60526 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 189 / Thursday, September 29, 2011 / Notices public access to the park. The preferred DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR information about the National Natural alternative for managing overnight Landmarks Program or National Natural camping and boating on Isle Royale National Park Service Landmarks designation process and the focused on more efficiently utilizing [NPS–WASO–DPOL–0911–8477; 0004–SYP] effects of designation, contact Dr. existing camping facilities through the Margaret Brooks, Program Manager, creation of a backcountry office and Meeting of the National Park System National Natural Landmarks Program, advanced permitting. The intent is to Advisory Board National Park Service, 225 N. Commerce expand visitor services for trip planning Park Loop, Tucson, Arizona 85745, AGENCY: National Park Service, e-mail [email protected]. and reduce campground crowding to Department of the Interior. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On improve social and resource conditions ACTION: Notice of meeting. in campgrounds. This could result in a December 1, the Board will convene its decrease in visitor access to the SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given in business meeting at 8 a.m., and adjourn backcountry for camping during the accordance with the Federal Advisory for the day at 1 p.m. During the busiest weeks of the season. The Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. Appendix, and afternoon, the Board will tour sites preferred alternative for managing day Parts 62 and 65 of title 36 of the Code within Everglades National Park. On use was crafted with an intention to of Federal Regulations, that the National December 2, the Board will reconvene allow an increase in day use and Park System Advisory Board will meet the business meeting at 8 a.m., and adjourn at 5:30 p.m. During the course concessions lodging throughout the December 1–2, 2011, in Key Largo, of the two days, the Board will be visitor season. Day tours would be Florida. The agenda will include the review of proposed actions regarding addressed by National Park Service managed to concentrate the majority of the National Historic Landmarks Director Jonathan Jarvis; briefed by day visitors close to developed and Program and the National Natural other National Park Service officials frontcountry areas of the park and Landmarks Program. Interested parties regarding education, leadership minimize adverse impacts to wilderness are encouraged to submit written development and science; deliberate character and other critical resources. comments and recommendations that and make recommendations concerning The preferred alternatives in will be presented to the Board. National Historic Landmark Program combination also aimed to minimize or Interested parties also may attend the and National Natural Landmarks reduce the impacts of development in board meeting and upon request may Program proposals; and receive status the park’s wilderness. Although the address the Board concerning an area’s briefings on matters pending before preferred alternative for overnight use national significance. committees of the Board. would add one additional campsite at DATES: (a) Written comments regarding A. National Historic Landmarks (NHL) North Desor campground and a few any proposed National Historic Program rustic cabins in Rock Harbor, and the Landmarks matter or National Natural NHL Program matters will be preferred alternative for day use would Landmarks matter listed in this notice considered at the business meeting on add three to five miles of new trail, no will be accepted by the National Park the morning of December 1, during new campgrounds would be constructed Service until November 28, 2011 (b) The which the Board may consider the other than those approved in the park’s Board will meet on December 1–2, 2011. Location: The meeting will be held in following: General Management Plan, up to two the Largo Key Ballroom of the Key Largo fire towers would be removed, and Nominations for New NHL Designations Bay Marriott Beach Resort, 103800 campfire rings would be located only Overseas Highway, MM 103.8, Key Arizona where resource conditions could Largo, Florida 33037, telephone 305– • tolerate the associated impacts. Fort Apache and Theodore 453–0000. Roosevelt School, Fort Apache, AZ. The Plan/EIS involves analysis of Information: (a) For information • 1956 Grand Canyon TWA–United current conditions in the park and the concerning the National Park System Airlines Aviation Accident Site, Grand likely impacts of implementing each of Advisory Board or to request to address Canyon NP, AZ. the alternatives, considering impacts to the Board, contact Shirley Sears Smith, visitor use and experiences, wilderness Office of Policy, National Park Service, California character, natural resources, cultural 1201 I Street, NW., 12th Floor, • Carrizo