M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E B SO. flanrfijotw £im ttno MANC m ABOOTTOWN STORES OPEN UNTIL NINE OVLOCK TONIGHT ’ BaHt lUbdnh Lodm wW maet AVBRAUB OAILV UUVULATION Th.JW HAU«Hiii WBArMBn w nlnir in Odd FcUowa hall, far ttaJfoM h at Navaasber. IStl .-^■Idl a ChiiatiBU party to foUor'. MAMCMUTKB COMMy Faraeaat af U. B. Mraatkss SuraM, •jfoHilwrt are raqaartad to provide Bmrttm rt V east g u ts , alao croeerlaa for OhxIitiBae baakeU. A aUver eol' Self Serve and Health Market 6,029 OoeasloMl anaw toalglit protaMy ,‘totlaa artU be received to cover oB' l u f nit t 0 turalag ta tala Wadwesday. WansHV yeaae c t refreahmenta. TUESDAY SPECIALS Wsdasaiay. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM ! ' ^t*a a Cappala choir of the Haa- Double J ir f C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales . abaatar Hlfh acbool under the dlreo* ilea of O. Albert Pearaon ertU broad, All Day Tuesday. VOL. LVIL. NO. 69 (Cl aaslllBd Advertlalag aa Faga U ) MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21,1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS eaat tram radio - ataUon WDRC Cham n Saaboin Wateaaday araalnc at 10:S0. DOUBLE Green Stamp Gift Specials!! Beaa o f I s tk m rllla team mem* CO FFEE Special! Lb. ba n a n reoueated to report for Boy Rescued From Niagara Gorge paaetlee Wedneaday, Dec. 33 at 7 Spread It FEAR JAPANESE Beautiful Satin and Rayon 2,500 FIRMS IN U. S. 9. ts . AO memben pleaae be m eant aa phma will be held aa to Oleomargarine 2 Lba. 25e Crepe BRITAIN TO PROPOSE tba annual meeting, election of offi* DRIVES AGAINST ean and raaffiUatlon erlth the Na> tieiial Rifle Aaaodatlon. Swaaidown HALE'S UNDERWEAR HIRED LABOR SPIES, Arthur Johnaco, son of Mr. and stipe. Dance Sets, Pantlea, 3 CH IM CITIES FLOUR Chemlae. Tea rose, blue. Sixes Mra. Henning Johnson of Laurel pkg. 2 4 c 34 to 44. NAVAL POWER SHOW atreet and a student at Renaaaiear M yteehnic Institute at Troy, N. A\. K. A\. SAYS SENATE GROUP Canton Believed Next Major T „ has returned home for the LARD 2 Lba. 2 5 c Christmas and New Tear holidays. Tmncy Mixed Objective Of Invader^ Fred Best of Laurel street, for. First Quality Report Also Says That IN CHINESE WATERS adgn npresentatlve of the Pratt A NUTS Lhs. LOYALISTS GAIN w m ta sy Chain company of Last Minute Choice of Many Of The Spies Were 300 U. S., British Women, Bartfora, la eapected home on the Large Franket Silk and Satin ^bqultanla tomorrow for the Christ­ Home Of Commons H em mas holidays. OnioD Members; 10 Mil­ IN G O R YB A 'niE Children In Yangtze Trap. WALNUTS Lb. GOWNS U. S. Calls Oat Unit Danahters of Liberty No. • 13S, I Campllre SILK SnRgestion That Combined win hold a brief business AND PAJABIA8 lion Spent For The Work. IN T E H CITY Shanghai, Dec. 31.— (AP) —Jap­ Ihsatlng tomorrow evening at 7 ondoek In Orange hall. The annual M arshm allow s iLb.pkg. 15c Lace trim and plain taflored. anese troop and warship movements Of Pacific Fleet Fleets Of America, France Black, tea roee, blue. today aroused Chinese fears that /.J Christmas party for members, their Gold Medal Washington, Dec. 81— (A P)—The CbOdrcn and friends will follow at Rebel Moors And Foreign three of the nation's great coastal Senate Civil LIberttea eomralttae And Britain Be Sent Te • O'clock. The program win include HOSIERY cities would suffer the fate of fall­ In Mystery Move A supper, entertainment, a Christ­ FLOUR 5 Lb. Bag 2 6 c aald today that labor apiaa arere em­ en Nanking. The Chinese expect­ u m tree and a visit from Santa Sheer Chlffoits. Semi and Servlee $2-25-$2-98 Legionnaires Wiped Out ployed by 3,800 Arms—“A Bluebook ed Japanese to drive against Hang­ Far East~New Amha»> Ciana with glf*a for the children. Oraadmother'i weight. Tba members are reminded to bring o f American Industry.- As They Seek To Aid Be­ chow, Chekiang province seaport San Pedro, Calif., Dec. 31.— (A P )«d er forced draft foUowed by a tew gifts for their mystery pals for the And. the committee added In a re­ aome 110 miles south aad weat —The Navy high command threw hours tha publication of a letter by sador To China Named. P kg. F W - ____ M INCE M EA T 9 c port to the Senate on work for the of Shanghai; Canton, China's a screen o t silence today around the Secretary Hull atating tha present southern metropolla, and Taingtso, “does not seem an opportune mo­ Burt 01aey*s Children^ W o o l M ittens year, many of the splea were found sieged Force In Key Town sudden transfer of nine destroyers Tba Oscniaa club will have aa im- to be union members, “Including Shantung province seaport to the ment” to withdraw American ships pcrtaat rthaaraal tomorrow evening I S P E a A L ! 