S':['UDENTS ARRESTED ON. DRUG CHARGE - Page 3 SHOOTING VICTIM DIES- Page 3 ROUND ROBIN- Page 8 Vol. 9, No. 47 Thursday, Nov. 26, 1970 Fifteen Cents Page 2 November 26, 1970 THE TOWN CR-IER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday emu" · e~m.fu.,n . itv evening by the Milo Printing Company. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our cover­ ;J.e" '"'pi t~l <=rl .~~~ age through NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOWPRIC­ ED ADVERTISING. Volunteers for the week are : Nov. 27, Rosamond GOlden; Nov. We accept no fi,nancial responsibility for errors in 28: Effie Hamlin and Claire Crosby; Nov. ·~9, - Mrs; Max Fogar advertising but will gladly print corrections. arty, Adelia Leonard; Nov. 30 Valerie How:ard; De.c. 1, Hazel Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ Monroe; Dec. 2, Bertha Howland; Dec. 3 June Dasha. · · ER may be obtained through our office. If you have nevs or available photos of any sort we PATIENT STATISTICS FOR WEEK OF NOV, 16 urge you to call or drop in, Deadline will be Monday Admissions : Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier Milo ·Roberta Monohan Currie Austin Joan Chase in the week. StiJ,nl:ey Robinson LaGrange Classified ad's 50 cent minimum including up to 12 LeRoy Randall Bernice Plourde words, 3 cents for each additional ·word. ntaplay Madeline Mott Bradford ad space by the column inch. Brownville Dohs Brooks Ernest Carlson Mattie Perry EDITOR - JOANNE BRIGHAM Dorothy Knox Cleveland, Ohio Phone 943-7384 Robert Roff SERVICE . D!SC~ARGES Will babysit for children in Milo: ·· Dorothy K'i1ox my home by the hour, day or Edith White Roberta Monahan If you want to BUY, SE.LL, week. Roberta Goodine, 94'3.- Arthur Peakes Bradford . RENT or SWAP, try "Town 23-:l4, Mooers Road, Milo. Gertrude Ellison Charlotte Gatrvett Crier" Classified. Kevin Robertson LaGrange FOR SALE Brownville Bernice Plourde DOG GROOMING SERVICE .s~all wood heater, go~con- Martin Grant Cleveland. Ohio . · B thing by appoint- dttton, Two rocking chatrs, 1 Earla Nelson Robert Roff cl · lppmg. •d ate of N· E ·School sma11 and 1 me"d' mm stze· . St- Betty Cassidy t G 1 lllenof Dog · Grooming.ra ua Susie• ' Lyford and s, T ay1 or. l\,ape' 1 St · M'l1 o Gifts: squash from Dr. Robert Pearson 564-2653 56 Davis Street, Dove FOR RENT Foxcroft. Mobile home at Knapp's Tr- ailer Park on Kimball St. $70 FOR RENT per month. Call Mrs. Clyde Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes, Hughes at 943-: 7440. SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS Crutches, for Sale or Rent. CARD OF THANKS Young fathers who feel they have lots of responsibility arid Daggett's Pharmacy in Milo 1\'Iany, many thanks to all my little financial security for ·their families if they die or are c.~n 943-7780. family, friends .and neighbors disabled may· have more protection then they think, according SERVICE for cards, gifts and other acts to Mr. J. Lawrence Guice, soc~al security district manager Bicycle storage for the win­ ·of kindness while I was a pat- in Bangor• . , ient at the Milo Community Ho- They continue to work and pay into the program but do not ter. $2. 50. Call 943-7768. spital. understand how it works. "The basic idea . of social security Special thanks to Dr. Curtis 1~ a s i ~ple .o~e," Mr. ?uic.e explained.• During working years FOR SALE arid all the nurses for thier won- (mcludmg m1htary servtce ttme) you, your employers and self- 3 bedroom house on Willow derful care. employed people pay social security contributions which are St~ , Milo. Call 943-2290. Gertrude Ellison pooled in special trust funds. Then, when earnings stop or are · reduced because of retirement, death, or disability, monthly cash benefits . are paid from these funds to replace part 'of the CAR FOR SALE . CORRECTION 1965 Ford Galaxie, as is' $200 lost earnings. · , We wish to apologize to Mr. "Social security helps support not only the worker, but also Call 943-7384 . · Harold Newman whose age is his wife and children if he is disabled, " Mr. Guice said, "And incorrectly given as 77 in last it can provide monthly .checks for his family if he dies, Each SERVICE week's Town Crier. Mr. New:-! month nearly 2 1/2 million disabled workers and their depend­ Sewing machines cleaned, ad­ man's correct ~ge is 67. ents andover 3 mlllion surviving children and widowed mothers justed and repaired, any make ~et social security checks", sai<;l Mr. Guice. Amounts of checks or model. Call 965-8056. depend on the worker's average earnings under social secu·rity Dis.ability benefits for a worker and his family range from $96. 