BU ILD IN G STARTS FUND WEDNESDAY CAMPAIGN NEXT SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY Volume XXVIII FEBRUARY 9. 1965 3 5 No. 15 University Model United Nations On Wednesday, February 10, 1965, the seventh annual University Model United Nations will get under way at the University of Mont­ real. This years’ theme will be “International Co-operation Through Development.” The program, which annually draws students from more than On Thursday, McGill will be fifty Canadian and American the scene of two films: one on Universities, is slated to last ECOSOC, the other on the Se­ three days, until Saturday, curity Council. There will also February 13th. Sir George, be a general assembly meeting which will send sixteen dele­ on ECOSOC and a panel dis­ gates to the Model UN — four cussion on “Foreign Aid to each for Poland, Belgium, Ja­ Undeveloped Nations.” maica and Kenya — will play Friday morning there will be host to this organization on the a General Assembly meeting at twelfth. All students are cor­ the University of Montreal. The dially invited. Model United Nations comes to At 2:30 on the 10th, a film Sir George that afternoon at will be shown on the General 4:00 p.m. when Mr. William Ep­ Assembly, at the University of stein, Chief of the . Disarma­ Montreal, to be followed by the ments Affairs Group of the UN Mock General Assembly, presid­ will speak on the “UN and Dis­ arm a m e n t." Copyright 1965. From a colour original by Barry D , Barnes. Used by permission Garnet ’65. ed over by Prof. J. Y. Morin, Folk singer Jacques Labrecque cuddles up to Carnival Queen Louise Ely shortly after crowning of the law taculty of the U Mr. Epstein, who is a lawyer her last Tuesday Night at Place Ville Marie. of M. and a native of Calgary, Alberta, is the Deputy Special Represen­ tative of the Secretary-General to the eighteen-nation Disarma- DDWA New Quebec Bursary Referendum Tomorrow System Suggested he can receive no more than between resident and non-resident A referendum will be Last Friday, the Consult­ ing Committee on Student $500. The AGEUM representatives students as far as the obtaining held tomorrow and Thurs­ are asking that bursaries be re­ of bursaries is concerned. This day to determine the future Aid met at Sir George with patriated according to needs, or opinion was based on the premise status ot the Day Division Mr. Hector Joyal, Director that the maximum amount be that it is the duty of the state to Women’s Association. of Student Aid, to discuss made unlimited. In this way, a make education as available as student needing $750 would be possible. the alleged inadequacy of enabled to receive it upon proof This body was organized The University of Sherbrooke the present system of stu­ of need. at a time when the voice dent loans and to consider a felt that the present system is of women here was so small The University of- Montreal did “highly inadequate” and only a more efficacious course of not explain how these funds were “patch-up job”. WILLIAM EPSTEIN as to be inaudible. The to be obtained by the provincial action. Unfortunately, reporters were To speak at UMUN government. It was their conten­ organ was given a vote on barred from Mr. Joyal’s final The conference, which was con­ tion that the duty of the Com­ ment Conference at Geneva and the S.U.S. Council where it summation. At the commencte- ducted entirely in French, was mittee was to see that the stu- has been of extensive service as has remained despite the recom­ ment of the meeting, Mr. Joyal attended by representatives from den’ts needs were fulfilled by the a senior political officer in the mendations of the last three pres­ had asked that the press leave the University of Montreal, Laval government — or at least made Department of Political Affairs, idents. These leaders stated that and the conference be held closed. University, University of Sher­ known to the proper officials. The in Palestine. the DDWA president was an This was strenuously objected to brooke, McGill University, opinion was expressed that once The Model UN will conclude unnecessary member of Council by most of the delegates. Bishop’s University and Sir the government becomes cogni­ on Saturday with a General As­ as the opinions of the female G eorge. sant of the particular demands McGill declared that the stu­ sembly meeting at the Univer­ students are now fairly pre­ One of the prime purposes of a of the student, it is up to them to dents have a right to know ex­ sity of Montreal. sented by the faculty organ­ actly what is going on. A closed committee meeting at this time see that the lack is supplied. izations. They are made aware, meeting would mean that dele­ was to consider a report sub­ The Committee unanimously as is the entire student body, gates were representing them­ mitted by the University of Mont­ agreed that between now and of other opinions to the in­ selves and using their own per­ real members. The most contro­ May — when assessments are GGFG or Bust creased number of women stu­ sonal opinions instead of repre­ versial of their recommendations due for the next bursary year — dents. senting the student body which was Proposition 6 which sug­ there is plenty of time for the Do you want to bring something had commissioned them to the The SUS Council, in an effort to gested that the 1965-66 plan government to plan and except exciting and adventurous into C om m ittee. streamline itself, has decided to should provide not only for school a research program into these your life? Do you want to become act upon these recommendations fees but should be extended to needs and examine exactly how Mr. Joyal stated that he could famous and looked-up to? Do by holding a referendum. Prior include transportation, clothing, much money a programme such not work as well when a re­ you need some high intellectual to deciding upon this, the entire food and personal expenses as as U of M outlined would cost. porter was present. “This is not pursuit to keep your mind off situation was examined and these well. Mr. Joyal, who, for the most a press conference,” he said. The the petty routine of your every­ day existence? points brought out; there was no Although not specifically de­ part, had remained silent, inter­ Director contended that in this DDWA President elected in the fined, the latter item was under­ jected a comment which resulted case, misrepresentation was too Well, we can't give you any of last elections. An effort to re­ stood to include social expenses in great consternation from the possible. However, the Committee that. The most we can promise vote dictated that the press establish the DDWA resulted in up to a certain limit. Committee members. He wanted is the most fabulous set of parties should be allowed to remain. the acclamation of a president, When asked to give reasons to know whether these extra al­ you’ve ever attended — and a lot but no executive could be gath­ for this set of recommendations, lowances were to be covered by of hard work. ered, thus confirming the state­ the AGEUM (Association Gene- the present bursary system, The fact of the matter is this. ments of the past presidents that rale des Etudiants de l’Universite which requires a 40% reimburse­ The Georgian is desperately in the interest amongst the women de Montreal) delegation ex­ ment, or by a new loan system Lecture need of keen intelligent students is insufficient to continue the pressed the opinion that these which would en tail 100% r e ­ who have a little time to devote DDWA. extra allowances are necessary paym ent. REPRODUCTIVE to us. In order to improve the Efforts to revitalize the DDWA for a fully rounded university A University of Montreal rep­ SYSTEMS quality of the paper, it is essential having failed, the SUS is now career, taking the stand that a resentative countered the ques­ that we obtain a bigger news calling a referendum to deter­ social life is a necessity to this tion by stating that the body in the staff than we have at present. mine whether or not the DDWA end. which he represented had not GRAPHIC ARTS The duties mainly involve cov­ retains its vote on Council. All In order to accomplish this commissioned him to discuss that ering one story a week and writ­ students are eligible to vote in plan, the U of M proposed the topic at that time, and that it Room 308 - Friday Feb. 12 ing it up to be ready by a specific this referendum. Should the re­ abolition of the present system of must be discussed at a future 3:30 P.M. deadline. Experience is definitely meeting. His delegation backed ferendum be passed efforts will norms. The maximum limit on All phofogra phers, artists, and useful, but not essential. A news­ then be made to reorganize the bursaries in the Montreal area is him up in this matter. interested parties welcome. paper staff must work as a team, A vote was taken on Proposi­ DDWA with emphasis on the $500 un d er the existing pro­ Barry D. Barnes, Georgian and it seems that the more work areas in which it has operated gramme; that is, no matter what tion. It was also decided that Managing Editor will speak.
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