CRIMINAL BIGOTRY SHOWN BY PUBLIC SCHOOL OFFICIAL 7 ^ Hi LETTER THAT HE NOT EMPLOY ANV CATHOUC AS Old Church Sold; New Rectory Is Now Under Register Calls on State Government to Act to Construction Preserve Constitution The new church of St. Augustine's new rectory will be finished this parish, Brighton, will be blessed this week. MnNtt ScvtvM, fttcavTunr R«v Mec««nmi. twaium* Sunday at 10 o’clock, with Pontifical The Rev. E. J. Verschraeghen, pas­ tor, declares that the church and High Mass immediately following. The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. SARGENT CONSOUDATED SCHOOLS rectory will be completed with a debt X H O O l MSTSia NO > The R t Rev. J. Henry Tihen, D.D., of only $9,000. The Rev. B. J. We Hare Also Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the fcoCwl, C.iiM, Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service Bishop of Denver, will be celebrant, Froegel, vicar forane of the Greeley HONTS VISTA, COU3MOO assisted by the following; Assistant deanery, pastor for years at Brigh­ priest, the Very Rev. A. A. Breen, ton, gathered a substantial building VOL. XXV, No. 45. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930. $2.00 PER YEAR. S.J., president o f Regis college; dea­ fund while he was serving St. Augus­ June 18, 19M con. the Rev. C. M. Johnson of the tine’s parish. Cathedral; subdeacon, the Rev. A. Brighton has been one of the his­ Sommaruga, pastor of St. Patrick's, toric Catholic centers of northeast Denver; master of ceremonies, John ern Colorado and a number of par­ Kill Cxtherln* Hcllultjr, Wogan, a student o f St. Thomas’ ishes have been carved from its vari­ Carbondslc, Celoralo. seminary who will be ordained a ous missions. Roggen and Keenes priest of the Denver diocese in 1931. burg will be the next Brighton mis­ t» u Kit* Volultyi » The Bishop will preach. sions to be launched as a separate The new church is a beautiful parish. Just when the division will I r*erat to Inform you th»t my boora will not «lle» structure costing ?4 1,000, including be made has not yet been announced, DO to ooniiaor mppllematt of your rollgiouo bolKf. the cost of a new pipe organ. The but Father Verschraeghen, with the edifice will seat 380 in the main Bishop’s permission, is making ar- rangemente towards this end. The auditorium,^ with seats for 80 more Very truly youre, in the choir gallery. The building Brighton parish has grown so much is 44 by 92 feet and is of reddish that Father Mankowski, S.J., of Regis brick, with Roman style architecture. college has been going to the city The heating plant is of the hot air every Sunday to assist Father Ver­ type, with fan. A feature is a large schraeghen. Brighton is a thriving assembly hall in the basement, 72 by manufacturing center in the midst of The outrageous flouting of the Colorado constitution, which 44 feet. This hall will be used next a high class farming district declares that no religious test shall be applied to public office Tuesday evening for a parish supper, Following the Pontifical Mass or employment in this commonwealth, continues year after which is to be served from 5:30 to Sunday, a dinner will be served to the 8:00 o’clock. M. McEahern of Den­ visiting clergy. In addition to the year in the public schools. Never has a more flagrant case ver has been in charge of the con­ officers of the Mass, it is hoped to of it been given than is proved by the letter we reproduce struction. have several other priests present above. A few weeks ago, when a public school official did The old church and rectory have The new pipe organ at Brighton is this same thing in New York state, he was relieved of his been sold to the Allen undertaking similar to those just installed in the position by the state government. We challenge the state firm of Brighton. The church will Osner memorial chapel at the Good be turned over to this concern July 1 Shepherd home and at S t Patrick’s government of Colorado to act now. State officials are sworn and the rectory just as soon as a church, Denver. The organs were to uphold the constitution. The constitution is plain. Will they new rectory is completed beside the built to specifications drawn up by act or will Colorado continue to be held up before the nation new church. The basflftient for the Monsig^nor Joseph Bosetti. as a place where the remnants of Kluxism are permitted to flourish? Dr. James Brown Scott, president Every single teachers’ agency in this state applies thfe Vicar General Raber Comes by of the American Society of Interna­ religious test td applicants and they do t)iis because school tional Law and professor of interna­ board after school board