BACK TO CONTENTS Volume 38: Number 2 -- Summer 2005 William B. Lees, Editor TEXT IS HYPERLINKED TO ARTICLES: President’s Corner Current Research Newsletter Editor Moves Office Africa SAA’s Tobi Brimsek Recognized Australasia Slate for 2005 SHA and ACUA elections Canada-Québec Candidates’ Information Europe Proposal to Modify SHA Bylaws México, Central and South América SHA Non-Discrimination Policy Middle East Death Notices Underwater (Worldwide) Daniel Herman Weiskotten U.S.A.-Midwest Edward F. “Ned” Heite U.S.A.-Northeast CHAT in Dublin 2005 U.S.A.-Pacific West 17th Annual Maritime Symposium U.S.A.-Southeast Midwest Historical Archaeology The FHGW Mark Fulbright Awards 2006-2007 Focus on Sacramento Please Take Note Minutes Wednesday Board Meeting 2005 Preserve America Awards Minutes Saturday Board Meeting Records Added to NADB President Appints Committee Chairs ACUA Photo Competition Register of Professional Archaeologists The Seat of the Reformation Scenes from Mid-Year Board Meeting UNESCO Bogotá Images of the Past SHA Student Subcommittee Report New National Register Listings The View from Here Call for Papers ESAF Conference Program: SPMA 2005 Nevis Mark Your Calendar SHA 2006 FEMA: 2004 Hurricane Season An attempt has been made to hyperlink Email address and Web sites within this issue. Hyperlinked URLs are highlighted in blue; just click on the URL and, presuming the URL is correct as submitted, you should be redirected as appropriate. Volume 38: Number 2 Summer 2005 Page 1 BACK TO CONTENTS SUMMER 2005 WILLIAM B. LEES, RPA, Newsletter Editor, Florida Public Archaeology Network, The University of West Florida. Index President’s Corner President’s Corner . 1 Judy Bense Newsletter Editor Moves Office . .3 SAA’s Tobi Brimsek Recognized . 3 Recently, I have represented our organi- determined eligible for listing by the Secre- Slate for 2005 SHA and ACUA elections . 4 zation in some extremely interesting meet- tary of the Interior would be considered in Candidates’ Information . 4 ings that have dealt with three significant the review of the impact of an undertaking. Proposal to Modify SHA Bylaws . 14 developing national-level issues: the threat The first action taken by the historic pres- SHA Non-Discrimination Policy . 15 to Section 106 of the National Historic Pres- ervation community was the development Death Notices ervation Act (NHPA), the Advisory Coun- of a joint letter that was delivered to the Sub- Daniel Herman Weiskotten . 16 cil on Historic Preservation’s (ACHP) new committee Chairman Representative Devin Edward F. “Ned” Heite . 16 archaeological initiative, and the reorgani- Nunes and Ranking Member Donna CHAT in Dublin 2005 . 17 zation of the Cultural Resources Section of Christensen on 18 April 2005, opposing any 17th Annual Maritime Symposium . 17 the National Park Service (NPS). As these amendment to the National Historic Preser- Midwest Historical Archaeology . 17 issues affect almost all of us, I would like to vation Act that would substantially weaken Fulbright Awards 2006-2007 . 17 share with you a summary of the latest de- current law. NCSHPO, Preservation Action, Please Take Note . 17 2005 Preserve America Awards . 18 velopments and prognosis for the near fu- National Trust for Historic Preservation, Records Added to NADB . 18 ture. Society for Historical Archaeology, Ameri- ACUA Photo Competition . 19 Section 106: In early April, there was a can Cultural Resources Association, Ameri- The Seat of the Reformation . 19 surprise announcement that significant can Institute of Architects, and National As- UNESCO Bogotá . 20 changes to the NHPA were being developed sociation of Tribal Historic Preservation Of- Images of the Past . 21 by the House Resources Subcommittee on ficers signed the letter. In addition, the Sub- SHA Student Subcommittee Report . 22 National Parks and there would be an Over- committee members were inundated with New National Register Listings . 23 sight Hearing on 21 April 2005 of a “discus- letters, calls, and visits by supporters of the The View from Here Call for Papers . 23 sion draft” of potential changes in the law. NHPA to leave Section 106 alone. Perhaps ESAF Conference . 23 The NHPA is due for reauthorization this the most effective was the 9/11 Coalition Program: SPMA 2005 Nevis . .. 24 year to continue funding the Historic Pres- letter which noted that they had saved the Mark Your Calendar SHA 2006 . 25 ervation Fund from offshore oil lease rev- footprint of the former World Trade Center FEMA: 2004 Hurricane Season . 26 enues, and this provides an opportunity to from major redevelopment by getting a de- Current Research make amendments to the Act. Changes were termination of eligibility for the National Africa . 28 proposed to several sections, but the pro- Register that triggered a successful Section Australasia . .. 