v/ DURHA Welcome FROM THE CHIEF GEN ERA L MANAGER, CIS. \fle/co m e 10 loday'::; matcb in tbe CIS !Ilsurance CO li Illy ChamjJiollsbljJ. This is tlJ e l!Jint season tbat we bave bad //J e privilege of ::-.1Jonsoring Cl IO/J.J'IlClllleJlt Ibel/. g i ves liS ail the ojJjJortu.IlÎly oJseeillg e:.rciUng grassrools J'lIgbJ~ Lasl year's cbampionsbip was action-packed fl'olll start to finish and culmina led hl lVal'wicksbire's 15-9 oi cl o ry DUel' Northumberland al Ttvickcllballl iJl April. Hlis pajJular comjJetitioJl, plC/yed a l vellu es flerass IlJe entire COUlltIJ{ jJroues l!Jai represen/ative rugby is a force lo be l'eckolled w ilb. \fIe (Ire deligbted 10 be slI/ljJorting the CI S CO llllly CballlfJiollsbijJ w !Jicb jJrovides (III al'ella/or the counl,y 's stars of/helu/ure 10 imfJress elltbusiasls and rugby selec/ors alike. Co-ope rat ive Insurance ADSneddo n CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER 1 1 CHESHIRE RUCBY FOOTBALL UNION COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP CHESHIRE v DURHAM at WILMSLOW R.F.C. on SATURDAY 2nd DECEMBER, 1995 Kick-off 2.15pm DON~T GET SENT OFF rhe recommended period$ 01 $u$pen$ion are ••• PUNCHING 30 days KICKING 60 RAlliNG days . HUD Bun 60 days AlySE UEASON . REFEREE STRIKING 1~ , ))- REFEREE ' ~ ~ ~ 7 REMEMBER THESE are MINIMUMI- EXTRA will be added lor pre~ioul lendingl oH. DO NOT RETAL/ATE VOU WILL LlKELV BE CAUCHT and SENT OFF CLUR NonCE BOARDS AND OAESSING AOOMS CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION President: N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27 Clarendon Road , Sale M33 2DU Vice-Presidents: C. J. COVENTRY, J. H. LENTON, D. P. WRIGHT, D. 1. ADAMS R.F.U. Representative: G.C. COX Hon. Secretary: D.1. ADAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive, Thingwall, Wirral L61 7XP Hon. Asst. Secretary: A. G. de B. MARRS 24 Westwood Raad, Noctorum, Birkenhead, Wirral L439RQ Hon. Treasurer M. COHEN 10, Marlborough Drive, Tytherington, Macclesfield SK1 0 2JX Chairman Schools Committee: M.J. BRIERS Chairman Colts Committee: B. EWING Chairman U.21 Committee: J. M. YOUNG Chairman Youth Committee: 1. CHARNOCK Chairman Mini &Junior Committee: G. PUGH North of England Invitation School's Sevens SUNDA y IOth MARCH 1996 BIRKENHEAD PARK F.C. For details contact Graeme Marrs Tel: a 15 1- 23 6 3 191 The best quality cotton and acrylic rugby jerseys in any colour combination are those supplied by Denis Palin / \ --""""' Sportswear. As one of the leading names in the reputation is firmly established at IntE,rnational , vlOUmrj, Club and Schoollevel in over 50 countries the world. That's not ail. We can also supply cotton rugby shorts with button fly , pockets and tie-up waist band at the lowest possible priees. A full embroidery service is also available . So too are Sweatshirts, Polo Shirts, 'V' Neck Sweaters, Training Tops, ---_...J Hockey Shirts, Socks, lies and Baseball Caps. Send for a Priee List today. DENIS PALIN SPORTSWEAR P.o. BOX 22, CONGLETON, CHESHIRECW12 4YJ FAX: 01260 299833 TELEPHONE: 0 .. 26027578 .. PRESIDENT'S COMMENTS Once again the county season is upon us, and once again we are threatened that this is the last time the six Northem Counties will meet in their own competition to find their champion. 1have lost count of the number of times we have been told this, but 1fear that if the recommendations of the RFU Commission are accepted it will happen. We are also having problems by not knowing whom we can pick and whether certain players want to play for their county or in fact will be allowed, by their clubs. We can only appeal to ail clubs in Cheshire to release those players that Vou can, not forgetting that in the past many future intemationals, and senior club players have come through county system, to reach their goal. 1welcome Durham to Wilmslow, know that they are keen supporters of county rugby and hope that todays game is an open game, showing rugby skills at their best. 1would like to thank our secretary Dai Adams and his assistant Graeme Marrs for the hard work that they have put in, as always to stage this seasons county games. 1also thank the Wilmslow officiais for putting their facilities into being forthe game and finally 1thank ail the players for playing for their county. Harry Middlebrook, President CHESHIRE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP The Individual Membership is open to ail and supports County Football at ail levels. Il gives free entry to County matches and to the Finals of the Cheshire Cup, Plate and Shield Competitions and use of the Individual Members' bar. Members can also apply for International Tickets through the Counly. APPLICATION FORM Name ......................................................................................... .. Address ........................................................................................ Telephone No . Membership Fee E6 Club (if any) ................................................................................... Complete and return to David Wright, Tynron Collage, Noctorum, Birkenhead. Merseyside L43 9UH or Dennis Western, White Collage, 118lrby Road, Heswall, Wirral L61 6XQ COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP CHESHIRE V DURHAM (Blue, White Narrow Hoops, White Shorts, Blue Stocki~gs) at 15 Kevan ùliphant West Hartlepool 15 S. Swindells Manchester Wilmslow 14 Rob Bennett Darlington 14 S. Hancock New Brighton on 13 Martin Shaw West Hartlepool 13 R.Ellis Manchester Saturday 2nd Dècember, 1995 12 Chris Leslie Westoe 12 M. Farr Winnington Park Kick-off ?15pm, 11 Bill Ridley Blaydon 11 M. Blood Manchester 10 Kevin Whitaker West Hartlepool 10 A. Guest Chester 9 Jonathon Wrigley Darlington Mowden Park Match Officiais Waterloo 9 S. Wright Referee: Mr. J. Burtenshaw (R.F.U.) 1 Phil Lancaster (Capt) Cleveland Fire Brigade 2 lan Parnaby 1 D.Alcock Winnington Park Touch Judges: Mr. C.M. Saint (R.F.U.) Westoe 2 1. Taylor Winnington Park Mr. W. Lowe (R.F.U.) 3 Duncan Bolam Westoe 3 M. Hill Manchester 4 John Dixon Acklam 5 Keith Etherington Stockton 4 C. Brierley (Capt) Chester 6 Paul Gustard Blaydon 5 P. Rees Winnington Park 7 Martin Howe Stockton 6 R. Sproston Winnington Park 8 John Hutchinson Darlington Mowden Park New Brighton 7 K. Brookman Replacements: 8 A. Brock Chester 16 Graham Kell Gateshead Feil (Hooker) Replacements: ~ Co-operative Insurance " 17 John Painter West H'pool TDSOB ~ ~q 16 P. Radcliffe Waterloo ~ ~ (Prop) '181.1,,", ",. 9\0 olllce ~'.\\1' 18 17 1. Kennedy New Brighton c()U'~'v/l>lvh;lona\ C Chris Turnbull West H'pool TDSOB 18 A. Yates Chester (Scrum-half) 19 John Murray Ryton (full back) 19 M. Dorrington New Brighton BALLS SPONSORED av SAMBA SPORTS Cheshire Rugby Football Union FIXTURES SEASON 1995 - 96 COUNTY Saturday November 18 - Northumberland .................................................. Northern R.F.C. Saturday November 25 - yorkshlre .......................................................New Brighton F.C. Salurday December 2 - Durham ..............................................................Wifmsfow R.F.C. Salurday December 9 - Cumbria.: ........................................................Workinglon A.F.C. Tuesday December 12 - Lancashlre .......................................... Llverpool SI Herens R.F.C. DIVISION Sunday November 19 - South West.. ........................ : .......................... Brldgewaler R.F.C. Saturday November 25 - London ............................................................Wakerield A.F.C. Tuesdny Decembor 5 - Woslern Smnon ....................................................: ... J·luddorsriclfi ~~~~~rdny ~:.col1lbor 9 - Mldlnnds ....... :............................. "::=:::=:.:'::.::":: ::.::: :.:.:=:.::.::.:.::~wn~ UNDER 21's Monday September "·6- Islo or Mnn Tour Salurday November 18 - Northumberland ..................... : .......................................... Away Tuesday November 28 - yorkshire ............................................................................Salo Saturday December 2 - Durham ...........................................................Altrincham (Kersal) Salurday December 9 - CUlnbria .............................................................................Away Sunday December 10 - Lancashire ..........................................................................Fylde SCHOOLBOYS (U.1D and U. 16) ." Sunday October 29 - Final Trials ............................................................... U. 18 and U. 16 Sunday November 12 - Clwyd .........................................................~ ................ Norlhwich Sunday November 19 - Staffordshire .................................................................Sandbach Wednesday December 13 - yorkshlre .................................................. Macclesfield (U.18) ............................................Winnington Park (U.16) Sunday December 17 - Cumbria ..............................................................................Away Thursday December 21- Durham ....................................................................Old Salians Wednesday Deeember 27 - Laneashire ............................................... New Brighton (U.18) .......................................................... Cafdy (U.16) Salurday Oeeember 30 - Northumberland ................................................................Away Thursday Mareh 7 - Under 16 Sevens ......................................................................Caldy Wednesday Mareh 13 - Under 18 Sevens .........................................................Wirral G.S. SCHOOlBOYS U.15 Wednesday February 28 - Clwyd .......................................................................Wrexham Sunday March 17 - Cumbria .....................................................................................Away
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