Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues https://www.ontology.co/biblio/plato-editions.htm Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: [email protected] Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES ON PLATO 1. Cherniss, Harold. 1959. "Plato's Bibliography 1950-1957 (First Part)." Lustrum.Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums no. 4:5-308. 2. ———. 1960. "Plato's Bibliography 1950-1957 (Second Part)." Lustrum.Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums no. 5:321-618. Register to the Plato-Report ( Lustrum 4/5) pp. 619-648. 3. Brisson, Luc. 1977. "Plato's Bibliography 1958-1975." Lustrum.Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums no. 20:5-304. 4. Brisson, Luc, and Ioannidi, Hélène. 1983. "Plato's Bibliography 1975-1980." Lustrum.Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums no. 25:31-320. Corrigenda à Platon 1975-1980 - Lustrum 26, 1984 pp. 205-206. 5. ———. 1988. "Plato's Bibliography 1980-1985." Lustrum.Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums no. 30:11-294. Corrigenda à Platon 1980-1985 - Lustrum 31, 1989 pp. 270-271. 6. ———. 1992. "Plato's Bibliography 1985-1990." Lustrum.Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums no. 34:7-338. 7. Brisson, Luc, and Plin, Frédéric. 1999. Platon 1990-1995. Bibliographie. Paris: Vrin. Table des Matières: Introduction P. 7; 1. Listes des périodiques et des ouvrages comprenant une collection d'articles mentionnés dans cette bibliographie p. 15; Périodiques p. 15; Actes de congrés, mélanges, recueils p. 27; 2. Platon et ses œuvres p. 47; œuvres complètes p. 48; œuvres choisies p. 51 œuvres particulières p. 53; Anthologies p. 60; 3. Travaux d'Interprétation sur Platon et ses œuvres p. 63; 4. Index général analytique p. 365; Table de l'index p. 367; Index p. 374; 5. Addenda aux tranches antérieures p. 407; Références dans Platon 1990-1995 aux précédentes tranches de bibliographie platonicienne parues dans Lustrum p. 407; Comptes rendues de livres mentionnés dans Platon 1980-1985 et dans Platon 1990-1995, qui ont paru entre 1990 et 1995 p. 411. 8. Brisson, Luc, and Castelnérac, Benoît. 2004. Platon 1995-2000. Bibliographie. Paris: Vrin. 9. Brisson, Luc, and Plin, Frédéric. 2004. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2002-2003." Études Platoniciennes no. 1:299-348. 1 di 8 21/09/2016 18:08 Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues https://www.ontology.co/biblio/plato-editions.htm 10. ———. 2006. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2004-2005." Études Platoniciennes no. 2:414-459. 11. Brisson, Luc, Castelnérac, Benoît, and Plin, Frédéric. 2007. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2005-2006." Études Platoniciennes no. 3. 12. Brisson, Luc, and Plin, Frédéric. 2008. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2006-2007." Études Platoniciennes no. 4. 13. Brisson, Luc, Chase, Michael, and Plin, Frédéric. 2009. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2008-2009." Études Platoniciennes no. 6. 14. Brisson, Luc, and Plin, Frédéric. 2009. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2009-2010." Études Platoniciennes no. 7. 15. Brisson, Luc. 2009. "Bibliographie Platonicienne 2011-2012." Études Platoniciennes no. 9. 16. "Bibliography." In. 1992. The Cambridge Companion to Plato, edited by Kraut, Richard, 493-529. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LEXICA 2 di 8 21/09/2016 18:08 Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues https://www.ontology.co/biblio/plato-editions.htm 1. Brandwood, Leonard. 1976. A Word Index to Plato. Leeds: W.S. Maney & Son Ltd. 2. Des Places, Édouard. 1964. Lexique De La Langue Philosophique Et Religieuse De Platon. Paris: Belles Lettres. 3. Radice, Roberto, ed. 2003. Plato. Milano: Biblia. Electronic edition by Roberto Bombacigno. From the Preface: "This volume and the enclosed CD-ROM contain a fully lemmatised lexicon of the writings of Plato in John Burnet's critical edition (Platonis Opera, 5 vol., Oxford University Press, 1900-1907). This lexicon on the work of Plato is the first volume of Lexicon, a Lexicons Series dedicated to Ancient Philosophy, which is part of a multimedia project that includes printed volumes, CD-ROMs and an Internet site (www.biblia.it). A more complete description of the project can be found at this website. The purpose of the Lexicon project is to create a powerful, scientifically reliable and easily usable resource for terminological and conceptual searches for scholars of ancient philosophy. The Lexicon archives contain original language texts by the major Greek thinkers in the most recent critical editions or the editions normally used in historical/philosophical research. All the texts are coded and indexed to facilitate in-depth searches by forma and lemma and are presented in electronic