Issued Tuesday Thursnw Saturday The Courier-gazette Established January, 1846. Entered aa Second Claii Mall Matter By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, November 23, 1937 THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 92.......... .......Number 140. The Courier-Gazette THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK PILATE “PASSED THE BUCK” Editor . O. FULLER Associate Editor PRANK A WINSLOW What Would Happen If Christ Came To Rock­ Subscriptions 13.00 per year payable ln advance; single coplea three cents. land? Asked Charlie Taylor Advertizing retea baaed upon circula­ tion and very reaaonable NEWSPAPER HISTORY Tha Rockland Oazette wae established In 1846 In 1874 the Courier waa estab­ Again the Community Building was own decision—settled his own des­ lished and conaolldated with tbe Gazette ln 1863. The Free Preaa waa eetabllahed tined Sunday night with a happy in­ tiny. ln 1855 and ln 1891 changed Ita name to THANKSGIVING “And now. my friends, may I say marlly your city's servant. In the the Tribune These papers consolidated terested throng from all over Knox March 17. 1897. to you with all the earnestness of larger business of the community lt County, to hear Charlie and Laurie [For The Courier-Gazette] my soul as a minister of Jesus Christ FIFTEEN SMALL INDUSTRIES does a iman-slzed Job. But It does a Taylor as they began the last week —every person in this auditorium to­ lot of little thankless things as well. God iif the Seasons, once again, of the Spiritual Recovery Crusade. night must answer that question. When men begin passing the buck ~ No man la good unless others * Thy faithfulness we see; on some worthy task It is usually are made better by him—Welsh. It is to be a full week. 'What shall I do with Jesus, which Better Than One Big One, Harold F. Schnurle In harvest fields and barns well-filled, The service opened 15 minutes be­ ls called Christ?' You may make the pitched into the willing lap of the Chamber of Commerce, which is or­ Abundance Lord Ifrom Thee. fore the time appointed, as most of wrong decision, for silver or gold or Told The Chamber Of Commerce countless other selfish aims. Ponder ganized and geared to do lt. When the audience was already there. well this question; shall He be sold you want the Job well done It is The Boy Singers Our forefathers acknowledged God, Laurie started the meeting with the by you?' within the scope of its activities to Former Senator Harold F. Schnurle Chamber sponsored the annual drive And mercies crowned their days; singing of “We're Marching To Zion.'' do the community's chores and run Will Be Heard At the First Playing With Their Souls of Portland was guest speaker at the of the Rockland Community Chest For all the blessings ours today, its errands. This was followed by .Laurie’s song, Here the speaker told of the man Chamber of Commerce banquet in Association, which was so successful Baptist Church Saturday We offer grateful praise. Visitors to your town bring your "Carry Away a Song," at which time who had worked for 35 years to amass Temple hall last night and in a very this year, the work clearing through share of the millions of dollars spent Night he told the story of how the song came a fortune, and then put it into one frank and highly interesting manner this office. every year by tourists. It's 'big busi­ Grateful are we that in our land, great diamond, and then carelessly presented to the local business men Your Chamber of Commerce is a The Crusade Union Boy Singers to be written. ness," this tourist industry, and the There’s Peace and Brotherhood; played with it until he lost it. the difficulties and rewards which ac- constant ambassador of good-will to Prayer was offered by Rev. Charles Chamber is always a factor in its make their appearance at the First “My friends, will you please listen crue from the search for industrial the general public. Through L the The Spirit in the hearts of men, E. Brooks, secretary of the Crusade. development. Kid the Chamber of Baptist Church next Saturday night, to me when I say to you that you That seeks the Common good. A flne choir of practically 100 voices Commerce as a “booster" if you wish under the directorship of Rev H. E. have in your possession something sang “Some Glad Morning" and "For —but don't forget to thank it for worth more than all the diamonds K. Whitney of Beverly, Mass. The God of the Nations, intervene, You I Am Praying." A great hush in the world. Take