6 9 c P «r .1 pattema with the new national vice-president of bis un north. from their San Diego baae to the from the SIno-Japaneae war zona London, Doc. 21.— (A P )— •t 7:U at the South Methodist Golden Pumpkin 2 f.,19c OOUDI6 w rist. 5 9 c pr. Ion.” A party of 300 American and main body of the fleet at San Shore patrol officers combed the- The House of (Ammons gath­ Can lOa ■ Hendaye, Franoo-SpanUh fron- Pedro. dborch. AH members are urged to Can 10c. 8-Piece 22K Gold Plate Ths commutes, compessd of Sen- British women and children at­ aUra and other amuaemant places ered today for foreign debate^ be ptaaenL tlsr. Dee. 31.— (AP) — The Spanish tempting to flee war threats la cen­ A radio call In San Diego last for crews on holiday leave. Oom- Ocean Spray 3 pair $2.00 ators LaFoUette (Priw.-Wls.) and Thomas (D-lltab), ch a fe d the spy­ government today hurled 30,000 tral China were turned back toward night for the entire personnel of prialng deatro}rer Squadron 11, ths with a group of its membars the aircraft scouting force to re­ Comb, Brush and PERCALE PILLOW CASES ing pracUce vloUted “ the right of more men In the fierce struggle for Hankow, one of China's three tem­ ships in tha : -.ovement were the advocating a mighty patrol of porary capitals. A military boom port immediately for duty was de­ Hopklna WlUlanuon, (auids, Gil­ ib. | Cranberry Sauce 2 Cans 2 5 c free speech snd assembly” and that strategic Teruel, radio advices said, Chinese waters by combined Slxe 46x3S”. Fine quality percale pillow about <10,000,000 bad been spent across the Yangtze river at Ms- scribed later by an official source mer, Barry, Fox, Brooks, Goff and aad the reinforced army of 50,000 tung, 100 miles above Nanking, ob­ as a “aerioua mistake." Reuben James. Capt. H. L. Pence fleets of American, British and Mirror Sets that will wear for years. “by certain corporations for spies, French warships. Na 1 munitions and strike-breakers in was ordered to take the provincial structed passage of their refugee At the time, Rear-Admiral Ernest was tn command. Im ported ths past three years." capital “at aU cosU.” vessel, the British river steamer J. King, commander eff the aircraft Squadron officera aald the trans­ At a session of the group on ThU tremendous force aad the Woosung. force, was participating In a sur^ fer was a “surprise'’, although tha POTATOES ____________ ^Peck 1 9 C - “The right to arork means noth­ U. S. Ships to Talagtao. prise conference here with Admiral the eve o f today’s disenasioii $ 2 . 2 9 per set H and M ade Hand Made Lace or Linen ing If It Is at the expense of more Insurgent defenders were locked in deatroyera were scheduled for for­ Fancy Baldwin a sanguinary hand-to-hand contest The United States destroyer Pope Arthur J. Hepburn, eommander-ln- eign cruises early next year. the view was expressed that a important rights, the committee as­ arrived at Tsingtao, where the chief of the U. S. Fleet. Admiral serted. It predicted that labor es- within the city on the seventh day A fleet ipokeaman commented lumping of the navid foreea of other Seta Ladies* CHAIR SETS 3 9 c of the Government's offensive. In­ cruiser Marblehead was due today King flew back to bis San Diego only “no apecifle action is antic!' the three nations in the Fgr .16 QL Basket pioosge •^vlU destroy every vestige to aid in protecting 300 Americana headquarters. APPLES 8 5 c $4.95, $6.95,19.95 Beautiful 3.plece chair aeU that make a real practical gift. / of right which for 150 years we surgent reporU said the Teruel pated.” The order Itself was auo- East would tend to check “ Jap* Juicy a « a a ™ » ™ « a „ A ll Linen garrison still was holding out In the threatened port and evacuate In tbe absence of other informa­ tomarlly tone, merely directing tbat have thought our OonstltuUoo guar­ them If necessary. tion. ahore observers were Inclined en’s aim to dominate China tn CORNED BEEF Other Chair Sets— 50c to 79c. ' antees the average Individual.” Thousands of attackers and de­ Walter Wharton. 18. (left) spent three hours In the Niagara river "a squadroa be diapotched Immadl- With the Egcliuive fenders alike were reported to have The south china situation was to believe the destroyer transfer ately to San Pedro.'* the complete exclusion of fo^ Flnkertoa Report gorge near Niagara Falls.
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