Eastern Illinois University The Keep October 1962 10-17-1962 Daily Eastern News: October 17, 1962 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1962_oct Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: October 17, 1962" (1962). October. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1962_oct/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1962 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Twenty Page Twenty Page Homecoming Edition Eastern State News Homecoming Edition Three Sections Three Sections "Tell The Truth and Don't Be Afraid" EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19G2 • Sunkel To Rule ayes, Evans To Perform Here Oct. 2 4 As 33rd Queen In EIU History By Connie SchneidM Stars Of The Stage elen Hayes and Maurice A pep rally at 7 p.m. tomorrow , international stage stars, Kappa Delta Pi between the University Union and appear at 8 p.m., Wednesday Initiates Pledges Booth LibraJ'Y will spark the be­ 24, in Lantz Gymnasium for a ginning of Eastern's 1962 Home­ uction of "A Program For coming activities. Players." At Ceremonies Queen Susie Sunkel and her ·s new production, which was court will be introduced. The foot­ Kappa Delta Pi, honorary edu­ ially arranged for Miss ball team and the Football Greet­ es and Evans by Jerome Al- cation fraternity, held pledging ers will also appear before the as­ ceremonies for 26 new members at was produced by Martin sembly. 3 p.m. Sunday in Blair Hall Li­ e. It was directed by Warren Friday's activities get under brary. Elizabeth K. Lawson, dean rs and has settings by Don way with the Eastern-Illinois of women, was guest speaker and ley Jr. State freshman football en­ charged the pledges. Now on a national tour counter at 3 :30 p.m. on Lin­ Formal initiation for the pledges will visit 69 cities in coln Field. Annual freshman­ ich will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednes­ wee s, "A Program For sophomore games will be held k day, Nov. 7, in the Student Senate l ers was the feat­ at half-time and after the o P ay " Room of the University Union. A attr,action at the Ameri­ football game. banquet will follow the initiation Shakespeare Festival at At 4:30 p.m. the Panther har­ at 7 p.m. in the University Union Conn. In repertory riers take on Western in a dual tford, Ballroom. and "Henry cross country meet. Evening acti­ th "Richard II" New pledges include Linda the production vities begin at 8 p.m. as the East­ , Part I," Fiock, Sharon Garr, Sandra Moore, . viewed by capacity audi­ · ern Players present the Homecom­ Linda Hance, Delores Durbin, John and received rave criti­ ing play, "The Girls In 509." The McF'adden, David Goddard, How­ notices. Highwaymen, a quartet of folk ard Davis, Ronald Harper, Bob singers, highlight the evening Program For Two Players" Field; Aaron Phillips, Keturah with a concert at 9 p.m. in Lantz es selections from 17 of the Reinbold, Barbara Long, Sherry Gymnasium. of William Shakespeare pre- Fry, Sharon Schuster; Saturday, from 8:30 a.m. to d in a manner new to the Phil Dennis, Sharon · Ortegren, Miss Hayes and Evans will 12 :30 p.m., former students will Ardath F'oge1sanger, Susan Volle, r in ch of the selections be welcomed at the Alumni Coffee � Ronald Denham, Judy Sehrmann, scene. or costume changes, Hour. At 9 :30 a.m. the annual par­ no Carole Grimm, Mindy Charlton the words and moods of ade will begin its route through and Charlotte Sij. espeare to set the stage for Charleston. The parade will begin Raymond McKenna, associate scene. at 7th St. and Lincoln proceed to professor of education, serves as e New York World-Telegram the Charleston square and return adviser to the organization. Of­ "Helen Hayes and Maurice down 6th St. to Lincoln. ficers include Lucille Lance, presi­ seem to be having the Following the parade, vari­ dent; John Coleman, vice presi­ their lives in their unique ous coffee hours and open of dent; Mary Maxwell, secretary; and their enjoyment is shar­ houses will be held by cam­ Sandra Herr, acting secretary; audience." The New Maurice Evans and Helen Hayes, will present Eastern's second pus organizations. A Home­ the and Dee Miller, treasurer. Journal American said, \ Artists Series program at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24 in Lantz Gym­ coming luncheon will be held e great stage personalities nasium. The stage performers' program is entitled "A Program For from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. · in the University Union Cafe­ an audience fascinated.',' Two Pia,yers." Brubeck Movie Slated teria. Drama critic Lewis Funke, Highlighting the afternoon acti­ 'ting in the New York "Jazz of Dave Brubeck" will be vities will be the