Ideas and Consequences Hans F.Sennholz, 1922–2007 BY LAWRENCE W. REED fter a long and productive life, a man of great Sennholz would immediately recognize this story as faith passes on and is welcomed into Heaven. vintage Hans. He never missed an opportunity to prick AHe is greeted with an invitation. “What would a conscience or deflate the self-assured when a good you most like to do?” he is asked. pricking or deflating was called for.The moral and eco- “I always enjoyed giving speeches about what it was nomic case for a free society was just too important for like to live through the Johnstown Flood,” he responds. him ever to keep silent. After all, he not only knew “I’d love to tell everyone up here all about it.” what freedom was, he knew firsthand what it meant to “That’s fine,” the man is advised.“But remember that be denied it. Noah will be in the audience.” Born in 1922 in the Rhineland, Sennholz witnessed With that story, Rev. James Seeley of Holy Trinity the rise of Adolf Hitler. As a teenager he was drafted Lutheran Church in Grove City, into the Nazi air force, then later shot Pennsylvania, began his remarks at down over North Africa and trans- services on June 26 for one of the ported to a prisoner-of-war camp in most colorful and revered economists Texas. After the war he returned to in the free-market firmament, Hans Germany and earned an economics F. Sennholz. Well-known to readers degree in 1948 from the University of this magazine as one of its more of Marburg, followed by a doctorate prolific authors and a former presi- in political science from the Univer- dent of FEE, Dr. Sennholz had sity of Cologne in 1949. It was in departed this world three days before. Marburg where fate changed his life Dr. Sennholz, Rev. Seeley forever. He encountered the works of explained, was one of the first of his the Austrian economist Ludwig von new congregation he came to know Mises and was transfixed by their when he began pastoring at Holy illuminating logic. He became a pas- Trinity nearly two decades before. sionate scholar and teacher of the During one of his early sermons the moral and economic principles of young minister dared venture into Hans F. Sennholz the free society for the next half-cen- economic matters, though for only a tury. In 1955, he earned a Ph.D. in few moments. Afterwards, a distinguished-looking gen- economics from New York University,where he studied tleman with a thick German accent admonished him: under Mises himself. “Young man,the next time you talk about economics, I At Grove City College, where he taught from 1956 hope you will know what you’re talking about!” Thus until his retirement in 1992, Sennholz was a memorable began the economics education of Rev. Seeley, who classroom lecturer with a distinct theatrical delivery that remembers fondly the many times in later months and prompted both admiration and imitation. He knew how years that his new mentor showered him with books to mesmerize an audience, and no matter how large or and articles and listened intently every Sunday from the Lawrence Reed ([email protected]) is president of the Mackinac Center pews. for Public Policy (www.mackinac.org), a free-market research and Any one of the tens of thousands who studied under educational organization in Midland, Michigan. THE FREEMAN: Ideas on Liberty 14 Hans F. Sennholz, 1922– 2007 challenging it was, he did more than just rise to the ars in free-market thought and is now a trustee of the occasion. He transcended it with his oratorical skills. Flint Hills Center for Public Policy in Kansas. Those of us who heard him speak in many venues over Economist and popular professor Peter J. Boettke of the years felt he was almost always at his best, but he George Mason University notes that Sennholz’s lectures liked to say the size of the crowd made a difference: “changed my life and fuel my approach to economic “If there are 10, I give a talk. If there are 25, I give a lec- education” a quarter century later. “Sennholz,” says ture. Over 100, I give a speech.To 200 or more, I give Boettke, “was a man of deep moral conviction and an oration.” never shied away from defending the moral and philo- Once, he held forth for 45 minutes with a ringing sophic principles of the private property order.” defense of free labor markets and a brilliant assault Scott Bullock, senior attorney at the prestigious on compulsory unionism. With five minutes left in the Institute for Justice, counts himself among the many class, a student raised his hand to ask a question. Sennholz students “who carry with them deep wisdom “Dr. Sennholz, what you say sounds appealing but the gained from a teacher who could explain complex eco- fact is, not many people think that way. So there’s got nomic subjects in common-sense and powerful ways.” to be something wrong with what you’re saying.” Sennholz’s fame spread far and wide, and students Silence.Then the response—gentle but firm, and for- came from many countries to study at his feet. Alejan- ever quotable.“Truth,” he said,“is not dro (Alex) Chafuen came from a numbers game. You can be alone Perhaps the greatest Argentina. “Economics explains many and you can be right.”Then a pause things,” says Chafuen, the long-time and the grand finale,“I may be alone, tribute to a teacher is president of the influential Atlas Eco- but I am right.” nomic Research Foundation, “but it And of course he was.And he was what his students can’t explain why people will devote also right about a lot of other things later do because of their life to produce fruits that they will that at the time weren’t widely not see. If freedom has a chance, it is accepted as true. He was right about what he taught them. not only because it works, but because the big picture, the paramount ques- educators such as Dr. Sennholz chose to tion of our age: Should economies be led by central planners sacrifice many things to follow a principled path.” or by the sovereign choices and decisions of free individuals? John A. Sparks had the good fortune to be both a There was never a shred of doubt where Hans stood on student and later a faculty colleague of Sennholz. He that, and one of his greatest contributions was to instill describes his teacher this way:“He spoke with the inci- in his audiences a similar certitude on that question. sive reason of a first-rate economist, the long-term per- Perhaps the greatest tribute to a teacher is what his spective of an historian, and the moral fervor and students later do because of what he taught them. In this conviction of an Old Testament prophet, and all this regard, Dr. Sennholz leaves a vast and enduring legacy. with clarity of syntax punctuated with that distinctive In all walks of life, thousands of Sennholz students are German accent.” spreading the good word about liberty and free markets. Hans Sennholz’s impact on my own life is beyond Many are doing it from prominent platforms as econo- my capacity to measure. It is arguably greater than any- mists, educators, philanthropists, pastors, and political one outside of my own parents. He set me on course to leaders, and all of us have endless and wonderful mem- advance liberty as a teacher and writer more than 35 ories of how inspired we were by the golden tongue of years ago. Someday, if I make it to Heaven, I think I’d our illustrious mentor. like to give the folks there the same lectures on eco- George Pearson says taking Dr. Sennholz’s econom- nomics and liberty that I was inspired by my teacher to ics principles course in the early 1960s “was a defining give so many times down here. moment in my life.” Pearson has spent much of the past But of course, Hans Sennholz will be in the audi- 40 years in various capacities encouraging young schol- ence, which means I’d best get it right. 15 OCTOBER 2007.
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