WIJt Jgu.ening ~far­ JAN 281945 Gen. O'Dwyer to Dir. Wtrfefugee Program B1 th~ Associated Pre.!Sr. Resi8natton of John W. Pehle as axecutive director of the- War Ref­ ugee Board and appointment of Brig. Gen. Wllliam O'Dwyer as his rucces.sor was announced last night. Mr. Pehle resigned because of press of his duties as assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, the announcement .said. It added that Gen. O'Dwyer is being returned to inactive status by the War Depart­ ment to permJt him to take the new asstgnm~nt. Gen. O'Dwyer recently .r returned from Italy, where he served with the Allied Control Com- m~·on.T e War Refugee Board. is c-~, m- · po& of the Secretaries of Sb. , · Tre. ury and War. It seeks to 1. d. per cuted civilian mtnorittes I Nazi-occupied Europe. -;,_: -;- ,-:: ._ -,.-.. -:~·.·,:~ ~_,_?. ..:.:.;:~"'=~-\ -__,...~.,.--­ l: ' House Rejects Salary Increase For Congress By VIRGINIA PASLEY by the Ap-' proprlattons Committee contains Iegislat.ive clauses hitting at the: PresidentP power to create emer- ;~~cit ~~~~~~:1. wi\h~~~e;~nfit~t: any n;IQney spent by sUch agenciesi · as the l!!lll:..ll.!!!wre.~aJ;~ and[ the confiirence-of A!Hed'J\Irnlsters• of Education in Lond~en 1 fr~es!dent:~mei'llllil9Y\ [~ .... Now York Posf," - DEC 6 1944 - tionJ!!s~ of Jews in Europe .T,~!.'ur' is "so 'f!~"'~~!~f!1H~~~-.ret~r11:1ng_war yeter~s,-tlie·~~-~ terrible as 'to be almost unbeliev- . - _ _ ~i_t~ec:_y(jted,the-V~t~r~~$->~ci.- n~ able," . a House Appropriations recoll]m-:n_ded by ~e HouSe A_ ~ ~~~~n~O~~~~J~~~,~~~--t'ftY[~ -~ Committee has been advised by propnatwns Commtttee. It w~ f thpt> - .---:~-- -.-:-~-:-=·_;-Y. ' .!Ql_-hn. W. Pehle, director of the boost to an estimated $6- 8,000,000~, , Ot:_- ---"- .. P_\lrpos.,__ .-. _-_-_ · __ • _. _ ~- _ ·• War Refugee Board. 000 the 1:1ew funds voted by C.o~~~ Pehle's statement disclosed to- gress this year. 1 1 day in pub1ication 'of testimony Over half the new bill's tc;>tai,t. on a catch-all bill before the__ com- $286,626,582, \Vas earmarked foq mittee, said there could be no the Navy. 1 doubt "of the extermination pol- Also approved were a nl)mbeif icy carried on by Germany" of items, aggregating $17;5~9.000, <igainst Jews. for the collection of stqtisti(!S ~ dded Funds Approved ~~s~e~i~abf~r t~r~~~:~~~~t : 1 ~ ~ $415,324,712 measure supple- promoting postwar ;readjustme · nting funds already provided For the construction and ope ' ~ miscellaneous agencies was j.ion of h~!P~!~! _a!ld_ domiciliar~ NEVI YORK Cl'l"Y ( l. "-.) lJAILY l'.'EWS R::!:CORD - DL.l>MBER PEII1E IN OLRICH~-­ TREASURrYOST Washington, t Nov. 30. - Secretar} Henry Morgenthall 1i8.11 a.s:dgned to John W. Pehle, Aaslstant to the Sec- -"<>, ••.,.,_ ··- ~ "'-'"'' Prrn:.urement Dlvhfon. · Mr. Pehle succeeds Ernest L. Ol!·ich, who has returned to actlv" duly u prealdent of Munslngwear, Inc., of P,llnneapolls, 1rJJnft.. The actlvllles ot Procurement Divi­ !llon ar"e dual In character. One office, headed by Clifton J.. :M.