ltd., of London, Eng~ - have the lines that are reminiscent of Bond Street and Fifth A venue. The durability that is found only in clothing conscientiously made by a firm The North West Fire Insurance proud of its workmanship. Company, of Winnipeg, Man. Dress Well and Succeed. Hunt, fmerson, Stirling & Higgins, W. P. SHORTALL, Agents for Newfoundland. THE AMERICAN TAILOR. Col•mbu• H•ll, !II. Job•'•· P. 0. Box 445. St. John's. Phone 477. Wbcn writing to Advertisers kiadly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.-2. NEWFOUNDLAND RAILWAY. Best connection between Newfoundland and Canada and the United States, $­ $and the Best Freight Line between $CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. .JJ, the Company having the largest number of Policy Holders in Newfoundland. Every satisfaction given in settling losses. OfF;ce: 137 Water Street, facing Prescott StrHt. Like P. 0. Box E 5078. Telephone 658. GEO. H. HALLEY, Ltd., Agents. T. J. POWER, Manager. RAWLINS CROSS GROCERY, 'N. J. MURPHY, . -DEALER IN- Provisions, fine firoceries, fruits, -, , r fresh Meats, Sausages, ftc. ~ 140 Military Road, 75 Prescott Street, and 148 Water Street West. ,. TELEPHONES 320,0 and . 3201. BUTTERINE _]OB PRINTING.$- .JJ- Neatly and Expeditiously done at The Quarterly Office, 38 Prescott Street. Sixty years continu­ ous experience in all kinds ·of Printing in 'Newfoundland. Personal attention given to It's .Delici ·ous. every class-of work. JOHN . J .. EVANS. Wh~n writing to Advertisers kindly mention_ "Tile Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.- 3. Job Brothers & .Co., Ltd., 0 ' S T . .JOHN 'S , NEWFOUNDLAND. 6eneral Merchants and fxporters of Newfoundland Products. Codfish. Cod Oil, Cod Liver O il, Seal Oil and Skins, Frozen Fish, " H ubay" and "Labdor" Brand Frozen Salmon, Berries, &c. Provisions, Groceries, Naval Stores, Fishing Supplies, Salt, &c. MORI:Y'S COAL Welsh and American Anthracite, North Sydney Screened Coal, Besco Coke. AGENTS FOR : Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Liverpool (Fire and Life), National Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Union Marine and General Insurance Co., Ltd., Liverpool. MANAGERS OF : Ungava Steamship Company, Limited.-S.S. "Ungava," S.S. "Neptune." 13eautlJ 06itletl1 ;Jore"er. " ffiarfi 6"erlJ Ptot." CLANCY & CO., LTD. Those who love and remember ( Successors to J. D. Ryan. ) have a sacred mission to perform­ The selection of a suitable memorial is the final tribute that loving ca1e can bestow. --Importers of~ A Monument or Headstone carved and lettered by the SkinDer sculp· tors and artists, means everlastir.g satisfaction. Groceries and Provisions. We use only a special grade of best selected Marble-white or blue. HYLAN Write to-day for a beautiful selection of photos and mail order ·,-=:~====:::!:::;~ form and price Jist. Distributors of Get the quality that made the name famous. THE MASTER CRAFTSMEN OF MEMORIAL ART . CORONA TEA. Skinner's Monumental Works, 353 Dutkworth Street, St. John's, Nfld. 369 Duckwor'th Str'eet, P . 0 . Dox 884 ' Phone 40. P. 0. Box 422. Established 1874. The Bennett Brewing Co., rrotect Your rroperty. Limited.-- Brewers and Bottlers of Delicious Insure with Niagara fire Insurance Company . GOLDEN LAGER. of New York. C~nadian Departme.nt: Montreal, DOMINION ALE, W . E . BALDWIN , Manager. DOMINION STOUT. J' Incorporated in 18so. Has been over 70 years in business. HAIG ALE, ~ ~ U nexeelled reputation for SERVICE, HAIG STOUT. SECURITY and PROMPT ' PAYMENTS. New.foundland Pr9duces no Better Beers A. T. GOODRIDGE, P. 0. Box 23. Phone 159. Ayre' s Cove. Agent for Newfoundland. Wlten writin~ to Advertisera kindly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEW FOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.