CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE IN HOMŒOPATHY CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. IX, 1992 Lead me from Untruth to Truth Lead me from Darkness to Light Lead me from Death to Immortality Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28 (This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.) Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India. © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy QUARTERLY HOMOE OPATHIC DIGEST Year 1992, Vol.IX INDEX S.No Topic Page. No. 1. QHD, Vol. IX, 1, 1992 3 2. QHD, Vol. IX, 2, 1992 55 3. QHD, Vol. IX, 3, 1992 88 4. QHD, Vol. IX, 4, 1992 147 © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy 2 QUARTERLY HOMOE OPATHIC DIGEST Year 1992, Vol.IX 1.QHD, Vol IX, 1, 1992 CONTINUING HOMOEOPATHY MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMOEOPATHIC DIGEST VOL.IX No.1, MARCH 1992 Dear Reader, The Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest (QHD) has completed eight years and has, with this issue, entered into the ninth. 2. As you know the QHD is a one-man venture; it is only for Private circulation within a limited number. The number of members of QHD has been around 100 only all these years. What I had in mind when I began this venture was to have a small but discerning readership who would inter-act. The number has been ‘small’, but the ideal of inter-action’ has been totally wanting. 3. The QHD has been putting out a ‘Current Literature Listing’. This ‘listing’ contains the titles and authors of articles, from the more important literature in Homoeopathy from all over the world, to the extent that they are available to me. This list is drawn subject wise. Thus the readers have a window through which they can look into the homoeopathic world. 4. From this year I have improved this ‘listing’ i.e. it will not just ‘list but an abstract or summary or a ‘brief’ of what that article is about will be given. This would help those interested in ‘research’. 5. In this ‘list’ I will include from this year the more important Indian Journals also. The ‘list’ will not, obviously, contain ‘reprints’ of old articles. 6. The Part II of the QHD would continue to carry full or condensed articles – as far as possible thematically. 7. I have also proposed to include a Part III which would contain selected original articles/Case Reports, from Readers. I WELCOME CASE REPORTS. This is one way of interaction. The Case Reports and articles should be ORIGINAL and not just run-of-the mill type. 8. Lastly: Foreign Journals have now become prohibitively costly. Stationery etc., and allround costs have also gone up. It is therefore against heavy odds that the QHD is being produced. The sole interest is – improving oneself in homoeo-therapeutics. Some feel that the print is too small and strains eyes. The print is deliberately kept small so as to accommodate maximum reading material. If larger print is made the number of pages. printing costs, postage, etc., would go higher in which care the so- called ‘subscription’ will have to be hiked or the reading matter reduced. I do not want to do either. This issue carries an Index to QHD 1991. A glance would reveal the wealth of material the last volume contained. Fraternal Greetings, Yours sincerely, K.S.SRINIVASAN © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy 3 QUARTERLY HOMOE OPATHIC DIGEST Year 1992, Vol.IX PART I CURRENT LITERATURE LISTING A list of current homoeopathic literature, subject wise, is given below: I PHILOSOPHY The author attempts to give an interpretation of 1. Observations on paragraph 143 Homoeopathy of HAHNEMANN (1755-1843) -GHPSER,K.H. (ZKH,35, 1991) in the light of the Natural Philosophy of Praragraph 142 of the Organon VI Edition says HEGEL (1770-1831). that recognizing some symptoms which arise HAHNEMANN’s concept of Life and his after administering a homoeopathic medicine ideas of healing are translated unto HEGEL’s from the symptoms of the disease, especially a terms thus overcoming the insufficiencies in chronic disease for which that particular HAHNEMANN’s plan with the help of medicine was given, is higher art of judgement HEGEL’s. The crux of the problem is the and left only to masters in observation. question; Why does the “Homoion” heal? However, even if not reckoned as ‘masters’, The author demonstrates with the aid of there have been here and there opportunities to HEGEL’s concepts that the homoeopathic observe in practice symptoms of the medicine medicine may be understood as the “truth” of during the course of treatment. The author the disease. The homoeopathic medicine heals narrates instances to corroborate his