MOM % ' TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1969 ing teacher; two reading teach­ aries of $1,489,677. ciation represenftlng the sctiool DgOjr Not PvMi R ob Tolland ers; two physical education The non-salary budget in­ principals, another for the cler­ TTie Weatlier teachers, _ and one permanent creases were in the tnuisportar ical employes and now one for VoknMty IS, t m substitute. tlon, instruetional and capital the aides. Cloudy and w snuor Other personnel requests in­ outlay budgets. Bos PetHloii Rnd 4omorroor becoming (air la $1.7 Million School Budget clude one nurse to raise the to­ Aides Recognised PJL4 ilanrliratrr Siirnttm llrraUi afternoon. Lorn tamglit about 2i. 1 5 , 4 6 5 tal nurses to one per school; The educational aides aft the A petition seeking the creation High (omorroor as to 4D. of an additional bus stop on one full-time and one part-time local schools were officially rec­ Manchester— 4 City of Vittage Charm custodian; one clerk (to share ognized by the Board of Educa­ Sherry Circle was turned over to Asked by Brairton—Up 18% the school board’s Transporta­ time between guidance and li­ tion last night as a separate V<Hi. L X X X ym . n o . 121(THIRTY-SIX p a g e s —t w o SBC^NS—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1969 m r i t n m PRICE TEN CENTS brary), and one pool secretary. bargaining group. tion (Committee for a decision. BupwtabHMlent o( Schools Rob- and provide for the third yecu* by Bralrton totals $1,489,677, The petition signed by eight ont Bimlrton last night presented students at the high school. compared to $1,394,273 last year, Deleting salary items from A petition signed by a major­ the school budget dramatically ity of the aides was presented to parents sought the change to BINGO Uw Board of Elducation with a Capital Outlay Pruned or a difference of $96,304. An es­ Illustrates the large percentage the board, asking for recogni­ break up fights which have EVERY MONDAY— 8 P.M. proposed iM id^ o( $1,714,ST7, Bralrton had reviewed the re­ timated enrollment increase of broken out at the present bus representing an 18.S per cMit quests of the principals and de­ 425 students is anticipated. of the budget included in the tion as a separate association to 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE Lee ^No Beatnil^ She Testifies category, amounting to about 80 be called the Tolland Eiducation- stop on the comer of Sherry Increase over last yejp. partment heads, cutting many The inclusion of an additional per cent of the total budget. al Aide Association. Circle and Olen Dr., according P. A. C. BALLROOM H ie budget la based on the recommendatione before prepar­ $225,000 for new personnel at an Bralrton Included a section The recognition raises the to the petition. asaumpUon that everyone re­ ing the budget tor submission to average of $7,200 per person, showing non-salary portions of number of separate bargaining ceiving a salary In the school the board. raises the proposed budget es­ Oswald Widaw on Stand the various accoimts which to­ groups within the school system Manchester Evening Herald syateiii simply moves up one The board members in turn timate to $1,714,677. Jerusalem Market Tolland correspondent Bette step on their existing contracts. taled $476,663 compared to the to four, the Tolland Education pruned the $18,402 capital out­ No items yet to be negotiated proposed amount Including sal­ Association (teachers), the asso­ Quatrale, tel. 876-M46. The budget total could run as lay account by $1,871 by elimi­ have been Included in the bud­ high as $1,868,000, Bralrton esti­ nating requests' tor a mini- get, according to the superinten­ As Shaw Trial Resumes mated, "U alt present profes- vaulting box ($03.80) and a port­ dent. This includes insurance NEW OBLEAiNS (AP) or a hippie 'looka like?” aaked During a bclaC raoaua after the atonal employes were to be able lab with sink ($900) from adjustments, aides and other — Lee Harvey Oswiald’s defenae attorney F. Irvin Dy. ruUog, Shaw waw aaked V he placed on their proper step on Meadowbrook's proposed budg­ items in addition to salaries. mond. the salary schedule requested DIHDRIIlMliy... wjdow, summonied today as wauB aurpatoed by the niHng. et. New Personnel Requests “ Yea,” replied Mra. Porter. by the Tolland Education Aaso- a defense witness at Clay "th e proeeaDm a t JuMee go Also cut were two tape re- Requests for new personnel a DAVf ONLT. 107 WHAT AN "DM you enwr ene Ijee Harvey oe they go,” Staiw aaOd with a ctetion." TO STOCK UP OH THEM POPULAt Shaw’s conspiracy trial, Two Killed,^ 8 Woundedr Mirders from Hicks Memorial include two third