-4. MOTTO: THE BEST HARVEY & Co., Ltd. ( Established I 767 ) -..;;•'Jl~- S T. JOHN'S , NEWFOU NDLAN D. Manufacturers and Importers and Wholesale Provision Merchants. Exporters of Owners and Operators of Cold Storage Plants and THE VERY FINES T Smoke - Houses. Buyers and Exporters of all Newfoundland and Labrador Products. Owners and Outfitters for Steam Trawlers and Banking Shipped in Tin ·Lined Barrels. Schooners. Quotation on application. Shipowners and Shipping Agents. AGENTS FOR Furness-Red Cross Line, Newfoundland -Canada Steamships, Pan-American Airways, Inc., Imperial Airways, Ltd. ALSO Correspondents Board of Underw1 iters of New York. HEAD OFFICE -- ST. JOHN'S, with Branches at Belleoram, Corner Brook, Bay Bulls, W. A. MUNN, and Rose Blanche. Board of Trade Building, St. John's, Newfoundland. Correspondence Invited. Cable Address: HARVEY. REQUISITES FOR ALL SPORTS. PICNIC SUPPLIES AND ALL CAMP NEEDS. Paper Serviettes, Picnic Plates, Wax Paper, Paper D oylies, Vacuum Bottles, Lunch Boxes. Breeches, Good Variety WEDDING GIFTS. Motor Rugs, Rubber Sole Shoes, TROPHY CUPS, MEDALS Our displays of Toilet Requisites, Athletic Shirts, and SPORTS' PRIZES. Silverware, China and Jewellery Bathing Suits, Sports' Shirts. Medals made to Special Designs. are vP.ry pleasing. Suit Cases, -----SOUVENIRS :-Labradorite N ovelties, Seal Skin Handbags, Special V alues Full Supplies of Purses, and T obacco Pouches, Postcards, Booklets, Burnt Leather Goods, etc. in Fishing Tackle, SOUVENIR PLAYING CARDS-52 Views- 51.50 Pack. Deck Chairs,- Foldiug Cots, Camp Stools, Lawn _Chairs, Haversacks, Hammocks. and Tents made All Sports Goods. ~T.::o::UN:LAND. to order. W.hen w riti n ~: to Advertisers kindly mention " The N ewfoundland Q uarterly." Vol. XXXVII.-No. 1. JULY, 1937. 80 cents per year. The Coronation of Their Majesties King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth At "Westminster, May 12ch, 1937. By Walter Scott, 30 Queen's Road, Norw ich. [NOTE.-Thr_ough the great kindness and interest of Mr. Her Royal Highness Prince5s Juliana of the Malcolm MacDonald, the Secretary of State for the Dominions, Netherlands, and His Royal Highness Prince the English correspondent of The Newfozmdland Quarterly was Bernhard of the Netherlands. honoured with a seat in Westminster Abbey for 1he Coro nation Ceremony. In consequence, we are able to present to our Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and readers a very strikin g and original picture of this memorable Crown Princess of Norway. and moving spectacle, as it appeared to a 5pectator. Mr. Scott Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and is a Newfou ndlander livin~ in Norwich, England. Several of Crown Princess of Sweden. his articles have appeared in former issues.-EDITOR.] Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and T is early morning of Wednesday, May Crown Princess of Denmark and Iceland. I 2th, 1937, as I take my seat in the old Their Royal Highnesses The Prince Regent and Gothic Abbey of Westminster. From Crown Prince of Yugoslavia. the top corner of the north triforium, to His Royal Highness The Grand Voevod of Alba whEich I ascended by the long spiral stairs at 6. I 5 1ulia. a.m., I watch the ancient shrine gradually fill with His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of Saudi colour in the soft morning light; the terraced seats Arabia. in the Abbey are filling with distinguished guests His Royal Highness The Prince of Preslav. in coloured robes and brilliant uniforms sparkling His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of with decorations, so that the interior of the historic Greece.
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