
o ;6 DOCONEWT gESUNt ED 185 *72 'CG 014 325 AUTHOR McCune, Shirley: Matthews., Martha TITLE The Administ'rator's Rolk:.. Outlines and Participants' ,Materials fc*.Application Sessions for Administrators. 'Implementing Title IX and Attaining Sex"EquitV: A Workshop Package for Elementary-Secondary Educators. (INSTITUTION National Foundation for the lImprvement of Education, Washfngton, D.C.Resource Center on Sex Roles in' Education. .SPONS AGENCY Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, )D1C.: Office of Education (DHEW1, Washington, D.C, :Women's Educational Eguity Act Program. - PUB dATE Sep 78 CONTRACT 300-76-0456, NOTE 168p.: For related documents see CG 014 3217326, ED 155 498-5.08.and CG 014 392. AVAILABLE FR9MSuperintendent of Documents,,U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 EDRS PRICE MFO1PC07'Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Administrator Role: *Administrators: *Compliance (Legal) :Critical-Path Method: Elementary Secondary Education: *Equal Education: Federal Legislation: Prograt Effectiveness,: *Program Improvement: *Sex Discrimin*tion: Social Bias IDENTIFIERS *Title 774 Education Amendments 1972 ,ABSTRACT1 This workshop session is designed tc assist administ;ators responsible for the implementation of Title IX of the . Education Amendments. of 1972 and the attainment ofsex equity in elementary and secondary school settings. These materials focuson , helpingOdministrators ensute procedural compliance with 'TitleIX through'the establishment Cf a foundation forsex equity as well as specific strategies'forApon!toring implementation efforts relatedto Title IX. .Specific topill addressed include the following: (1) assessment of current statqs and problems:'(21 required compliamce, procedures: (3) roles of the Title 70,coordirator: and ((4) *decision-making activit,s related to Tftle IX implementation and monitoring. Additionallye.a comprehensive;.step-by-stepsession outline and participant w,orksheets are providedas aids fcr workshop facilitator,s.(AutIvor/HLMi * 4 * Pepro,ductionetsuppled by ?DRS are the b t that can be made * * . from the original docu nt. * ******************************************** ************************* . k ( ITLEMENTING TITLEIX AND ATTAINING SO( VQUItY: A WOINSHOP PACKAGE FORTLEMENTARY-SECONDARYEDUCATORS Shirley McCune andMartKa Matthews,' Coeditors 4 THE A6MINISTRATORS ROLE. Outlines and'Participants'Materitals For Application Sessions For Administrators Shirley McCune ankMarthdMatthews, authors 4 71-11S TOREPRODUCE BY US (APAR TME NT OF HEAL TH "PERMISSIONIAJ BEENGRANTED EDUCATION WEI FAnf MATERIAL NATIONAL INSTIOUTE OF . t DU( A TION /ILA (H), N' III INIll PI4(1 (1I AN t A. 114:11 ,Vf 14()M ,14 Pf warn, opt,Aniqni()N ()414,,r1 A, r N '%),{ il N 014,(WiNION% RESOURCES A,P? 7it EDUCATIONA L TO 11-IE (ERIG)." f flto A ',vs, (II4 POI I(1, GENIES INFORMATION v. Prepar4for the Title IX Equity WolshopsProject o-t the Coundl of Chief 5tate SchoolOfficers By the Resource Centeron Sex Roles in Educati National Foundation for the Improvement of çducatiOn , DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,EDUCATION, ANP WELFARE Joseph Califano, Secretary Mary F Fr Berry, Assistant Secretaryfor Education Office of Education 4 Ernest L. Boyer, Commissioner Tot MN by the 8uperIntem1ent ofDocument's, D.P. flovernment printing ) o(ten, M18111410% D,c, 20401 ) DISCRIMLflATION PROHIBITED , No person in the United States, shall, on th round of race, color,or national origin, be excluded from participation be denied the benefits of, or be subtected to discrimination under anypro m dr activity réceiying Federa) financial assistance,or be o treated on the basis of sex under most education programs or activities receiving Federal assistance. I) e / 4. This publication was prepared for the Council of Chief State School Officers by the Resource Center on S65( Rol'es in Education. It was prepared under contrac 1/3Q0-76-0456 for the.U. S. Department of Healfh, Education, ,and Welfare, Office of Education, under the auspices of the Women's Nupati.onal ,EguitxAct. Contractors undertaking such projects under GoVvrnment sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their professional . judgment in theltonduct of the project. Points of view stated, do not, therefore, necqsarily represent official Office of Education poOtionor policy. A . Preface This session outline and the accompanyingparticipant materials one compgnent of a multicomponent comprise workshop package developedby the Resorce Center on Sex Roles,in Educationunder a subcontract with the Coltincil ofChief Statd School Officers(CCSSO). This pgckage, entitledImplementing Title IX' and Attainin Sex E uit A'Worksho Packa e for Elementar-Secondar Educa- tars, s es gne or use sy persons Imp ementing tra ningor staff iTTErts foreducation personnel eve opmept and interested citizensin the Amplementation of Title IX ofthe Education AmendMents of 1912 