CABINET AGENDA Tuesday 26 February 2013 at 10.00am at the Civic Centre, Gateshead From the Chief Executive, Jane Robinson Item Business 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Minutes (Page 3) The Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 12 February 2013. Key Decisions 3. Gateshead Review of Community Centres (Phase 2) – Outcome of Consultations and Implementation Proposals (Page 7) Report of the Strategic Director, Community Based Services 4. Library Service Review – Report on Library Service Phase 2 Public Consultation (Page 31) Report of the Strategic Director, Community Based Services 5. North East Local Transport Body Assurance Framework (Page 93) Report of the Strategic Directors, Legal and Corporate Services and Development and Enterprise 6. Tender for the Supply of Goods and Services (Page 99) Report of the Strategic Director, Legal and Corporate Services Recommendations to Council 7. Capital Programme Report of the Strategic Director, Finance and ICT (to follow) 8. Review of Fees and Charges 2013/14 Report of the Strategic Director, Finance and ICT (to follow) Contact: Kevin Ingledew (0191) 433 2142 Date: 19 February 2013 Item Business 9. Budget and Council Tax Level 2013/14 Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, Finance and ICT (to follow) 10. Gateshead Council Volunteers Plan (Page 103) Report of the Strategic Director, Community Based Services 11. Employment Issues - Revised Redundancy Policy and Procedure (Page 111) Report of the Strategic Director, Legal and Corporate Services 12. Calendar of Meetings 2013/14 (Page 137) Report of the Strategic Director, Legal and Corporate Services Non Key Decisions 13. Transfer of the NHS Public Health Workforce to the Council (Page 157) Report of the Strategic Directors, Legal and Corporate Services and Community Based Services 14. Gateshead Fund (Capacity Building Fund) (Page 165) Report of the Strategic Director, Community Based Services 15. Smokefree Play Areas Gateshead(Page 177) Report of the Strategic Directors, Community Based Services and Learning and Children and Director of Public Health 16. Local Economic Assessment – Refresh (Gateshead) (Page 183) Report of the Strategic Director, Development and Enterprise 17. Appointment of Authority School Governors (Page 191) Report of the Strategic Director, Learning and Children 2 GATESHEAD METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL CABINET MEETING 12 FEBRUARY 2013 PRESENT: Councillor M Henry (Chair) Councillors: C Donovan, A Douglas, M Foy M Gannon, M Graham, L Green J McElroy, McNestry and P Mole C215 MINUTES The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 22 January 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. C216 CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF CORPORATE PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES Consideration has been given to tenders received for the provision of Corporate Physiotherapy Services. RESOLVED - That the tender from Treatment Solutions, Newcastle upon Tyne for the provision of Corporate Physiotherapy Services for a period of 24 months commencing on 1 March 2013, with an option to extend for a further 2 x 12 month periods, be accepted. The above decision has been made for the following reason: A comprehensive evaluation of the five tenders received has been undertaken. The recommended tender is the most economically advantageous tender submitted. C217 COMMUNITY SAFETY BOARD STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT Consideration has been given to the key findings from the Community Safety Board Strategic Assessment 2012, which identifies the Community Safety Board’s strategic priorities for 2013/14. RESOLVED - (i) That the draft Community Safety Board Strategic Assessment be endorsed. (ii) That a further report be submitted to Cabinet following the production of the draft Community Safety Board Partnership Plan. 1 The above decisions have been made for the following reason: The Police and Justice Act 2006 imposes a statutory duty on the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership to produce an annual Partnership Plan. C218 APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS Consideration has been given to the appointment of nine public analysts. RESOLVED - That the following analysts be appointed as public analysts for the Council. • Alan Richards BSc, MChemA, CChem, FRSC • Elizabeth Moran MSc, MChemA, FRSC, MIFST • Ron Ennion BSc, MChemA, CChem, FRSC, MIFST • Kevin Wardle MSc, MChemA, CChem, MRSC • John Waller MSc, MChemA, CChem, MRSC • Peter Brown BSc, MChemA, CChem, FRSC, FIFST • Jeremy Wootten MA, MChemA, CChem, MRSC • Duncan Arthur BSc, MChemA, CChem, MRSC • Nigel Payne MSc, MChemA, CChem, MRSC The above decision has been made to meet a statutory duty under the Food Safety Act 1990 and Agricultural Act 1970. C219 RESPONSES TO CONSULTATIONS Consideration has been given to responses to