![THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. V'olu.ME IX.—No](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ONE THOUSAND FINGER RINGS TO CHOOSE FROM AT ALLISONS’. CALL AND SEE THEM. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. V'oLU.ME IX.—No. IT. ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 2r>, 1897. Whole No. 430 as VV< II U8 ll<M'rt<* flesll. 'I'lllK HcrvcK to BUSINESS LOCALS I HER BOY, “TOMMY." show tilt* possibilities of a trolley line, and we think a few years will see the K. 1. Hull, funeral funiisln*!* and em- TIIK <iKK%T .SOI.M'ITi nK <»K A ST. ve;;etables, fruits, milk, and batter A LARGE FUNERAL baltner, No. It} 1 linton avenue. -Viaht SURELy A "RIPPER" .lOIINS XIOTIIKU. siippl.v »)f tin* lurp* cities t>rom;ht to mar­ etijlH answered from the residimce at 106 ket over trolley lim*s. 'I'ln* farmer will Wiaht Htreet. Store and residence con- A most itiji'eiiions piiieticiil joke was not Imve t«) hurr.v u|» to eateh a sp«*eial Many Pay Their Last Respects nefte<l by telephone. 7tl The Independent’s Knowledge plii.ved on Siipefititendeni .Monroe and The Lansing, St. Johns & St. train, and if it is missed, be compelled to I'riiP'ipal I’iirrott, of the public schools Louis Railway Co. wait si.x or ei;;lil hours before he cun to the Dead. Diiii'l Fail lo Attoiiil the Fur .Sale on the Tax Question, I liisi l''ridiiy eveiiiiijr, which wtis so shill his products. The iiiiiddy roads of .\t .loliii Iliek's ston* Saturday this shrewdly worked timt tin* jfentleinen fall and winter will then have no terrors week at . .loii.v IficKs,’ for the farmer liviii;; near tip* trolh*y I Were hoth cheerful vil'tims. (tin* of tip* Been ’*'••*' 'tercantue Sacritlco Silk .Sale. Its Statements Only 140 per cent ' teip'het's in the I'entrtil building;', who At Least the Articles Have been line Remains of R. M. Steel Have I w ill some tlti.v niiike her niiirk its ti »rhiir- Adopted, The (pp>stioii of hiiildiiiK impi*oV( ‘d hi;;h Laid to Rest. Lv(*rythiiia ia silks must b** ch'anedup. Out of the Way. i iP ter ip't less iipplied lici'self alt)>ntive|y w i.vs t lirou;;h the eoiiiit ry will soon, we t >ip* to live yard jiieces ineludi'd in this to her make np box iital aiih-d with a re- believe, ;;ive way to the iiior«* important sacrillee sale. llicofiinold dress bttill for a lad.v of 70, one of tin* inception uiid extension of Silks former price, ijti to (J.'jc to ao at 20c Charj|:cs up all the Hxtra State and iltld idioiit Ihiit niiiny .vciirs ii<;'o. she And Will be Filed Soon With the Sec* trolley liip-s. 'I'hrouyh their iidlueiice A Fine Tribute to His Memory by Rev. '' “ ” tioeloaoat .‘U)c yd Toctoaoat 40e yd Highway Tax. soon lost thernliy of her che<*ks iiml the retary of State. the l•>lutious bi*twi*«*ii the rej-pleiits of Martin iyonthfnl “'fiPe of ciirriiip*. which f^iive cities and villa;;eH and tip* farmiiiK <mm- “ Saetoaoat ."iOc yd I pliP'e to il old wrinklcil fiice iltld the bent muiiity will become iiiueh closer to the to a<> at (iOc yd .. X. ! •''**1** " ill ofien now and lusts until all form of some poor woi.ti out creiitnre. bciiclits of each, and will have an iiii- Methodist Church Entirely As Beinsf the Result of the Last Annual I who liiid si*en only the si*rion.s iind Meeting; Monday Well Attended by Resi­ portiiiit influence on reiideriiiu^ lih* on Hu* to Small for j lire sold. School Meetins:. pi'iieiicid side of life. 'riiits illlited dents of Outside Towns. farm more picusaiil . IwH-uiise il will keep the Number. Furs : Furs! Furs! she c.'died at the home of Super­ farm residents ill elo.ser touch with flu* I'nr (*ap< “s, till'jackets, far collarettes, intendent .Motll'oe iind Cillled for the outside world.” Mil* Ipuis , fur muffs, evi*ry (hin;; in furs I.arp* niimh<*rs w'er<* turned nway| In tlii> Inst is.'iif ui tin- t'linton lnil<-- I’rofessor, to whom she e.xpliiined thiit rip* np*et itii;'held ;i t 'I'Ip* Steel .Monda.V (his wi*ek .Saturday at .John Hicks .’ New l.awy«‘r in Town fuantlie .Mi*tliodisl ehiireh last I'rida.v j pinidi'iil :i|)|><>ni's I lie tollovv ine. iiinli'r t In- she Wlinted to see ilbollt stiiitiiiu' hef aftermioii for I Ip* purpose of adopt in;;' afli'i'iiooii will) d<*sired to piin admit- I Clirisliiius Fliotos. (•:ii>ti(iii “It K n ItipiMT.” bo.v. •■Tommy " iti school iiml st ii t i*d t Imt arlieles of iip-oi pia-at ion for I Ip* new S. II. Smith of Ovid township, who she \\ isheil to itri'illljife the nece.ssai V* pi'i.- t roll.v litP* I hron;;h St. .loliiis w as w ell was formerly with I'edewa A. M’ailuidp*, taiiee to lisl<*ii to tip* last rites lp*hlov<*I'i All the latest stvli*H at Flnnkett's Till" IMX sdMil to Im‘ licri'd in this towii- I Ip* ri'imiins of K. .M. StiN*|. j sliip will Itr s t 7 on til' ^ 1 (*n of tin- ns. limitiiiries. 'I'Ip* niiitter wits ciirefnll.v alti*mled by represeiilafives from tow ns and afterward KfU'bmted from tip* I'lii- .Studio. 'I'Ip* fniieral si-i nion was deliv<*r<*d b.v I s<‘ssi*il vnliniilon. I.nst vmir wn think it \«ns H'oiP* over iltld the nnsnspi-ctin;; hciid of alony: I Ip* pro|tosed route. 'I'Ip* articles vei'sity of .Miehipiii, has euterol the Lver.v otp* who has used K<de<*tric 'I'hf inri'cnsc is rlili'tly oci'nsioin'il hy t Ip* schools offered sttcli siie'^'est ions ainl lb*v. D. D. Martin and tin* servte**s w'er<* I tin* <‘\trn amount votcil at tlie annual si-ltool were adopted .IS prepared by Frank L. olliee (,f \V. n. Itriiiison and will haii;; llaliii pronounce it tip* b(*st nicdiciDe nn'ctinu, wlilcli, it will lie ^(•m»•mlll•^^•(l, was iidvice as his kindl.v and .sy inpiit het ic Dodp*and .Ind;;''* .Monlpniier.v, of l.iins- out a shinytle at the foot of the stairs. eondiP*t<*<l b.v lli*v. I’red’k. Hall. 'I'Ip* biisiip*ss np*n and the •■mployees of tlie they ever nseil. 'restinioniuls an* every­ liclil on a vi-ry sti>nny »‘v«*niaK. 'I’nx-paycrs natnre |irompted him, for the benetit in;;. 'I'Ip* incorporators and directors 'I'lie relutioiiship will not be in the form where in this eonni.v. AIndi* only by will taka tinm to r<-llc<'t. ot t he amort nna te widow . I let* ohl lad.v- St. .lohiis .Mamifaetiiriiiu' Fompaii.v at- are. ,\. if. Darroim'h :ind Dr. Ixenned.v, of a partuershi|), as each p*utleimiii w ill FlI.tlKW vk .Mii-i,m.\x . Fuf It misornhlo at (••nipt .at faiik lais- ship W its iiceompitnied b.v a friend, who of St. Louis, (leo, F. Slone, of lllmea. attend to his own elieiits. Mr. Smitli is b'lided in a IpmI.v . 'I'Ip* center of the ifprosciil.ntion. Of llioaifino oi donso ip,-- eonid no hai;rer ••hold in" and as they Isaac Hewitt, of .Maple Rapids, and a bri;;lit, eip*rp*tie and thoroiiKhl.v re­ ehiireh was re.served for tlp*ni, and ns Heeareful in biiyin;; your rubber foot ­ lu^f.iiiro on U p* Knliji*< l. I Ip* alaivi* is a were about to leave a Ip iirt.v burst tif •Imlp* .Monlpimery and I'. L. Dodp*. of liable y(>uii;y>: man. lie is studious and they inan lp'd to tlmlioiip* nml then to wear for the winter, the tiiarki t is full of < linr:p |t*risl ir s|ii*cinp'n. lane'hter Wits the result atid IIp* tnask l.ansiim'. 'I'Ip* eoniniittee Inid ineltided his work at .\iiu .\rl>or was h ’n:hly satis­ t Ip* ehiireli il w as an impressive si^^ht, w-coiid nnd third i|iiality and old rubbers which those who witnessed will lony; re- It' tip* In<|i*p<*n<l<*nt wtis in possession Wiis thrown off. Frof. .Motir< e full.v eii- F. F. N’aiiy'han as a direetia* fi*om St. factory to the faculty. 'I'liK .Nkws wishes ol first (|unlit.v, which are 110 hett<*r than of tIp* l^p*ts in tin* «*nst* tital knowingly jo.ved his ridiculous jiositioti ittid sti;j;- .folins. blit .Mr. Vauyhan declined to act him abundant siie(;* ‘.ss. iip*mb<*r. 'D p* sermon hy Rev. .Martin second. We have a lar;;e stock of first published tliejdptve. it owes an itjiolo^y H'ested a visit to .Mf. Farrott. .\t the was a b<*aulifiil Irihiite to tin* iiiem- (piality, (inly all fi*(*sfi and new and our to every taXpfl.Vef wlp) attended tip* hitters home the same ^ii-ovind wiis can*- <ir.v of tip* dtH*t*itK<*d. lb* made prices will b»* found the very lowest on s< hool np*«*line: in <|Uestion and to every ftill.v pine over a^•ilin, and the Frinci|iiil a |>raetii*al a|>plieation from a first elnss ;;oods.
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