_i '.1',. Distribution tod*? tWi ti& *Bfa d' BANK turn DIAL 741-0010 IulM 4tll PAGE ONE VOL. flfl NO ftf) * »' Koaiw uuragk FriWr. Meam oius PMU RED BANK, N. X, FRIDAY, OCTOBER18, 1963 7c PER COPY YVJ* OO, XNU. «l ftu* rt »«4 Ink uTtt AddttkHUU HtUHV OKI Queen Selects Lord Home to Fill Post BULLETIN This action represented a Macmillan wrote, out his resig- one, preferring to stay in ths LONDON (AP) — Queen personal triumph for retiring nation at his bedside in King House of Commons instead of Prime Minister Harold Macmll- Elizabeth II today called on Edward VII Hospital, where he entering the House of Lords. lan, who wanted Lord Home as is recovering from a prostate The bitter Conservative battle Foreign Secretary Lord Home his successor rather than dep- operation. over Macmillan's successor con- to become Prime Minister. uty Prime Minister Richard A. T. J. BHgh, the prime minis- tinues unabated. An announcement from Butler. ter's private secretary, delivered Nominated Home Buckingham Palace said: Even though it was a vic- it to Buckingham Palace just be- It was known that Macmillan "The queen has received the tory for MacmlUan, the strug- fore 10 a.m. (4 a.m. E5T). had nominated Lord Home. But. Earl of Home In audience and gle for the succession caused Announcement of the resigna- opponents of reselling into the Invited -him to form an ad- •harp divisions in the Conserv- tion was issued from the palace peerage for a national leader ral- ministration." ative Party. at 10:30. It said: lied around Butler. "The Right Honorable Harold In London betting circles this Macmillan, M. P., has this morn- morning bookmakers made But- LONDON (AP) - Queen Eliz- the Conservative Party, was ing tendered to the queen his ler the even money favorite to abeth II accepted Prime Min- smiling broadly. resignation as prime minister and win and offered 6 to 4 that Home ister Harold Macmillan's resigns Last-Ditch Fight first lord of the.treasury, which would be beaten. lion today and after conferring A large segment of Macmil- her majesty has been graciously Macmillan's choice of Home with him at his hospital bedside lan's cabinet had been waging pleased to accept." set off a revolt within the cabi- called Foreign Secretary Lord a . desperate, last-ditch fight to Macmiilan will undoubtedly be net. Dissident ministers united Home to Buckingham Palace. block Home's appointment and offered an earldom, the usual re- behind Butler and^caucused into Home, whose nomination by throw the nomination to Deputy ward for retiring British prime the small hours at the home of Macmillan to become prime min- Prime Minister Richard A* But- ministers. ' health minister Enoch Powell. Harold Macmillan Queen Elizabeth II ister set off a racing fight in ler. Sir Winston Churchill, declined (See MACMILLAN, Page 2) Lord Home Richard A. Butler Register Judged Best Newspaper, Limited, Selected Sales Cited for Distinguished Service CHERRY HILL — The Red Bank Register won the 1963 said they were impressed with the manner in which The Tax Favored by Stout Best Newspaper Contest of the New Jersey Press Association Register sought to have the county take over the Monmouth today for dailies in the up to 40,000 circulation category. County Airport. The newspaper was praised for recognizing ASBURY PARK - State Sen. The Register scored top honors in the eight classifications the vital need of an airport in an area which is considered to Richard R. Stout said yesterday judged. be the fastest-growing in the state. he favors a limited, selected sales tax to be imposed in New Another high award, for Distinguished Public Service, also The news stories and editorials in the public service ef- fort drew merit from the judges. Jersey to increase aid for local went to The Register. The newspaper was praised for its public schools. stories and editorials in the effort to establish a Monmouth Also cited for Distinguished Public Service were The Speaking to the Kiwanis Club County Airport in Wall Township. Record of Hackensack and the Atlantic City Press. Honora- ble mention in this category went to the Perth Amboy Evening at the Empress Motel, the Re- The Courier-Post of Camden won the Best Newspaper News and the Courier-News of Plainfield. publican' incumbent, who is run- Contest for dailies of more than 65,000 circulation. The The Long Branch Record received a third place award ning for re-election, said he will Hudson Dispatch of Union County was first in the 40,000-65,000 in the Better Newspaper Contest. support legislation dedicating category. * The Asbury Park Press won second place in the Better revenues to educational purposes • These are the classifications in which The Register was Newspaper Contest and received an honorable mention in the if approved at a public vote. rated first: ; Sunday Newspaper competition. In a separate editorial page The senator called his plan an General appearance, mechanical makeup, and style; gen- contest, The Press took second place honors. 