00 WOOD FOR SALE amonth toamaximum of $434.40, with the average about 273. $25.00 a load. See Calvert at Most young men whose annual salaries. are i.n'the $7, 500. 00 Ricker's Trailer Park, Park range and above would be eligible for benefit payments close St., Milo. The.chain saw that gives to the maximum amounts, according to Mr. Guice. Survivors you more of everything benefits. for a widow with tow children range from a minimum . that you're looking for. FOR RENT of $96.00, ~'\IIr. Guice suggested that young people interested SALES - REPAIRS A one bedroom house trailer learning more about ·their social security protection should for rent. Call Webber Jones at request the booklet Social Secul'ity for Young Families from Brownville 965-3 941. SMALL MO'f.DR SERVICE any social security office, BROWNVILLE JUNCTION, M AIN! 0441~ , THE TOWN CRIER November 26, 1970 Page 3 Shooting Accident Dedwin Goddard, 15, of Milo died at a Bangor hospital Mon­ day night where he had been treated following a shooting acc­ Annual Sale ident early last Sunday. The accident occurred at the 'home of his grandmother; Mrs. of HATHAWAY SHIRTS Edna Goddard when a hunting rifle was being unloaded. The boy was shot in t~e head. ONE DAY OILY Sat. Nov. 28 2 PVHS Students Arrested 8 :00a.m. - 2:00p.m. Once a year we are able to offer a special sale of our fine For Drug Sale products to our friends and neighbors in this area. We will have a complete selection of Lochlana plains, plaids and Two teenage gir Is, both seniors at Penquis Valley High School, knits for you. Also plenty of dress shirts in white, colored were arrested Friday night for the sale of marijuana. and stripes. Sheriff Frank Murch, who made the arrest at the "Round Robin" RETAIL VALUES $11. 00 to $22.50 at Dover-Foxcroft, said that the alleged sale was made at the school in Milo and that more arrests are e}cpected. Both girls were released on bail until their hearing which will take place in about two weeks. Sale Priced at t4.00 to t12.DO WHILE TH:E STYLE LINES ARE COMPLETE! BOOOOTS! [M~W Your chance to buy Christmas present PAll SUITS Few Men have, and Only the Best J(ill~IJ ~~~~W~@~ Town & HATHAWAY SHIRT CO. Country Guilford .Road Dover-Foxcroft, Maine 1- Page .,1 November 26, 1970 THE TOWN C R.IER CARE RUSHES AID TO, PAKISTAN TYPHOOij VICTIMS Care this week stepped up its massive.emergency relief ef­ forts bringing aid to hundreds of thousands of survivors of the catastrophic typhoon and tidal wa vewhich devastated large areas of East Pakistan on November 13. CARE's New England Director, LeonM. Blum, saidhis agency has already begun distribution of hundreds of thousands of dollars worthofhighproteinfood, blankets, clothing, dry milk and vital by Rev. George Gray relief supplies through CARE personal already on the scene . .-\ FFLC£::'\C£ AXD THAXKSGTVIXG Blum detailed the CARE relief efforts now underway: Dr. J. H. Jowett II"as visiting a cottage in Warwick, England, (1) Shipment of $300, 000 worth of high protein foods ware- Hesaidto the good man ll"ho lived in it, "Can you see the cas- housed in the United States, including the airlifting direct to tle from your window?" The host replied, "we can see it best Dacca of 9000 pounds of highly nutritious "space sticks" used in the winter time, when the leaves are off the trees, in the by American astronauts. : · · summer time it ·is apt to be hid.!" The summer bounty· hid the (2) The local purchase in East Pakistan of $10, 000 worth of castle; the winter barrennesss revealed it. And so it is ·with clothing for survivors. l'fe. It is a fair and logical criticism to say that in the main (3) TheAirliftingfromCAREmissioninlndiaof5000 blankets our affluence makes us blind to our God. (4) The airlifting direct to Dacca of 15 tons of non-fat dry \\'hat did "Thanksgiving" mean to you ? A few days vacation; milk from the CARE Mission in Turkey; an extra rest from the mad rush of things; a .release from the (5) Shipment of a so-far unspecified quantity of cooking oi.l .. tensionandpressureofwork. \Vhat else? Oh yes, I almost for- from the CAHE Operations in West Pakistan. got - a good gluttonous time of food and drink. Well, it doesn •t (6) The posting of all CARE personnel and vehicles in Eas~ . really amount to very much in your petty mind, does it? Paklston into the disaster areas and the airlifting of additiop.al Almight God knew that man is prone to forget, especially when CARE personnel from India into the disaster areas to bolster ruches abound, so He gave the children of Israel this solemn relief efforts.
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