December 18, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 42589 ADJOURNMENT for printing and reference to the proper H.J. Res. 1418. Joint resolution proposing calendar, as follows: an amendment to the Constitution to pro­ vide maximum age limits for certain officers Mr. MIKVA. Mr. Speaker, I move that Mr. HALEY: Committee of conference. the House do now adjourn. of the Government; to the Committee on the Conference report on H.R. 380; with amend­ Judiciary. The motion was agreed to; accord­ ment (Rept. No. 91-1785). Ordered to be By Mr. SCHWENGEL: ingly (at 8 o'clock and 1 minutes p.m.), printed H.J. Res. 1419. Joint resolution authorizing the House adjourned until tomorrow, Mr. ULLMAN: Committee on Ways and the acceptance, by the Joint Comm.ittee on Saturday, December 19, 1970, at 12 noon. Means. H.R. 14873. A bill relating to the in­ come tax treatment of just compensation the Library on behalf of the Congress, from received from the United States with respect the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, of pre­ to property taken under the act of the Con­ llminary design sketches and funds for gress which established the Redwood Na­ murals in the east corridor, first floor, in the EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, House wing of the 0apitol, and for other ETC. tional Park; with an amendment (Rept. No. 91-1786). Referred to the Committee of the purposes; to the Comm.ittee on House Ad­ Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive Whole Houes on the State of the Union. ministration. By Mr. RODINO: Mr. MILLS: Committee on Ways and communications were taken from the H. Con. Res. 792. Concurrent resolution Speaker's table and referred as follows: Means. H.R. 19909. A bill to amend the expressing the sense of the Congress with 2626. A letter from the Director of Science Renegotiation Act of 1951 to provide that respect to U.S. policy toward political refu· and Educatlon, Department of Agriculture, the Court of Claims shall have jurisdiction of renegotiation cases, and for other pur­ gees; to the Committee on the Judiciary. transmitting a report for fiscal year 1970 of poses; with amendments (Rept. No. 91- By Mr. DULSKI: Department of Agriculture assistance to the 1787). Referred to the Committee of the H. Res. 1316. Resolution expressing the States in providing additional facilities for sense of the House of Representatives with Whole House on the State of the Union. respect to the traffic in obscene and porno­ research at the State agricultural experiment Mr. STAGGERS: Committee of Conference. stations, pursuant to section 10 of Public Law graphic material by means of the U.S. malls Conference report on H.R. 19333; (Rept. No. and otherwise; to the Committee on Edu­ 88-74; to the Committee on Agriculture. 91-1788). Ordered to be printed. 2627. A letter from the Secretary of State, cation and Labor. transmitting a report for fiscal year 1969 on the extent and disposttion of U.S. contribu­ tions to international organizations, pursu­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PRIVATE Bn...LS AND RESOLUTIONS ant to section 2 of Public Law 806, 81st Con­ Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private gress (H. Doc. No. 91-432); to the Committee bills and resolutions were introduced and bills and resolutions were introduced and on .Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. severally referred as follows: severally referred as follows: By Mr. REID of New York: By Mr. CASEY: H.R. 19978. A bill to establish a National H.R.19979. A blll for the relief of Ed REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB­ Cancer Authority in order to conquer can­ Benavides; to the Committee on the Ju­ LIC Bn.LS AND RESOLUTIONS cer at the earliest possible date; to the Com­ diciary. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. VANIK: Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of By Mr. ROTH (for himself and Mr. H.R.19980. A bill for the relief of Ruben P. committees were delivered to the Clerk WYATT): Red; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EX·TE.NSIONS OF REMARKS OPERATION NOEL Dougherty, another Capitol Hill police­ Kleppe (R-ND) and foster daughter of Mr. man who brought cheers from the guests and Mrs. Clifton T. Lawson of Willowick. Fran and her husband, Joseph Westner because of his portrayal of Santa Claus. V., are vice president and president of a non­ HON. DONALD E. LUKENS Although the guests of honor included profit corpol"ation, Oper81tion Noel (No One OF OHIO many Congressmen, Senators, Cabinet Ever Lonely), which gives one of Capitol officers and some of the Nation's highest Hill's biggest Christmas parties. