An Index To CROSSOVERS 1: A SECRET CHRONOLOGY OF THE WORLD By WIN SCOTT ECKERT (From the Black Coat Press edition, 2010) Prepared by Adrian Nebbett .007 (Rudyard Kipling), 227 Adventure (Magazine), 43, 119 Abbott and Costello Meet Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Adventure, Vol. 1 (Chris Roberson ed.), 113, 248, (1953), 153-154 307 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), Adventure Comics, 169 156, 335, 338, 403, 426 Adventure Comics, 440 Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951), Adventure of Gresham Old Place, The (August 335 Derleth), 340 ABC, 343 Adventure of Hillerman Hall, The: see How a ABC Teashop, 249-250 Hermit Was Disturbed in His Retirement Abdû, Hâjî, 375-376 Adventure of Merlin’s Tomb, The (Frank J. Abelsen, Olaf, 386, 391 Morlock), 205 Abercrombie, Dr, 203 Adventure of Napoleon’s Razor, The (Ellery Abominable Dr Phibes, The (1971), 347, 354, 354 Queen), 443 About Maigret and the Stolen Papers (Julian Adventure of the Ancient Gods, The (Ralph Symons), 395 Vaughan), 372 Abraham the Gentle, 105, 107 Adventure of the Angel’s Trumpet, The (Carolyn Absalom, Dr, 187, 189 Wheat), 216 Abu Tabah, 312 Adventure of the Antiquarian’s Niece, The (Barbara Abyad, 415-416 Hambly), 197-198 Account of London Scientists (William Ashbless), Adventure of the Arabian Knight, The (Loren D. 150 Estleman), 169 Ace Books, 46, 92, 113, 115, 136, 150, 170, 191, Adventure of the Arab’s Manuscript, The (Michael 215, 370, 377, 380, 384 Reaves), 146, 229 Ace/Charter Books, 132 Adventure of the Beneficent Vampire, The (Frank J. Acevedo, Elena, 330 Morlock), 205-206 Acheron, 37, 84 Adventure of the Camberwell Beauty, The (August Ackroyd, Roger, 400-401 Derleth), 398 Across the Zodiac (Percy Greg), 227, 259 Adventure of the Celestial Snows, The (George Action Comics, 214, 429, 429 Alec Effinger), 138, 270 Action Force, 20 Adventure of the Christmas Ghosts, The (Bill Adair, Cary “Captain Satan”, 429 Crider), 249 Adam Adamant Lives!, 9, 242 Adventure of the Clubs, The (August Derleth), 353 Adam-12, 457 Adventure of the Defeated Doctor, The (Basil Adamant, Adam, 242, 253 Copper), 412 Adams, Clint “The Gunsmith”, 128, 132, 185 Adventure of the Ectoplasmic Man, The (Daniel Adams, Sir John: see Skelton Kuppord Stashower), 280, 335 Adams, Neal, 153 Adventure of the Extraordinary Lodger, The Curse of the Golden Skull, The (with Roy (Matthew J. Elliott), 218-219 Thomas), 33 Adventure of the Grinder’s Whistle, The (Howard Neal Adams Monsters, 153 Waldrop), 170 Addleton, 196 Adventure of the Haunted Library, The (August Adelita, 449 Derleth), 327 Adelita y la Guerrillas, 449 Adventure of the Headless Monk, The (Ken Ader, Clément, 163 Greenwald), 210 Ader, Irène, 162-163 Adventure of the Honourable Cracksman, The Adios, Sabata (1971), 238 (M.J. Elliott), 234-235 Adler, Damian, 197, 246, 322 Adventure of the Inertial Adjustor, The (Stephen Adler, Irene, 110, 144, 151, 156, 163, 175, 183- Baxter), 193, 203 184, 186, 197, 200, 209, 212, 241, 243, 246, 264, Adventure of the Lady on the Embankment, The 271, 301, 322 (Lois McMaster Bujold), 252-253 Adler, John Hamish, 186, 246 Adventure of the Logical Successor, The (J. Adler, Scott, 186, 246 Randolph Cox), 370 Admission of Weakness (C.J. Henderson), 336, 418 Adventure of the Lost World, The (Dominic Green), Adrian, Jean, 421 282 Adventure of the Mocking Huntsman, The Adventures of Harry Kander, the Flying Reporter, (Matthew J. Elliott), 253-254 The, 329 Adventure of the Mulberry Street Irregular, The Adventures of Jimmie Dale, The (Frank L. (Frank J. Morlock), 204 Packard), 284 Adventure of the Murdered Moths and Other Radio Adventures of Jules de Grandin, The (Seabury Mysteries, The (Ellery Queen), 443 Quinn), 347 Adventure of the Notorious Canary Trainer, The Adventures of Jungle Jim, The, 380 (Ken Greenwald), 270-271, 332 Adventures of Red Sonja, The, 35 Adventure of the Old Russian Woman, The (H. Paul Adventures of Superman, The (George Lowther), Jeffers), 152 429 Adventure of the Orient Express, The (August Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel, The (Baroness Derleth), 435-436 Orczy), 82 Adventure of the Parisian Gentleman, The (Robert Aerial Adventures of a Small Parisian around the Weinberg & Lois H. Gresh), 196, 198 World, The (Marcel Priollet), 288 Adventure of the Peerless Peer, The (Philip José Affair of the Premium Bonds, The, 311 Farmer), 206, 301, 304-306, 305, 312, 357, 382 Affair Rouge, L’ (Emile Gaboriau), 109 Adventure of the Praed Street Irregulars, The Affaire Azeff-Poloukhine, L’, 275 (August Derleth), 371 Afford, Max, Adventure of the Rara Avis, The (Carolyn Wheat), Fantastic Case of the Four Specialists, The, 429 161, 196 Afghan War, Second, 100, 212 Adventure of the Red Leech, The, 163 Afghanistan, 100, 146, 148, 196 Adventure of the Seven Sisters, The (August Africa, 25, 31, 39, 56, 80, 88, 123, 129-130, 153, Derleth), 341 170, 201, 228, 231, 237-238, 246, 280, 283, 318, Adventure of the Six Silver Spiders, The (August 325, 354, 359, 374-376, 380, 391, 395, 413, 421, Derleth), 382 424, 433, 444, 447, 450 Adventure of the Snitch in Time, The (August African Millionaire, An (Grant Allen), 176 Derleth & Mack Reynolds), 382 African Queen, The (C.S. Forester), 301, 448 Adventure of the Stalwart Companions, The (H. African Queen, The (1951), 439 Paul Jeffers), 146 After King Kong Fell (Philip José Farmer), 385, Adventure of the Three Ghosts, The (Loren D. 389, 421, 424-425 Estleman), 249 AfterMASH, 453 Adventure of the Three Madmen, The (Philip José Against the Brotherhood (Quinn Fawcett), 165 Farmer), 306 Against the Prince of Hell (David C. Smith & Adventure of the Tottenham Werewolf, The (August Richard L. Tierney), 32 Derleth), 402 Age of Aces Books, 311, 314 Adventure of the Very Sick Circus Horse, The Aguilar, 187-188 (Philip José Farmer), 293 Aguirre, 236-237 Adventure of the Voorish Sign, The (Richard A. Ahab, Captain, 95 Lupoff), 172 Ahmet, Ates, 370 Adventure of the Yellow Sign, The (G. Warlock Ahtar, 126 Vance), 198 Aidman, Charles, 150 Adventure Series, 268 Aiguille Creuse, L’: see Hollow Needle, The Adventure Tales #1 (John Gregory Betancourt, ed.), Airboy, 18, 311 301 Airman, The, 388 Adventures of Astérix, The (René Goscinny & Akechi, Kogoro, 373, 386-387 Albert Uderzo), 43 Akers, Alan Burt, 23 Adventures of Brisco County, Jr, The, Akivasha, 188 Stagecoach, 195 Akivasha’s Tear, 187-188 Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky, The, 261 Akunin, Boris, 260-261, 