and theattainment of sex equity in.elementary-secondaryschools: The workshop package was field-tested by subcontractorsin 11 regional workshops asa part of the.CCSSO Title IX EquitS/ WoaRshopsProject. This project was f ndedunder contract 300-76-0456 with the Women'sProgram Staff, U. S. Officeo Education, Department of Health, Education,and Welfare. Fundi to supportthe printing of participant materials usedin the field-test workshops were pra:idedby'the National Institute of Education, Departmentof Health, Education, andWelfare. Shirlee McCune and Martha Matthews'arethe coeditors of the Works6o Packa e. This session outline and-participant materialswere deve oped by ey McCune and Martha Matthews;Martha Ma,tthews' supported by funds from time.was partially the ForciFoundation. Persons who have authored contributed to other or outlines and materialswithin the total package-include: Linda*Stebbins, NancyAmes, and Illana Rhodes (Abt . Judy Cusick, Joyce Associates, Cambridge, Mass.); Kaser, and Kent Boesdorfer(Rdsource Center Education, Washington,.D. on Sex Roles in C.); Myra Sadkerand.Dayid Sadker (American Washington, D. C.); Barb University, Landers (CaliforniaState Department of Sacramento, California); Education, and Janice Birk (Universityof Maryland, College*Park, The CCSSO, the Resource Center on SexRoles in Education,and the coeditors of the package gratefullyacknowledge the assistance Goins, Project Monitor, and advice of' M. Patricia Women's Program Staff,U. S. Office of Education, Joan Duol,'Director, and Women's Program Staff,in the implementationof the con- tract. Grateful acknowledgement is also given toSarita Schotta, Senior Associate, National Research Institute of Educationfor monitoring the provided funds for the contract Which editing and printingof the field-test materials. Special gratitude isextended to the personnel of the 15 organizationswho field- tested the Packae in regional workshops for their efforts, theirpatience, and their supporFThroughoutthe implemenetatiOn of the Title IX EquityWorkshops Project. These organizations and the project contactpeeson in each include: At, HEW Region Organization Contact New England Equal Educa- Martha O'Reilly tion Center A \ 38 Woodland Street 4 HartfordConnecticut 06105 New York State Department - Mae 'Timer P of Education 99 WashingtonAvenue Albany, New York 12230 West Virginia Department of Tony Smedley Education Capitol Complex, B-252 Charleston, West Virginia , 25305 IV University of Miami 'Rita Bornstein P. O. Box 8065 b Coral Gables, Florida,33124 V Michigan Educktion Associa- Ruby King tion P. .0. Box 673 East Lansing, Michigan 4882, Northern Illinois University John M. Nagle 101 Gabel A DeKalb, Illinbis 60115 VI Dallas Independent School Frances Allen c District ! 3700 Ross Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 VII Centee for Educational -- A Murray. Hardesty . Improvement" . University of Missouri" \ , 408 Hitt Street Columbia,.Missouri 65201 N Education Commission of Jean Kennedy . VIII the States . 1860 Lincoln Strget . Denver, Colorado 80295 Barbara Peterson IX .California State University Fullerton, California92634 Kathryn Preecs X Northwest Projects Office ,for Educational Service Portland State University P. O. Box 751 I. Portland,,Oregon 97207 t- t) S. The coeditorsalso.wish to express their appreciation to ByrdnWisford, Executive Director, Councilof Chief State School Director of Special Officers; William Israel, Projects, Council ofChief State School James Becker, Executive Officers; and Director, NationalFoundation for the of Education, for their Improvemet support of the project. Ann Baucom and Lois of the çCSSO and Ann Jamieson Samuel,of the ResourceCenter on Sex Roles in Education receiv special thanks for their tireltss effortsin the productibn of mater als for the,Workshop Package. 4 September 1978 .4 A . IMPLEMENTING TITLE IX ANDATTAINING SEX EQUITie THE ADMINISTRATOR'SROLE Outlines and Participants'Materials for Application Sessions A and B for Administrators, Title IXCoordinatqrs, and Board Members Contents INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS Implementing Title IX and Attaining SeicEquity: An Introduction,to the Workshop Package I-1 How To Use TheseMaterials 1-9 SESSION OUTLINES SESSION A--ENSURING PROCEDURAL TITLE IXCOMPLIANCE: ESTABLISHING A FOUNDATIONFOR SEX EQUITY Session Specifications Session Agenda jjj I. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS 1 II. TITLE IX IMPLEMENTATION: ASSESSING YOUR PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS 5 III. TITLE IX IMPLEMENTATION: THE REQUIRED COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES 9 IV. THE ROLE 0 THE TITLE IX COORDINATOR: INCREASING HER/HIS EfFECTIVENESS 15 V. BREAK 24 VI.. IMPLEMENTING TITLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 25 VII., REVIEWING AND UPDATING THE TITLE I SELF-EVALUATION
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