114Th Annual (2006)

114Th Annual (2006)

Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference Maryland State Firemen’s Association Proceedings Of 114th Annual Convention and Conference Held In Ocean City, Maryland June 17 - 23, 2006 Next Meeting To Be Held At Ocean City, Maryland June 16 - 22, 2007 1 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference TABLE OF CONTENTS Seal and Logo .........................................3 Presidents 2005 – 2006 and 2006 – 2007 .............................5 2I¿FHUV (OHFWHGDQG$SSRLQWHG &RPPLWWHHV ................7 3DVW2I¿FHUV..........................................55 Convention Locations ..................................42 Ladies Auxiliary Presidents 2005 – 2006 and 2006 – 2007 ............................46 Program of the 113th Annual Convention....................47 5HSRUWRIWKH2I¿FHUV..................................139 &UHGHQWLDOV/LVWLQJ5ROO&DOORI0HPEHU'HSDUWPHQWV........214 &KDUWHU&RQVWLWXWLRQDQG%\/DZV .......................289 06)$$ZDUGV5XOHV5HJXODWLRQV &RQWHVWV3UHYLRXV5HFLSLHQWV............................350 &RXQW\5HJLRQDODQG6WDWH$VVRFLDWLRQV ...................43 Past Presidents ........................................34 3DUDGH$ZDUG:LQQHUV.................................401 2 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference Seal of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association 7KH*UHDW6HDORI0DU\ODQGZDVXVHGE\WKH0DU\ODQG6WDWH)LUHPHQ¶V $VVRFLDWLRQGXULQJLWV¿UVWWZR\HDUV 7KHVHFRQGORJRRIWKH 06)$ZDV¿UVWXVHGLQDQGDSSHDUHGRQWKH3URFHHGLQJV%RRN RIWKH$VVRFLDWLRQXQWLO VKRZQORZHUOHIW ,QWKHORJRZDV FKDQJHG VKRZQORZHUFHQWHU ,QWKHORJR VKRZQORZHUULJKW ZDV VOLJKWO\DOWHUHGWRLQFOXGHWKHZRUGLQJDURXQGWKHRXWVLGHHGJHZDVFUHDWHG DQGFRQWLQXHVWREHXVHGDVDVLJQRIUHFRJQLWLRQE\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVRIWKH 06)$ZKLOHFRQGXFWLQJWKHRI¿FLDOEXVLQHVVRIWKH$VVRFLDWLRQ7KH GHVFULSWLRQRIWKHORJRZDVVXSSOLHGE\3DVW3UHVLGHQW3HWHU3DXO/RFKDU\ DQG0UV-HDQQLH+DUH ZLGRZRI3DVW3UHVLGHQW+HUPDQ%+DUH MEANING OF THE LOGO The color red UHSUHVHQWV OLIHUHG EORRG RI WKH KXPDQ EHLQJWKH JLIW RI God. The hose H[SUHVVHVHIIRUWHQHUJ\SXWIRUWKE\LQGLYLGXDOVWRKLVKHU MREDVZDWHUÀRZVWKURXJKWKHKRVHTools of the trade - Axes - force. Ladders VWHSVWRVXFFHVVIRU¿UHPHQKHOSLQJWRSURYLGHEHWWHUVHUYLFHWR the community. Nozzle XVHGWRGLVSHQVHZDWHUUHVXOWRIVXFFHVVDSSOLHG E\¿UHPHQOak Leaves - White Oak is the tree of the State of Maryland DQGVKRZVVWUHQJWKAcorns V\PEROL]HGHHGVRI¿UHPHQWKDWJURZLQWR DFFRPSOLVKPHQWVMXVWDVDFRUQVJURZLQWRJUHDWRDNWUHHVWreath formed E\RDNOHDYHVDQGDFRUQVWRV\PEROL]HYDORUDQGDFKLHYHPHQWBow to tie LWDOOWRJHWKHUWRPDNHDJUHDWRUJDQL]DWLRQ 3 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference 4 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference /HH16DFKV(VT 3LNHVYLOOH9)' %DOWLPRUH&RXQW\ 2005-2006 5 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference 3DXO5³%REE\´%DOWD-U 5LGJH9)' St. Mary’s County 2006-2007 6 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference 2006-2007 MSFA OFFICERS – ELECTED AND APPOINTED PRESIDENT Paul R. “Bobby” Balta, Jr. 301-872-4408 Ridge VFD – St. Mary’s C 240-538-7150 P O Box 39, St. Inigoes, MD 20684 Fax: 301-872-0377 E-Mail: [email protected] C 301-748-8605 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Paul H. Sterling, Jr. H 301-962-0566 Wheaton VRS – Montgomery C 240-876-5051 P O Box 1963, Wheaton, MD 20915 Sta 301-949-9673 E-Mail: [email protected] C 240-994-3464 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Frank