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ranking military officers, it was clear Last year was the party's first, but it was Wednesday, December 16, 1970 that the VIP's honored at the party were attended by Mamie Eisenhower, Secretary of Mr. LUKENS. Mr. Speaker, recently I the wounded GI's who have sacrificed so Defense Melvin R. Laird, most of the mlli­ much for our country. tary's top brass, hundreds of congressmen was privileged to be invited to attend the and many more hundreds of "military pa­ second annual Operation NOEL-no One Army private, recuperating from tients." That's what Fran calls the men for one ever lonely-Christmas party held shrapnel wounds caused by an enemy whom she plays Santa. for wounded veterans hospitalized in mine, told me, "This is one of the best "We want the fellows to have the most fun Washington area military hospitals. nights of my life." they've ever had," Fran said. "There will be As many of my colleagues know this We are to be proud of the many fine no midi-skirts. Only minis. young ladies who work as congressional "There will be plenty of champagne, party is sponsored by Capitol Hill sec­ plenty of dancing, plenty of luscious lady retaries who personally see to it that secretaries, case workers, file clerks, and lovelies." hundreds of GI's are not forgotten during stenographers who acted as hostesses and Mrs. Kathy Pierpan, lady lovely and secre· the holiday season. made sure that each one of the military tary in New York Cong. Otis Pike's office and The idea for Operation NOEL was con­ guests had a night they will never co-chairman of the party with Fran, added, ceived last year by Joe Westner of forget-a night when no one was ever "There's something special about a soldier Western Gear Corp. Joe enlisted the lonely. who has been wounded being greeted by the I would like to share with my col­ Secretary of Defense with a 'Hi, I'm Mel help of his wife, Fran, legislative assist­ Laird.'" ant to Representative THoMAS S. KLEPPE, leagues the following story which ap­ This year's party is set for Wednesday, Republican, of North Dakota, Kathy peared in the Cleveland Press on Opera­ from 6 to 10 p.m. Teams of pretty girls will Pierpan, secretary to Representative OTIS tion NOEL, written by Alan Horton who take invitations to the six Washington area G. PIKE, Democrat, of New York, and was recently appointed to the Wash­ military hospitals from 2 to 4 p.m. Six Jayne Gillenwaters and Pat Rinaldi, both ington staff of the Ohio Scripps-Howard hundred wounded servicemen and 300 con­ secretaries to Representative JOHN G. newspapers: gressmen and senators will attend, in the HONORED GUESTS: VIET VETS cafeteria of the Longworth House Office ScHMITz, Republican, of California. Building. The unheralded workers of the Opera­ (By Alan Horton) Washington businessmen have donated tion NOEL staff who handled the less WASHINGTON.-Washington Society can watches, cameras, transistor radios, dinners­ glamorized tasks such as wrapping 1,500 keep its Perle Mesta, Gwen Cafritz and other for-two, wallets, ashtrays, books and scores gift packages, decorating the Longworth highfalutin party givers if thousands of of other gifts. Cafeteria, and worrying about a myriad wounded Vietnam veterans in the area have Fran and Kathy already have collected of details included Chris Negley, recep­ their way. $2,000 for other things. Some 2,000 gift They'd rather go to the Operation Noel packages will be distributed at the hospitals. tionist for Representative BENJAMIN party a former Ohioan g1 ves in their honor Each package will contain razors, blades, ROSENTHAL, Democrat of New York, Bill each Christmas. The holiday heroine is Mrs. lighter, shave cream, aftershave lotion, tooth Westner, a Capitol policeman, and Joe Fran Westner, secretary to Cong. Thomas S. paste and brush and playing cards. 42590 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 18, 1970 Kathy even solicited a nice donation from try. The same item appeared the next day "house-broken" Jews and their right to speak her doctor who in turn canvassed his doctor in Leningradskaya PTavda, the main morning for all of Soviet Jewry. It was very likely in friends. Scores of congressmen have sent newspaper. reaction to this unprecedented audacity that nice checks. As a matter of policy the Soviet press the regime decided to intensify anti-Jewish Fran and Joe and their two children, rarely publishes crime news, and even then pressures. Joseph VI who is 4 and 3-year-old Sharon, it is not until long after the event. The fact Of course, the authorities have been aware live in Silver Spring, Md. He is assistant to that these papers carried this report within for some time of the growing frustration and the Washington representative of a large less than twenty-four hours suggests that resentment of many Soviet Jews at the dis­ West Coast manufacturer.
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