Biodiversity research in tlie Laguna San Rafael National Park: programme review and forward planning Proceedings of the second workshop of the ^^P^ Laguna San Rafael National Park Biodiversity Research Programme WORLD CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTRE Coyhaique, Chilean Patagonia March 30th - April 2nd 1998 ^1^ ~ THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Workshop sponsored by museo nacional S. Rose 8c S. Herrera Encina »ll Chile July 1998 histofia natural Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from UNEP-WCIVIC, Cambridge http://www.archive.org/details/biodiversityrese98rose ll^OG ^ Biodiversity Research in the Laguna San Rafael National Park: programme review and forward planning Contents M«««MK««fflM Foreword 2 Introduction 5 Part I: Workshop - biodiversity surveying and information management in the Laguna San Rafael National Park (LSRNP) Session I: Introduction and programme overview 6 Session 2: Biodiversity information management - the framework revisited 8 Session 3: Project review 9 Session 4: t/sing a Geographical Information System (CIS) for the management of biodiversity information // Session 5: Project review from CONAF's perspective 14 Session 6: The way ahead 16 Session 7: Sustaining the project 18 Session 8: Summary, conclusions and action plan 20 Appendix I: List ofparticipants 22 Appendix 2: WCMC biodiversity information management presentation 24 Appendix 3: Summary of research projects undertaken in the first field season 27 Appendix 4: Workshop assessment 29 Appendix 5: Research publications relating to LSRNP 30 Part II: Half-day environmental education workshop Introduction and Background 35 Results 36 Conclusions 37 s Prologo Foreword Entre el 12 y el 15 de Noviembre de 1996 se reunieron en Between the 12th - 15th of November 1996, 25 Chilean and Coyhaique, capital de la Undecima Region de Chile, 25 inves- UK researchers and conservation planners participated in a tigadores y administradores de recursos naturales, de Chile y el workshop in Coyhaique, the capital of Region XI, Chile. The Reino Unido (UK). Su objetivo fue determinar una agenda aim of this meeting was to determine an agenda for a biodiver- para un programa de investigacion sobre biodiversidad a sity research programme to be undertaken in the Laguna San desarrollarse en el Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael, un Rafael National Park (LSRNP), a 1.7 million ha. protected area silvestre protegida de 1,7 millones de hectareas. Este pro- area in Region XI. This programme is funded by the UK grama esta financiado per la Iniciativa Darwin para la Government's Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species, Sobrevivencia de Especies del gobierno britanico, y es una and is a collaboration between the UK-based youth develop- colaboracion entre Raleigh International, la Corporacion ment organisation Raleigh International, Corporacion Nacional Nacional Forestal (CONAF), the Natural History Museum de Forestal (CONAF) the Chilean forestry and protected areas Londres (NHM), el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de authority, the Natural History Museum in London (NHM), the Santiago (MNHN), y el World Conservation Monitoring Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in Santiago de Chile Centre de Cambridge (WCMC). (MNHN), and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) in Cambridge, UK. Este documento describe el segundo taller realizado en Coyhaique entre el 30 de Marzo y el 1° de Abril de 1998, que This document represents the proceedings of a second work- fue convocado para revisar el avance del programa y determi- shop, which took place in Coyhaique from March 30th to nar su desarrollo futuro. Ademas de las actas del taller, este April 1st 1998. This meeting was convened to review progress documento entrega un resumen de los estudios realizados a la of the research programme and to determine its future direc- fecha en este proyecto e incluye una completa bibliografia de tion. In addition to the workshop proceedings, this document las investigaciones relacionadas al PNLSR realizadas con provides a summary of the research undertaken on the pro- anterioridad y un resumen de la evaluacion del taller. Tambien gramme to date, a full bibliography of all research related to se presenta el resumen de un breve taller, de medio di'a, real- LSRNP and a summary of the workshop assessment. It also izado el 2 de Abril de 1998 con el fin de dar a conocer a la contains the proceedings of a half-day workshop to explore the comunidad local el potencial de este programa para la edu- potential for environmental education material which may be cacion ambiental regional. generated from the research. Para cada sesion del taller se esbozan los objetivos iniciales, For each of the workshop sessions, the initial objectives are seguidos por una si'ntesis de cada presentacion o ejercico