Panther-Hope es, said the p,ro<fuction was the featured Union· Board movie College gridiron tilt. Kickoff time oughly diverting. A note­ To Address Top Democrats at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Student Gov. Kerner is set for 2 p.m. Numerous teas, Y demonstration of per­ Senate room of the University ers enjoying a theatrical Here Today For Fund Raising Dinner Union. (Continued on page 10) day." Associated Press said, Gov. Otto Kerner will attend meet . Coles County Democratic (Continued on page 16) two receptions and speak a.t a 6 :30 candidates Phil Brown, candidate p.m. fund raising banquet today for clerk of the Appellate Court; Twenty Eastern Groups 0dence Halls Plan in the University Union Ballroom. Beanie Waltrip, candidate for A delegation of Eastern's Young sheriff; George Ryan, candidate s Following Game Democrats and Coles County offi­ for county superintendent of ; and Martin Parkhurst, tern's four women's resi­ cers will meet Kerner when he schools Enter House Decorations candidate for treasurer, at a priv­ balls, Ford, McKinney, Pem­ lands at 4:15 p.m. at Coles County Airport. ate reception at 4 :30 p.m. in Mat­ Twenty campus organizations Friday evening, Oct. 19. Winners n and Weller, will hold teas toon. have entries in the Homecoming fee hours and open house His party includes Sidney Ya.tes, will be announced after the re­ "ng the Homecoming foot­ representative to Congress who is The Young Democrats have sche­ house decoration contest, accord­ sults are tabulated. game Saturday. running for senator; George Ship­ duled a reception for the politi­ ing to Max Jaeger, house decora­ A trophy and $50 will be award­ residence halls will be con­ ley, congressman ; and Dave Glenn, cians at 5 :30 p.m. in Dining Rooms tion chairman. ed to the first place winner in open house from 4 p.m. to state representative. A and B of the University Union. Four local business and profes­ division A, fraternities. Second p.rn. The governor and his party will . Faculty and students are invited. sional people wiJI judge the entries and third place winners will re­ ceive $30 and $15, respectively. Division B, sororities and dorm­ itories, first place award is a tro­ phy and $30, with $20 and $10 go- . ing to the next best house decora­ notors Approve Who's Who Revamp tions. In division C, religious organi­ much discussed Who's Who Senator Bob Genetski, elections committee be allowed to, run for zations and private housing, the p was approved by the Stu­ chairman, said he favored making the national recognition a.ward. first place winner will receive a Senate Thursday after more members of the committee eligible Finally, Senator Doug Koer­ trophy and $15. Second place prize an hour of debate. for participation. tge proposed that members of is $5. te President Bob Millis led "I'm for leaving it the way it the screening body be previous Entered in division A are Phi · cussion by noting that the is," Eaton told Genetski. Who's Who winners. They Sigma Eps.ilon, Delta Sigma Phi, m he saw in the proposed ·Millis asked Eaton who would be ineligible to run Sigma Tau Gamma, Pi Kappa Al­ again. p of the previous week was would select the persons to be pha, 'Eau Kappa Epsilon and Sig­ would serve on the student- on the ballot if juniors and Under Koertge's proposal only ma Pi. board. seniors were made eligible. He juniors and seniors would be eli­ Division B entries are Sigma saJd persons ineligible to run gible to run. Sigma Sigma Delta Zeta, McKin­ nder the previous week's , for the contest would be se­ Various alterations and changes l made by John Earton, ney Hall, Weller Hall, Ford Hall, ec­ lecting those who are quali­ were suggested during the course · Douglas Hall, Lincoln Hall, Pem­ man of the Senate el revision committee, fied. of the evening, including a pro­ berton Hall and Sigma Kappa. rules posal tha.t sophomores be allowed board would consist of, the Eaton then suggested the pro­ In division C are Wesley Found­ to serve on the scanning commit­ ation, 2202 4th St.; Angles Para­ te adviser, dean of stu­ posal be altered so that only sen­ tee. dise, 1420 6th St.; Home Econom personnel services" one iors were. eligible to run, making ­ That motion failed. ics Club, south home manage tor, one inde,pendent and others with good backgrounds eli.: ment gible for the committee. Genetski then requested that the house on campus; Gamma Greek. Those on the board Delta, Genetski disagreed and again president of the Sena.te select the 902 Cleveland; and private hous­ have been ineligible to asked that the members of the Bob Genetski (Continued on page 16) ing at 964 6th St.
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