J. Underwood H 301-441-2868 Branchville VFD – Prince George’s Pgr 301-499-8215 x1263 4807 Ruatan Street, College Park, MD 20740 C 301-318-9212 E-Mail:[email protected] C 240-508-6264 SECRETARY Leonard T. King, Sr., P.P. H 410-867-3658 Damascus VFD – Montgomery H 1-800-KIN-MSFAx13 6047 Melbourne Avenue, Deale, MD 20751 C 443-336-6729 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax 410-867-9073 ASSISTANT SECRETARY Joseph A. Cooper H 301-863-5362 Bay District VFD - St. Mary's Fax 301-862-5244 22873 Dement Lane; California, MD 20619 Sta 301-863-8790 E-Mail: [email protected] C 301-481-5352 ASSISTANT SECRETARY Ronald E. Watkins H 301-253-5285 Damascus VFD – Montgomery C 301-717-1375 25120 Woodfield Road; Damascus, MD 20872-2325 E-Mail: [email protected] ASSISTANT SECRETARY Jacqueline M. Olson H 410-255-7745 Odenton VFC – Anne Arundel W 410-222-8200x8278 424 Greenland Beach Rd; Baltimore, MD 21226 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] ASSISTANT SECRETARY Edward J. Cross H 410-758-2036 Goodwill-Centreville-Queen Anne’s W 410-758-4510 313 Poplar School Rd; Centreville, MD 21617 C 240-216-6607 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] 7 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference FINANCIAL SECRETARY George A. “Fred” Cross, Jr., P.P. H 410-252-3721 Chestnut Ridge VFC – Baltimore Pgr 410-232-1918 58 Northwood Drive C 410-984-5366 Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093-4221 Fax 410-290-8228 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SECRETARY James T. Riegel, Sr. H 410-388-1204 North Point-Edgemere VFC – Baltimore C 410-292-6942 7525 North Point Road; Baltimore, MD 21219-1411 E-Mail: [email protected] ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SECRETARY Susan T. Schell C 443-807-1159 Norrisville VFC – Harford W 352-369-2822 11655 NW Gainesville Rd; Ocala, FL 34482-1486 Fax 352-732-1433 E-Mail: [email protected] TREASURER Ronald J. Siarnicki H 443-249-0455 United Communities VFD – Queen Anne’s W 410-721-6212 216 Queen Anne Club Drive, Stevensville, MD 21666 E-Mail: [email protected] C 301-467-5780 ASSISTANT TREASURER Barbara P. “Bobbie” Aaron H 410-943-8844 Hurlock VFC – Dorchester W 410-548-2796 4304 Sandy Brae Drive, Hurlock, MD 21643 C 443-521-0450 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] ASSISTANT TREASURER Eugene Curfman H 410-775-2870 Union Bridge FC – Carroll C 443-340-9427 107 Glenn Hill Court; Union Bridge, MD 21791 E-Mail: [email protected] ASSISTANT TREASURER Chris Hyzer H 410-335-5070 Middle River VFC – Baltimore C 443-250-4189 139 Trailways Rd; Baltimore, MD 21220 Fax 410-787-4723 E-Mail: [email protected] ASSISTANT TREASURER Robert W. Jacobs, P.P. H 301-663-3418 Citizens Truck Co. – Frederick W 301-279-5326 410 East Ninth St, Frederick, MD 21701-4613 C 301-471-8134 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax 301-545-0536 8 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference CHIEF CHAPLAIN Rev. John F. Long, Jr. H 410-437-6756 Lake Shore VFC – Anne Arundel W 410-762-6235 343 Coolbreeze Ct, Pasadena, MD 21122 C 443-623-0753 E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected] CHIEF CHAPLAIN EMERITUS Rev. J. Harvey Dixon H 410-749-4157 Salisbury FD, Station #1 – Wicomico C 443-614-9277 1402 Glen Avenue; Salisbury, MD 21804 W 410-543-2500 E-Mail: [email protected] CHAPLAINS Deacon Charles E. Barnhart, Jr. H 410-751-1416 Taneytown VFD – Carroll Pgr 410-890-2893 