LIST OF ADULT EDUCATION CENTRES RUN BY THE HARYANA GOVERNMENT (As on 31st March, 1982) T7IKECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION, HARYANA PREFACE This book contains the particulars of Adult Education Centres run by the Haryana State Government during the year 1981-82. In all 3500, Adult Education Centres were sanctioned. Of these, 3441 vere actually functioning on 31st March, 1982. Ib—thft^Districts of Hissy ^ JCarnal^__Siisa^ and_ Sonepat, 6,5, 42 and 6 Centres respectively were not functioning^iT^otheV Districts, theT^ilities were fully utilized. The District of Sirsa needs special attention. Of 3441 Centres, 3091 were located in Rural Areas. This numbers was 89.8% of the total. Thus ;he fo:us of the programme remained on these areas. The number of women centres was 1894, i.e. 55% of the total. More centres for women need to be opened, in view of the fact that the literacy for women lags behind. The problems of Housing the Centres in public Places has remained unsolved, despite nstructions from the State Panchyat Department that accommodation should be provided by the tillage Panchayats. 60.9% Centres functioned in Instructors own houses. The Panchyats must own ;heir responsibility and fully participate in this programme of National importance. Most of the Adult Education Centres were combined with Non-Formal Education Centres. Only 232 Centres functioned independently. 93.3% Centres were integrated. In this booklet, a list of inedependent Non-Formal Education Centres has also been introduced for references. (D.S. DHILLON) Joint Director Adult Education, Haryana. N IE PA DC 00829 3 7 L/ - u '■ i ' U nit, r* ., - * Educational P l.r T-iUg r- l7-B,StiAi:*V DOC. Ku.. D ate............ ................. CONTENTS Sr. N o. Particulars Pages 1. Statement-I showing utilisation of facilities of Adult Education by number of centres as on 31-3-82 y 2. Statement-II showing location of Adult Education centres as on 31-3-82 3. Statement-Ill showing provision of electricity facilities in the Adult Education centres as On 31-3-82 3 4. Statement-IV showing number of centres running duiing day and at night as on 31-3-82 4 5. Statement-V showing number of centres integrated with Non-formal Education and running independently as on 31-3-82 5 6. Statement-VI showing No. of centres by sex as on 31-3-82 6 7. Statement-VII showing No. of centres by area as on 31-3-8? 7 8. List of Adult Education centres in Ambala District. .. 8— 16 9. List of Adult Education centres in Bhiwani District .. 16—24 10. List of Adult Education centres in Faridabad District .. 24—29 11. List of Adult Education centres in Gurgaon District .. 29—37 12. List of Adult Education centres in Hissar District .. 37—45 13. List of Adult Education centres in Jind District .. 46—54 14. List of Adult Education centres in Karnal District .. 54— 62 15. List of Adult Education centres in Kurukshetia District .. 62—70 16. List of Adult Education centres in Mohindergarh District .. 70—78 17. List of Adult Education centres in Rohtak District ... 78—86 18. List of Adult Education centres in Sirsa District .. 86—93 19. List of Adult Education centres in Sonepat District . 93— 101 p . List of Ind. Non-formed Education centres .102— 104 21. List of Non-Formal centres 105 Abbreyifttions and Symblos Used 1. I.H/Inst. House =Instructors House 2. Integ. =3lntegrated 3. Indep. =;Independent ^ =.Indicates Centres functioning in or near Harijan Bastis* ■ • - ' f-.v L .« • * Staiement-I—Showing UtilkMtloa pf fociUties o f Adult Education by Number (rf Centre* as on 31st March , 1982 * ' nr' . ' Sr. Name of-Distfict Sanctioned number of Number of Centres %age of Utilisation of No. Centres actually functioning on facilities 31-3-82 1 2 s r 3 c 4 5 I. Ambala 300 300 100.0 ' t2 . Bhiwani 300 300 100.0 3. Faridabad 200 200 100.0 ” 4. Gurgaon ' 300 300 100.0 5. Hissar 300 294 98.0 6. Jind / i 300 300 ' . 100.0 - 7. Karoal , ? 300 295 <• . 