recent Government consultations. RESOLVED - That the responses to the following consultations be endorsed. • ‘Measuring Child Poverty: A Consultation on better measures of child poverty’ - Department for Work and Pensions • Future Reserves 2020: Delivering the Nation’s Security Together Green Paper – Ministry of Defence The above decision has been made to enable the Council to contribute responses to the consultations. C220 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME – TRANSFER OF UNCOLLECTABLE AMOUNTS Consideration has been given to the transfer out of the Council’s accounts outstanding balances in excess of £500 from certain miscellaneous income accounts where all possible recovery action has been taken and the balances are now considered to be uncollectable. 2 RESOLVED - (i) That the action taken under delegated powers to transfer out of the Council’s accounts 885 balances totalling £86,500.84 be noted. (ii) That the transfer of balances on 94 accounts, amounting to £123,485.12 be approved. To ensure the effective management of the Council’s resources. C221 APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL GOVERNORS Consideration has been given to the appointment of School Governors. RESOLVED - That the appointment/reappointment of Authority/Local Authority School Governors/Authority Members for a period of four years from the date indicated in accordance with the Instrument of Governance/Articles of Association of each school. School Appointment Reappointment Date from Glynwood Cllr F Hindle 12.2.13 Oakfield Junior Cllr Mrs Goldsworthy 8.2.13 Portabello Cllr N Weatherley 8.3.13 Wardley Cllr P Mole 8.3.13 Whickham Cllr Mrs M Ord 8.3.13 Parochial Charles Thorp Cllr Liz Twist 12.2.13 St Mary & St Thomas Aquinas Cllr Liz Twist 12.2.13 Joseph Swan Academy Mr P De Vere 12.2.13 Rowlands Gill Primary Mr H Kelly 12.2.13 The above decision has been made to ensure the required appointments are made to Governing Bodies. 3 C222 PETITIONS SCHEDULE Consideration has been given to the latest update on petitions submitted to the Council and the action taken on them. RESOLVED - That the petitions received and the action taken on them be noted. The above decision has been made to inform Cabinet of the progress of the petitions received. Copies of all reports and appendices referred to in these minutes are available online and in the minute file. Please note access restrictions apply for exempt business as defined by the Access to Information Act. The decisions referred to in these minutes will come into force and be implemented after the expiry of 3 working days after the publication date of the minutes identified below unless the matters are ‘called in’. Publication date: 13 February 2013 Chair………………….. 4 3 REPORT TO CABINET 26 February 2013 TITLE OF REPORT: Gateshead Review of Community Centres (Phase 2) – Outcome of Consultation and Implementation of Proposals REPORT OF: David Bunce, Strategic Director, Community Based Services Purpose of the Report 1. To update Cabinet on progress following the outcome of the phase 2 consultation agreed by Cabinet on 18 September 2012 (minute number C84) and to seek agreement to proceed with implementing the review with effect from 1 April 2013. Background 2. There are currently 42 Community Centres across Gateshead which are owned by the Council and/or the Council resources the running costs of the centres. This current phase of the Community Centre Review has identified 16 Centres which support options to either develop asset transfer; review use; relocation or are surplus to Council requirements and may close (based on consultation on the 5 options agreed by Cabinet on 18 September 2012 and listed below in para 5). 3. The overall budget for Community Centres is £731,000 for 2012 / 13. On the 02 March 2012 Council agreed £300,000 savings in 2013/14 for Community Centres in the Spending Proposals of February 2012/13 (CNV1) (minute number CL/97). In September 2012, Cabinet approved the strategy which involved some Community Centres becoming self financing and self supporting where there is capacity and demand to do so. Since September 2012, there has been a thorough consultation phase with Community Centres and Management Committees. 4. The Council agreed the establishment of the Gateshead Fund (Capacity Building Fund) in February 2011 (minute number CL115). The purpose of this Fund is to support the community and voluntary sector in Gateshead. Capacity Building Funding is open to all community and voluntary sector groups and is also targeted at area based youth and community organisations to support community groups and centres to become more sustainable. In 2012/13, 125 community groups have accessed the Fund to support their business planning and development needs. The Gateshead Fund (Capacity Building Fund) has supported 13 Community Centres directly to build
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