No. Name 93 Nader Abdallah 60 Kyle Andrews** 83 Redgie Arden** 74

No. Name 93 Nader Abdallah 60 Kyle Andrews** 83 Redgie Arden** 74

No. Name Pos. Ht. CI. Elg. Hometown/High School or J.C. Major Birthdate H.S. Coach 93 Nader Abdallah DL 6-3 Fr. Fr. Metairie, La./Archbishop Rummel Undeclared 10/25/85 Jay Roth 60 Kyle Andrews** LS 5-1 1 5th Sr. Middletown, OhioiMiddletown Criminology 911 018 1 Chip Otten 83 Redgie Arden** DE 6-4 Sr. Jr. Ironton, OhiolIronton Criminology 10/21/81 Bob Lutz 74 Kirk Barton OT 6-6 So. Fr. Massillon, OhioiMassillon Perry History 11/4/84 Keith Wakefield 78 Alex Barrow DE 6-4 Fr. Fr. Dublin, OhioDublin Coffman Undeclared 3/19/86 Mark Crahtree 17 Todd Boeckman QB 6-5 Fr. Fr. St. Henry, OhioISt. Henry Undeclared 6/8/84 Tim Boeckman 53 Caesar Buie OL 6-3 So. Fr. Shaker Heights, OhioIShaker Heights Pre-Chemical Engineering 1/12/85 Dave Sedmack 87 Jason Caldwell TE 6-5 5th Sr. Mentor, OhioiMentor Exercise Sciences 5/5/82 Steve Trivisanno 42 Bobby Carpenter*' LB 6-3 Jr. Jr. Lancaster, Ohio/Lancaster Business 8/1/83 Rob Carpenter 3 Bam Childress*** FL 5-10 5th Sr. Warrensville Heights, OhioIChanel Family Res. Mgt. 3/31/82 Jeff Rotsky 14 Matthew Ciepiela QB/P 5-1 1 Fr. Fr. Alpharetta, Ga./Northview Undeclared 8120186 Don Savage 66 R.J. Coleman OG 6-5 Jr. So. Clarksburg, W.Va./Robert C. Byrd History 12/14/83 Richard Iaquinta 59 John Conroy OG 6-3 Sr. Jr. Bay Village, OhiolSt. Ignatius Risk Mgt. & Insurance 10/28/82 Chuck Kyle 95 Sian Cotton DT 6-4 So. Fr. Akron, OhioISt. Vincent-St. Mary Business Management 1/5/85 Jason Brophy 5 Mike D'Andrea** LB 6-3 Jr. Jr. Avon Lake, OhioIAvon Lake Consumer Affairs 2/7/84 Dave Dlugosz 92 Erctt Dalq DL 6-7 So. Fr. Elyria, OhioiElyridCase Western Biology 5/i2/84 Dick Kcrschbauin 36 Matt Daniels FB 5-7 Fr. Fr. New Albany, Ohio/New Albany Undeclared 12/16/85 Jamie Masi 50 Doug Datish OG 6-5 Jr. So. Warren, Ohio/Howland Military History 8/1/83 Dick Angle 48 Michael DeMaria** TB 5-9 5th Sr. Oregon, OhioIOregon Cardinal Stritch Criminology & Sociology 7/15/82 Bill Hrabak 72 T.J. Downing OT 6-5 Jr. So. Canton, Ohio/GlenOak Family Res. Mgt. 3/6/84 Jack Rose 61 Matt Drumelsmith LB 6-4 Fr. Fr. Clayton, Ohio/Northmont Senior Actuarial Science 10/12/85 Lance Schneider 5 Albert Dukes WR 6-1 Fr. Fr. Belle Glade, Fla./Glades Central Undeclared 10/5/85 Larry Coffey 78 Daniel Dye OL 6-3 So. Fr. Napoleon, Ohio/Napoleon Finance 1/24/85 John Snoad 6 Tyler Everett** SS 5-1 1 Jr. Jr. Canton, OhioiMcKinley Consumer Affairs 11/4/83 John Miller 39 Steve Fender FB 6-4 So. Fr. Toledo, OhioISt. Francis Pre-Medicine 1/14/85 Dick Cromwell 37 Dustin Foxi** CB 6-0 Sr. Sr. Canton, Ohio/GlenOak Communication 10/8/82 Jack Rose 35 Ryan Franzinger FB 6-1 So. Fr. Westlake, OhioISt. Ignatius PhilosophylSociology 8/19/83 Chuck Kyle 75 Sinlon Fraser*** DE 6-6 Sr. Sr. Upper Arlington, OhioAJpper Arlington Criminology 3/27/83 Darrell Mayne 17 Marcus Freeman LB 6-2 Fr. Fr. Huber Heights, OhioiWayne