demands to kifow the religion of tional law in the Georgetown Uni­ Aeroplane to Retreat of Clergy versity School of Foreign Service, prospective teachers. Even when Catholic girls are graduates who is reported to have been picked of the Colorado State Teachers college in Greeley, they find The R t Rev. Godfrey Raber, Vicar flew to Denver by aeroplane Monday to_ succeed Chief Justice Charles it difficult to get a public school job. There are some Catholics General of the Denver diocese, has By train or automobile, the trip re­ Evans Hughes as the American judge employed in public school positions, but they are few and far been attending retreats of the Colo­ quires two and a half hours. It re­ on the Permanent Court of Interna­ between and their number is becoming scarcer year after rado clergy and never missing a year quired just thirty minutes for the tional Justice.— (International News­ since the genuine pioneer days of this plane to come. While the passengers reel.) year. There has been no disposition, however, not to take our state. But he never came to one in in the plane were looking for Palmer The Patriarch of Antioch, Syriac Rite, Mys a visit to the Holy Places taxes. more illustrious fashion than he did Lake, they found themselves on the for the first time. His Beatitude, Msgr. Dionili Gabriel Tappouni, the When,' a few years ago, efforts were made' to get a law this* year. With Father Edward outskirts of Denver. The plane was Patriarch, holding the crozier, and Archbishop Velerio Valeri (right, center), Apostolic■ - Delegate- ■ for- -Palestine, - . photographed- .................................................. with other dignitaries, fol­ on the books that would set a fine or imprisonment for use of Woeber, one of his assistants at St a specially chartered one. 'the religious test, Catholics were accused of stirring up the Mary’s church, Colorado Springs, and Monsignor Raber is now aged 73, lowing the dedication of the parish church for Syrian Catholics in Bethle­ LISTENING IN Father Joseph Higgins, pastor of but keeps up parish work with all the hem.— (J. Toumayan, Jerusalem.) religious strife that “ everybody else was trying to calm down.” St. Patrick’s church in Pueblo, he amazing vigor of a sroung man. Cbnatant report! reach us about The logic w as' preposterous. The fact that the legislature active agitation in some of the public refused to consider the law was merely a continuation of the high schools, especially in the subur­ Klan spirit. Local Jesuit Will Attend ban places and small towns, against Catholic colleges. Teachers go out The time has arrived when nonsense such as has just Father Terence H. Devlin Speaks at of their way to advise Catholic stu­ occurred in Monte Vista must stop. A man who would dare National Sodality Convention dents that if they are going to seek to send a letter such as this school official did is not fit to higher education they ought to attend educate animals. The Register challenges the school board The Rev. W. S.‘ Ferris, S. J., of a religious body which aims to make non-CathoIic schools. For the most Sacred Heart-Loyola parish, is ex­ Catholics“ ■ )li •better Catholics.............................. through part, tho state-supported schools are to repudiate his action. If it does not, it will stand convicted Father Newells First Solenin Mass pected to attend the national sodality the sanctification of themselves, upheld, but often any school will do of deliberate flouting of the state constitution and should be convention in Chicago next week, sanctification of their neighbors, and just so long as it is not a Catholic (Continued on Page 4) July 4, 5 and 6. through the defense of the Church. one. Jesuit Pastor Gives Glorious Picture of Priest’s The purpose of the convention is Practical consideration of spiritual to show how’ sodalities, as spiritual exercises will be taken up in the W e know of specific instances Care for the People organizations, devoted to the Blessed talks. Methods of conducting meet­ where children were led to believe Rev. Louis B. Kucera Named as Sacrament and loyal to the parish, ings, of the importance of variety in that the Catholic colleges were jnfer- St. Phifomena’s church was filled him most frequently when their may through infitation of Mary, the meetings, of bringing sodalists to at­ '■or. —' Teachers in high schools with to capacity on the occasion o’f the hearts are filled.with sorrow— their Mother of God,\be- d,\l the finest, livest, tendance at meetings, will be dis­ in easy distance of Loretto Heights, New Bishop of Lincoln Diocese celebration of the Rev.
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