PAKISTAN RAILWAYS PROJECT DIRECTORATE KARACHI CIRCULAR RAILWAY _ KARACHI No : O4/Tend ers/KCR/2020-2 1 Dated: 03"1 February, 2021 The Information Officer, Press Information Department, Regional Information Office, Govt. of Pakistan, KARACHI. Sunmcr RELEASE OF AI)VERTISEMENT I(indly arrange publication of the enclosed Tencler Notice bearing No. O4/Tenders/KcR/2020-21 dated: 03.02.2021. Publication of the advefiiserrent is desired in at least trvo (2) Natiorral Newspapers of URDU (combined) & ENGLISH (Combined) Ianguages, having large circulation in all Districts, Divisions / Provinces of Pakistarr prefbrably Daily JANG or EXPRESS (Urdu), Daily DAWN or THE NEWS (English) and Daily KAWISH (Sindhi). as per detail recorded below: 1) Date of publication 04-02-2021 to 0 6-02-2021 2) No" of insertion and the page position i) Only one ii) Advertisement page 3) Target i.e. in region / language of rnedia Pakistan (Englisli & Urdu) 4) Special position or form i.e. box fonn. fr"ont page etc. Special position Advertisement page s) Certificate of availability of funds to meet tlre Funds are available expenditure It is requested that one copy each of the newspapers contaitring the Tender Notice nray please be provided irnmediately after tl-re publication of the Tender Notice in the newspapers and also for having a record of the sarne. DA I Tender Notice { z\ ( Gh Qa ) For CR Project Pakistan Rai [u,ays. Karachi Cantt. Ph # 021-35632297 Cofry for information to: 1. Deputy Director-Ill, Public Procurernent Reguiatory Authority. 1't Floor, FBC BLrilding, Near State Bank. Sector G-512.Islanabad with the reqlrest to place the Tender Nolice on PPRA website lvwr.v.ppra. org. pk. 2. The Directot'IT/MIS. Pakistan Railrvays. Headquafters Office, Lahore. alongrvith a copy of Tender Notice for publication on their rvebsite. 3. The Senior Finance & Accounts Offrcer/KCR, Pakistan Railrvays, Karachi Cantt. to please attend as per schedule laid down in the enclosed Tender Notice Er\Microsoft 2020\(CR\Tender\04. &ring, Fencrn& Pa nt n8 & Earthwork\Advert sement\Covering erter.docx $'*{ pAKlsrap ffiRAtLWAys PROJECT DIRECTORATE KARACHI CIRCULAR RAILWAY - KARACHI No. 0.1/Tenders/KCR/2020-21 Dated: 03'd Februarv, 2021 TENDER NOTICE Separatc bids or.r plcscribed feC UiOAing clocuments. based on RCSR-20 l6 (KYCI) items tbr the unclcr rnentionccl norks as per PPRA Rule-36 (a) & 36 (b) are invited tiom approvccl Government contractors u,ho aLe registered u'ith FBI{ appearing orr Active Taxpayer List (ATL) ancl also registerecl r'r,ith Pahistatt Engineering Council (PEC) in rclcrrant catcgory. Iistimlted S Bid Period of Name of Work (lost PEC Category Type N Security Completion (in Rs) Bores on different statiorls such as C-6 rvith Providrng Water Single Stage - 4,111 200,000/- Specialization Code 02 N,lonrhs 1 WZN. KP'f. I-yari, Baldia, Shah Abdul Latif, SITE, .7141- One [,nvclop Mirnsopjr & Orangi Stations KCR Sectitln. CE-10 C-6 rvith Providing Rall fencrng botlr side of'Track lrom Bridge Surgle Stage 2 3,058,9 l 6/. i s0,000/. Specialrzation Cocle 0l N'lolths (Banaras) I(CR Sectton. One Envelop No. 26 to Road over Bridge CE-10 Foot over Bridges C-6 with Parnting