THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST 6 PRESENT November/December 1998 Volume 2.5, Number 5 A PuMiition of NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION, INC. I/ An Invitation to Share Your Best Stereo Images ASSIGNMENT^-D with the World! e often have to consider the matter of how well a partic- Two BW~~Favorites" wular color print or slide pair will translate into black 8 white when selecting images for publica- tion in Assignment 3-0. But both of this issue's selections are original black & white print views which were also done in a format very close to the size used for most Realist format reproductions in Stereo World. No Deadline We're still asking you to send in "One of your favorites" from among all the stereo images you've ever photographed, drawn or oth- erwise generated. That's the extent of the category. Entries simply need to be images you find special somehow-something you'd like to share with other members even "Noonday Demons" by Robert E. Dias of Broomall, PA, was shot following photography of if you can't easily explain why. If regular flat publicity stills for a play of the same title at Temple University in Philadelphia. During his time as photographer for the University, Mr. Dias had cast members in several you wish, feel free to send up to theater productions pose for his stereo camera, in this case William Zielinski and Callum six stereos for us to do the selec- Keith-King. TDC Colorist and Wollensak Stereo cameras, Tri-X, Lowell Hot Lights, 1/50th, tion from a few of your favorites. f/5.6, Ian., 1995. As yet, no deadline has been set for this very open Assignment in the hope of eventua~l~sharinga wide variety of interesting views from more readers. The Rules: As space allows (and depending on the response) judges will select for publication in each issue at least two of the best views submitted by press time. Rather than tag images as first, second or third place win- ners, the idea will be to present as many good stereographs as possible from among those submitted. Any image in any print or slide format is eligible. (Keep in mind that images will be reproduced in black and white.) Include all relevant caption material and technical data as well as your name and address. Each entrant may submit up to 6 images per assignment. Any stereographer, amateur or profession- 21, is eligible. Stereos which have won Stereoscopic Society or PSA competitions are equally eligible, but please try to send views made within the past eight years. All views will be returned within 6 to 14 weeks, but Stereo World and the NSA assume no respon- sibility for the safety of photographs. Please include return postage with entries. Submis- "Multnomah Falls Through Fall Foliage" by Q. Brown of Troutdale, OR, was taken in the sion of an image constitutes permission for Columbia River Gorge in 7 994 with an Asahi Pentax Spotmatic and 55mm lens on a its one-use reproduction in Stereo World. All homemade slide bar using T-Max 7 00 film. other rights are retained by the photographer. .. Send all entries directly to: ASSIGNMENT 3-D, 5610 SE 71st, Portland, OR 97206. Volume 25, Number 5 November/December 1998 THE MAGAZINE Of 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT Remembering Noel Archambault: 1961-1998 ............. 4 A PUbllCalrn d NATIONAL by Don Morren Stereo Forensics ...............................A,.. ...................... 10 by Bruce MocGregor NSA Board I3f Directors B~llC. Walt01n, Choirmon Paula R. Fleming Endanger Critters Animated in LF 3-D ...................... 15 Andv T, by Don Morren rtchison Lorenz Vorton Encounter in the Third Dimension ........................... 16 adwell Review by Lnwrence Knufinan NSA Uttrcers Larry Moor, President New Eye-to-Eye Books Reveal More Stereo Gems .... 26 Mary Ann Sell, Vice President Review by Don Mnraren Bill Moll, Vice President, Activitk ,--...u-.. c ........ LdllY nC>>, Jnrrlury An Ex amive Look at Stoddard's Work and Life ,... 29 David Wheel er, Treasurer Review P~y john Dennis Stereo Wl orld Staff john Den1i~s, Editor r. ean. lacooowla,0 ..L. ... Hssocrore. ~ ~ .. corrc,d... World's Fairs and the Stereo Connection ................. 30 Karen White, Associote Editor Review by Iohn Dennis Tim Wh~te,Associote Editor ke Province, Reseorch Consulta Mark Willke, Art Director Waldsmith, Subscription Monciger n R. Cibbs, Bock Issues Manogier Editor's View Comments and Observations .............................................2 'ow to Reach U by lolln Dennis NSA Membership Letters Reader's Comments and Questions .................................................. 3 (New o?ernb~rsh~ps, rpnewolr & 0ddn.a ch, P.O. 8 ox 14801, Columbus, OH 4 The Society News from the Stereoscopic Society of America ......................... 21 Questions Concerning by Norman R. Patterson Stereo World Subscriptions Larry Hess, (602) 426-1295 European Gems Stereoviews from Old Europe and the Stories Behind Them .... 