28 posed change to Section 106 was the most 106 process. Canada-Québec . .. 30 alarming. In the discussion draft, only re- The push behind the attack on Section Europe . 31 sources listed on the National Register of México, Central and South América . 33 Historic Places (NRHP) or those formally Continued on Page 2 Middle East . 33 Underwater (Worldwide) . 34 U.S.A.-Midwest . 36 U.S.A.-Northeast . 36 U.S.A.-Pacific West . 38 U.S.A.-Southeast . .. 39 SHA 2006 The FHGW Mark . 40 Focus on Sacramento . 43 Minutes Wednesday Board Meeting . .44 Minutes Saturday Board Meeting . 48 SacrSacramentamento!o! President Appints Committee Chairs . 49 Register of Professional Archaeologists . 50 Scenes from Mid-Year Board Meeting . 51 Volume 38: Number 2 Summer 2005 Page 2 BACK TO CONTENTS President’s Corner Altschul, Senior Vice President and General • The proposed changes to Section 106 Continued from Page 1 Counsel, CTIA The Wireless Association; have been moved to the “back burner” due Ms. Emily Wadhams, Vice President for Pub- to the “hornets;” 106 is from the wireless industry. After three lic Policy, National Trust for Historic Pres- • Chairman Nunes has accepted a posi- years of negotiation with many parties in a ervation; Ms. Janet Snyder Matthews, Asso- tion on the House Ways and Means Com- task force of the ACHP to produce a pro- ciate Director for Cultural Resources, Na- mittee which requires that he resign from the grammatic agreement, the wireless indus- tional Park Service; and Mr. John Nau III, National Parks chairmanship. His replace- try succeeded in reducing the area of poten- Chairman, Advisory Council on Historic ment has not been named yet; and tial effect (APE) from 2 miles to 1 mile and Preservation. • The Senate may move quickly on a ver- restricted cultural resource reviews to only I was in Washington, DC on 19 May sion of the HPF reauthorization that will not those already listed on or formally deter- where Nellie Longsworth, our government contain changes to Section 106. mined eligible for the NRHP. While this affairs consultant, had arranged several key Advisory Council on Historic Preserva- seems like a real “win” for the wireless in- meetings on the Hill to determine the effect tion Archaeological Initiative: Following dustry, they want to change the NHPA ac- of the hearing and the latest developments. the appointment of Julia King (former SHA cordingly. Here is what we learned from the staffers president) in 2004 as the first archaeologist At the Oversight Hearing, the six wit- we met with: ever to serve on the ACHP, an Archaeology Task Force was formed to identify issues that nesses invited to testify were Mr. Peter F. • The incredibly strong opposition to the Blackman, Property Owner, Louisa, VA; Mr. should receive priority from the ACHP. proposed changes to Section 106 was unex- After extensive outreach to the archaeologi- James Martin, Executive Director, United pected by the Subcommittee and they de- cal community and tribes, three key areas South and Eastern Tribes Inc.; Mr. Michael scribed it as a “hornet’s nest;” were identified: 1. the need to update the ACHP 1988 Published Quarterly “Policy Statement Regarding Treatment of Subscription Rate: Individual: Regular ($125), Student ($70), Adjunct ($40), Human Remains and Grave Goods;” Friend ($175), Developer ($250), Benefactor ($400), Life ($3,600). 2. the need for new Section 106 guidance; Organizational: Institution ($200). All U.S. Funds and 3. the development of strategies to bet- Newsletter Editor: William B. Lees, RPA ter capitalize on the rich potential of archaeo- Copy Editor: Daniel McNaughton logical resources for heritage tourism and public educational opportunities. On 13 April 2005, the task force met and Special News Editors: U.S.A.-Pacific Northwest: formulated a strategy as to how these three Archaeological Conservation Forum: Douglas C. Wilson issues could be advanced at the May 2005 Judy Logan U.S.A.-Pacific West: Sannie K. Osborn business meeting of the ACHP in Annapo- Employment Opportunities: Cassandra U.S.A.-Southeast: Alfred Woods lis, MD. The ACHP invited the presidents Michaud U.S.A.-Southwest: Michael R. Polk of the four national archaeological organi- Current Publications: Charles Ewen zations to participate in an “issues tour and Public Education and Information Editorial Address: The Society for discussion” on 17 May. SHA, SAA, and Committee: Brian Crane Historical Archaeology Newsletter, c/o ACRA each sent their presidents, and RPA Images of the Past: Robert Schuyler William B. Lees, Florida Public Archae- was represented by immediate past presi- ology Network, The University of West dent Jeff Altschul. We each spoke to the Current Research Editors:
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