UNIT RELATED Sub-Heading Year EVENT Year/pages 1 Special Boat Section Poole 1962 Articles 1962/40, 125, 183, 222, 333, 370 148 (Maiwand)Cdo Bty RA Singapore 1962 Article 1962/387* 1st Assault Squadron 1961 Article 1961/383 2 Special Boat Section Bahrein 1962 Article 1962/334, 370 3 Commando Brigade Malta HQ 1960 Articles 1960/17*, 96*, 162*, 225*, 285*, 339*, 3 Commando Brigade Singapore 1962 Articles 1962/20*, 113, 159, 233*,280*, 286*. To move to 3 Commando Brigade HQ 1961 Singapore 1961/14, 98, 3 Commando Brigade HQ 1961 Articles 1961/19*, 98*, 185*, 257*, 321*, 388* Article - Ex Roulade through the 3 Commando Brigade HQ 1961 Eyes of a Clerk 1961/174* Arrive Singapore from Malta aboard 3 Commando Brigade HQ 1961 TT Nevasa 1961/185 Unit Identification Numbers on 3 Commando Brigade 1962 transport 1962/160 3rd Assault Squadron HMS Striker 1961 Articles 1961/71, 133*, 3rd Assault Squadron HMS Striker 1961 Floods in Kenya 1962/40* 3rd Assault Squadron HMS Striker 1962 Articles 1962/184 223* 3rd Assault Squadron Malta 1960 Articles 1960/271, 3rd Assault Squadron 1961 Articles 1961/227 Letter - RMFVR 4 Commando Brigade 1960 formation 1960/296 40 Commando Malta 1960 Articles 1960/18*, 98*, 163, 227, 287*, 343*, Farewell Parade for GOC 40 Commando Malta 1960 - Colours 1960/19* 40 Commando Malta 1960 Shooting Team 1960/287* 40 Commando Malta 1961 Articles 1961/23, 100, 186*, 323*, 389* Final Parade in Malta - HE The 40 Commando Malta 1962 Governor 1962/159*, 161* 40 Commando Malta 1962 Articles 1962/116*, 161* Letter - Appreciation of Malta Garrison 40 Commando Malta 1962 Sgt Maj 1962/155 Farewell Parade for HE 40 Commando Malta 1962 The Governor 1962/159*, 161* Near East Battle Trophy 40 Commando Malta 1962 Team 1962/162* Embarked in HMS Albion for 40 Commando Malta 1962 Singapore 1962/351 Move from Malta to 40 Commando Singapore 1962 Singapore 1962/243, 247* Article "Malaya - 40 Commando Singapore 1962 and all that" 1962/245, 283*, Articles "The Church in the Ulu", "A Mass 40 Commando Singapore 1962 Baptism" 1962/247* 40 Commando Singapore 1962 Football Team 1962/342* 40 Commando Singapore 1962 Unit Article 1962/388* Article - "On the Side of the 40 Commando Singapore 1962 Angels" 1962/392 Queen's Birthdsay 40 Commando Singapore 1963 Parade 1962/152* Origin of A Tp 40 Cdo 'Saint' 40 Commando 1940 flag and tie 1962/388 Ranks with 40 Commando 1960 Alma Cogan 1960/98* Presentation of Duke of Edinburgh's 40 Commando 1960 Trophy 1960/2, 99* Training in Tarhuna - 40 Commando 1960 Fezzan Patrol 1960/228*, New tie 40 Commando 1960 available 1960/227, Article - "Papa Troop per 40 Commando 1960 Chopperam" 1960/111*, Cartoon - Life 40 Commando 1961 Begins at 40 1961/100* Exercises Hide and Seek & 40 Commando 1961 Watergap III 1961/101* S Tp - Winners 40 Commando 1961 of CO's Trophy 1961/102* Athletics at the Marsa - Inter tp 40 Commando 1961 sports 1961/197* North Africa 40 Commando 1961 Training 1961/259 Article "Malta 40 Commando 1962 to Singapore" 1962/243* In Cyprus after the Turkish 40 Commando 1974 invasion 1974/260* Reformed at 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Bickleigh 1960/151* 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Ex Shrimp Net 1961/9, Duke of Edinburgh's 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Trophy Team 1961/10* Visit to Rotterdam - 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 HMS Tyne 1961/10, 