outlined, followed by a summary of any presentations or exer- realizados, incluyendo algunos resultados si corresponde. cises undertaken, including results if appropriate. Any issues Luego, el texto se refiere a aquellos puntos clave que provo- which provoked particular discussion or interest are then relat- caron alguna discusion particular. Por ultimo, se entrega un ed in a 'Key discussion points' section. Finally, a summary of resumen de las ideas esenciales de la sesion. Se han producido the key findings or resolutions from the session is presented. sendas versiones de estas actas, en castellano y en ingles. Las While the first two pages of these proceedings, and some of secciones de Prologo e Introduccion, asi' como algunas figuras, the figures, are written in both English and Spanish, the han sido escritas en forma bilingue, y la version completa en remainder of the document is in English and a Spanish version ingles puede ser solicitada a los coordinadores. is available on request. Agradecimientos Acknowledgements El apoyo continuo de Shell Chile ha permitido la participacion We are very grateful to Shell Chile, whose continued support de investigadores de diversas instituciones de Chile. enabled the participation of researchers from a range of institu- Agradecemos tambien al personal de las oficinas de CONAF tions in Chile. Thanks also are due to the staff at CONAF' Regional y de Unidad de Gestion Patrimonio Silvestre Natural Heritage (UGPS) and Regional offices, and to Raleigh (UGPS), y de Raleigh International en Coyhaique. International's Field Base in Coyhaique. Ademas del financiamiemto principal de la Iniciativa Darwin, In addition to core funding from the Darwin Initiative, thanks varias organizaciones del Reino Unido y Chile han apoyado are also due to the following organisations, whose support has este programa de investigacion durante el ultimo afio. enabled the programme to fulfill its potential during the last Agradecemos sinceramente a las siguientes organizaciones por year: People's Trust for Endangered Species, UK; British su importante colaboracion: People's Trust for Endangered Council, Chile; Natural History Museum, London; Museo Species, UK; British Council, Chile; Natural History Museum, Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago; Ernest Kleinwort Londres; Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago; Charitable Trust, UK; University of Durham, UK; Universidad Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust, UK; University of Durham, de Chile; Universidad de Valapaiso, Chile, Institute of UK; Universidad de Chile; Universidad de Valparaiso. Chile; Terrestrial Ecology, UK; and British Airways. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, UK; y British Airways. Figura 1 Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael y alrededores (Figure 1 Laguna San Rafael National Park and surrounding area) u' yijr Peninsula de Taitao Golfo Elefantes Laguna San Rafael Leyenda (Key) n Limites del PNLSR - aprox. (LSRNP Boundary - approx.) Areas prioritarias (Priority research areas) I .^•/ Limite intemacional - no oficial (Intl. border - approx.) /" y Rios (Rivers) ,'"-,.' Caminos (Roads) Hielo (Ice) I Cuerpos de agua (Water bodies) Areas prioritarias (Priority areas) 1 Golfo Elefantes a Laguna San Rafael y el Istmo de Ofqui (Golfo Elefantes to the Laguna San Rafael and the Ofqui Isthmus) 2. Lago Leones y alrededores (Lago Leones and surroundings) 3. Lago Presldente Rios 4. Area alrededor del glaciar Hualas (area surrounding the Hualas glacier) N 5. Area alrededor del glaciar Steffen (area sun'ounding the Steffen glacier) 6. Area alrededor del giaciar Soler (area surrounding the Soler glacier) 7. Valle Exploradores (Exploradores Valley) N Figure 2a) From Laguna San Rafael to Estero Elefantes, as seen from the Space Shuttle (NASA). / Figure 2b) The Lago Leones priority area was the focus of an insect survey between January and March 1998. Programa de investigacion sobre Laguna San Rafael National Park biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional biodiversity research Laguna San Rafael: introduccion programme: introduction Este programa de investigacion se conoce como 'Estudios de The full title of this research programme is 'Biodiversity biodiversidad y manejo de informacion en el Parque Nacional Surveying and Information Management in the Laguna San Laguna San Rafael'. Se presents aqui un resumen de sus obje- Rafael National Park'. A summary of its main objectives is tivos principales y se puede encontrar una completa descrip- below and a full description of the programme, including cion del proyecto, incluyendo antecedentes, objetivos e infor- background, objectives and project partner information is macion sobre los colaboradores, en las actas del primer taller, detailed in the proceedings of the first workshop, copies of que pueden ser
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