SHIELD& DJ4MOND OF PI KAPPA ALPHA Check the "The Chapter Development Program will change the course of Pi Kappa Alpha," proclaimed President Ross Anderson. Others who have previewed the unique program, which systematically diagnoses chapter strengths and weaknesses, vigorously shared Anderson 's optimism. Modestly labeled Chapter Development Program (CDP), the plan is the first of its kind introduced to the fraternity world. Through the CDP valuable data about each chapter may be obtained which could promote dramatic local and national improvement. Supreme Council and staff enthusiasm was diversified at the recent preview. The literal conception of such a program almost overshadowed what it meant for n KA. Some 20 months and seven Council meetings ago, when development began on a comprehensive leadership training program, few envisioned the scope it has today. " Pi l):appa Alpha has always been amongst a select few innovators," said Executive Director Pat Halloran of the creation of the CDP. "The Chapter Development Program stands a,lone in the entire fraternity world." Then KA More important, of course, is the potential for CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM improvement the CDP holds for fl KA. Through a system of chapter examination, diagnosis Ph ase 1 Phase Z Phase 3 Phase 4 comparison to national norms and developmental Chapter Feedback workshops, greater fraternity success is possible. Examination Diagnosis The CDP provides participating chapters with Co mmitment ~I 1--71 I-? Session accurate organization information about their l strengths and weaknesses. The feedback to the Phase 8 Phase 7 Phase 6 Phase 5 chapter helps members understand their problem areas and how to utilize their strong points Final Growth Development <E--- Re-Exam ination <E--- ~ j to improve their weaknesses. Feedback Period Workshop "The program allows for a more scientific diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses resulting following the 1973 Leadership Academy. The CDP objectives include providing chapters in more effective strategies to achieve group Although the CDP is one part of the overall with a method of comparing themselves on several and individual progress," expl ai ned fl KA program, other aspects such as workshops and critical organizational factors with national norms; leadership consultant Dr. Robin Widgery, instigator structured lessons were introduced to the providing expert consultants to assist members of the CDP. Fraternity at the Academy last summer. This year, in developing objectives for solving group and Brother Widgery and 11 K A's other consultant, mini-workshops were included in regional individual problems; and, enabling chapters to Dr. John Bakke, were commissioned to further conference agendas to reach more undergraduates assess the degree of success they reach in solving develop the Fraternity's new leadership program with the viable leadershi p knowledge. their problems. (Cominued o n Page 3. Col. 2} INS I DE ~ Who~is ~ ? 2. PERSPECl l VE RUSH can mean many things. In magazine format for feature 2 . Budget Approved the case of this publication, RUSH emphasis). If it is well received, has a double connotation -the the new Shield & Diamond 2. Committee Studie> IIK A's traditional meaning of membership publication schedule would include Organitational Structure recruitment, which we like to two RUSH issues and three 3. Chapter> l r1>talled re-emphasize, as well as the magazine issues (totaling five 3 Rcgiona I Conference contemporary meaning of hastened publications during the year) 4 .CH AP I ER No-lES (or, rushed) news. Although RUSH instead of the tradi tiona I four appears in a news-oriented, tabloid magazines. 5 . ASSOCI A-I 10 I REPORTS newspaper format, it is part of the 6. ALUMN I NOTES Shield & Diamond publication RUSH sports a contemporary 6. C II A PTER El ERNAL family . It is an experimental issue design in an economical format. 7 .. CO -IRIBU"I ORS replacing the normal June Shield & Its emphasis on l!KA news in a Diamond magazine. concise writing style is quite 8 .. 0 TSII;>E RUS II RUSH is the first tabloid issue in different from the magazine's what may become a "mixed media" feature orientation. It is being approach to publishing the Shield RUSHED to your attention to & Diamond (using a newspaper keep you atune to the happenings format for news emphasis and a in Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. of people concerned about people. Why do we attempt to grow and spread the motto of Pi Kappa Canmittee SWrzs PERSPECTIVE Alpha? I think the Preamble provides the charge for all of us who followed the Founders. " For the promotion of brotherly love Why National? . Or, Yes, and kind feeling; for the mutual 1rl~'s Organizatimal benefit and advancement of the interest Irving , We Know What We of those with whom we sympathize and Are Doing deem worthy of our regard ... " Accepting this premise, let us move forward Srructure to see how the people who represent "national" fulfill the charge of the Preamble. By Pat Halloran * To develop and refine programs to assist A