Plain Archeological District, resources, socioeconomics, and NPS Washington, DC 20005, telephone 202– San Luis Obispo County, CA. operations and administration. In 354–3955, e-mail • Nuestra Sen˜ ora Reina De La Paz, _ _ general, each of the alternatives would Shirley S [email protected]. (b) To submit Kern County, CA. be expected to result in both beneficial a written statement specific to, or • Drakes Bay Historic and and adverse impacts to park resources request information about, any National Archeological District, Marin County, Historic Landmarks matter listed below, and values. CA. or for information about the National FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Historic Landmarks Program or National Colorado Contact Superintendent Phyllis Green, Historic Landmarks designation process • Trujillo Homesteads, Alamosa Isle Royale National Park, at the address and the effects of designation, contact J. County, CO. above or by telephone at 906–482–0984. Paul Loether, Chief, National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Florida Dated: May 17, 2011. Landmarks Program, National Park • Florida Southern College Historic Michael T. Reynolds, Service, 1849 C Street, NW. (2280), District, Lakeland, FL. Regional Director, Midwest Region. Washington, DC 20240, e-mail [FR Doc. 2011–25062 Filed 9–28–11; 8:45 am] [email protected]. (c) To submit a Indiana BILLING CODE 4312–92–P written statement specific to, or request • Akima Pinsˇiwa A Wiiki (Chief Jean- information about, any National Natural Baptiste De Richardville House), Fort Landmarks matter listed below, or for Wayne, IN. VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:29 Sep 28, 2011 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29SEN1.SGM 29SEN1 tkelley on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 189 / Thursday, September 29, 2011 / Notices 60527 Michigan allotted time. Before including your Environmental Resources Division, • Meadow Brook Hall, Rochester, MI. address, telephone number, e-mail Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 25007, address, or other personal identifying Denver, Colorado 80225–0007; Montana information in your comment, you telephone 303–445–2888. • Deer Medicine Rocks, Rosebud should be aware that your entire SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Consistent County, MT. comment—including your personal with section 9(f) of the Reclamation identifying information—may be made Project Act of 1939 and the rules and New Mexico publicly available at any time. While regulations published in 52 FR 11954, • Mission San Jose´ de Los Je´mez and you can ask us in your comment to April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22), Gı´usewa Pueblo Site, Sandoval County, withhold your personal identifying Reclamation will publish notice of NM. information from public review, we proposed or amendatory contract cannot guarantee that we will be able to New York actions for any contract for the delivery do so. of project water for authorized uses in • Gardner Earl Memorial Chapel and Draft minutes of the meeting will be newspapers of general circulation in the Crematorium, Troy, NY. available for public inspection about 12 • affected area at least 60 days prior to Montauk Point Lighthouse, Suffolk weeks after the meeting in the 12th floor contract execution. Announcements County, NY. conference room, 1201 I Street, NW., may be in the form of news releases, • The Town Hall, New York, NY. Washington, DC. • legal notices, official letters, USS Slater, Albany, NY Dated: September 23, 2011. memorandums, or other forms of Pennsylvania Bernard Fagan, written material. Meetings, workshops, • Braddock Carnegie Library, Chief, Office of Policy. and/or hearings may also be used, as Braddock, PA. [FR Doc. 2011–25046 Filed 9–28–11; 8:45 am] appropriate, to provide local publicity. BILLING CODE 4312–52–P The public participation procedures do Puerto Rico not apply to proposed contracts for the • Bacardi Distillery, Catano, PR. sale of surplus or interim irrigation DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR water for a term of 1 year or less. Either Virginia of the contracting parties may invite the • Eyre Hall, Northampton County, Bureau of Reclamation public to observe contract proceedings. All public participation procedures will VA. Status Report of Water Service, • be coordinated with those involved in Saint Peter’s Parish Church, New Repayment, and Other Water-Related complying with the National Kent County, VA. Contract Actions Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to Proposed Amendments to Existing NHL AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, the ‘‘Final Revised Public Participation Designation Interior. Procedures’’ for water resource-related • Fort Benton Historic District, Fort ACTION: Notice. contract negotiations, published in 47 Benton, MT (updated documentation
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