form (on-line and on CD-ROM, with a search engine) and in a printed volume. Obviously, the printed volume cannot offer all the characteristics available in the electronic edition. However, because the electronic publishing is still in a transitional phase, it was deemed appropriate to supply support facilities that are also accessible to people without access to computerised research tools, or who work in environments without a computerised workstation. The electronic version of Lexicon is available in both on-line and off-line versions; the latter is distributed on CD-ROM with the printed volume. The two versions use the same search interface and the same technology. There are two differences: a) the on-line version allows for parallel searches within several lexicons while, with the CD-ROM version, only one lexicon can be consulted; b) the CD-ROM version allows users greater scope for personalising the text by means of notes, codes and markers." 4. Schäfer, Christian, ed. 2007. Platon-Lexikon. Begriffswörterbuch Zu Platon Und Der Platonischen Tradition. Darmstadt: Wissenschftlche Buchgesellschaft. RECENT CRITICAL EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF PLATO'S PARMENIDES Critical Editions of the Greek Text 1. Plato. 1905. Platonis Opera. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Ioannes Burnet. 2. Platon. 1923. œuvres Complètes. Tome Viii, Première Partie: Parménide. Paris: Belles Lettres. Texte établi et traduit par Auguste Diès. 3. Plato. 1966. Platonis Parmenides [Et] Phaedrus. Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Claudius Moreschini. Greek text, with editorial matter in Latin (the best edition available). 4. ———. 1934. The Parmenides of Plato. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Translated by Alfred Edward Taylor. 3 di 8 21/09/2016 18:08 Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues https://www.ontology.co/biblio/plato-editions.htm 5. ———. 1939. Plato and Parmenides. Parmenides' Way of Truth and Plato's Parmenides. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. Translated with an introduction and a running commentary, by Francis Macdonald Cornford. 6. ———. 1963. Plato's Parmenides. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Translation and Analysis by Reginald E. Allen (Revised edition: New Haven, Yale University Press 1997). 7. ———. 1996. Parmenides. Indianapolis: Hackett. Translated by Mary Louise Gill and Paul Ryan; Introduction by Mary Louise Gill. 8. ———. 1996. Parmenides' Lesson. Translation and Explication of Plato's Parmenides. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Translation and commentary by Kenneth M. Sayre. 9. ———. 1996. Plato's Parmenides. Newburyport: Focus Publinshing. Translation and introduction by Albert Keith Whitaker. 10. ———. 1998. The Parmenides and Plato's Late Philosophy. Toronto: Toronto Studies in philosophy. Translation of, and commentary on the Parmenides with interpretative chapters on the Timaeus, the Theaetetus, the Sophist and the Philebus by Robert G. Turnbull. 11. ———. 1999. The Philosophy of Forms: An Analytical and Historical Commentary on Plato's Parmenides, with a New English Translation by Allan H. Coxon. Assen: Van Gorcum. 12. ———. 2003. Plato's Parmenides. Berkeley: University of California Press. Translation and commentary by Samuel Scolnicov. French Translations 1. Platon. 1992. Parménide, Théetète, Le Sophiste. Paris: Gallimard. Traduction de Auguste Diès (réimpression de la traduction publiée en 1925). 2. ———. 1994. Parménide. Paris: GF Flammarion. Traduction inédite, introduction et notes par Luc Brisson. Italian Translations 1. Platone. 1994. Parmenide. Milano: Rusconi. Introduzione, traduzione, note e apparati di Maurizio Migliori; testo greco con edizione critica a cura di Claudio Moreschini; appendice bibliografica di Claudio Marcellino. 2. ———. 1998. Parmenide. Bari: Laterza. Traduzione di Giuseppe Cambiano [edizione originale Torino, Utet,1981], introduzione e note di Francesco Fronterotta. 4 di 8 21/09/2016 18:08 Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues https://www.ontology.co/biblio/plato-editions.htm 3. ———. 1998. Parmenide. Napoli: Loffredo. Traduzione, introduzione e note di Luc Brisson, versione italiana a cura di Amalia Riccardo. German Translations 1. Platon. 1972. Parmenides. Hamburg: Meiner. Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Hans Günter Zekl. 2. ———. 1987. Parmenides. Stuttgart: Reclam. Übersetzt und herausgegeben von E. Martens. 3. ———. 2001. Platon's Parmenides. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. Kommentar und Deutung von Ingeborg Schudoma. Spanish Translations 1. ———. 1987. Parménides. Madrid: Alianza. Por G. R. de Echendía. 2. ———. 1988. Diálogos Parménides, Teeteto, Sofista, Político. (Vol V). Madrid: Gredos.
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