grade teach­ Oawald looking like a beatnik?” Teacher salary negotiations KNOW OUK DAT-TO-DAT LOW, lOW “ ■■JJS'iSwmi ohrug. Aaked ( i b e hadn’ t gatfeen School tor a $1()0 savings; a set ers, one fifth grade teacher, and NOW, LOOK HOW WI'VI TUM81SO THE contradicted prosecution "No, elr.” UP hk hopm Tburwlay night (or are still in the works between three teachers for the seventh DON'T MISS OOTI CIIDIT TEAMS AND DIHVIST CAN 88 A«- testimony that her late of golf clubs from the middle ■ANOID FOB TOOK CONVINIINCI. Mra. Porter teatided ahe had an end to tho tiki, Shane re- the TEIA and the school board's and eighth grades including one husband was a bearded never heard Oawald mention a negotiating teem. It does not school budget for a savings of pUod, ” No.” $172.60 and a set of parallel bars for English and social studies, beatnik who shared an Clay Shaw or a “ Clem Ber­ “R docD’t make a difterance Official Says appear that agreement will be one for science and math and trand,” the allaa that Dlot. Atty. reached until after the school from the high school, at a sav­ apirtment with an eccen­ to mo one wei(y or Ike ottwr,” he ings of $606. an additional one for foreign tric homosexual. Jim Oarrloon contenda Shaw budget is submitted to the languages. used during the plotting. Ruaao (See Page Blghteen) B la m e L ies Board o t Finance by March 5. The main budget categories Mra. Marina Oawald Porter, a are budgeted as follows widi the New personnel for the high •lender Ruaalan-boni blmde said Shaw waa Introduced to The anticipated 18.3 per cent school include two English him at the Ferrie apartment aa budget increase compares favor­ present budget figure In paren­ who haa remarried and Uvea in thesis: teachers, one chemistry teach­ daysonly Rtchardwn, Tex., waa eaUed a* With A ra b s ably to the estimated enrollment er, one foreign language teach­ ^ Z ... Administrative expenses, $66,- the drat wltneas tu t the defenae She also teatided that she nev­ 2 increase o t 23 per cent expeoted er, one math teacher, two indus­ er heard Oswald mention either 162 ($45,438); instruction, $982,- • FRIDAY, FEB. 2 B T after the Judge threw out a mo­ JERUSALEM (AP)— A in S^itember. trial education teachers, one Ferrie or Ruoso. 742 ($954,701); health services, tion by Shaw’a attomeya (or a O il Quota powerful exploeioii ripped The school system will have home economics teacher, one The defenae began its case $16,580 ($13,300); pupil transpor­ • SATURDAY, FEB. 22ND directed verdict of innooent. through Jerusalem’a big­ absorbed almost 1,000 students full-time and one part-time busi­ after Judge Edward A. Hagger­ tation service, $136,200 ($114,- gest supermarkeit today, in a two-year period when school ness education teachers, one so­ Mra. Potter aald the only ty Jr. of (Mmlnal District Court opens in S^itember. 775); operation of plant $118,- night Oawald qMht away tram denied a motion that he direct killing two younv Jewish cial studies teacher and one home when they lived in New ‘B air Goes The school board spent several 100, ($103,464); maintenance of driver education teacher. the Jury to return a verdict of students and wounding hours last night reviewing the plant, $10,500 ($6,250); fixed Orleans vras one night in Jail. limocent. nine other persons. A lead- Special teachers requested in­ Shaw, 66, a retired New Or­ budget with Bralrton. Work on charges $29,000, ($24,100); food clude one art teacher for Dymond moved for the direct­ inig governm ent o ffic ia l the budget will continue during services, $1 ($1); student body leans businessman, ia charged T o Nixon seventh through 11th grades; with conspiring with Oawald, ed acquittal Immediately after blamed the attack on Aral) next w eed ’ s meeting, slated tor activities, $8,100 ($1,200); Capi­ the prosecution rested its cose WASmNOTON (AP) — Presi­ one music teacher (vocal); two David W. Ferrie and othera to dent Richard M. Nixon appar­ govemmoits. Wednesday night. tol outlay, $18,402 cut back to guidance (one elementary, one FAMOUS MAKE PREFINISHED Thiunday. Haggerty recessed aaaaasinate Presldeftt John F. ently wlH make the ultimate de- A tow bouts after the btoft, The budget includes a request $16,902 last night ($8,044), and secondary); one learning disa­ court after the motion was filed Oldeon Rafaal, dbsctor-gmMal for S3 additional teachers and outgoing transfer accounts Kennedy. dshm on a conftrovonial propos­ bility and emotionally disturb­ The key state witness. Perry Thursday and said he would of IsiMl’s Fciftfti Miiiiatry da- one part-time to meet the enrcrfl- $116,800 ($123,000).
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