\Ck, purchases materials and goods for Lend-Lea~e and Government uses. Another o1rice, lhe OUioe of Surplus ! Property, handles dl'p~al or con- 1 sumer goods ded&red surplut by the ' armed forces. Mr. Pehle has been with the Treu­ ury Department for more than 10 "~n. His former duUes lnclude~dl­ ~e IJ•IIl of the Foreign Funds Cor;~ rot, wt ch hils control of over 7 bl ion dol rs or foreign aasets In the Ut ted Sta es. He Is also oxecuUve dir6 tor or the Wa.r Refugee Board In which l poe.ition he will continue to serve. \ ,. .J.- ..: ··'-"" ,, ._.· Nmv Treastn~y- J Surplus Head~ Waahington, Nov. 3(), - Secretary Henry Morgenthau baa ~signe~ to John W. Pehie, Auist&ilt to the Sec­ retary, supervision over the· Treasury's Procurement Division. · Mr. Pehle succeeds Ernest L. Oh·ich, who hns returned to active dul)' ll.S president.. of Munalngwea.r, Inc., o( Minneapolis, :Minn. The activities o( Procurement Dlvl­ Hinn are dual In character, One office, heJ.de<l by Clifton E. Mack, pur..!h811ea materi11ls and goods for Lend-Lease Alui· Government uses. Another office, the OfJice of Surplus Property, handles disposal of con­ :-~umer goods declared surplus by the arrnPd forces. Mr. Pehle hns been with the Trcas­ "r.v Department tor more ·than 10 '1'11ra. His former dulles Included dl­ ' t•t·tion of the Foreign Funds Control, {::~~~~s ~~ 8(o;:l~t~o~a:!ts 0~:rth! ~~:!:: , 1 fit all's. He Ia also executive director 8 1 &~.. ~~~~;~" ";1:r w~~ruc~~ u~::r:o ;er::lcl~~{ 'nfE WALL STREET JOURNAL DEC 1 1944 fldilt C!toscn to Head{· [)i.1pusa/ of A nny-..\Ta1::..·y Surplus fur Treasury WA.SHfX(;TOX «.:P• 1\lP Tr~asury'g jot> r,f· dt.'ipr•sir.g o[ b.ll;cr!s of dollars \\·orth of :::urplllf' ~"run ·sas put tmder the superYiswn of .Jnhn v: Pr·I1Ji.>. a :av:yf>r. Jnrli• :~t:f•:•s :;re that ·another man po;.._. !-IJb]y ·.~tth mr·rchantl!:-=ing PXp(>rienc-e- wtl! bF> nppr.mtPd tn carry nut lhP.,hJg selling opera­ tJIJn unrl!·r ~fr. f>t-il!P·s dtrPdJnn. Mr. PehlP Sll~"'Tf'£"fiS Ernf>f'l L. Olnc1 presl- ~~~1tg o~h~!}"~~int~1·;·e~';j,r~~ hr~f..\~~~P~:~~ n~-~ ~Po:;~~~ ~rr. Olnr-~ has rPs!gned to go back! to hit: :company. i 'The Federal Diary. -~ By Jerry Kluttz ~ointment or.~v.1~~ Pehle to head up the surPlus con~ !Umer war goods unit at Procure-! ' ment takes him out of the running;~ as assistant director of the Budget I Bureau .. Pehle gets one of the i tou~hest jobs in GO\·ernment. His office will need a staff of more than· 10 000 to Eell the surpluses .•. Cor-, rington Gill of the Committee for1 Con~ested Production Areas now has support for the budget vacancy. His committee will fold on January; __ 1 •.. Chairman Downy will build up his Senate Civil Service Com-; mittee. His clerk after January 1: will be Eleanor Jackson, wbp is, now an assistant attorney ge·Jeral for U~ State of California.,And] yeste-jlay he asked the Sen;1 e to: gin im an assi:-;tant clerk -1o be 2 5 ~~!.