all the wealth, all the extra money it brings to program starts at 8 o'clock. came over the great audience as For Man’s Welfare and Peace; the deeds and the real estate, all the town. And thanks for your good Laurie played his piano selection, end­ In the group are 20 boys with ages Let Goodwill round thc world prevail, gold, all the power and fame, put work, if you are a Chamber of Com­ ing with “Jesus, Lover of My Soul." merce member. And if you aren't— ranging from 11 to 19. and called And .wars and hatred cease. them all in one stupendous pile, and well, why not look into the matter? Irom various Massachusetts towns. The All-Night Mock-Trial tf you lose your soul, you certainly Maybe you belong with that fine It will interest many readers to know God of ithe Present and the Past, Dr. Taylor, in opening his sermon lose more than the wealth of all that pile. group of business men helping to that the same group has twice sung We own Thy constant care; Sunday said, "There are many build the town. Don't you? questions in the Bible that Ood asks “People in Knox County are play­ lor Charlie Taylor, who is conduct­ Be Thou our God in days to come, ing with their souls," said Charlie Treasurer Joseph W. Robinson re­ of man. Por one. to the rich He said. ported $54 on hand when the year ing the present Spiritual Recovery Is our Thanksgiving Prayer. 'What shall it profit a man if he shall with great earnestness. “You plead Crusade in this city. [with them; parents plead with chil- began. Including this sum the year's Henry Felton Huse gain the whole world and lose his own total receipts were $2152. The dis­ Gov. Murphy of New Hampshire soul?' He asks one of the profligates, i dren. husbands with wives; wives North Haven. with husbands; pastors with their bursements were $2119, leaving a cash had this to say about these boy sing­ ‘What is the hope of the godless. balance of $33. ers: though he get him again?' Of the I They say.'I have played with procrastinating. He asks. Row shall I sou bef°r*/nd 1 can d° “ agaln ' H. P. Blodgett, reporting for the “I cannot let you and the boy sing­ You play with your soul over and 1 industrial committee, told of 34 meet­ ers of the Crusade Union leave Con­ we escape if we neglect so great sal­ over again until some day God will ings and of visits to many plants, cord without expressing to you my Camden Girl Going Melancholy Days vation?’ look down from His heaven and say,! some of which were found not adapt­ appreciation of the good work they “But tonight I am interested in the ‘Thou fool, this night shall thy soul j ed to this community. Incidentally, are doing and the high quality of One of the 4-H-ers Who Will When Came the Providence greatest question ever asked by a man, be required of thee.' The destiny of [ he remarked that the committee made the programs they have rendered and it is found in Matt 27:22: 'What Attend National Congress Barrel “The Printer’s your soul depends upon what you do Its trips at the members' own expense. (Program before the State Legisla­ shall I do then with Jesus, which is “I retire with a feeling of inade­ Passing the Chamber's problems over In Chicago Heart To Cheer” with Jesus which is called Christ." ture July 13, 1937). With my best called Christ?' quacy." said President John Pome­ The new president. Leforest A. Thurs­ to the new president, Leforest A. compliments to yourself and your “You are all familiar with the Tried To Pass the Buck roy. who has worked long and hard. ton. told of handicaps and hopes Four Maine 4-H Club girls win Some 60 to 70 years ago, it was the Thurston, Mr Pomeroy said he came singers and hoping that a great many story. Continuing, Dr Taylor said. “The to the end of his two years' service I trips to the national 4-H Congress j happy holiday custom of a certain others may have a chance to enjoy “Jesus has just come from the all second thing I want you to see is that development. He said that while stranger within your gates meets your with a feeling of lnadequency because in Chicago this year, in recognition your programs.' Providence, R. I. wholesale dealer in night mock trial In the high priest's Pilate tried to shift his responsibility, large industries are highly desirable a city, and the world at large takes the of the many problems still unsolved The program will consist of solos, of their exceptional skill in club succulent bivalves, to send at the the hall.
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