Undeclared 1/10/86 Jay Minton 81 Marcel Frost DE 6-5 So. Fr. South Euclid, Ohio/Lyndhurst Brush Undeclared 10/4/84 Eric Mitchell 21 TysonGentry P 6-2 Fr. Fr. Sandusky, Ohio/Perkins Psychology 7/20/85 Rock Farlow 50 Vernon Gholston DL 6-4 Fr. Fr. Detroit, Mich./Cass Technical Undeclared 6/5/86 Thomas Wilcher 7 Ted Ginn Jr. DB 6-0 Fr. Fr. Cleveland, Ohio/Glenville Undeclared 4/12/85 Ted Ginn Sr. 11 Anthony Gonzalez WR 6-0 So. Fr. Cleveland, OhioISt. Ignatius Undeclared 911 8/84 Chuck Kyle 94 Marcus Green" DT 6-3 Sr. Jr. Louisville, Ky./Male Consumer Affairs 9/27/83 Bob Redman 28 Maurice Hall*** TB 5-10 Sr. Sr. Columbus, Ohio/Brookhaven Communication 2/12/83 Gregg Miller 8 Roy Hall* SE 6-3 Jr. So. Cleveland, Ohio/Lyndhurst Brush Accounting 12/8/83 Eric Mitchell 80 Ryan Hamby** TE 6-5 Sr. Jr. Cincinnati, Ohio/Moeller Sports & Leisure 10/30/81 Steve Klonne 19 Derek Harden WR 6- 1 So. Fr. Logan, OhioILogan Mechanical Engineering 12/27/83 Dale Amyx 34 Rob Harley* SS 6-2 Sr. Sr. Elrnhurst, I11.Nork Marketing 10/16/82 Terry Grider 41 De'Angelo Haslam DB 5-9 So. Fr. Akron, Ohio/Garfield Undeclared 5/14/85 Bob Sax 2 Erik Haw RB 6-1 Fr. Fr. Columbus, OhioIIndependence Undeclared 7130186 Alan Jones 47 A.J. Ha&** LE 6- 1 Jr. Jr. Centerville, Ohio/Centerville Criminology 1/6/81 Ron Ullcry 96 Jordan Hoewischer TE 6-4 So. Fr. Sidney, Ohio/Sidney Turf Science 9/29/84 Marc Gibson 84 John Hollins* SE 6-2 5th Sr. Huber Heights, OhioiWayne Communication 1/1/82 Jay Minton 4 Santonio Holmes* FL 5-1 1 Jr. So. Belle Glade, Fla./Glades Central Family Res. Mgt. 3/3/84 Willie Bueno 46 Chad Hoobler LB 6-3 Fr. Fr. Carrollton, Ohio/Carrollton Undeclared 1/13/86 Barry Goettemoeller 23 Josh Huston * PK 6- 1 5th Sr. Findlay, OhioRindlay Marketing 2/28/82 Cliff Hite 13 Harlen Jacobs*' CB 6-1 5th Sr. Atlanta, Ga.Douglass Human Dvlp./Fam Sci. 12/5/81 Michael Sims 38 Branden Joe*** FB 6-0 5th Sr. Westerville, Ohio/South Consumer Affairs 10/12/81 Rocky Pentello 49 Dionte Johnson FB 6-0 Fr. Fr. Columbus, Ohio/Eastmoor Academy Undeclared 6/28/86 Jim Miranda 44 Matthew Johnson RB 5-11 So. Fr. Upper Arlington, OhioAJpper Arlington Criminology 7/14/83 Darrell Mayne 82 Devin Jordan SE 6-2 So. Fr. Massillon, Ohio/Massillon Washington Business 12/20/84 Rick Shepas 13 Ben Kacsandi QB 6-1 Fr. Fr. Wooster, OhioiWooster Undeclared 10/22/85 Mike McCreary 33 John Kerr LB 6- 1 Jr. So. Strongsville, OhioISt. Ignatius Exploring 5/10/83 Chuck Kyle 52 Mike Kne** OG 6-4 5th Sr. Cleveland, OhioISt. Ignatius Human Dvlp./Fam Sci. 911 918 1 Chuck Kyle 57 Mike Kudla** DE 6-3 Jr. Jr. Medina, Ohio/Highland Business Management 3/8/84 John Hopkins 64 Nick Lembech OG 6-3 Fr. Fr. Lakewood, OhioICleveland St. Edward Physchology 11/28/85 John Gibbons 29 Shaun Lane DB 5-10 Fr. Fr. Hubbard, Ohio/Hubbard Undeclared 1/20/86 Jeff Bayuk 18 David Lisko WR 6-1 Fr. Fr. Hilliard, Ohio/Hilliard Darby Political Science 1/20/85 Tom McCurdy 36 CurtLukens LB 6-3 So. Fr. North Canton, Ohio/North Canton Business 3/20/85 Don Hertler 52 Ryan Lukens LB 6-0 Fr. Fr. Lebanon, OhiolArchbishop Moeller Animal Science Bob Crable 18 Devon Lyons WR 6-4 Fr. Fr. North Braddock, Pa./Woodland Hills Undeclared George Novak 56 Dimitrios Makridis LS 6-1 So. Fr. Warren, OhioIHarding Business Thom McDaniels 55 Nick Mangold** OC 6-4 Jr. Jr. Centewille, OhioIAlter Business Management Ed Domsitz 1 Thomas Matthews** LB 6-2 5th Sr. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.lDillard Technology Education Joe Redmond 70 Brandon Maupm UL 6-6 So. Fr. Cincinnati, OhioILakota West Undeclared Larry Cox 62 John McLaughlin OT 6-6 5th Sr. Faiwiew Park, OhioISt Ignatius Biology Charles Kyle 32 BrandonMitchell* FS 6-3 Jr. So. Atlanta, Ga./Mays Political Science Terry Davis 67 Kyle Mitchum OL 6-6 Fr. Fr. Erie, Pa./McDowell Undeclared Jon Cacchione 86 Rory Nicol TE 6-5 Fr. Fr. Beaver, Pa.iBeaver Area Undeclared Jeff Beltz 96 Chibundu Nnake LB 6-3 Sr. Jr. Missouri City, Texas/EUtins Sociology & Spanish Tony Burlingame 58 Drew Norman LS 6-0 Jr. So. Dennison, Ohionndian Valley Engineering Scott Young 85 Mike Nugent*** PK 5-10 Sr. Sr. Centewille, Ohio/Centerville MarketingILogistics Ron Ullery 20 Roshawn Parker RB 5-11 5th Sr. Columbus, Ohio/Eastmoor Communication Maw Bohannon 35 Nick Patterson DB 6-2 Fr. Fr. St. Louis, Mo./Hazelwood Central Undeclared John Pakala 97 David Patterson* DL 6-3 So. So. Warrensville Heights, Ohio/W'sville Hghts. History Dan Thorpe 98 Joel Penton* DL 6-5 Jr. So. Van Wert, OhioIVan Wert Communication Jeff Hood 76 Drew Parry OL 6-2 Fr. Fr. Maumee, OhioMaumee History John Boles 63 Ben Person OL 6-4 Fr. Fr. Xenia, Ohio/Xenia Undeclared Paul Jenne 90 Quinn Pitcock* DT 6-3 Jr. So. Piqua, OhioPiqua Business Bill Nees 25 Antonio Pittman TB 5-11 Fr. Fr. Akron, OhioiBuchtel Undeclared Claude Brown 32 Ryan Pretorius K 5-10 Fr. Fr. Denver, Colo./Westville Boys History 71 Steve Rehring OL 6-8 Fr. Fr. West Chester, OhioILakota West Undeclared Larry Cox 99 Jay Richardson DE 6-6 Jr. So. Dublin, Ohio/Scioto African Amer. Studies Karl Johnson 24 Mike Roberts CB 5-11 Jr. So. Toronto, Ontario/Central Tech Criminology Damon Ellie 16 Trever Robinson LB 6-0 So. Fr. Richmond, Va./Huguenot Communication Richard McFee 30 Lydell Ross8** TB 6-0 Sr. Sr. Tampa, Fla./Gaither Communication Howie Decristafaro 87 Kyle Ruhl WR 6-1 Fr. Fr. Powell, Ohio/Dublin Coffman Undeclared Mark Crabtree 21 Nate Salley ** FS 6-3 Jr. Jr. Fort Lauderdale, Fla./St. Thomas Aquinas Business George Smith 68 Tim Schafer* OT 6-5 Jr. So. Upper Arlington, Ohio/Upper Arlington Criminology Darrell Mayne 51 Anthony Schlegel LB 6-2 Sr. Jr. Highland Park, TexasIHighland Park Educational Exploration Randy Allen 43 Brandon Schnittkera* FB 6-2 Sr. Jr. Sandusky, OhioPerkins Marketing Rock Farlow 77 Rob Suns** 01' 6-4 Jr. Jr. Macedonia, OhioINordonia Communication Rob Kardin 41 Jonathan Skeete K 5-10 Fr.

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