of Weather Shield Paint ol Srnglc: Stage 1.1 06,804/ 50,000/ Specialization Code 0l Month ) Wazir Mansion, Shah Abdul Latif, Site & Manghopir One Invelojr Statior.rs. CE.1O C-6 with Earthr.vork on Embankment tiom Lyari to Baldia Single Stage - 1 1 2,000/- 75.000/ Specralization Code 01 Month 4 ,5 One Envelop Stations. CE-10 (lreen Passenger Platlbrm at KPT, C-6 with Provrding Bclt a1 Single Stagc Orangr Stations 2.s59.164/- 70,000/- Specialization Ciode - 0l Month 5 WZN. L1,ari. Baldia. Shah Latit. Stte & Onc Errvclop ovcr KCR Section (Size 800'18') 7 No. Plattbrms. CE-IO C-6 or above r.vith and Installatior, Standard-'l Single Track Supply of Specialization Code Srngle Stage 6 Color l,ight Signaling systern at Orangi Railrval, Slation 7.524.000/- 350.000/- 03 Months EE-o1,02,04,06.07, 1 1 Two Jjnvclop over KCR Section or 08 C-6 tvith Suppl,v and lnstallation of Color Light lnterlockrng Speoialization Code at Level Crossings No.22, 23. 24, 28 & 30 liom EE-08 C-6 ot above Single Stage S.vstem 9,458,000/- ,150.000/- 03 Months 1 Karachi Cit-v to Orangi Railu,ay Statjon over KCR wrth Specralizatron l rvo Envelop Sectiorr ((iroup-B) Clode EE-01 .02,04.06. 07. ll or08 Supply and Installation of Color Light Interlocking C-6 or above wit}t system at Level Crossir]gs No. 13, 14, 16, 178 & 20 SpecializatiorT Code Singlc Stagc 8 9,45 8.000/- 450.000/- - 03 Months fioln Karacl,i City Lo Orangi Raihvay Station over KCR EE-01,02,04,06, 07, I I Two [nve)op Sect:on (Group-C) or 08 l. Tender docurnents can be obtained lrom the ol'fice o[the Ploject Director. Karachi Circulal Railr.val'Plo]ect" I-ttccr Shed Road. Near Diesel Shed. Pakistan Railrval's. Karachi Cantt. On Non-Refundable cash pa) ment ol Rs. 2000/- each tblwolks/ter.rders tiom S.No. I to 5 and Rs.5000i- each lrom S.No.6 to 8. 2. Bidding Documents dLrl;- fi11ed in above listed tenders. addressed to the Proiect Directrtr, Kalachi (lircular Railrvar' Ploject. Loco Shed Road, Near Diesel Shed. Pakistan Railu,ays. Kalachi Can1t.. bealing the name o1-Work. nrust be dlopped in the sealed Tender Box placed 1br this purpose in the olllce of the Senior Finance & Accttunts Ol'flcer. Karachi Cilcular I{trihvay,Project, Pakistan I{aihvays. Karachi Cantt. on or befbre 12:00 hours on 25.02.2021. I'he Tcndcrs r,r,ill be opened on sarre date at 12:30 hours in presenoc of the bidders or their reprcscntatives r.vho likc to he pleserrt. 3. The amount olBid Security nrentioned abor,e is required to be attached in the fbrm ol'"Call Deposit"' llont an-r' schcclulccl bank" in the name o1- Senior Finnnce & Accounts Officer, Karachi Circular Raihvay Proiect, Pakistan Railways. Karachi Cantt. This "Call Deposit" must bc valid 1br 06 months fi'on.r thc clate llxed lbr' opcr.ring of tcndcls. 4. This Tender Notice is available at PPRA rvebsite (www.ppra.org.pk) as rvell as on Pakistan Railwal's u,ebsiLe (www.pakrail.com). a 1,\ (c Qadir r) For lcctor'/KCll{ Irrol cct Pak i stan Kalach i (lantL. Ph # 02I -35632297 04/Tenders/KCR/2020 -21 E:Microsoil 2010\ticR\Tender\04. Bodng. FerEng, Painting & EadNorkwlerlisemondTender Notice Bou&r) \!tll & Gate Works.(bcx.
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