357 Adventures of C. Auguste Dupin, The (Gérard Altyn Tolobas, 324 Dôle), 102 Jade Rosary Beads, 235 Adventures of Captain Hatteras, The (Jules Verne), Prisoner of the Tower, The, 235 115, 116, 125-126, 160 Turkish Gambit, The, 141, 141-142 Adventures of Creighton Holmes, The (Ned Aladdin’s Lamp, 227 Hubbell), 432 Alan Breck Again (Arthur D. Howden Smith), 70 Adventures of Flash Gordon and Jungle Jim, The, Alaska Jim, 139, 268, 272, 394, 422 403 Alaska Jim magazine, 272 Adventures of Gerard, The (Arthur Conan Doyle), Alaska Jim (Paul Alfred Müller-Murnau), 394 86 Albatross, The, 327-328 Albert, Prince, 191 Albert Memorial: A 100th Birthday Tribute to Mr Allan and the Holy Flower (H. Rider Haggard), Albert Campion, The (Roger Johnson & B.A. 148, 375 Pike, eds), 402 Allan and the Ice Gods (H. Rider Haggard), 39, Albino giants, 117-118 148, 375 Albright, Jim “Red”, 184, 318, 389, 444 Allan and the Sundered Veil (Alan Moore), 123, Alcala, Alfredo P., 148, 157, 173-174, 193 Ravagers Out of Time, The (with Roy Thomas & Allan Quatermain (H. Rider Haggard), 39, 40, 148, Michael Docherty), 36-37 148, 156, 228, 305 Alcandre, 60-61 Allan’s Wife (H. Rider Haggard), 148 Alchemist, 92 Allard, Kent, 73, 184, 189, 249, 304-305, 309, 318, Aldebaran, 146 338, 345, 358, 371, 382-383, 444 Aldrich, Kim, 12 Allen, Gracie, 432 Aldridge, Amanda, 163 Allen, Grant, 329 Aldridge, Ira, 163 African Millionaire, An, 176 Aleichem, Sholem, Allen, Jimmie, 385 Tevye der Milkhiker, 260 Allen, Nurse, 354 Tevye’s Daughters, 260 Allen, Woody, 217 Alexander, J., Alleyn, Roderick, 398 Van Helsing: From Beneath the Rue Morgue Alleys of Peril (Robert E. Howard), 350 (with Joshua Dysart), 220 Allingham, Margery, 369 Alfonso XII, King, 141 Kingdom of Death, 399, 402 Algiers (1938), 416 Allnut, Charlie, 447-448 al-Hazred, Abdul, 48, 216, 251, 372-373 All’s Well with Bingo (P.G. Wodehouse), 352 Necronomicon, 48, 151, 172, 229, 232, 302, 367, Almanzi, Ventura, 370, 372, 382 Ben Wilson contro Sherlock Holmes, 302 al-Hazred, Abdul (II), 372 Aloha (Gerard Jones & Steve Leialoha), 418 Alias, 9, 16, 451 AltaMira Press, 283 Alias Jimmy Valentine (Paul Armstrong), 198 Altamont, 291 Alias “The Night Wind” (Varick Vanardy), 265, Altotas, 75-76 319 Altuas, 147 Alice, 115, 219 Altus Press, 334, 375, 382 Alice Through the Looking Glass: see Through the Altyn Tolobas (Boris Akunin), 324 Looking Glass (and What Alice Found There) Amahagar, 39 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), Amateur Cracksman, The (E.W. Hornung), 151, 115, 222, 227 155 Alien, 21n, 25, 26, 41, 59, 107, 349-350, 352, 365, Amayat, Mynheer, 329, 378 437 Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Alien (1979), 9, 20 Gordon, The, 380, 403 Alien Jungle, The (Gaylord Dubois & Russ Amazing Journey of Hareton Ironcastle, The: see Manning), 352 Étonnant Voyage d’Hareton Ironcastle, L’ All-American Comics, 442 Amazing Lanes, The (Win Scott Eckert), 121, 128, All-Consuming Fire (Andy Lane), 164, 164, 182 326, 383, 430 All for One, One for All, 57-58 Amazing Midget Radio Comics, 443 All My Children, 9 Amazing Quest of Doctor Syn, The (Russell All Predators Great and Small (Rick Lai), 186-189, Thorndike), 70 202 Amazing
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