98.0 8. Kurukshetra 300 300 100.0 , 9. Mohindergarh 300 300 100.0 10. Rohtak 300 300 100.0 11. Sirsa 300 258 86.0 12. Sonepat 300 294 98.0 Total ----- 3 5 o a - 3441 98.3 -------------------------------------- --------___i-----sill----- .i. * Statement-n—Showing Location of Adult Education Centres as on Slst March, 1982 Sr. Name of Distt. Number Panch- School Place Other ’ Total %age %age %age %age %age No. .............. of Centres ayat Qhurl Build- ofw or- placeis ....... _ of Inst, of P. of of of located Chopal/ ing ship house Ghar School places other in in- Dharam Build- of places structor’s Sala ing worship house 10 11 12 13 1. Ambala 50 123 30 24 73 300 16.7 41 10 8.0 24.3 2. Bhiwani 235 26 10 3 26 300 78 8.7 3.3 1 8.7 3. Farid abad 154 31 — 4 11 200 77 15.5 —■ ' 2 .a. 5.5 4. Gurgaon 233 43 3 — 21 300 77.7 14.3 1 — 7 5. Hissar 213 40 7 9 25 294 77.5 13.6 2.4 3 8.5 6. Jind 214 35 15 2 34 300 77.3 11.7 5 0.7 11.4 7 Karnal 182 44 7 4 58 295 61.7 14.9 2.4 1.4 19.7 8. Kurukshetra 78 54 18 2 148 300 26 18 6 0.7 49.3 9. Mohindergarh 138 120 9 13 20 300 46 40 ‘ 3 4.3 6.7 10. Rohtak m 31 5 2 74 300 62.7 10.3 1.7 *0.7 24.7 ll* Sirsa 200 24 5 7 22 258 77.5 9.3 1.9 2.7 8.5 12. Sonepat _ 214 49 4 ■— 27 . 294 72.8 16.7 J.4- . .— 9.2 Total 2099 ... 620 113 70 539 3441 609 18.1 3.3 2.0 15.T 3 Statemeit-HI—Showing proTiflion of Electricity Facilities in the Adult EtfoCatiflA Centrear is on 31flt MardI, 1982 r. Name ofDisrtict • ^ . ^ Totpl No. of Centres No. of Centres with . %agepf,,C^tres with ' . functioning on 31-3-82 Electricity facilities electricity facility, ; 1 1. Ambala 300 83 27.7 2. Bhiwani 300 98 32.7 3. Farldabad 200 41 20,5 4. Gurgaon 300 83 27.7 5. Hissar 294 158 53.7 6. Jind 300 126 42.0 7. Karnal 295 185 62.7. 8. Kurukshetia 300 130 .43.3 - . I* - 9. Mohindergarh 300 46 15.3 0. Rohtak 300 178 59.3 1. Sirsa 258 186 72.1 2. Sonepat 294 ...........................205* ......... 70.7 Total ^ 3441 1522 "44.2 statement'IV'-^liowiiig N o .'o f Coitfesriiiiiiiitg during day and at nipit as on 31st March, 1982 Sr. Name of District Total No. of No. of day No. of night %age of day No. centres centres centres centres 1 r ~ 1. Ambala 300 217 83 72.3 2. Bhiwani 300 202 98 67.3 3. Farldabad 200 159 41 79.5 4. Gurgaon 300 217 83 72.3 5. Hissar 294 136 158 46.2 6. Jind 300 174 126 58 7. Karnal 295 185 110 62.7 8. Kurukshetra 300 170 130 56.7 9. Mohindergarh 300 254 46 84.7 10. Rohtak 300 122 178 40.7 11. Sirsa 258 72 186 27.9 12. Sonepat 294 86 208 29.2 Total 3441 1919 1522 55.7 "nr 5 Statement-V -Showing No; of Geotres integrated with Non-Formal Educatron rttitaiog IndependMtly at oo 31st March, 1982 Sr. Name of District Total No. of No. of centres No. of indepen- %age of in­ No. centres integrated with dent centres tegrated centies Nion-Formal to total EdU'. centres 1 1. Ambala 300 289 11 96.3 2. Bhiwani 300 280 20 93.3 3. Faridabad 200 200 100 4. Gurgaon 300 295 5 98.3 5. Hissar 294 286 8 97;2 6. Jind 1 300 271 29 90.3 7. Kama] 295 248 47 84.0 8. Kurukshetra 300 292 8 97.3 9. Mohindergirh 300 266 34 88.6 10. Rohtak 300 253 47 84.3 11. Sirsa 258 257 1 99.6 12. Sonepat 294 272 22 92.5 Total 3441 3209 232 93.3 c 6 Stat^mt-VIx-^ShoiriDg No. of Centres by Sex as on 31st March, 1982 Sr. Name of District Total No. of Women centres Men centres %age of Women Centre No. centres to total centres 1 2 1. Ambala 300 197 103 65.7 2. Bhiwanl 300 162 138 54 3. Faridabad 200 78 122 39 4. Gurgaon 300 105 195 35 5. Hissar 294 144 150 49 6. Jind 300 153 147 51 7. Kama] 295 169 126 57.3 8. Kurukshetra 300 187 113 62.3 9. Mohindergarh 300 191 109 63.7 10. Rohtak 300 155 145 51.7 11. Sirsa 258 125 133 48.5 12. Sonepat 294 231 63 78.6 Total 3441 1894 1547 55.1 Statement-Vn—Showing No. of Centre# by Ari* a t on 31st Ntiircb, 1982 Sr. Nane of District Number of Centres in Total %age of Rural No. area centres to Rural Area Urban Area total 1. Ambala 245 55 300 81.7 2. Bhivani 293 7 300 99.7 3. Farid abad 180 20 200 90 4. Gurgaon 284 16 300 94.7 5. Hissar 275 19 294 94.2 6. Jind 269 31 300 89.7 7. Karjial 266 29 295 90.1 8.
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