22 4647 E. Francisco Dr., #143, Phoenix, AZ 85044 e-rnail: [email protected] by Dennis Pellerin 61 Pierre Tavlitzki Sterec ) World Back Issue Se NewViews Current Information on Stereo Today ........................ ............ 32 (Wnl? tor ovoilob~btyb pnres ) by David Starkman &/ohn Dennis P.O. Box 399, Sycamore, OH 44 Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here 35 Ster eo World Editorial Ofttce .................................................... (Lrrlpr r ro the rdrtor, orf!~l~s& col~ndar iofngs) 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 Calendar A Listing of Coming Events .................................................... 36 (503) 771 -4440 mall: [email protected] ereo World Advertisin (Ciorr~hed& di~ployodd JOIU SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 4 (Ins~rtflyers b oucrlon ads) The huge /MAX 3-0 camera system towers over the Jeffrey Kra us, 1 Lauren Dr., Card~ner,I late stereographer and camera operator Noel Archombault on the vineyard set of Echoes of the )liver Wendell Holme Sun, the first and only film in /MAX SOLIDO. !oscopic Rt!search Lib Archamboult, 37, was killed in an ultralight aircraft 1 w!Ih Ih,, Noflont;11 5rcreos<oprc Ars, crash lune 26, 1998, in the Calapogos Islands Erie Ave., Cincinnati, OH 4: while working on the /MAX 3-0film Galapagos: The ?-mail: vmma1se1ICcint1.net Enchanted Voyage. More about the for too short btereoscopIc boclety ot America life and impressive work of this pioneer of large for- (Allihol~dw~rh rile Not~onolSler~oscops Arrooot~on) mat stereoscopic cinema is related by friends and Shab Levy, Membership Secretary co-workers in our feature "Remembering Noel 6320 SW 34th Ave., Portland, OR 97201 Archambault" by Don Marren. P-mall: [email protected] 4 Projection Consulta W~lliamI Stereo World(lSSN 0191 4030) IS publlrhed b~monthlyby the Nat~onalStereoscopic Assoclatlon, Inc, PO Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214 nail: wduggaPn;9diq:no.col Ent~recontents 01999, all rlghts resewed Materlal In this publ~cat~onmay not be reproduced without wrltten permlsslon of the NSA, Inc Print- ed In USA A rubscr~pt~onto Sleno World Is part of NSA membership Annual membersh~pdues $26 th~rdclass US, $38 l~rrtclass US, $38 Canada and fore~gnsurface, 156 lnternat~onala~rmail All membersh~psare based on the publlsh~ngyear of Stereo World wh~chbeg~nc In March and endr with the IanuaryiFebruary issue of the next year All new mernbrrsh~psrece~ved w~ll commence w~ththe MarchiApr I Issue of the Jtereo World on the We current calendar year When applying for membership, please adv~seus ~fyou do not des~rethe back Isrues of the current volume www.nsa-3d.org Member, Internobono/ Stereoscop~cUn~on - -- -- Comments and Observations EDITORSWEW john Dennis Remembering Noel met Noel Archambault only continued a sort of informal "IMAX with your boots on and your once, unlike most of those quot- show & tell" in a mirrored stairway stereo camera in hand". (But I'm Ied in Don Marren's memorial alcove just outside the door to the sure most people making remarks article in this issue. But there are auditorium for anyone with ques- along those lines would prefer that those people whose sheer sanity, tions about large format 3-D. His any such end to wait to find them enthusiasm, and friendliness make IMAX 3-D frame pairs, openness stereographing some exotic loca- even one encounter memorable and genuine interest in all aspects tion at about age 105.) and leave you looking forward to of stereography quickly obliterated As far as I know, Noel was the your next contact without any lin- most thoughts of the interrupted first participant ever killed during gering feelings of either hesitation presentation, although I'm sure he the production of a 3-D film. One or impatience was both flattered and a bit embar- soldier/cast member is reported to The occasion was the 1991 ISU rassed by the overwhelming audi- have died during the filming of Congress in Paris, at which Noel ence support he received. 1953's 3-D film Cease Fire, but had presented "Large Format 3-D From his work on Transitions in since that was a "semi docudrama" Film: The Stereographer" as one of 1986 to his death last year doing shot during Korean War battles, the shows in the main auditorium. an IMAX 3-D film in the Galapagos the situation was very different. At that point he had worked on Islands, Noel's was a life largely The still growing field of large for- the IMAX 3-D films Transitions, The devoted to the effort to produce mat 3-D cinema needed Noel's Last hzrffalo, and Echoes of the Sun, the best possible stereoscopic films knowledge, talent, dedication and gaining a sort of specialized stereo- for people all over the world. His inspiration more than it needed grapher fame through articles in skills as a stereographer and his any sort of martyr.
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