'alternative" to the adoption of eral and departmental news content, front page,; editorial In the weekly division Better Newspaper Contest, the a $750 million capital construc- 'page, sports pages, women's pages, picture content, and local Eatontown Sentinel received a third place award. The Mid- tion bond issue'proposed by Gov. .columns. - ••;•••'•-•-•• dletown Courier, in the tabloid division, received an honorable Richard J. Hughes. The Hughes The award for Distinguished Public Service will be pre- mention. For best locally written columns, an honorable plan is to be voted upon at the sented at a luncheon today in the Cherry Hill Inn. The mention went to Mike Ward of The Courier. general election Nov. 5. Better Newspaper Contest award will be presented at a ban- In the pictorial division, a first place, for a spot newt Mental Health Facilities quet tonight of the Press Association's 42d annual Newspaper picture went to Herman Gerechott of the Asbury Park Press. Mr. Stout's proposal does not Institute with John T. Schofield, Bridgeton Evening News An honorable mention in this category was presented to Frank provide for money for such things publisher and NJPA president, presiding.' Beardsley, who also captured a third place prize In the sport* buildings and highways as The judges of the Distinguished Public Service contest news picture division. does the governor's. But the sen- ator said he doesn't think Mr. Hughes has "spelled out the need" for the things In his pro- gram clearly; enough to be given Bipartisan Unit Raps Charter Plan a favorable vote, • -• • The senator said he Will sup- port a bond Issue for construc- governs charter studies." crats and an Independent. MIDDLETOWN — A number Mr. Lawlor said there is no tion of mental health facilities of prominent Republican and question but that the existing Mr. Roth, said the slate has "in- Mr, McGann, a former deput; when the need Is shown to be Democratic officials have come government needs strengthening, troduced an aura of politics into state attorney general, said th immediate. He said funds au- out in opposition to the proposed but the form is adequate for the the' study." He said the slate candidates are "a frustration thorized in a $40 million bond is- Charter Study here. needs of the oommunity. resulted in a show of power the hopes of sincere supporter, sue for mental institutions in which "effectively blockedl any of an unbiased study." HOUSE GUEST —• Little Silver Police Sgt. David Kennedy is shown; removing «quirrel The question 'of the formal He contends that a formation 1960 and in a $68 million bond study is on the November ballot other candidates from running The group plans meetings Tues- of a slate of candidates to run issue for educational facilities in from home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Oavison, 22 Crest Dr.,.yesterday afternoon. Heading the list of opponents for the commission." day and Oct. 29 at the Rivei for the commission "violates the 1959 still have not been spent. The uninvited guest got Into the fireplace and Mr. Daviion, former Little Silver mayor, ere Democratic Township Com- The five-man slate is composed Plaza fire house to map plan: He indicated more than $20 mil- mitteemen Martin V. Lawlor and spirit of the Faulkner Act which of two Republicans, two Demo- for opposition to the proposal. lion from these two plans are had trouble getting it out. Special Officer Warren Herbert looks on. Edward J. Roth. yet to be committed. Republicans voicing opposition Reach Limit to the study are J. Crawford Mull Fishing Compton, a former township com- A limited sales tax, the sena- tor said, would spare real estate Set Keyport Plan Hearing mitteeman; Alexander Her, Collegians' Autos taxpayers further burdens. He member of the Planning Board; Hunting Ban KEYPORT - The Planning Frank R. Weiland, Republican contended current property tax 10-story-high structures, members Moved to obtain high rise rates have reached their limit. Board will hold a public hearing agreed that the borough's utilities sample ordinances from Red county committeeman from the Thursday at 8 pm. on a proposal ninth district, and Charles J. Cause Complaints In Drought He proposed that a spending and fire fighting equipment are Bank, New Brunswick, and other program for moneys to be real- by Serventi and Daniels, Cran- capable of handling only six-story surrounding municipalities. Chine, former committeeman in TRENTON (AP) — Worrlet ford, to build a garden apart- Lincroft. WEST LONG BRANCH - It's traffic officer; Lt. Warren Brand, state officials were considering ized from a sales tax be estab- buildings.
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