above- because it describes to the sick organism its cited statement; even the millesimal potencies disease in an outward, similar object. which HAHNEMANN called the ‘mildest’ Only the idea that Homoeopathy is a have been able to bring out symptoms. descriptive therapy makes HAHNEMANN’s The old provers were very observant. We too attempts conceptually consistent. may ponder how to distinguish between the 3. Ideas about potency in Homoeopathy side effects of the allopathic drugs and the - ALBIN, Steve (Similimum, 3, 4/1990) symptoms arising out of a homoeopathic Discusses potency choice in prescribing. Some remedy during the course of its curative action. of the considerations involved are: 2. HAHNEMANN and HEGEL or the 1. The nature of the disease being treated. medicament is the disease picture 2. The intensity of the symptoms of the patient. -BOTTNER, S. (ZKH,35, 3,5/1992) 3. The clarity of the symptom pattern. This very interesting essay is in three parts. 4. The sensitivity of the patient. Part I ‘Homoeopathy as an alternative therapy 5. More caution should be used with patients concept’, Part II ‘HAHNEMANN’s ideas on with multiple miasms. the healing process and the structure of the 6. The intent of the prescription Law of Similars’ and Part III ‘The Law of 7. Atidoting factors. Similars in the light of HEGEL’s Natural 8. Nosodes tend to work better when given in Philosophy’. higher potencies. 4. Critical observations on the miasms © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy 4 QUARTERLY HOMOE OPATHIC DIGEST Year 1992, Vol.IX -WOUTERS, Maarten- Part 2 Case: 68 years old female; Cough, since quite (NTKH,2,/1991) some days; intense stiches in the region of 5. The Iayers theory-interview with Rajan larynx which caused cough. The cough was ASNKARAN (NTKH, 2,2/1991) agonizing-agg. mornings and in the latter half In December 1989 Dr.Rajan ASNKARAN of night; dry; Concomitants: Iachrymation and held a Seminar in Netherlands. This interview watery, irritating nasal discharge. The was over the Layers theory of George peculiarity was that after every fifth cough VITHOULKAS. Dr. Rajan SANKARAN also sneezing followed; cold drinks amel., while explains ‘Delusions’. warm agg., (Cahiers du groupement 6. Supperssions Hahnemannien, 27, 7/1990) -DEMANGEAT, George (CGH,28,2/1991) 4. Eczema-Manganum aceticum 7. The hahnemannian concept of vital force -ILLING, K.H. (ZKH,35,1/1991) -DEMANGEAT, Georges (CGH,28,2/1991) On the indication of aggravation by II. MATERIA MEDICA perspiration, two women patients 55years and 1. An interesting case-Thuja 85 years of age with eczema and pruritis -SCHÜTTE, M. (AHZ, 236, 1/1991) senilis respectively, were cured with Male 35 years. Some of the leading Manganum aceticum . In both cases a single indications: imagines that he is double; that he dose of 30 potency was given. is divided; that persons by him and who do 5. A peculiar symptom “Violent cough with what he does; agg. from onion and fat; as if his spasmodic jerking of head forward and knees legs were made of glass. Thuja 30x; 200x and upward” led to the prescription of Theridion then 10M. curassavicum to a nine year old boy. After the last dose an eczema developed on the 6. Rue even for Ruth……… elbow. -HOTTON, Donald (Homoeopathy Today, 11, 2. Homoeo-quiz 1/1991) -H.V.M ǛLLER (AHZ, 236, 1/1991) A small case by a ‘lay’ homoeopath. The little Solution to Homoeo-quiz in AHZ, 6/ 1990) finger and ring finger were collapsed, -SCHÜTTY, Marta (AHZ,236, 1/1991) immobile, her thumb was stiff, wrist painful 3. Scilla maritime just above the pulse, since 6 months. Her -SERET, M. (AHZ,236, 1/1991) doctor prescribed a $9000 operation. Ruta 6x Scilla maritime was recognized well as a restored completely, rapidy in about 10 days. medicine in olden days for Hydropsy,Epilepsy, 7. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura and Phosphorus - severe coughs, nausea; also against bites of Case report Viper. In the 18 th century it was used as a -P.N. PAI (Similie, 1,1/1991, a supplement to diuretic and heart tonic. At the end of a severe BHJ, 80, 1/1991) cough sneezing and involuntary urination Boys aged 12 and 8, both with Henoch- (HERING). The main symptoms are in mucous Schontein Purpura were successfully treated membranes, urinary passages, heart and with Phosphorus . In the first case the disease spleen. High fever may be accompaniment. was of over 6 months duration and had been on Movement agg., rest amel. conventional treatment and Phosphorus 30 was © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy 5 QUARTERLY HOMOE OPATHIC DIGEST Year 1992, Vol.IX given b.d.
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