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Reformed 1960/71, 151, 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Articles 1960/151*, 221*, 308*, 374*. At Bickleigh 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Church 1960/152*, Presentation of US Presidential 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Citation 1960/266, 309, 311*, Approval to 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 carry Colours 1960/194, Winners Duke of Edinburgh 41 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Trophy 1960/378 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Articles 1961/9, 80, 182, 238*, 315 Story - Through a night 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 brightly" 1961/82 Presentation of 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Colours 1961/135, 213*, 238 Winners Ten 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Tors Expedition 1961/135, Royal Tournament - Commando 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Raid 1961/239 Ten Tors Expedition by 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Cpl P J Mullervy 1961/240 Ex Silvery Moon by LCpl M A 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Fitzpatrick 1961/241* Visit of 'P' Tp to 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Lundy Island 1961/315 Presented with US Presidential Battle 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Strreamer 1960/266*; 1961/364 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Ex Peter Pan 1961/374* Guard for PM in Bermuda (43 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Cdo ?) 1962/2, 13* Preentation of US presidential 41 Commando Bickleigh 1961 Battle Streamer 1962/11* 41 Commando Bickleigh 1962 Articles 1962/10, 83*, 151, 214*, 322*, 362* 41 Commando Bickleigh 1962 Soccer Team 1962/194* 41 Commando Bickleigh 1962 Cricket Team 1962/267* Embarked in HMS Albion for exercises return in 41 Commando Bickleigh 1962 Bulwark 1962/351, 362 New Commando 41 Commando Bickleigh 1962 Organisation 1962/363 Guard of Honour, Tower - Churchill's 41 Commando Bickleigh 1965 funeral 1965/31* Korea 1950- 41 Commando Korea 1950 1952 1960/1998, Letter - Date of 41 Commando 1942 numbering 1960/363. History - WWII - 41 Commando 1942 Korea - Today 1960/132*,198*, 310* 41 Commando 1942 History 1960/132*, 296, 310*, Operation 41 Commando 1943 Husky 1960/133 The Assault on 41 Commando 1943 Salerno 1960/134*, Visit by Princess Grace 41 Commando 1969 of Monaco 1969/307* Awarded Wilkinson 41 Commando 1975 Sword of Peace 1975/265* 42 Commando Bickleigh 1960 Articles 1960/41*, 100, HMS 42 Commando Bulwark 1960 Articles 1960/165*, 288*, 350, 42 Commando Hong Kong 1960 In Hong Kong 1961/26* 42 Commando Hong Kong 1962 Articles 1962/22, 118, 165* Article - "42 in 42 Commando Kuwait 1961 Kuwait" 1961/265* Visit by Captain 42 Commando Malta 1960 Genera' 1960/130 Visit to Mombassa and 42 Commando Mombassa 1961 Bahrein 1961/102* Arrival in Singapore aboard HMS 42 Commando Singapore 1960 Bulwark 1960/232* 42 Commando Singapore 1961 Articles 1961/188, 262, 392 42 Commando Singapore 1961 Shooting Team 1961/329* MT - Winners 42 Commando Singapore 1961 Inter tp Boxing 1961/394* 42 Commando Singapore 1962 Articles 1962/248*, 290*, Article "The Mice in the 42 Commando Singapore 1962 Wheel" 1962/249 Ceremonial embarkation in 42 Commando 1960 HMS Bulwark 1960/2, 70*, 100*, Move to 42 Commando 1960 Singapore 1960/130, 232*, Article - Ex Roulade through