![O„, ' Teens Legall} Nolicc Li; I Changes Bring Fi] Inandal Burdenj](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
g 65 3063S>32 12/M/^'OO:^ [ B S M I ro JIM PARKE,.E ____ ■_ - _ :’y : ' r ’f,-r,rT-c S -M 2 6 S V - E Y'ANDELL A h jgj EL PASO r y /9 9 Q - J s ® ’ ' - ; l i t t e i B : . i s A c c iit s P © Wl 'u^asaptotfaeridtt^.fls^embcrats . luvecnaiged. ' ^I.VTni, concern^ aboutab alt the <■ .. ,pieopl^*'the.preiideident sald.'fl U' ■.'l^itWdentand th e poUi^ t k a o f > ^ s L:.’. ' M mlc.stimulus r- tbat.-soD(e'I : -fteidetm fliiii11 V ; Wbttld jOc£ to tu ip thi into c l ^ “ ’viyarfareTfaafsndtlibihbwldiink." k ^ S . Bx -Sources said the> ^p c e tag on -•J': iM ^ y y - :'ii>v>V-V.-- ‘- ^ ^ ■ ;• ?the nei^, enlarged WhiteWi Hotise sv^jlT' .' icattiv ; 'P'ackafla'could runin as high as ';,, ^oarcM'Milaid the plinn WiUi Thiil l i i lOaii i o p ^ d «&iuAl itai ^ ^ bUlknover 10}0 years. Most • i n d ^ O Ufg w tf tfaaarespected . antwfttw ^rtngcB(iatnts thait' th<be raecoli^on to datee ihas pegged H IIH II yM: ; r f ‘ cu e fn ib e taxat on( oorpOrate dlvi> adxntj:n{nlstratldn*a caa poUjcietes ,'^co st 'Oflhe exp^jctedpadcage ■ . '' ’ " v ^ i ' .V. 'd 8 0 d « ,$ lG Ounfanormora h a over favoro r'tb i e winltliar.'in m n atlca aia t ' 'at about $300 billion, ?■ g^'-v lO^yMis Id abutatt aid, a geaeroua hianuranch here,Bush expjiuMile ti ■ ^ PrasMantBu: Busil >hom Jo a n iM . lito PniMirtaT^i^H sedin^.tofl unenqOoymem ben- coDcac m tb e p a d o g e n o t b e aeetie n ' Pfe&seseeSTIMUMUms.PageA2 Crawford.TsJ,Tsxaa,wMlstaDdi<abQiitMsae I B a Edwaids»^^.C, aimouQiim ced. _ ^pn^idg^bidl^ l i ; I ! W E E K E | | | i e b o o l ' I.: New lawi w requires jaahyly teactfer H U^^BdadAS)Hy f I aides to) takei classes, ex; x a m s H { . B y t M C t a mtf r T h e laIW w a lso says th a t nw<H>«wrttaittar teachers, ge:generally, m ust be -------------------- “hlgUy qua(lualified,” or have BURLEY- LawanaLa Hoyd . full certifiaiication, bachelor’s P l i - ' isanaceatteacsadifng a flrst- - degrees andanc demonstrated g rad er how to>addonephu a competencince in subject j . IK- f l ^ r one. k n o w le dIge g e and teaching • ■ S h e w a sn 't q i : the ace ■ ‘"'.'.•'i ; when Ibe sat do to write While statesta offidals ere - _ _ her first col-I-n I-----^---------------------------—], stiOworkingon Pra**** ai lege essayy Ti • • the definition recently. After of highly quali- all, she had fied teacher, s e o f e / ^ been . , theI ^ any aide Mr«d . after Taii A . ^ ^ H the student, .. ^ p u z ; fo rS O y c M m eat the new Twamd “At first I UM<k aldejequire* tMflCIU«T'Tterto. thought, ’How« O U b ftlM m e n ts b e fo re Moaatattala Vtov Bamentary School firstIrst-grador Jeremlali Vantura a nnd d taide Lawana Floyd eye each otherot while learning about ‘plusUS kihkkqttM vM ^ b e in g h ire d . niwM 'n nan win- T ’ ' or matli facts, luch m 2+1 a<nd3«l. n d ner and]idnm- she «^d. “ButI Those already “ « now »t 8 excit- in the system • • neMipb)? b a t. ing... I- Today have until f • v’ g • Aidos tjecome . tied for th e boyrl title F lo y d , a January 2006 | Pa*Pa{{e D I teacher aide at,t students to meet re- Changes bring fi]inandal burdenjIS M o u n t a i n quirements. View Elemen­“ Saturday S chool dis- By Shariail Chaney = ------ —-^-=a tostit Icould Ciitiic (tver four yc.ir■ c.irs. It O p in io n tary School inn • Paying (or il all tricts antici- TImea-N-News writer______________ __ 'A//cm/ riiifi/m /Ilf/visno ;s not include lKK)ks, fees <>tIt tii r a v e l Fair fa im ta x e s ; Protect♦ a,snn Burley, andJ "Tweaking ISAT p a te m any )t* n s e s . ^°Sn- hundreds of employees will BURlRLEY - Education is costly./. himukr. I cat.ran m a ke nw iv ' o)ther tl schonl districts luiveL- difler-di cultural proper^ tax exeixemp- other parapro-h need addition- At CollegeCi of Southern Idaho Siilar>' schedules, and aidrs in 'i}i,hamhtny}‘is •s iniglil tions for.undeyelbped hoihouse fessional educatia to rs arc tak- al trainingg totc m eet the high- collegc}c credit costs S77.50, The fedM i r “ mimafryiw^i d differeni fees for classcs's hIi; i is e d lots, todi5y% editorial ssys. ^ ing classes andnd tests as a cr qualificaiications. That will al No CChild Left Behind Act callsJ s for; //tan M mw ai n aide.' the program s and iiisiiiuiidnsin s it h e y PajpMM Afi r e s u lt o f th ei ffederal No mean morere expense< for the publicc schooli teacher aides to earnea iiiien.