blue-ribbon self study committee was Executive Director the progress of the chapter. commissioned to analyze the effectiveness and * To develop and refine programs to assist responsiveness of Pi Kappa Alpha's mammoth the individual member. volunteer officer structure recently by the * To assist in planning, developing and Supreme Council. financing fraternity housing for members The committee, which will report preliminary to provide competitive housing. survey findings to the Council at its June Or, 1 think we do. U there is a question * To serve as a central clearing house in meeting, is headed by Director of University that is asked more often than any other, it is answering specific questions about fraternity type Relations Dr. William R. ester. ester, a past " Wh y should a chapter belong to the national organizational problems. Council member, is Vice Provost for Student organ ization?'' * To keep and maintain records for almost Affairs at the University of" Cincinnati. This question is not only understandable 100,000 initiated members. Region V Vice President Richard Ogle, but it is welcome. U one did not regularly * To provide the administrative services Undergraduate Council Member John Aumiller, reconsider his membership in an organization to required at functions such as national Executive Director Pat Halloran and Auditor Jack consider that organization's viability then, conventions, regional conferences, annual Lux are also committee members. quite frankl y, that person ough t to drop out of leadership academies, district activities and to The unusual but applauded II KA doctrine the organization. 1 evaluate my membership in coordinate speakers for Founders' Days, chapter of promoting local autonomy and de·centralized clubs and associations on a personal basis and installations and special events. governing has created a monstrous network of 1, as well as every member of the "national," * To provide regular evaluations of chapter districts, regions and national officers. Much anticipate others will review their association administrative abilities and evaluate the chapter 's became impractical . Local alumnus counseling to Pi Kappa Alpha. programming areas, making recommendations was de·emphasized during the structural growth The distinction ought to be made early that for improved efficiency and training of new period. The committee was charged wi th a this is not a questioning of the foundation and officers. data.finding mission which may ultimately lead fine history of our Fraternity which spans over a * To provide scholarships and loans to to the development of a refined, locally period of more than a century. Rather, it is assist undergraduate members in search of financial effective organizational structure. comparable to the need for a large corporation help to complete their education. Two mass surveys were recently mailed to perform an annual audit and report to its * To provide alumni services which are to be analyzed by committee members. First stockholders. It is through this process that becoming a widely developing area. We are moving poll ed were all other fraternities and sororit ies constructive criticism is made and recommendations ahead with plans for group travel, hospitalization rela tive to their organizational structures. and ideas are born to help pave the road into income and alumni association programs and, one Second, opinions of chapter SMC 's, officers, our future. of our newest servi ces, a job placement for young past officers, alumnus counselors and other To commence let's establish one ground rule. alumni. interested and active alumni were solicited. If you are reading this article and anticipate * To communicate new trends, forewarn of "The definition of n KA districts, material benefi t for each penny of the $60 anticipated pitfalls and to keep everyone their objectives and make-up, has become a initiation and $20 pledge fees, then we are not appraised of their fraternity's development. continuous problem for the Council," said on the same wave length. n KA is not, never * Tangibles, yes we have a few. Supplies at Pat Halloran of the structural problems for has been and 1 hope never will be in the retail a cost much less than the open market, and those which the committee is searching for answers. busin ess where we exchange a commodity for a few other "tangibles" that find their way into "Also, the disinterest at the undergraduate negotiated price and then terminate our need the members hands after initiation such as the level in conforming to the Constitutional for each other. History, membership certificate, subscription guidelines for selecting distri ct presidents has "National " is in the people business. to the Shield & Diamond. been difficul t for the past two Councils." People, the most important element in the entire Through our brief inventory of II KA 111e Fraternity is divided into 33 districts universe. We continually allow ourselves to be experi ences, friendships and personal growth, composed of from one to seven chapters each.
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