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U.S. Patent Nov. 8, 2016 Sheet 1 of 17 US 9.487,474 B2 5 O U.S. Patent Nov. 8, 2016 Sheet 2 of 17 US 9.487,474 B2 UV-TRANSMITTANCEATEACHWAVELENGTH(nm) FOR COMPOUND IF, 290 2.084 2.209 2.084 2.209 2.084 2.209 0.332 291 2,081 2.178 2.081 2.178 2.081 2.178 0.328 292 2.025 2.123 2.025 2.123 2.025 2.123 0.317 293 1997 2.103 1997 2.103 1997 2.103 0.312 294 1972 2.064 1972 2.064 1972 2.064 0.305 295 1963 2.058 1963 2.058 1963 2.058 O.303 296 1943 2.055 1943 2,055 1943 2.055 0.301 297 1933 2.046 1933 2.046 1933 2.046 0.299 298 1917 2.035 1917 2.035 1917 2.035 0.296 299 1898 2.016 1898 2.016 1898 2.016 0.291 300 1903 2.016 1903 2.016 1903 2.016 0.292 301 1921 2.023 1921 2,023 1921 2.023 0.295 302 1921 2.020 1921 2,020 1921 2.020 0.294 303 1914 2.018 1914 2.018 1914 2.018 0.293 304 1915 1995 1915 1995 1915 1995 O.291 305 1917 2.000 1917 2.000 1917 2.000 0.292 306 1907 2.029 1907 2.029 1907 2.029 0.294 307 1913 2.036 1.913 2.036 1913 2.036 0.295 308 1923 2.038 1923 2.038 1923 2.038 0.297 309 1951 2.064 1951 2.064 1951 2.064 0.303 310 1965 2.081 1965 2.081 1965 2.081 0.306 311 1960 2.082 1960 2.082 1960 2.082 0.305 312 1969 2.099 1969 2,099 1969 2,099 0.308 313 1996 2.120 1996 2.120 1996 2,120 0.313 314. 2.001 2.103 2.001 2.103 2.001 2.103 0.312 315 1994 2.135 1994 2.135 1994 2.135 0.315 316 2.004 2.120 2.004 2.120 2.004 2.120 0.314 317 2014 2.134 2.014 2.134 2,014 2.134 0.317 318 2.028 2,150 2.028 2.150 2.028 2.150 0.320 319 2.034 2.162 2.034 2.162 2.034 2.162 0.322 320 2,041 2.181 2.04 2.181 2,041 2.181 0.324 321 2.063 2.201 2.063 2.201 2.063 2.201 0.329 322 2.086 2.212 2.086 2.212 2.086 2.212 0.332 U.S. Patent Nov. 8, 2016 Sheet 3 of 17 US 9.487,474 B2 324 2.131 2.251 2.131 2.251 2.131 325 2.175 2.292 2.175 2.292 2.175 326 2.207 2.324 2.207 2.324 2.207 327 2.254 2.386 2,254 2.386 2.254 328 2.297 2.411 2.297 2.411 2.297 329 2.361 2.458 2.361 2.458 2.361 330 2.386 2.517 2.386 2,517 2.386 331 2.456 2.599 2.456 2.599 2.456 332 2.548 2.641 2.548 2.641 2.548 333 2.602 2.731 2.602 2.731 2.602 334 2,681 2.819 2,681 2.819 2,681 335 2.755 2.907 2.755 2.907 2.755 336 2.794 2.965 2,794 2.965 2.794 337 2.888 3.057 2,888 3.057 2.888 338 2.996 3.163 2.996 3.163 2.996 339 3.085 3.266 3.085 3.266 3.085 340 3.258 3.465 3.258 3.465 3.258 341 3.299 3.508 3.299 3.508 3.299 342 3,415 3.639 3.415 3.639 3.415 343 3,565 3,788 3.565 3,788 3.565 344 3.668 3.916 3.668 3.916 3.668 345 3.784 4,067 3.784 4,067 3,784 346 3.916 4,209 3.96 4.209 3,916 347 4.035 4.335 4.035 4.335 4,035 348 4.187 4,474 4.187 4,474 4,187 349 4.296 4.614 4,296 4.614 4.296 350 4.398 4.720 4,398 4.720 4.398 351 4.535 4.873 4,535 4,873 4,535 352 4.627 4,994 4627 4.994 4,627 353 4.748 5.119 4.748 5.119 4.748 354 4.882 5.241 4.882 5.241 4.882 355 4,964 5.335 4.964 5.335 4.964 356 5,027 5.447 5.027 5.447 5.027 357 5.133 5.510 5.133 5.510 5.133 358 5.197 5.621 5.197 5.62 5.197 359 5.328 5.742 5.328 5.742 5.328 360 5.365 5.782 5.365 5.782 5.365 361 5,422 5.853 5,422 5.853 5,422 362 5,501 5.959 5.501 5.959 5,501 363 5.582 5.990 5,582 5.990 5.582 364 5,628 6,056 5,628 6,056 5.628 365 5,654 6,097 5.654 6.097 5,654 U.S.
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