the 42 Commando 1961 Eyes of a Clerk 1961/174* A Tp Tug-o'- 42 Commando 1961 War Team 1962/23* Duke oif Edinburgh competition 42 Commando 1961 team 1962/25* Marching through 42 Commando 1962 Freemantle 1962/11£* Cross Country 42 Commando 1962 & Soccer Teams 1962/195* 42 Commando 1963 Letter - Unit Tie 1963/39 Great Dane mascot - 42 Commando 1969 Christopher 1969/261* Farewell 43 Commando Eastney 1968 Parade 1968/372* 43 Commando Stonehouse 1962 Articles 1962/12, 85*, 153*, 217*, 325*, 365* To be reformed - announcement 43 Commando 1961 in Parliament 1961/130, 290 43 Commando 1943-45 History 1962/33*, 110*, 157, 178 History - Achnacarry to 43 Commando Anzio 1961/403 44 Commando Reunion 1961/114 Move to from 45 Commando Aden 1960 Malta to Aden 1960/169 Guard of Honour for new 45 Commando Aden 1960 Governor 1960/354 45 Commando Aden 1960 Articles 1960/169, 238*, 291*, 354*, Royal Guard for 45 Commando Aden 1960 new Governor 1960/354, Article - "Sun, Mountains and 45 Commando Aden 1960 Sand" 1960/159, 296, 45 Commando Aden 1960 Visit by CGRM 1960/196, 45 Commando Aden 1961 Articles 1961/29, 109*, 190, 267, 327*, 330*, 396* Queen's Birthday 45 Commando Aden 1962 Parade 1962/167 45 Commando Aden 1962 Articles 1962/26*, 121, 167*, 237*,294*, 393* Article - "The Corps has a 45 Commando Aden 1962 New Sport" 1962/297 Article - "Fishy Story" by Cpl T 45 Commando Aden 1962 J Broomham 1962/298 Visit of Minnister of 45 Commando Aden 1962 Defence 1962/167* Article - "The Rolling AE 45 Commando Aden 1962 Road" 1962/240* Article "By Convoy to 45 Commando Aden 1962 Ataq" 1962/241* Article "My Journey to the Interior" by SBA 45 Commando Aden 1962 D Dougherty 1962/242 New Call - 45 Commando Aden 1962 "Four and Five" 1962/251 45 Commando Aden 1962 1962/167 "Ten Years 45 Commando Malaya 1950 After" 1960/212* 45 Commando Malta 1960 Farewell Tattoo 1960/103 45 Commando Malta 1960 Articles 1960/20*, 103*, Farewell Tattoo and Move to 45 Commando Malta 1960 Aden 1960/103*, [180], 130, 169*, Training in 45 Commando 1959 North Africa 1960/20*, Alliance with Australian 2nd Commando 45 Commando 1960 Company 1960/70, "One dog's 45 Commando 1960 tale" [Simba] 1960/106*, Article - Easter in the Sun 45 Commando 1961 [Djibouti] 1961/170 Article - Ex Roulade through the 45 Commando 1961 Eyes of a Clerk 1961/174* Article - Impressions of 45 Commando 1961 Dhala` 1961/179 B Tp Cross 45 Commando 1961 Country Team 1961/194* "The Trials of a Saint" A Tp from Aden to 45 Commando 1961 Bahrein 1961/254 "'45' and the Kuwait 45 Commando 1961 Operations" 1961/270* Op "Barbara" March, Little 45 Commando 1961 Aden - Dhala 1962/35 Letter - Reunion of B Tp (Cyprus 45 Commando 1962 1955/56) 1962/86 Dhala Patrol 45 Commando 1970 painting 1970/4 48 Commando 1962 Reunion 1962/226 4th Raidinig Squadron Plymouth 1960 Article 1960/158*, AW 5th Assault Squadron Squadron 1960 Articles 1960/273, 5th Assault Squadron HMS Dieppe 1961 Articles 1961/40, 71, 383 HMS 5th Assault Squadron Messina 1962 Articles 1962/223, 369 5th Assault Squadron 1961 Articles 1961/230 Kenya Flood 5th Assault Squadron 1961 Relief 1961/378 5th Assault Squadron 1962 Articles 1962/26 6 Special Boat Section 1961 Articles 1961/99*, 186, 258 Comacchio Group, RM ` Commando Training Centre Visit by Lord RM Lympstone 1975 Mountbatten 1975/210* Depot RM Deal Junior Wing 1960 Articles 1960/38, 87, 147, 215, 304, 368.
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