~·{~~~ ~~~~~~~~y s:~~ ;~:~ 1i(~~ i ."'" '~ -. -i--.>. ~IJC Ul~~~~ngt~~pDs1 . [: L l _l_ l~'"t!f '.Tolln W. Pei1Ie~ Trea~ury Ai~ To Supervise Surplus Selling T/1p lr·('d<.Ury·,.- job of dispo,ing!retar~· :uo,·genth_au. This dh·ision nf '"'"""'of rloll;u·s ll"nrth or >l!l'-~h"·' the double function of buying 1plu<; goods wa .. put .Yt>"iPrday un-'goods for Go,·ernment agencies and drr >upcn·i>Jon of John w. Pohle., disposing of surpluses of Army- a law~ er. r Xa\T goods sold to the public. lndl(·aliono:: are that anotheJt man J Pehle succeeds Ernest L. Olrlch. -possibly with merehan<lising ex--~president of 1\Iunsingwear, who was periencP-wjJJ be ;:~ppointpd to· his own operating chief in the Office eany out tile big "Cll!ng nper,1tion,' of Surplus Property. OJ rich has undPr l't·hle·, rlu·pction. \rhen re_<;igned to go back to his company. Pt•hle W<~s a<>ked about thi~_ hi"' only/ PPhle will continue to sen·e as rommpJJl v.ao; th<tl ··rm <tPPlllntment iCXeeutrn,. dil'ector {If the \\"ar flao; .vn bC'f'll madP." fHefugf'e Board. ! 1 I'l·hl~. <tssi.<.tant lo 1/]p St'lTdar~·./ The bu~ing f~melion n( lh\ pro.: ha<; bej n in lh£' Trea~ury 10 YPar.~.lrUJ'Pment dn·is10n j.., lwade~ by flp \1 <H givpn ~UfH'JT;sion "H-r I h(' Clifton -E_ :\l<1<·k, a<> dn£'ctol\ of whole pronri'Pilll'lll dr\ l.o.,wn by Set.·- ·procur·£'ml'llJ. ._ __;~'f-., ... ictalb ~Karn&une DE 1944 •I · .p N4i4._ or whether some will'' .1 ~ehle Gets New O!l .. }be appointed under ~!.fr. J'rne's : WAsHINGTON. Nov. 30 UPL-jsupervtsJon has not been learned.! ·John W. Pehle. assistant to Henry, The o. s. P. disposes of consumer· j L. Morgenthau jr., Secret!lorY oq type goods de?lared surplu.s ~Y__ t_b_: Ithe Tr_easury, ha.os been, named to~armed forces. Mr. Pehle wil~con· , s.uperv1se_ ~he Trea~;ury s Procure- tlnue as executive d.Jr~ctpr o~. thth.ea · m_ent dlns1on. He succee(_ls Ernest War Re.Qigee Board. He flu been. Li Qlrlch. who has returned !I\ hl.5 with the Treasury Deparfiv,.,nt Pjdtion as ~g •. mor. than ten years. i ' _ \':Tar. Inc .. of Minneapolis. Whetrt- er ·Mr. Pehle wm have charge of. the recently organized office of ~urplus ·property, as Mr. Olrlch 1· ·-.0 '-• C~J 2 DEC 1 1944 'Peale to Direct :Surplus Disposat" !Treasury Official Likely to· Nam~andising Ex­ pert for Selling WASHINGTON, ~ov. 30 CAP).­ The Treasury's job of disposing of [billions of dollars worth of surplu& !goods was put today under super­ lvision of John W. Pehle, a lawyer. ' Indications are that another man -possibly with merchandising ex~ perience-wiiJ be appol_nted to Car- 1 ry out the big selling operation un­ der Peh).e'11 direction. ~·hen Pehle; was asked about this, his only: comment was that "no appolnt-t ment has yet been made.'' i Pehle. assistant to the secretary, - has been in the Treasury ten years.
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