148 Grand Drive; Taneytown, MD 21787 C 410-984-6165 E-Mail: [email protected] Rabbi Kenneth Block H 410-569-4520 Bel Air VFC – Harford W 410-459-6161 201 Crosse Pointe Court, #3B; Abingdon, MD 21009 C 410-447-0641 E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. David L. Coblentz H 301-293-6397 Middletown VFC – Frederick C 301-730-4546 208 South Jefferson Street, Middletown, MD 21769 Fax 301-293-6397 E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. Mary Ann Farnell H 410-376-3178 Vienna VFC – Dorchester P.O. Box 278; Vienna, MD 21869 E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. Harry Hetz H 301-890-3796 Beltsville VFD - Prince George's W 301-989-5964 13209 Acoustic Court Pgr 301-499-8225x1772 Silver Spring, MD 20904Fax 301-890-4701 E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. Marvin C. Jackson H 443-206-0231 Rising Sun VFC – Cecil County 751 Hopewen Rd; Rising Sun, MD 21911 Deacon George H. L’Heureux H 301-769-4040 Second District VFD/RS – St. Mary’s C 240-298-3423 21050 Olen Mattingly Road, Avenue, MD 20609 E-Mail: [email protected] 9 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference Ronald R. Stunkard H 410-734-7844 Level VFC – Harford Pgr 410-806-3102 12 Woodside Drive; Churchville, MD 21028-1710 C 443-866-8972 E-Mail: [email protected] Calvin “Pete” Walbert H 301-729-1447 Cresaptown VFD – Allegany C 301-697-3301 13201 5th Ave., S.W.; Cresaptown, MD 21502-5507 E-Mail: [email protected] BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIR Steve V. Hales (2008) H 410-213-2414 Ocean City VFC – Worcester W 410-632-5500 10049 Bonita Dr, Ocean City, MD 21842 Fax 410-632-5507 E-Mail: [email protected] VICE CHAIR JohnW.Means,Sr.(2009) H 410-848-7786 Pleasant Valley VFC – CarrollE-Mail: [email protected] 1518 Hughes Shop Rd; Westminster, MD 21158 SECRETARY Gene Worthington, P.P. (2010) H 410-836-2607 Level VFC – Harford C 410-459-0137 3663 Old Level Road Fax 410-734-7207 Havre de Grace, MD 21078-1131 Sta 410-734-6880 E-Mail: [email protected] TRUSTEE C. Dan Carpenter, III (2011) H 301-609-8651 Potomac Heights VFD– Charles E-Mail: [email protected] 1106 Cornwall Dr, LaPlata, MD 20646-3544C 240-216-1706 TRUSTEE Terry E. Thompson, P.P. (2007)H 410-531-3342 Savage VFC – HowardPgr 410-313-0021 6122 Tulane Dr; Clarksville, MD 21029C 443-677-8104 E-Mail: [email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR Doyle E. CoxH 410-414-7171 Prince FrederickVFD–Calvert/Charles/St.Mary’s C 443-532-1416 218 Cambridge Pl, Prince Frederick, MD 20678 C 443-610-7255 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax 410-414-3772 VICE CHAIR James P. Seavey, Sr. H 301-607-6461 Cabin John Park VFD – Montgomery W 301-365-2028x220 4004 Middleton Drive; Monrovia, MD 21770 C 301-252-5315 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax 301-365-2563 Douglas C. Alexander H 301-831-5810 Mt. Airy VFC – Carroll/Howard C 240-674-3936 3816 Mt. Airy Drive; Mt. Airy, MD 21771 E-Mail: [email protected] 10 Maryland State Firemen’s Association 114th Annual Convention and Conference Wylie L. Donaldson, Jr. H 410-551-8913 Odenton VFC - Anne Arundel C 443-336-1279 509 Maple Ridge Lane C 443-324-9901 Odenton, MD 21113 Fax 410-672-0758 E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected] John E. Dulina H 410-780-3178 Middle River VFC – Baltimore C 443-677-6352 12329 Eastern Blvd; Baltimore, MD 21220 E-Mail: [email protected] John F.

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