•nd. S om e aides m ij;Iu .ilso41 o<i] ])! t o ^ Child Left BehindBe Act, districts and their workers. 32 crecedits or pass a test deemim ing inkce the state lesi, rather ilian;iti hli e .id viiiich aim s to osassure edoca- And whetheither the new quali- them “I:•‘highly qualified.” k l o s c h o o l. ■>.lnci.s M c K a y , '’“ '^1 O tors are properlyrlyqualiiicd. fications willwi mean better Asaa result,i aides are asking, “WiU“U chool disiricis ;ire tr>inn tolo fi i n d C o m in g UP^ The law says ys a teacher personnel1 in area schools is I get helph( paying for classcs?”’and a IhinscnJn J im io r-.S c n io r ys to help aides pay ihc cusc u s t o f aide whose wag<ages arc paid still up forr dcdebate. “Will I (g e t a raise?" ning collefje credits, hut a1 hhij. i g g c r by one of sevei/era! federal Schocool districts are asking, “WiWith ____________ H igigh h Sch(X)l aide costt for districts could he llar a r g c r program s mustthaveanasso- hi Who’S affe*ffected w hat m(money?" ---------------------------- saliiriiries paid to aides aflerj r Ii: h e y I c ia te ’s d e g re ee, , 32 college Any aide p : first costs incurred to meeiel 1No C o u n ty S chool DistrictDi who has achieieve Ihe higher c[ualificatioiis. le paid through fed- so state com. ? will worked there for fivefiv' years makes an “ A i grams including Left Behind requirements u At least right now. ihere is ihcy annual salary of SI!>,456.SIf> if he lias no inceii Limited English 'the aides themselves, if ih eniive.” Hansen Juiiior-Sei- S e n i o r >te test was Elfe es or college credits. If il y. Migrant or TitJe e to earn associate’s dcRrces If ih at aide attends H igh:h School aide I'rancis MMcl c K a y luiva- CSI and pays the \ ny aide working in ^ Jege credits, the state’s equi\ le p e r cred it fee of sa idi. .'“I can m ake m ore moneyy fr>'itigfr> i’bfe”a»L “'i^ f two years. For some aides,s, t:th e S77.50 for a localI ofof 32 credits, he is luimb school-most meet iburgers than heing an aide."le ." i Department “ T idelscht ill be significant, sel lo incur a cosiI of S2.480, or alwui ffidalssay. Please seeee SCHOOLS,S Page A4 p o reexam ; ple, an aide in die Cas*assia 16 percent of hiss annuala pay. That Please see CHANGES., PagePag A2 ■ credits o r pass a I petency test. s drive [ ■ I Jt^ g j Towi]^shrinks Creation or evolution I d a h o ’s s ta te Jerome^ lighthouse CKri: piloted in Septi is offering a class to help } will be availabllywith H W m when:n soldiers dedde. January, Stale £ of Education offic S a tu rd a y In ;ense H ■ E ship<I out The Thnes^ews ^ated Press__________ ,o„, ' Teensluths slip 5VILLE, Ga. - About In d e x >ldiers - a third of ihis inicar wheel spulation - are moving dassK cd .E6-16 Nation . J legall} eir apartments, putting Comics . .E4 Obltuales ' P m j_____ in storage, stocking up ■ okn^ H Crosswort. JI5 OpWon . j gear and trying to steiil xolo turns th e key ira m om ents with loved OearAbi? .M Sports ...[ nolicct as his little vehi- ■Horoscope.^, .Weather ., irward with a noise Lrmy’s 3 rd In fa n try LM.Boyd ;.A 5 W eelfnd .( Italian youiwnmower grinding is preparing for another lis isn’t ex actly a le Persian Gulf, ■ <S' ‘Z u m tta6lcValIey,Bl.;‘W«st....... ! behind minle snubhed-nos^ ThaAssoclatiin Hinesville are used ic a r isn’t bad for a hcoaph M o n e y ....;E i 'Wortd ..JU -4 pla of tM utan >it on a icootarir outsMaI a Roms hlfh school ai ng Fort Stewart soldiers - Moiilss . ,C6 >S B2 The AModated P n . „ rakMlti»tta w a y t h ^ a buty atTMt Dec.D« 20, H IN E SVr dangerous l duty, bur Ortag.
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